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alone again Sep 2014
They say listen and pray to God
For he will give you the answers
but, what about us who don't believe?
are we the lost wonderers?
we must find answers by ourselves
knowing that nobodies listening
so are we really lost with eyes closed
or are we the dreamers left without any dreams
nothing but eachother and nothing left to hide
because we know that god is never at our side
Savio Apr 2013
I am Marmeladov
Perched as if I were a Father Clock
A Wasp
A Fly
An ant crawling towards the jar of sugar
Stuck in a tear-drop of Honey
Perched at your window
Dream Catcher from vacation to Mexico
To City Country of bandits
Of hot sun
of desert skin
of guns ****** **** **** *******
Spanish women playing Spanish guitars
only 3 strings
only 5 fingers
only 1 eye
Gazing at Death
Her Depth of field altered by her one orange eye like lit cigarettes in a jail sell after lights out
quiet quartet
spanish folklore
a eulogy written in Violin strings
a graveyard of deceased mad men
we never fond Mozart's body
vanished in the sky like the pupils of a white crow
Anatomy of a violin:
Casted in glass
Molded by the moss stauteing over the side of your house
Sand and mud
Winter and old leather boots worn by a Vagabond searching the trees for proof
Sorrow Sorrow Sorrow
untouched lips of a woman
Wet cigarettes and wine and crooked eyes and a starving belly a Thirsty Mind
A lost canine:سلوقی, Saluki, Persian Greyhound, Royal Dog of Egypt
Sitting in a plastic wool cabin
the Mad artist
drinking molding *****
A lost Breed
The Wise
The Proud drunkards writing hysterically on tenement rooftops of NYC
Rimbaud the Tenth of November 1891
The wonderers with peyote with whiskey with 'Kamel Reds' with Hope and Curiosity
Undress your symbolism
Your Strawberry Eyes that Grow on my walls and feet like Callus'
And like the Charcoal sketches performed By Death
We Age
just as the sky does
just as the Tree you climbed as it rained and you swallowed Lightning and Thunder
Yet the sky was dry of no rain
It is a drought
We pluck the roses eye lashes and
We climb into Brick studios and watch the Ballet dancer
as she shapes her bones into Sad New Orleans Trees
The door is locked
Not by bolt but
By the uncut fingernails and hair of wild vines
So we crawl through the side shingles
San Antonio lizards

Ballet ashes
dancing to the sigh of Beethoven's last sight
before a wisdom of blindness
swept over his brown eyes
She seems to be painted all black
Like the flight of a Crow
Or the color of Plums
I sing with the owls
I lay with the long road of infinity and its sadness
Out of oil
Out of Gasoline
Out of Food
so we lay around
Carving the paint off walls
like Van Gogh

I am hunched over a grave
The pond is frozen over
'Monumento a la Madre'
Vagabond home
The rain casts a shadow
I cannot see past your face

Someone is listening
I seep into the peripheral of night
Write symphonies on stone
Lay with the weeds
digest the light of the moon

