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LD Goodwin Jan 2013
If a tale need be tattled,
the snawky Snawk would arise.
With its snickley tongue of arsenic blue,
and loathsome gamboge eyes.

To the King of the stickley Snicklers,
the Snawk would spill his talk.
But scuttlebutt was all t'was,
for he was but a snawky Snawk.

Might you ask
who am I be?
I am a jawky Jawk
who talks incessantly

of the snawky Snawk,
with his snickley tongue,
and his breath of kyarn,
and Beelzebub dung.

You see I knows of him all too well
and well he knows of me.
Invidious brothers, one of the other,
same Mother both have we.

Now the snawky Snawk spins yarns
so dark and thick and odious.
One might find his fatuous canards
to be though flatulent, commodious.

But If ye be a gawky Gawk
of the snawky Snawk beware,
For his loathsome camboge eyes
can squinny a ribald stare.

To your knees his gaze will bring you,
you'll tell all the tales you know.
Then he'll tattle them to the Snickler King
and off to the headsman you will go.

That is, unless, you know the ballad
the Snawk is most offended by.
'bout the frowzy blowzy stable boy
with only just one eye.

He lost his eye in a snickering match
twixt The Snickley King and he.
But got the best of the old nabob,
for he could cachinnate you see.

He did cachinnate and aggravate,
till the old King did concede.
The stable boy was the better of the two,
his tongue cut like a snickersnee.

For the frowzy blowzy stable boy
was not able to tell a lie,
nor could he mince his words with honey,
of the truth he could not hide.

And if one day you find yourself
in the land of the quidnunc kith.
Shun the snickley Snicklers,
and their sniggering King forthwith.

But if ye meet up with the stable boy
though untidy he may be.
Dare not tattle of a soul,
he'll let fly his snickersnee.

And remember well, the ballad he sings,
of the King he did do down.
Drink in its waspy strain and keep it nigh,
lest the snawky Snawk cometh 'round.
Harrogate, TN  January  2013
An attempt at a Lewis Carroll style poem.
If you are interested in the definitions of the made up words, and the ones I had to dig for, please let me know.
Robin Carretti Aug 2018
Sweeter* than* wait I am starting
to melt like a____?
             Royal Jam
  Scarlet Movie Oh!  I don't give a
The Milkman versus My Breadman
How can I decide I feel I am
going to faint

Such a quaint picnic was "Hot Epic"
       My biggest fan is my
    Going public like a stand up comic

All stereotypes happiness
        is a warm bread

Any way you slice it love it
Even going out of our head
The war going on
Hello Vietnam
Be my *Grand Slam

Have difficulty with everything
Melting our hearts those
"Good Eat" the luckiest people
But it's us the ordinary people
No time to brag or boost
who believes
everything is extraordinary
take a bow

Feeling tired give me a bat and ball
My big hit  built me a buttercup bed

I love the sweet warm toast
With my butter spread that
dash of sea salt the most
What was truly said in
your opinion no one's fault
Justice For All so stop
feeling guilty

Or in the presence of someone, you
didn't love at all

End of the reign beginning of
Melted candle dripping softly
like I apple butter he texted me
His ears were full of wax

Moms and
their daughters play
dressed up Dads and sons
  kickball having a meltdown
Of timeless bills no bread lines
Kings and Queens love their crowns
Love those quilts of corals
Soft as butter what morals

It's time for Hellman's
mayonnaise sandwich
What a dilemma
Every morning she is eating
Cream of wheat like a blob
Of farina
Kansas City here she comes

She loves her buttered popcorn
Poppy seed bagel was
near her acorns
We used to be human now
  An Army of Robots
Keep your enemies closer
If you truly love her

Robin Hood of the thieves

She got Gingersnapped
Melted finger-mapped
Crusty Baguette's French lip
lemon creme
Those marionettes caused
a scene

Butterscotch candy sugar cookies  
cleaning up your
computer meet "Ms." Butterworth"
The worst shes ever has seen

She is sitting in the country
southern style
the dining room
Doing banana splits boiling
egg yolks Mcdonalds pancake
with Old folks

And cartwheels Moms always
wearing her buttercream heels
More room buttercream paint
And so toxic she zooms

What a silly goose with hens
He is hiding his eyes like
a fugitive he was blind getting
melted by so many lovers
Buttery slippery hearts

Jumping like Jack Rabbits melting a
white picket fence no nonsense
This bread and butter hold me closer
Everyone is looking
like a stranger
Almost every morning new
improved bread love pusher
Fresh taste and another lover
Uptown girl left her catcher of
the rye bread on used up counter
Seeing too many piano players
of Billies, she was getting a
Bread hot fever

