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1.6k · Jul 2018
The Devil's Game
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
I once played a game of cards with the devil, under a blood red moon upon the lake of our lady Babylon. With a grin, the devil did win, for his hand had totally waisted me.

Shower time- It's better than normal time. Especially with the smell of herb in your head. Step out. Dry off. Hit the herb again. It's time to start the day.

I ingest 3 cups of coffee, and hit the herb again. Then I start my day. I go out into the world. Out there where it is cold. Out there to slave the day away just to do it again the next day.

Please tell me that there is something more than this. I beg, but I get nothing.Maybe in the end, that is all there really is... Nothing. This thought's cold logic sinks in, and I am sick.

Sick of things done in repetition to no end. Tired of hearing the same one line joke day in and day out.

Welcome to my store.

Can I get you any more?

Thank you, come again... and again... and again...

I can not take it any more!

Oh, wait! It's time to clock out.

Hear how the pen scratches the paper. Rolling on fragments of thought. Dripping with the same ink as yesterday. I am bleeding all over this notebook. Could I ever write loud enough, so that somebody could hear me screaming?

I once played a game of cards with the devil, under a blood red moon upon the lake of our lady Babylon. Plain and clean, the devil's hand was mean, for it had totally waisted me.
1.1k · Jul 2018
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
Pills to make your mind feel stable
Pills to do what you aren't able
Pills to make you fall asleep
Pills to keep what you can't keep

Little round chalk colored pill
I swallow you to make me still
Little round unimposing pill
Where did you learn such a skill

Pills for you on the table
Pills to make you feel stable
Pills to keep what you aren't able
Pills with your name on the label

I swallow you one at a time
When I swallow you I swallow my mind
When I swallow you I will not find
any kind of thought to bind

Pills to make you feel stable
Pills because you aren't able
Pills right there on your table
To hoist you high upon a cable
917 · Jul 2018
Scorpion Hawk
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
There once was a scorpion

who lived under a rock

who dreamed every night

that he was a hawk

in dreams he would soar

through the night's skies

searching the seas

for his most wanted prize

there was always a scorpion

who was truly a hawk

but at the end of each night

he would crawl under his rock

He would continue to do this

until he got his true wish

that someday he would catch

a lightning like fish

There will be a bird

who once was a hawk

who lived as a scorpion

under a rock

a bird so colorful

because he got his true wish

that one day he'd catch

a lightning like fish
674 · Jul 2018
The Time of Man
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
There once was a king, a prince and a Queen

Who lived in the time of man.

The king could not hear the cries of his land

for he just did not understand.

So the queen took his throne with the cast of a stone

and devoured all the gold in the land.

But the prince wanted peace, so he took on this beast

without a sword in his hand.

The battle went on, no victor was named

for that was the time of man.
551 · Jul 2018
Vampire at Dawn
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
I think I'm losing my mind
Perhaps it's already gone
I cant hear a word you're saying
I'm just a vampire at dawn

You say that you're moving away
I tell you that I don't really care
Somewhere in my mind I am frightened
But in my heart you're not there

Some people say that I'm crazy
Some people tell me that I'm mean
I could be both of those, or none of them
But that wouldn't change a thing

There are people in the streets now
There's no telling where they have been
You say that you know them, and what they do
You're just talking in your sleep again
542 · Jul 2018
Smoke Break
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
Get the hell out my way
I think I need to have a cigarette
Don't you know
it's ****** like you
that really **** me off
Could you cover your mouth
it seems like something died in there
words from you
make me consider suicide
Get the hell out my face
I think I might just have a few of them
Just to be sure
that our paths
don't meet again
Get the hell out my mind
maybe I'll just take real small hits
Just to be sure
that our paths
don't meet again
480 · Jul 2018
When I'm With You
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
Most of the time I'm cold and lonely
I'm with you
Yeah- When I'm cold and lonely
I'm with you
But at least you're nice
And we don't fight
Most of the time I'm lonely
I'm with you

Most of the time I'm sick
I'm sick of being here
Yeah- Most of the time I'm sick
I'm sick of being here
But at least I'm warm
Night and day
Most of the time I'm sick
I'm sick of being here