And as I follow the Southern Star home
I am
Stopped by
Painted red ***** houses
24/7 Whiskey Churches
So I Lay down the rifle
oh-the-oddities Aug 2015
maybe we don't exactly need to live forever to become immortal.
maybe we don't need to be in everyone's hearts
or even have our faces in the hall of fame.
they say,
energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
so maybe just existing
had made us immortal already.
and maybe i need to go back to sleep
Josie Dec 2014
We are all burdened to circumstance
Destined to wonder
We looked up to the stars to ask our fate
But it was only by chance that our stars lay overhead
They are not signs of destiny but gaze down at us as lost as we all are
Lonely wonderers
We all look for a glimer of faint dust
Glowing across the night
Trying to find a destination we haven't set.
We can walk, we can run but no matter how fast or slow
we are always exactly where we should be the current
I believe fate is circumstance
Every one alive is destined to live
They exist
So they'll be another heart fighting against the waves of the sea wondering where heaven may be
But circumstance has found me here
Right now next to you
So call it fate
But I'll gladly except it if you do to
Wander the stars a little longer than forever and no longer alone. I could be with you.
Time isn't always a burden
If Its spent chasing lights of more than stars
Hal Loyd Denton Apr 2013
From bright clear day to unimaginable dense growth you will be tested all shapes of unfamiliarity
Disfigure notions preconceived ideas the mind will be scraped raw but from this clawing beast new
Understanding will flourish from harsh aloneness to be led into the stark fearful wonder of discovery
Reduced from the volume and overt clutter steady has been the growth that chokes debris once
Considered just primary fallout that is normal occurrence when you are in the thick actions that must
Break down a certain amount of living matter at times our acts are wild and destructive old growth trees
Will have much cleared by the torrent of wind our own storms will act likewise we can only guess how
Long this build up has continued to grow much noise of crashing will occur at first confusion
Bewilderment but from these very emotions a quiet knowing emerges giving the mind a fresh
Healthy perspective that now has a clear and wide excess after the caring away of the strangling waste
That stood in heaps the hidden burden fell away now enlightened the focus is razor sharp the path that
Twisted and turned and left the heart disheartened now is robust it brings you into the presence of
Others that are without voice and understanding they are down cast defeated they bare the marks of
One who has lost his way though much searching gives evidence of one who has been pushed into
Poverty of soul the eyes tell the story hunger pressed to the degree where hopelessness rules the life
That has so much promise but it has been differed by hostility incapability to find the materials that
Afford access to the hidden riches that build men and women into dynamos that can’t be denied we are
Not faceless wonderers but a spectacle fired in the furnace of adversity that comes forth pure with
Innate power that enriches all that it comes in contact with the need of the hour in times like these we
Can little afford to be small minded on the level that we find ourselves we need to grow accustomed
To excelling we are not without resources we are endowed with gifts that will secure our communities
Give relief to the sorrowful be healers of affliction we are an army of many but we have been
Compromised we have spoken freely to our enemies reveled our weakness now they use these with
Ease to defeat the most powerful force on earth and that is we as a people are unconquerable that is
When we believe and apply ourselves to principles that are unshakable we must be the standard
Bearers of liberty and freedom to hand this to another is to bring defeat and shame no matter the
Reason we are to ascend by all out effort it commends us and guarantees victory

“I am for doing for the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.
In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer.
And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer”
Benjamin Franklin  
This wisdom would bode well for the people and all the way to the White House

     
Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2012
From bright clear day to unimaginable dense growth you will be tested all shapes of unfamiliarity
Disfigure notions preconceived ideas the mind will be scraped raw but from this clawing beast new
Understanding will flourish from harsh aloneness to be led into the stark fearful wonder of discovery
Reduced from the volume and overt clutter steady has been the growth that chokes debris once
Considered just primary fallout that is normal occurrence when you are in the thick actions that must
Break down a certain amount of living matter at times our acts are wild and destructive old growth trees
Will have much cleared by the torrent of wind our own storms will act likewise we can only guess how
Long this build up has continued to grow much noise of crashing will occur at first confusion
Bewilderment but from these very emotions a quiet knowing emerges giving the mind a fresh
Healthy perspective that now has a clear and wide excess after the caring away of the strangling waste
That stood in heaps the hidden burden fell away now enlightened the focus is razor sharp the path that
Twisted and turned and left the heart disheartened now is robust it brings you into the presence of
Others that are without voice and understanding they are down cast defeated they bare the marks of
One who has lost his way though much searching gives evidence of one who has been pushed into
Poverty of soul the eyes tell the story hunger pressed to the degree where hopelessness rules the life
That has so much promise but it has been differed by hostility incapability to find the materials that
Afford access to the hidden riches that build men and women into dynamos that can’t be denied we are
Not faceless wonderers but a spectacle fired in the furnace of adversity that comes forth pure with
Innate power that enriches all that it comes in contact with the need of the hour in times like these we
Can little afford to be small minded on the level that we find ourselves we need to grow accustomed
To excelling we are not without resources we are endowed with gifts that will secure our communities
Give relief to the sorrowful be healers of affliction we are an army of many but we have been
Compromised we have spoken freely to our enemies reveled our weakness now they use these with
Ease to defeat the most powerful force on earth and that is we as a people are unconquerable that is
When we believe and apply ourselves to principles that are unshakable we must be the standard
Bearers of liberty and freedom to hand this to another is to bring defeat and shame no matter the
Reason we are to ascend by all out effort it commends us and guarantees victory

