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Apr 2018 · 325
If only I could write my love for you in words so you can read it over and over again when I am gone.
But you won't know.
Not a poem just a thought
Jan 2016 · 914
Was she worth it?
those fun times we had
quickly turned to memories
like water through our hands
notice time began slipping
and if only we had caught ourselves
then maybe we wouldn't be here
where we are now.

maybe we'd be somewhere completely different
somewhere on the other side where the grass is greener.
random//deleting later//enjoy
Jan 2016 · 238
"My Love"
And after all this time..
everything seemed fine.

But deep down it wasn't was it?
cause you were never mine..

And that's the thing.. I don't get you ha,
and that's how it will always be.. I'll never get you.

And knowing that I cant save you makes me sad.
but whats worse is knowing you don't want to be saved.

I love how they always say that they'd stay..
but then they end up leaving anyway.
Feb 2015 · 621
You said you'll
always be here for me..

So why aren't
you laying next to me..
Feb 2015 · 377
Tell me...
"No One Can Possibly
Hate Themselves This Much"
Then Tell Me Dear..
Why Do I Want To Die?.
Feb 2015 · 931
You Don't Know What
It's Like To Be Me.

Until You've Looked In The Mirror
And Don't Like What You See.
From her...
Nov 2014 · 348
This Isn't The End
he told his family that he'd be alright, and then with a gunshot he left them behind.
owl city ~
Jul 2014 · 431
I remember when I first laid eyes on you.
You kept your eyes to the floor stuck like glue.

It made me wonder why you didn't bother to look up.
I wanted to make eye contact to show you what's sup.

But you seemed so put to yourself it made me curious.
Still I just couldn't figure you out I began to get furious.

You were a mystery that made me smile so stupidly.
You always made me nervous and my heart race foolishly.
If only ... :c
Jul 2014 · 19.4k
Fuck Society
Acts like they care
When they're the ones Judging us

Acts like they care
When they're the ones that made us this way.
**** owls more trees
**** society & **** the cities
Let's all live in the forest with our own secret society
Jul 2014 · 394
I'd like to believe I have a reason to wake up every morning but that belief is fading just as fast as my hopes and dreams.
Jul 2014 · 344
We're all living to die but dying to live
Jul 2014 · 278
If you stare in the dark too long you'll forget if your eyes were opened or closed.
Jul 2014 · 3.2k
I'm Sorry, Not Sorry
im sorry  that i left you hanging
im sorry that i kissed your lips then left
im sorry that i held your hand and then let go
im sorry but you cheated on me with your ex
im sorry that my lips werent as sweet as you thought
and im sorry that my fingers didnt fit good between yours
and im sorry that my hugs made u more colder then hot
and im sorry that you couldnt get any scores
and.. im sorry
but *******
im a ******* boss
you ******* its your loss.
Plot twist to that son of a **** jojo that cheated and made u feel not good enough. smh.
Jul 2014 · 643
5:11 AM
Some things you can't explain..
Like what's going on inside my brain.
Or why I get sick to my stomach at just a thought of you,
Or why I still smile at the stupid things you do.
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
He's never there
she doesnt care.
ashamed they both are
it could leave a scar.
this made me feel so low
so i thought i should just go.
like they say in rome
there's no place like home.
i tried to off myself i felt so responsible
but sadly i just ended up in the ******* hospital.
crazy place i went where the time well spent
went home where nothing changed not even a dent.

a year later i had an anniversary
ha.. got me needing a nursery.
but here i am
not giving a ****.
but still thinking of ways
to spent most days.
and still thinking of plans
to end my demands.
by anniversary i ment a relapsation. you'd be surprised how many people get sent to a mental hospital. its not as stereo types make it seem its just like.. a baby proofed everything building with REALLY nice people and good food. c: it helps. oh and they watch u and have the days planned out for u to do activities that'll help you. no straight jackets or empty cushioned rooms. v.v
Jun 2014 · 379
Thoughts That Kill
I can't take this anymore pretty soon I'll be walking out that door,

but I cant seem to get off the floor..

What's life when there's nothing more?.
Jun 2014 · 374
What is...
What is a life with no meaning?
And what is this answer that I'm seeking?

What is a devil without a hell? And what is a god without a heaven?
Are they two fairytales I cannot tell.. Or are they just two worthless religions.

Are they fake or are they real? Nobody knows this ******* deal.
Got a little bit on the relgious side ha..
Jun 2014 · 3.9k
I Hope You Read This...
I Smoke To Feel Good,
I Smoke To Get High,
I Smoke To Simply..
Get You Out Of My Mind.
To that inspiring guy victor barajas... v.v kinda changed and renamed .. blahhh opposite of drinking though.
Jun 2014 · 388
That Smile...
Your smile I once loved..
Now live to forget.

And now I'm just here..
Living in regret.
Not even knowing whats next..

There's nothing left!
There's nothing left!
~ Lileeuhh
Jun 2014 · 499
I Should Have...
I should have stayed with you that night, Then right now I'd probably be alright. It would've made these feelings a little bright, But now I'm living through it again tonight.

this is dedicated to my friend that took his own life.. I'm sorry.
Jun 2014 · 500
D e p r e s s i o n
**** long will I have to fight? It's like I go threw it every night.
I keep telling myself it'll be alright.. but I have lied once again tonight.
I keep telling myself to stay strong, While I'm listening to the same song. But everything I do seems wrong, Feeling like I don't even belong.
~ Lileeuhh

— The End —