Most of the time I'm tired
I'm tired of this
Yeah- Most of the time I'm tired
I'm tired of this
But yeah, I know
It's hard to let it all go
and most of the time I'm sick
I'm sick of your ****
448 · Jul 2018
The Forbidden forest
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
deep within the forbidden forest

past the crystalline tree

there is a lake that reflects the sun

and that is where you will find me

Dive deep within its waters

let them make you clean

there you will find a treasure

that man will rarely see
433 · Jul 2018
The Golden Chalice
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
There is a golden chalice

far beyond the pale

where you may drink of all your dreams

if you can lift the vial

There is a place of time untouched

where unkind blade will never meet you

Tread the path of blinding light

to find this place is pure and true

There is a fire of untold heat

to lead you in this sacred quest

cast your self upon its flames

consume the body, and leave the rest
431 · Jul 2018
Spirits in Animal Skin
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
Spirits in animal skin

blind to what they truly are

tearing apart what once was kin

leaving in wake an open scar

spirits shed your animal skin

remember what you truly are

the time has come to join your kin

and mend a deep and open scar
393 · Jul 2018
The Nightmares
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
Stepped out of my cell
and walked down the hall
Thought it was freezing in there
Kicked open the door
and the beast fixed his gaze on my soul
Hoped pretty hard I was dreaming
I was not
Fought for my life
Right then and right there
I think I tasted blood
Not sure it was mine
Unsure of what I done
When I saw you laying there
I'm sorry for all the pain I caused
When the nightmares washed over me
374 · Jul 2018
Fill Me Up
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
In the morning I woke up
To warm my bones
A chair welcomed me
to my roof top patio
I stretched my arms to the sun
It filled me up- It filled me up
Till I was full
And the cars, the planes and the trains
all buzzed by

At about noon I made my lunch
It was good
Took a few bites
Gave the rest to the dogs in the neighborhood
It fell from the sky
so they praised at the top of their lungs
It filled them up- It filled them up
till they were full
And the bugs, the birds, and various cats
all passed by

Later that night
I layed down my head
my eyelids were heavy
before they caved in
I drifted softly back to sleep
it filled me up- it filled me up
till I was full
and the stars, the trees, and the cool night breeze
came to me
they came to me, in my dreams
373 · Jul 2018
The Window of Dreams
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
In the window of dreams

I showed you a sword

to wield as a peasant

and not as a lord

a sword that is not weapon

a sword which is a tool

to empower the wise

but burn the hand of a fool

In a time not so distant

when you open your eyes

wield this sword as a gift

but not as a prize

for this sword

that is trusted with you

should guide you to light

and save what is true
365 · Jul 2018
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
And I saw them
From my front porch
and I saw them
from my yard
and I saw them
by the millions
they are coming down here
where we are
And they'll call in
the entire millitary
It'll baffel
the machine
I will question
the authorities
and maybe break some rules
I have profound
compound evidence
that we're all living
in a dream
like some kind of complex system
to divide infinity
361 · Jul 2018
The Bird and the Bell
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
On top of a tree

between heaven and hell

was a beautiful bird

and a magical bell

when man came to be

the bird rang its bell

and from the great tree

many gifts fell

On top of the tree

between heaven and hell

man sought to steal

a bird's magic bell

when man got to the top

of this mighty tree

they stole the bird's bell

but the bird had broke free

In the ruins of a city

between heaven and hell

wan will re-discover

an old ancient bell

And though it has been long

since man did this crime

it will pain their heart

when they hear its chime

Where there once was a city

between heaven and hell

will grow a new tree

from the tears that had fell

the tree will replace

man's greatest mistake

and those who still sleep

the tree will awake
354 · Jul 2018
How it Ends
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
I saw it coming my friend
I saw how the whole thing ends
And none of it's fair for you or me
and I don't like it
but you see
I saw how the whole thing ends

My mind is racing to defend
Anywhere it might just sink in
And I'm scared for my life
But I'm not sure why I'm alive
Because I saw how this whole thing ends

I'm here waiting for the end
No point in fighting, it wins
I'm not sure if we will be alright
But it's time to call it a night
because I saw how this whole thing ends
288 · Jul 2018
9th House of Light
Bea Mecum Jul 2018
Step into the 9th house of light
grow towards the love that is beyond earthly boundaries
and understanding enter into all joy,
and do this without judgment,
and without selfish burdens fear is without faith,
and jealousy is without understanding or respect
enter the 9th house of light,
and all beauty may be tasted without limitations
what you may see as a test, is not you can not fail
it will show you the way to the 9th house of light,
and is not a test on your worthiness to enter
all are worthy in the 9th house of light
where shall one enter?
without judgment of others, without judgment of self,
without stigma or taboo
this is the key to limitlessness allow yourself to become unrestricted open to all that is within you
without fear of judgment
let flow the truest love from you
within the 9th house is the secret to the truest, formless, boundless love
the heart of creation all were meant for this realm
to leave behind doubt to leave behind judgment
to leave behind fear seek others who dwell within the 9th house, and invite others to enter all are worthy
There is no part unworthy all is made whole
270 · Sep 2018
Bea Mecum Sep 2018
Deep inside I am crying
Everything around me is dieing
Please excuse this mess I'm in
Ripping myself to shreads again
Eternity in this emptiness
Sinking in this black abyss
Shaking till I fall apart
Isolation grips my heart
Opression of my every joy
Nothing left to destroy

— The End —