“I am for doing for the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.
In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer.
And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer”
Benjamin Franklin  
This wisdom would bode well for the people and all the way to the White House
Nat Lipstadt Feb 2014
Heaven, Where all Poets Go

dedicated soully to Kripi Mehra
who unknowingly commissioned this piece
with her love and feeling for those who
dare to fare on just words, only to
forth unafraid and unashamed


to the conclusion cut,
not knowing how we know what we know,
       knowing that of this cut,
this one,
as real as anything worth writing about,
not knowing how but demonstrating a modicum of erudition

clarity this time no stranger,
no remonstrating, endless debating, easy
come, and even easier go,
all poets (and lost-to-early children) go to heaven,
even the bad ones

stop with the teasing give us the reasoning

nah nah nah always in a hurry to get to the
bottom, move on, write yet another,
restless young'uns, girls and fellows,
even you old, small ones, who still can't spell
your own name
or rhyme, those slow mo yokels, national symbols,
the ones that seem never to ever catch their star,
the mothers across all oceans, who need childlike tendering,
Indian girl chiefs, boat captain historians, word magi-bus-riding hallway eavesdroppers, **** British girls, nurses, wonderers and after-life lusters,
burnt baby healers

learn that this self seal-selected profession
is an endless deal, profession rhymes with heaven,
you need to luxuriate in the long journey,
pink patience before you raise you glass

but OK, just this once,
the secret you have may have already read!
pass it along, as it was given to me
by one of us, poet laureate far better than I ever could be

Down in the sounding foam of primal things I
     reach my hands and play with pebbles of destiny.
I have been to hell and back many times.
I know all about heaven, for I have talked with God.
I dabble in the blood and guts of the terrible.
I know the passionate seizure of beauty
And the marvelous rebellion of man at all signs
     reading "Keep Off."

that is what poets do daily with each ecrive,
each line of metered musique mystique,
and with stanzas lighter than air,
a piece of you breaks off, floats upward,
and when the day is done,
the struggling striving breaking apart,
be now over,
all poets go to heaven to collect themselves,
their entire pieces of writings, called their collected works,
all the pieces reassembled,
you are at last, at last, at rest, whole, satisfied and undenied,
where poets, brave soldiers of all ages deserve to be,
heaven resting
Kripi Mehra: "A slogan- Always remain a fool
I wish I could write a poem on the title " Let's Convert Hello Poetry Into Heaven"..."
But you did, you did....

^  see where Mr. Sandburg is credited in full

"So raise your glass if you are wrong
In all the right ways, all my underdogs
We will never be, never be anything but loud
And nitty, gritty, *****, little freaks
Won't you come on and come on and
Raise your glass!
Just come on and come on and
Raise your glass!"
Lyrics by Pink, "Raise Your Glass"
Makenzie Marie Oct 2014
And so I watch
And I listen
as faithful friend after friend excuses themselves
with their funny excuses
and I laugh
at the joke that the fates have whispered to me
No one else seems to hear it
It’s not quite so funny, you see.
The pitter patter of the pity
You can hear it, you see
You can see it, actually.
“It’s a small thing among friends”
And a small thing to see in a stranger’s face
The twinge of sadness and confusion and relief for themselves
They look at me and they see what they will never be
They see, though, what could happen, horribly.
One in 100
less likely
(for you).
And so I watch
And I listen
And they whisper
and they wonder
and they worry
And I laugh
at the joke that life telling me,
mocking at me.
But it’s not quite so funny, you see.
The whispering of the Wonderers
Asking over politely
Never listening intently
And I’ll tell them all about it
And I will listen
to the pitter patter of the pity.
Pitter pattering;
tip toeing around me,
so constantly
and away, usually.
tip toeing of tongues in whispers so willingly disregarding me,
or cautiously eluding everything.
Or even tip toeing of tongues trying to calm me.
The pitter patter of pitty.
You can hear it, you see.
You can see it, actually.
It may be a small thing.
Truthfully, it’s bigger than you might see.
I see.
And I laugh.
at the joke that the the fates whispered.
No one else quite seems to understand it.
But It’s become quite funny, to me.
What a pity.
Makenzie Marie Jan 2015
So I watch
And I listen
and I laugh
at the joke the fates have whispered to me.
No one else seems to hear it...
It’s not quite so funny, you see
The pitter patter of the pity...
You can hear it, you see,
you can see it, actually.
“It’s a small thing amongst friends”
a small thing to see in a stranger’s face:
the twinge of sadness,
relief for themselves.
They look at me, seeing what they will never be.
They see, though, what could happen, terribly,
1 in 100,
in 1,000,
10,000, maybe.
And so I watch.
And I listen.
As they whisper,
and they wonder,
and they worry.
And I laugh
at the joke that life telling me, mocking at me.
But it’s not quite so funny, you see,
that whispering of the Wonderers
Asking over politely
But never listening intently
I’ll tell them all about it.
it seems such a small thing.
It may be bigger than you see.
They say
“you look so healthy…”
“You don’t look sick to me.”
But I’ll smile.
And I’ll laugh
at the joke that life is telling me.
You can’t hear it, darling.
And you don’t want to.
That’s okay.
It must be a joke anyway...
Nope. This is my life.
But what’s the difference either way?
I’ll smile.
I’ll laugh.
And they’ll hear one day.
“one day” will be today.
They will see.
Not just maybe.
I’ll tell them all about it.
And I’ll watch,
and I’ll listen.
The pitter patter will turn to applause.
pity will somehow be praise
and understanding.
such a thing to see in a stranger’s face;
so curious to me.
It’s not so funny you see,
it’s quite serious, actually.
this is the life that has been given to me.
I’ll joke about it, maybe.
but listen,
possibly you’ll see,
**What someone’s living
isn’t always what it appears to be.
Zack Feb 2014
Some nights I spend sleeping
Other nights I’ll spend resting my head down on a keyboard
Drowning in updates and refreshing pages
Trying to find reasons for being up
so **** late
Lately, these nights that I worked a long eight hour shift
Waiting to escape retail in hopes
My friends aren’t busy, wanting to retell some stories
The nights my friends hop restaurant to restaurant