Take me to *
Panera Bread
Cyborgs the pig and whistle 
beer and nuts melted butter pretzels
The Alien like a damsel in distress
Like a heart of the shamrock
What a lucky piece Irish bread
The Queen red wine and
On her musical chair
Milk and honey not your
Unicorn Pony quick kick
then melt me in my sleep

Ancient rocks up her castle
Sipping her hot spell word
Secrets of all tattle tales
In her coffee, he smiles with
French croissant like a sergeant
Bread melted her butter lips
The very first time she
ever saw his face
There were more excursions
but no excuses to
butter up my Prince
How our bread is buttered or so soft but sweet like out Mother and  her lovers' chef knife left her salted the stars upon them a temptation to move on soft heartedly
To be loved you feel squashed in between there is always a shining light we see them differently let's not cause such a scene
Noah Clinnson Mar 2010
Dust on the table makes me worry about who's dust is on the table
who are they where have they been what class goes on in here do they even care, doubtful, do they even care to clean their fingernails?
Have they no respect in a public institution, where they would be spreading their dust through skin shedding that, we, I, us, in a classroom breathe?
Getting stuck in our lungs, in this way we are one, in this way from dust we came, we shed, implant, and ring-around-the-rosie all over again like rabbits eating carrots chasing them down rabbit holes, who am I who are you? Alice or Malice?
Or some *** on the street without words to repeat to people walking by and there's no telling why you'll get by when it gets so cold in the D you'll just have to sit and wait with star struck eyes and sit around pondering, all the questions, why?
What went wrong and watching all the normal folks getting along so you think to yourself maybe it's not all bad because time means nothing to a man on the street with no meetings or schedules or lifestyles on repeat.

I'm talking literally. it's life and that's all,
how is one to know what it's like without a crawl to the very bottom. of a chain.

Dust in the breeze is curious as can be can you please tell me bout people and there ways when they cross paths without pleas to one another without regard for each other what created this disaster could we create a town faster, it could be nicer there.  Would you take on my dare?
Notice I say we, together we can try, alone I am nothing but dust in a poem praying for peace and perfection not a slight of hand to me, you, us it’s criminal, terminal now lets take flight and leave these thoughts to decay with the dead, cause when the ugly is planted out will rise dread, it will try and bear fruit for no fare what a rarity arising from natures true way from which we’ve gone astray, what will happen to our bodies when we disconnect from the mother we all share what would happen if she decided not to care we wouldn’t last long without our mothers love but one day she may sift and sway and slip up forgetting something as important as us.

How silly how naïve thinking all we do believe I knew a man who drew up plans depicting the things we gave and more that we did not could not forgot and for that reason we will all fall we will all fall to dust that you, I, us will eventually breath and recycle into everything until the end when carbon collapses into countless coins that won’t mean anything but countless coins, when it ends all that’s left are countless coins, when it ends all that’s left are countless coins. countless coins countless coins.  clink clink clink clink rattle tattle tink.
Moose Sep 2015
It wants to give it all away
To tear off the covers
To change up the play
It hints and suggests
I still try my best
Though the cape is slipping
The tattle tail won't ever
Give it a rest
I know you’ve heard tales
Of the Tattle-Tale bird
Whispering to others
All that he’s heard

He tells on your sisters
He tells on your brothers
He loves to tell all
Especially to mothers

With small shifty eyes
And a voice oh so quiet
He eagerly thrives
On starting a riot

No secrets to tell
Not when he’s near
For you can be sure
Your name he will smear

But if you can catch him
I’ll tell you right now
He tastes so much better
Than a fat grass fed cow

Cook him in the over
Or over a fire
‘Cause that’s what you do
WIth Tattle-Tale flyers
Don’t be fooled regarding one’s tongue,
for it has the power of life and death.
Before doubting these words of wisdom,
now pay attention and catch your breath…

before any more idle words touch the ground.
We are accountable for everything we say;
Therefore, remember to think before speaking,
since our reckonings will come on Judgment Day.

Consciously refrain from speaking evil curses,
knowing that God’s presence surrounds each soul.
Undisciplined tongues unwittingly spew their venom
and cause unseen damage with poisonous control.

A perverse tongue easily breaks the human spirit
and keeps evil, generational curses flowing.
Plentiful sins roll off the tongue in the forms of:
Gossiping, Tattle-telling, Slander, Lying and Boasting.

