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2.5k · Mar 2014
The Morning After
EDB Mar 2014
Waking up the morning after,
I can only recall the excessive laughter.
The great vibes shared in one moment in time,
It was all so beautiful, the highest of highs.
My glance embarrassingly detects
the frightful fact the mirror reflects.
A bathroom tagged with the night's mistakes,
Rorschach like markings of drinks and rare steaks.
Always said "Yes", lacking all inhibition.
I wish last night I lived its definition.
So I readjust my head and all of the fixtures,
and pray to god no one took any pictures.
2.1k · Mar 2014
EDB Mar 2014
When all your thoughts are shared,
everyone gets a say.
granted, it is cathartic
'cause you fear you'll fade away.
1.9k · Mar 2014
Am I Awake
EDB Mar 2014
My dreams elude my reach.
Do these illusions delude or lead?
A ruse or a path unseen?
With hidden meaning or does my soul randomly seek
from cognition's depth to spirit's peak
a time and space where I believe
that my world and life will be complete.
1.6k · Aug 2014
Re. Society
EDB Aug 2014
They yearned for a life of ease and peace.
But the foundation crumbled under the weight of their dreams.

Their hearts believed what their minds enjoyed, so their beautiful addiction filled their void.

Yet Only the child eats and sleeps, without gratitude towards the one who feeds.

Unknowingly following their path foretold, while their incessant fears restricted their growth.

Living in each movement, as though it's the last, with their tainted moral compass and skewed looking glass.
1.2k · Mar 2014
EDB Mar 2014
I took a stroll in Central Park,
to take a break and think of things.
Thoughts colliding in the dark,
so full of doubt so full of dreams.

I saw the writing on the wall,
it said "Ignorance is not bliss".
The thought that scares me most of all,
is to think "What have I missed"?
1.2k · Dec 2014
4am Regret
EDB Dec 2014
Trapped on an island so strange,
rules relinquished once Night overcame.
We realized when we came,
that it would and could never be the same.
That moment when the sobering regret punches you in the gut.
1.2k · Mar 2014
Moving On
EDB Mar 2014
Drawing near is the dire storm,
whether wither or stand with her?
To be content in my perpetual norms,
or alter my nature altogether?

Moving on: to chase or to run?

Nothing in this world is surely proved,
theories will always reign.
Independence I will surely lose
but there could be many things to gain.

Moving on: to chase or to run?

Is the past the key to the present,
or something you run from?
Does one repair his car's dents,
or does the reminder come undone?

Moving on: to chase or to run?

These scars mark where I've been burned,
memories of days gone by.
Willowbrook where I return,
I think I know the reason why.

Moving on: to chase or to run?
I'd say this poem is about transitions.  Taking the next step after a certain thing happens in your life.  The first half speaks about the author trying to move on forge new relationships.  The second talks about the author's nature to second guess.  Clearly something in his past is holding him back.  Should he run from his problems? Towards them? Chase new pleasures and experiences? The author is naked at the crossroads, and his most vulnerable state.  
Or its a poem about The Lion King.
1.1k · Sep 2014
EDB Sep 2014
There's no quite sensation
Like awaiting the vibration
You're response keeps me waitin'
The dreaded "..." of an eventual reply
1.1k · Mar 2014
The Flow
EDB Mar 2014
the transcognitive experience
a transformative deliriousness
makes your gibberish sound Shakespeareanesque.
878 · Nov 2014
Heaven Sent
EDB Nov 2014
Encounters of this kind
seem to arise
when our eyes
a hearts plan,
what it demands.
When it tries to find
the illustrious light,
warm as is bright,
not yet experienced first hand.
So until then
my time is spent
rooted against the tide,
Trying to grab the line,

Heaven sent;

Are all these things,
so don't get bent
out of shape
when your baggage's declared
These holes can be filled
With God, violence, or magic pills.
Heaven sent,
Till the fateful day when we
I believe we are all digging holes, filling holes, or walking around, falling into holes left unaccounted for.
693 · Apr 2014
Reasons to Gather
EDB Apr 2014
What gathers us here today
is the common misconception,
that the minds of the educated
can be shaped in one direction.  

What gathers us here today
is the relationships shared;
The celebration is pure
'cause love is in the air.

What gathers us here today
is the void now present;
Only now do we stop
and appreciate past lessons.  

What gathers us here today,
coincidental or divine,
is to play our role
in the age of mankind.
596 · Oct 2014
Ash Place
EDB Oct 2014
I've never known a more subtle
Where thrills were chased
through foggy winter  Rain.