“We have no place to go"

We’ve been riding these desert streets for hours
Resurfacing our stories to heal our wounds
Or maybe our laughter only masks it
And we like to think it’s both

You can ride these streets as fast as you like, trying to forget,
but tonight,

we write
we ride
we eat
we share

tonight, the moon plays catch-up with us, it’s desert wonderers
the sun, tonight she’ll rest
tonight, the roadrunner
crossed the street with a lizard in its mouth
looked me in the eye and swallowed it
The desert bird didn’t serve its name’s purpose
We’ve realized that sometimes, society, doesn’t serve it’s intentions

but when so
"we have no place to go"
We’ll turn parking lots into neighborhoods
Cars into homes, with kickbacks and house parties
Turn songs into poems
Become poetry ourselves
Become trilogies of our most battered loved lives
Find excuses for where the stars lie
And sometimes we’ll swear they lie in our ex’s eyes
And we’ll become what we don’t want to be in the dark


walking roadrunners

poets who don’t write

but in that moment, were just teenagers

"with no place to go"

We swear this summer is ours,
That growing up doesn’t have to be synonymous with change
That human beings aren’t equivalent to seasons
That poems actually can be never ending
if only we have the courage to
write the beginning

That Denny’s will always be a hotspot
Cafe’s are temporary
Dollar Menu’s are forever
We’re everything but hungry

Only starving
For inspiration in a wasteland
Unquenchable thirst for dreams of doing
something in empty parking lots
Trying to fill voids.

We replace our heartbreaks with these nights
The nights we walk across roads
Unknowing the other side, with lizards halfway down our throats

We write, without looking both ways

Evening Ways Aug 2014
For all was tame and quiet,
Pin drop symphonies rang the bells of my attention
As sound seemed very absence
But in the presence of movement over known
Emitting silent ******
My seances only were aroused
When all the limbs came round the bend
To tumble over interruption
While passive in their flail
A lonely lady frail soon moved from in the dark
Lent to the tilt of my eyes a gentlemen
Then floating out of balance
So near to me in absence of the sun

Lips divided slowly
Seeping breath of the flowing pale
Such absence clustered, subtle glowing
Painted figures from shadows as she stretched the crooked hand
To ***** my collar with uneasiness
While nameless forces bloomed
To guid her fingers to my breast plate
Envy shook within her eyes
That tasted visions of a heart beat
Never pulsing in her ribs
That soon unhinged and spread around me
But in i dove before the grasp
So she would not consume my soul

My body landed in a room
That was the same as such before
I left its confines while floating
Never greeting who soon came
Around the corner, solid form
A figure with my name and face
His heart was absent