Instead, give praise concerning the good things of God;
speak life into situations, since healing can be attained.
the reliability of The Word can be assured, for…
its promises insure that ours lives can be sustained.


Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Prov 18:21; 1 Cor 4:20; Deu 32:47; 2 Pet 2:3; 1 Sam 3:19; Psa 12:6
Lev 19:16; Mark 4:14; Prov 15:4, 21:23; Jam 3:1-18; 2 Cor 5:10

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.
annh Oct 2019
Robert told Olive
And Olive told Dee
That Emma likes Peter
But Peter likes me.

And Stephen saw Jamie
Tell Anna and George
That Vicky kissed Edward
And Clarence kissed Maude.

But Peter told Edward
And Edward told me
That Vicky saw Stephen
Tell Clarence and Dee

That Robert kissed Emma
So Anna told George
That Olive likes Jamie
But Jamie likes Maude
‘I never gossip. I observe. And then relay my observations to practically everyone.’
- Gail Carriger, Timeless
Pocket watch, I tick well.
The streets are lizardly crevices
Sheer-sided, with holes where to hide.
It is best to meet in a cul-de-sac,

A palace of velvet
With windows of mirrors.
There one is safe,
There are no family photographs,

No rings through the nose, no cries.
Bright fish hooks, the smiles of women
Gulp at my bulk
And I, in my snazzy blacks,

Mill a litter of ******* like jellyfish.
To nourish
The cellos of moans I eat eggs --
Eggs and fish, the essentials,

The aphrodisiac squid.
My mouth sags,
The mouth of Christ
When my engine reaches the end of it.

The tattle of my
Gold joints, my way of turning
******* to ripples of silver
Rolls out a carpet, a hush.

And there is no end, no end of it.
I shall never grow old. New oysters
Shriek in the sea and I
Glitter like Fontainebleu

All the fall of water an eye
Over whose pool I tenderly
Lean and see me.
Micaiah Dec 2013
The nature’s unpleasantly clean
Green and brown and full of wheat:
Bending wheat
Straight wheat

The wind blows
Bending and straight wheat flutter
Straight ones move out and don’t come back
Bending ones shift but always come back

When new crops grow out:
Straight ones tittle-tattle
While bending ones mind their own business

Arrogant people stand straight and empty
Intelligent people bow their heads because of their mind’s heaviness
**Better to be dense rather than hollow
Gossamer Dec 2013
"You're crazy and no one likes you." I don't know how to respond. I am ten and have never heard such hurtful words before. She smirks as I walk away in tears, silent in my own disbelief. At dinner that night, my mother says she is jealous of me because I am such a smart, kind girl. Now I am confused. Am I an outcast that is hated by all, or the poster child for perfection?

She is insecure
Envy green with jealousy
But she still hurts me

"Wow. It's really sad that you have to tattle to the principal instead of handling things yourself." I don't know how to respond. I am fourteen and am now embarrassed for asking my mom to talk to the school, and to make sure I didn't share any classes with my bully. I delete the post from my Facebook wall and lock myself in my room. At dinner that night, my mother says I am mature for contacting the school rather than fighting with my attacker. But I am confused. How can I stand up for myself if other people are solving my problems for me?

I cannot escape
Her words make me feel alone
What did I do wrong?

"Guess who." I know exactly how to respond. I am seventeen and I have had enough. My bully moved away two years ago; I thought she had moved on. Apparently, distance is not a problem for her. One sentence is all she will get from me: "I feel bad for you." The phone company has her number minutes later and I am proud of myself. At dinner that night, I don't tell my mother anything, because there's nothing to tell. There is no more confusion; I know that she is not the only one of her kind, but I also know that I am strong enough to handle anyone whose insecurites knock them down a few levels in the realm of maturity. I only wish the clarity had come sooner.

To my old neighbor:
Thank you for tormenting me.
You have made me strong.
Speculation proved
crept silently on patchwork soles
(odds n' sods messily stitched,
tittle tattle did no favours)
like a flu it spread,
hushed curiosities rested
outside ol' Hutch baker's door,
where even a freshly oven'd
batch might strain an ear
or five to net nearby tongue trading,
seeds straining on their brows.

Even those Mother hens
had a cluck or two left in them,
rumours about the
'Dust mite Martyr'
as she was dubbed,
“Does she have no shame,
sitting pretty in Matrimony's dress?”
one heaving checkered breast commented
titling her beak
to gain a better look -

At that shriveller slumped,
an examiner of the cobbles
with such a religious stare
her lids traced stones
within the darkness,
a traveller -
wanderer not to be trusted,
especially not
with bloodied lilies tangled
within her gleaming mop.
annh Dec 2018
Robert told Olive
And Olive told Dee
That Emma likes Peter
But Peter likes me.