Our love, Sparked Dawson's rage.
His ire brewed in Winnebago,
As were the night at
Ash Place Park.
Our secret stored
in one neon
Waved under the noses
Of those who were
570 · Mar 2014
Overcoming Denial
EDB Mar 2014
The barking shakes me awake
******, now I must face the day
But first things first I gotta say
"Thank G-d all is ok".

Realize that I am lying on the floor
a direct result of always wanting more
Like a child, I crawl to the door
Like the elderly, my memory is poor.

Last night was something else
Fun, as far as I can tell-
but a pungent odor my nostril smells
Entering my bedroom I let out a yell.

Faceless bodies fill the beds
Their deformed limbs fill me with dread
Reaching out so I can join them, dead
Fearing delusion I shake my head.

As I run from the safety of my home
I look to find that I am all alone
The winding roads scattered with the bones
of all the companions I thought I had known.

The life I know, gone in a flash
The darkest of thoughts arise as I dash
I fall to the ground in a sudden crash
with tears in my eyes I think of the past.

Through the tears I look up to see
The looming water tower judging me
with new-found strength I climb it peak
Alone in the world I am finally free.

On top the world I fall fall down and pray
That he knows that I never meant to stray
That tonight he'll keep the monsters at bay
That he'll forgive my sins and wipe them away.
529 · Dec 2015
EDB Dec 2015
help me know
the points that you make
help me grow

My reflection in your eyes
the inflection in your voice
that look on upon your face
It shows

Yeah I know
I'm reaching closing time
But still
You haven't seen the best of me

Youre fire in my eyes
Spark actions just in time
Time erases Destiny
a good moment
523 · Mar 2014
He Fears: Ode to the Artist
EDB Mar 2014
Anchored spirit but his being's stretched
On to the next life is where he's racing to get
But his job is not finished and that is his test
All he knows he will soon forget
All of his actions he will soon regret
Exhausting his faculties, all he wants is rest
The drugs he loves leaves him depressed
Stretched too thin
But burn another down before sobriety sets in
Use it to unearth the beauty that's within
Discover and share to all who'll listen
His work never finished
On to the next one or his name is diminished.
493 · Apr 2014
EDB Apr 2014
As I float through my memories
I always drift to Uxbridge.
The hidden gem of the inspirational isle,
home of Green Hill and Fire Pit.

The angels took root and settled
on the southern grounds of the temple,
while the devout and matured assembled ,
and the children dreamed and wrestled

Days of unadulterated enjoyment
in the pools and the meadows green,
the original music created
emanated from inspired beings.

I can still feel the vibrations,
they rock me to sleep.
When I fall into the sky,
I'll return to Uxbridge Street.
EDB May 2014
My mind wanders as I begin to understand some of life's mysteries...

To achieve my mind should be focused and in key,
yet I cannot break from
the hazy memories.  

For my mind's eye is red
from the steam in my head.
With my time,
all my dimes
have been wastefully shed.
I was baited,
I've been ever so faded.
I've meditated
with the sedated.
vigor decayed
spending time with the jaded.
eventually gravitated
to the ignorant,
Yet underrated;
for blissfully elevated.

Is this why wisdom is so hated?
394 · Apr 2014
Sunrise on the Horizon
EDB Apr 2014
Picture a world where
you live with a girl
who knows your everything.

Holding her hand
you fall to the land
of wonderfully lovely things.

Color the pages
in shades so outrageous
from the feelings that make you sing.

Its harder to find love,
than cry out and give up,
or to get her that diamond ring.

These dreams can be achieved
with vulnerability
and selfless forgiving.

With optimism and will
the goal can be fulfilled
and Love, my future will bring.

Sunrise on
393 · Apr 2014
EDB Apr 2014
"I never did the deed,
yet imprisoned for years I've been.
say 'Zihuatanejo',
its where I will lay low;
and wait until you've joined me.  

Find the grandest of all oak trees,
beneath there's a box for thee.
If the contents will rot,
you've gone and got shot,
or died of a natural disease."

So alone, for now I'll be,
Filled with thoughts and my memories.
From the depths of the fuego ,
to Zihuatanejo;
I know what it takes to be free!
319 · Mar 2014
What Awaits
EDB Mar 2014
The imminent pains lie somewhere in the distance-
What pressure to face the unknown head on.
When you move forward all you feel is resistance-
Understand that the simple days have gone.
277 · Mar 2014
Words v. Actions
EDB Mar 2014
to be a passenger or drive the car.
to acting better or knowing you are .
to saying that love will open my heart.
to knowing that words will never take you as far.
Is it prudent to take a backseat role in life sometimes.

— The End —