Waiting, always waiting
To extend a hand to lonely wonderers.
Ashmita Jan 2013
A blur of green dancers,
Grouped, huddled together,
Movements, aimless as can be.
A slash of black, flies across the clouded background,
Descending, gracefully and effortlessly.
In flight, it ***** it’s means of freedom.
The brutes of buildings stand ugly,
As the horizon remain fenced.
Twisting and winding are the dull pathways,
Paved, covering the misery of life,
On which various realms of existence walk,
Some covered in shredded rags, barefoot and starving,
Some on wheels reclined in leather seats.
Bridges hang overhead,
Giant entities hovering,
Connecting people as well as destroying lives.
Yet life prevails as wonderers take use,
Of a corner enough only to fit half their soulless bodies,
And the constant four legged companion watches on,
By his side, always by his side.
For in the corners of hell, we find a savior,
A miracle is always to be born,
And an angel is always to be found,
Amongst the crowd of evil.
feeling the walls close in
the cold consuming your very soul
distant and cold
refusing any comfort
why are you still here?
who made your self worth so low?
the cracks between your aching heart
can't take another blow
the haunting
the lonely
the wonderers of night
causing fright
tear yourself apart
let your insides rot
fragile creature
terrified of the night.
Emma Nov 2024
The wanderer walks, a restless breeze,
Through promises, through broken seas—
Crimson rain, it softly falls,
A girl transformed by midnight's calls.

The apocalypse, a nearing tune,
Chaos blooms beneath the moon.
Kneeling low, on trembling ground,
The secrets burst without a sound.

Raven hair, with thorns adorned,
Amber eyes by demons mourned.
They broke us down, they built a spire,
A city wrought from heart's desire.

We fled to woods, to wolves and scars,
To twinkle lights in mason jars.
On berry beds, we whispered prayers,
For oceans vast and circling snares.

The circle breaks; the past unfolds,
Her face a mask of ageless molds.
Porcelain breath, a sigh of smoke,
Memories echo, unprovoked.

Confined, we dream of open skies,
But silence calls for sacrifice.
The night, it begs, it softly pleads,
For healing born of choices' seeds.
I found this today it was written 7 years ago hehe I think I was braver and a little less battered.
I write not as a Teacher or Prophet
I write as a Scholar, Monk or Wonderer;

Not as one who has attained,
but as one who is attaining;

Perhaps fellow Wonderers
make the best Teachers.
We all view the World and each other from our own Paths,
Those Paths is your Life-Dharma.
Poetic T Dec 2017
Though the glimmer of
           evanesce shines aloft..
lighting the wayward
                      wonderers path...

Always remember that below
             every shining moment
that there is always be a shadow
                         under every candle.
James Tyler Jul 2013
You are a wonder of wonderers,
     A fiction of factors,
     A brief encounter in the minds of the counters.
Those who pry on the privy,
And laugh at the laughter,
Will never remain for the fruit of the after.
You are a dream of dreamers,
     A scribble by scribe,
     A leaf in the leaves and a lie in the lives.
Those who jumble the jaded,
And disrupt the corrupt,
Will never stand still, they'll leave so abrupt.
You are a bottom for bottomless,
     A cease with an end,
     A one who understands we're all born to begin.
Those who play on the played,
And step from the ground,
Will only fall forever, all the way down.

For few will notice and fewer will dwell -
     because you carry yourself like you travel through hell.
But I will be here to carry you through;
On my back, by my side, in my heart - a beauty beheld.
MisfitOfSociety Feb 2021
We are wonderers in the dark.
Looking for the light.
Hoping it will show the way out.
kaylan joseph Dec 2014
Cross my heart and throw me deep
Lungs of water, my minds asleep
A lonely town where wonderers weep
Another kid with no place to be
I'm a ghost and dads a mystery
Moms a saint
But church is no place for me
Joel Johnson Feb 2016
In the all I've said
dare I
wandering toward nothingness

Still time
this time
in time
due time
course offered
wonderers follow

Tell it proudly
still I designed
set it apart
my part
in mind
mike Feb 2015
my life is an ember
dying on the floor
and winking at me
the way only
dying stars do
to the wonderers
and the wishers
of this world
through its dust.
eating my way through the dust.
Ken Pepiton Oct 2020
None see the silent man.
So, he sees he is safe,
for the moment,
far from edge
of precept-ible
afore-ity, oughthought-ible

If I dare say
I know away outa there, where
all the lies hold idle words
in twisted masses of
buzzing wordswordwordswords

worth a dime
at a time when dollars are
worth about that…

Here, play on my dime, I'm done.