And Stephen saw Jamie
Tell Anna and George
That Vicky kissed Edward
And Clarence kissed Maude.

But Peter told Edward
And Edward told me
That Vicky saw Stephen
Tell Clarence and Dee

That Robert kissed Emma
So Anna told George
That Olive likes Jamie
But Jamie likes Maude
A nonsense poem. Enjoy! :)
Auss May 2014
How do I tell you I failed again
Ill never recover or make amends
Sadness overcomes me  
To think of something ill never be
My mind sails
As my heart fails
Whover thought  
That happiness could be bought
Im in a battle
But all you do is tattle
Youre just not seeing
So Im fleeing
My dear friend Platiply wrote it. She wanted me to post it.  Enjoy
Styles Jul 2014
Started with selling lollipops out my locker, to pushing stocks, to selling beef with coco buns like Betty croocker. my gang green, a seal team, running schemes, wit; wicked regimes then moved up to the major leagues- with upper decks, up my sleeve. capture your spirit, just to set it free. dark knight, captures white king; wouldn't stop riding me. pawn moves, worth the trouble; it's two easy. Throwing stones, and Sandz castles, these haters tryin to castle me in;  it don't appease me. these drag queens, keep turning there back; showing thier ***;  and tattle tails; like lil sis-sees. these miss-fits couldn't **** wit- me if they came in ultra HD, my Cats 5, and they treating me like I'm Mr. IP, darker the Wesley, I'm stone cold  rocking an Iced-T, your Bud got wiser but it still ain't ******* with D. then grab Kim car dash and-be back by three, send Kanye west, to get Ad vice from me. my marketing skills so nice, I just capitalized. on the lies of our lives, of all three. These dudes the Wizard of Odds,  fake pretend; Wizards of Oz, chasing the Wizard of Gods, reading scripts written by me. I wrap with a cause, like I''m passing the bar, in limbo with these dudes at odds with me. I'll dot their eyes, like Kimbo was training me. Their label-mates ******, in Big T's, liking on their selfies, on sell phones. I'm on roam, in Rome, using Google Chrome to Google Earth, on my eye phone- writing this from the O-zone, so that the people reading this will be like O'No - this dude is cold. I'm opt to much prime, all the timethen phone home- transfer the message, like Otimos prime
Olivia A Keaton Oct 2016
His eye
Was so

I tried to
Be stealthy
Ah! but the door
It was

He shouted aloud
As I did the deed
Now he was dead
I could finally

Nothing against him
Not one grudge
But the vulture eye I
Tell you, he looked like a

The men finally
Come over
Searching my home
But there's something
It's ticking, driving me

Oh Lord!
The guilt I can stand it no more!
Here, under the floor!
They take me away
But I go knowing that it's
The most fun I've ever
I'm not stealing this reference from Poe, I'm using it to write about this prompt: recreate your favorite poem in your own words.
Amelia Jo Anne Dec 2013
I am alive & just barely;
my throat is closing off
with hard, precious cancer eggs
tucked safely where my tonsils
are supposed to sit.
my fingernails this lovely
shade of purple, a deeply
blueish tint influencing them
almost indigo. They tattle,
silently proclaim my complacent
malnutrition. the moons of my manicure
have sunk backwards, eve
returns to dusk, my favorite
time of day, where the quiet
begins, the candle may be lit,
& the eyes I always feel on me
are at least shadowed from my vision.
the coffee is so black
pulsing through my shrunken veins
that my tears are caffeinated.
even when I don't hold a cigarette,
I see the smoke under my breath.
my hands & feet are always cold,
my muscles tremble & I swoon
when we try to stand strong together.
there is turmoil
constant static
in the fissures of the grey matter.
well? tell me! does it really matter?
my bones ache
my face breaks
oh, this Exist Contemplate.
my government has always
been corrupt; the city walls
are finally wearing, having
borne the onslaught for decade
& decade. oh, the Burn & Blister.