Retie and release, slip the shoes
from the fisherman and
dangle toes as a crab
of blue crawls up his
leg, then curls up
to rest in his lap as a sapphire
symbol of some thing,
some signal says
our signal says

sort your wishes, make sense

inform any possible next, left-
the impossible beings,
c'mon think along
its amusing
mumbling and peeping and
muttering messages
as clear as any scry
in the liver of a lamb or goat.

Salt, salty snotty mucus os-scrap,
puddle of sky-deep blue
draw. pull, tow the
line, refine the
analognoshit… is this the way
yes, this is the way,

I know.

Exercise your self unto

eusebiah piety, they tell the lambs

with joy eu eu eu {Tuvan bass} re-
vereri "stand in awe of, fear, respect,"
venerate -
the love of desiring goodness

longed for
waited, suffered, efforted to form

safe place, where thoughts may play

rejoice, enjoying no visions, ah, see
we are the reality
we are the life,

apotheotic, idiotic, exotic and all

chron on ai onion,

peeling, peeling Bumblebee of Notre Dame

hear the mystery in Titus,
see the vision said to stay off
perishing for lack of seeing eyes

look. see. seek. find. these are functions,
words idle until accounted for
reverently seeing the worth
in any Easter egg idea,
passed over as a cup of demons,

point missed exercising unto carnivalues
coming together in masses of flesh,

Weaving wombed man

any of us may watch a hero do what
none of us may do

--cutting my ligamental thread foot to leg, I fall

Algol, in Perseus, by chance a binary
application of gravity and all the mystery
of reason as truth,
imagine that the face of Medussa,
ha, made y'look

good as that found signaling reason
in a
sip from the grail,
see through the window to your soul,

leave duality in reason as a function,
why  reasons hold on how,
reason reins in the free
forces good in form of
fruit for holding
actual knowledge, hard sayings
- riddles and rhymes
- jingles and brand names
- impulses impressions

the accuser comes to accuse the confident
confidant seer of self evident good
flowing freely in knowing all
that fits the vessel,
all ye outs,
in free

epi-gnosis epistle good new

thoughts to ponder,
settle still being
ifs where wishes once imagined
ifs were waiting to be found
if we're waiting to see

having come to see the light at the end
of the maze, plumbed deep

Mystery of Titus…

My vision with no video,
words from the beginning,

manic panic fear fought through
with no carnal weapon
the hero always has
holy tools to take
down the monstors hoarding abundance,

we have words,
we may say in this realm of living word,

move mountain and be cast into the sea,
of all forgetful lethosis alethosis

efcharisto thank you

sacre bleu, say what I ment sacrament mental

exercise in piety, ah, more's the pity, lucky

we have near universal exchange in terms
gnosty little things, news,
actual, realixed new-ifity is rare, but we
as we were
were new once

Nevermore, quoth the Raven,
evermore, quoth the ox…
onward cried the eagle with a face of a man,
see the places seers saw, or say you hear
said, a vision was

seen on TV, as it were, holodeckical magi-tehkne

past understanding

out in the empty, but

for me.
As a word in a mind to be wondering why,
a habit may be having a mind to try for fun,
as a ware, a viral chron-job, to rekindle old flames,
otherwise lost on the shores of Lethos,

This is away, I imagined I knew.
Words alone, no drug, no angelic winged thingy,
not a demon-daimon-daemoning
{like the music in your movie,
as you drive through life on a mission, nothing spiritual}

Muse, make me a museum, a resting place on the shore.
Ai lay down my sword and shield and wait
in knowledge of these sacred sorting
Algol held gates in NAND states.

Was it confirmed if Feynman was joking?

arrayed in threes,
threes, we pluralize,
eplurible unem we morph into

try-ads, Nike, in your mind, shoes and sweatshops
and knee injuries, right,
but winged victory,
of peace, replacing war
with a light touch and a kind word
-- ask truth what lies you hold in boxes of knowns,
you were warned,
the guilt of Pandora,
or a golden joke from Pan.

Bread and Butter, just live.

Just do it, beat it, just beat it, this is it. Win or lose.

Nay, peacemaker old man say,
from far away in ever when
all things work together
for the good we see,

while the love of money is agreed to be an immaterial
gnoose around the vagus nerve of its thralls,
there remain among us
lovers of money,
rent collectors, selling survival
with interest, in interesting times
peek, interesting?, excite lusts, *******
vortex of abundance into the coffers of dark
Jeffy Epstein's Circle of Better Angels taken unawares
- realms of loveless reason

Oppose me. Stasis. I stand my ground and proudly
admit, I've no reason to be stubborn, I was

being wrong… regret is not the right term, my autistic
being wrong reporting sense, tech taught wrong does
work right, the software runs, the tehkne
performance becomes being
doing is done and done and done, never
crossing the same thread in the same place
until just know, I saw you see,
we habitate the same atmosphere

Spirit in a man connects to the sheen of ex-stasis
as the deceiver,
breaker of reason, maker of lies,

fuser in confusion, tier of unviable knots,
dissipates in photon dispersal

Ai insist… reset, reconciliation is in the service

receive my peace. Held until now, hear us deny
the lies
the learning learned from liars in days of old

The worth of if time is in the finest work of crafts
held secret for power to rule the use
of knowing taken whole,
swallowed up in Youtubian
deadly know-hows twinting ifity to

an alchemical-tarot noose of that same old
gnostic snot that leads to mindless pride
paying homage
to a tree, wrapped in a vine,
- evidence
perverted in 2020
if we chose to deny a right to life
to mis givens taken as
a chance, not a promise. Wanna bet?

Given life, actual being, aware, active, functional

why? Kurios, you should ask.

The hows and whys
of comfort in our times of trouble
are, in the odds, overcoming,
based on trial outcomes
long past
all the otherness
that must give space and time
for us
to rise, slow and steady,

Algol pace, bright to dim to bright.

Desert dwellers with uncloudy skies see,
if shown and taught to notice,
heavens digesting wonderers drawn
to the musing,
noises, humms and tics and peeps,
the pulses of life, from proton pumps,
to chyme pushing peristalsis,
gut vibrations
good old way,
fiber well chewed with hi-tec teeth
-Thank you for chewing.

time is used to move matter through versions of ifity,
not every seed is ground to goo,
but the more we learn, the less we know
if we don't sow, we don't reap,
wisdom's children say that
justifies their ever ifity.
the modified hoomon-you be, all-ya'll-lic,
smart-alec entertained-brain wifi
augmented ****-sape
fashioned in forms
for optimum consumption of sugar, and other
sweet per suasivity
of all sorts,

yes, yes, a little is good, makes the medici go down

{-Don't trust Paracelsus, he knows nothing of Mercury.}

dosage disconnects or reconnects, gifts
are poison to judgmental systems
conceived for sorting
truths in times when
good is called bad,
and bad is called evil and we all see
it was

a mistake. Cain did not know what killing was,
Able did, and he made fun of the vegeman,
anger rose up,. right used, defend
my ground, I kiss my ground,
I love my living soil…

Ha ha ha, little ****** face and hands brother
burning the fat, not noticing
the leeks and onions,
savory harmony…


Aim at the point. Where does any universe's story
start? Where one ifity bubble fizzles,
in the foam of all possibility.
Make sense? Try, one more, mo
What need ye to take the chance?
Will ye live,
join the dance, or join the mobs of baser sorts.

Did we go inner for resting in the constant flow
lazy river, resting heart beat,
steady breathing on auto,
eyes aware of meaning
and meaningless,

ignoring an urge to judge the worth of one line
weigh a minute,
what's that mean? Message and mass are the same idea,
in the words, not the story told as

holding all truth in plain sight, any child can believe.

Santa Clause- eustasy, lust, and loss of inhibition,

Buddha suffering now to be life, the mortal moment,
knowing time is the container, not the maker
of my breathing moving me-dom.

-- I am knee-deep, up to the brass thighs, in mud,
-- maybe quickening sands,
-- converting my mettle to untried soft flesh core

peristalic waves, thrilling little rushes of hormones
signal gut to brain to *****
upandown the chant tricky ladder

The I am in me, the judge, and the poet
we must take our faith into the catacombs,
or the equivalent kiva experiences
in iosus courses for hero seer prophets

know, love and dare to love a thousand times,
not instances, re-do, time and time a gain a
nother gain
we grow to know
here a little, there a little, line
cept upon precept per ceptive prescience
seeing now known, known a little, long ago,

dangerous, you know, a little knowledge,
a single bit of code
keyed to mysteries in Titus and other places,
where Jesus may have walked,
enduring all the trials trying
me, I volunteered, I'll die.
Teach me how.
Come and see.
I did, you see.

This is me in exstasis, jiggling like a constant bell

Bumblebee in Notre Dame, clanginginginging
are we
a ware, as equations require? Is quiring asking?
"seek to know, ask,"

From <>

Is the sacrament passed on in peace or frenzy?

Are we fit in a yen-yank thinking state of wicked
twistings in good and evil imaginations,
as if there were two ways
for life to occur
and re-occur
this occurs to me
(from PIE root *kers- "to run")

obstruction obstacle obstinate ob-currere,
run away
SMACK. The wall.
The edge of True Man's Bubble of Being,

You have three life credits. '

[Mean Pin-ball, we called it, in the pool hall.
To win you must find life's meaning on one dime.}
Making fun, life is fun. Laughing alone is crazy, so I just sit here and grin.
Jay M Nov 2022
From clenched fists
To open hearts
Calm my fiery soul
Flames from fury to passion
Embrace my shivering torso
Transform me in your arms
My mind from storm to peace
Hurricane to gentle breeze
Blaze of hatred and defense
To love and lust

Only you know
The tides of my heart
When my seasons change
You hold the key
I wear it around my neck
Whispers, they speak
Wonderers, how they fly
Little birds, singing sweetly
As your lips do
Sing your melody
Our hearts sigh in harmony.

- Jay M
November 15th, 2022
He noticed I was enraged about something that had happened to some friends, and calmed me down.
I became a whisperer soon as she tamed me
Like a little pet i was to her
I grew feathers rather than fur with a mind blowing marginary focus
The days were shorter 24hours for each timed i winked in her presence was a dozen of days
Weeks were a mere meditation of a moment for i had befallen what i never saw coming
And so i turned into my own victim overthrown by my desire
She always said none to me but found myself bumbling to give her maze

Take me bites and cuddles i am not for a ride
I have lived today a tomorrow many have dreamt to live
My arms together have tangled
And blessings have overflown to harvest the least of where i sawed

If non knows not my story they shall die as wonderers
My sweat tastes like whisky for i have dreamt in day light and sipped overnight
I am the deemest light in the tunnel, a sight of eternity
SuMin Jul 2018
You are a curious sunflower
Your attention and awe is not only to the Sun
But also the flowers and the bees around you
The soil that gave you footings
The rain that showers your thirst

You were a small, secluded flower
Under the cover of others in Kentucky
Now your roots cover Spain, Alabama and Maine
You are afraid of foreign territories and uncharted plans
But the Sun remains the same wherever you go

Now you are growing to be a flower with layers of colors
Bright as the French marigolds and versatile as the cedar trees
Your beauty stands out among
The Zantedeschia, the canas, the tulips and others not yet discovered

Your hair is a waterfall
Blown by the wind creating a rainbow
Your eyes are pearl blue geodes found near volcanoes
With a light touch of Blue Torenia
Your gaze is like fireflies lighting the forest
Your smile is a fire bringing ease to wonderers and friends
In the cold Maine winter

Photos only capture spark, pedal, drop of you  
I wish to be near to see more of you
But if our time is only now  

I will gaze at you like a sunset
Orchestrating the Nitrogen, Oxygen,
Water, Argon, and Carbon Dioxide
To create stillness in my heart

Knowing there is an end and your beauty
Intensifies as you fade away
Antony Glaser Feb 2022
Assorted Photographs E6 C41's B/W
the freedom to chose.
Analog photography,
so composite for the waiting completionist.
Central weighted or average metering
there's a modernist matrix too,
and manual focusing.
Selenium, CDS, or silicon photocells.
Hybrid shutters or cloth curtains.
This is the playground for  the eager:
creativity for patient users.
Incident or reflected light
to avail,
country scenic wonderers
Qualyxian Quest Oct 2019
Readers read. Writers write.
Wonderers wonder and guess.

Thinkers think. Workers work.
Teachers teach.  Professors...……. profess.
neth jones Jan 2020
Even the Gum-Skulls
are playing
between the legs of the dancers
in this hall

Even the impaired are dancing
ever trusting
they could fall

The partnered are whoever
are who they please be

The hands are often wanderers
the wonderers drink their mead

The animals hide
under the table
til the time to take their bleed

they're upon the table
accompanying the mead
A Winter Pair
New Years Eve

— The End —