I crawl to my coffin without your permission;
Where are you, my Handsome Benediction?
Dear Baby Love Princess
MJL Mar 2019
Dawn casts her long line for spring
Days linger to catch the angel irises bloom
Enveloped by early chirping chitter-chatter
Lightly crusted sleep argues for lids to remain closed
Black perking wake-me oil makes a strong cups case for compromise
A nudge to join the living
- On negotiated terms -
Somewhere between another dream and lavender bubbles
The contract will begin
Foggy feet shuffle onto the wheel
Spying steps creak tattle-tale floorboards alerting all on the way
Pleading thoughtfulness
You beg for silence as the Ra room comes into view
Brightly checkered yellow-brown mustard window patterns
Cut diagonal boxes across maple hardwood
Stained glass dots of emerald, violet, and red raspberry
Dance on lemon washed walls as they turn and wink for a smile
Your morning chair sets at the edge of the warming sun pond inviting you
Join them
You listen to the ripples of space
Your cushioned dock perfectly positioned for a loving embrace
You sit
And slowly dip legs into the glowing pool
Drenched limbs cocoon in the heavy webbing of golden rays
The chickadees celebration is known
Lids succumb to the orange haze
The Girl from Ipanema sings
Young and lovely
You feel wonderful
No risk of drowning here...
Only in happiness
One radiating breath
Before the Samba plays again

© 2019 MJL
Sunrise. Before the day begins. Time in the window. Like a cat.
Nickolas J McKee Oct 2023
Of darkness to unfold,
I know where the boats go.
Tales that shouldn’t be told,
Of souls, demons told, “No.”
Where forth the demons bayed,
No other place love shown.
Forced evil seen and slayed,
Darkness is where I go.
Finding nights of terror,
Tears lingering unknown.
Knowing you of all things,
Let gone, a deathly glow…
Wincing and knocking, no…
A rattle and tattle,
Death dark and all alone…
The wind felt breezed and cold,
The chilling breath spirit.
Not known… till screeching end…
This all too conclude so,
Tales that shouldn’t be told…
Arcassin B Mar 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

I swear I hate the imataters more than the know-it-alls,
Its like your smart,
But we dont need knowledge dropped on us all,
We've been in school long enough to quit the tattle tell,
Meanwhile I grasp the people's hands and fragrance,
Say I like your smell,
With the words that I wrote,
So misunderstood,
You gave me quotes and meanings,
I did a sentence good,
Momma are you proud,
I just did a paragraph all by myself,
I would yell it out loud,
But I'll be fool of myself,
Like Rhymes,
I was always so use to,
Instead I flow from my heart,
And they say who are you,
Thinkin about how many gallons of perfect defined *****,
Would flow in my blood stream,
Unicorns , free food , smokes and gorgeous curvy women,
Would be the greatest dream.
Well I'm gonna show em
Ma Cherie Oct 2016
Wait, hold on,
what'd you just say?
hold on a sec,
I don't think I heard you,
& anyway
can you repeat that again?
AGAIN my "friend"?
saaaay what!?

You cannot be serious.
Not cool,
I got your "number "

Let me dig the wax out of my ears,
If I think I heard that correctly,
perhaps you better tell
& retell
me just ...more ...time,
paaaleeease, be real
are you.... for REAL?

Ummm no,
don't know how to break this to you
but ain't gonna happen,
maybe you just need to speak up,
am I,
going deaf?
Are you???
I need to write this **** down,
so I can,

BELIEVE it & then I can,
retrieve it,
Not gonna happen, not NEVER
& it shouldn't either,

If I wanted someone I would let 'em know
No it ain't no kinda striptease girly show
& boy you just gotta go,

My right hand has an really bad itch
& my left eye has a really bad twitch
it ain't I'm a fool
& I ain't no really bad *****
I could be if I'm forced
I could be a REALLY bad witch

Me, cast a spell?
Why I'll never, ever tell,
Hey what's that smell?
Your just ROTTEN
to the core I said I before
soon you'll be forgotten,

I might be right handed,
but the left one demanded,

& right here's a door,
but my left is unlucky
itching is just very, very sucky
no it isn't just ducky,
way way more than simply
ucky yucky

A sticky icky sitch,
Grandmother told me
watch the signs
as they will remind,
& I wish she could just hold me
&  if she could just scold me
I'm just very glad she told me
& told me,

You speak of being "professional"
& I most definitely am,
my field of work requires it,
so does life, love & everything valuable,
like poetry,

Except you're not laughing
I'm not either,
no, no, no, not funny
at ALL,
my name isn't "Charlita" either,
you musta gotta a lotta nerve,
boy, you
must got a huge set
of *****
act like a filthy bull
hung like a proverbial horse
( cuz I hear your not )
& of course, of course,
of course,
I hope you like 'em too,
cuz you're gonna maybe need 'em

Cuz' you have ZERO respect for women
for yourself or for others
sorry for how you were raised
musta been a real mother-******
an old used up empty angry trucker
well I ain't no foolish  sucker,

No excuses justify making someone actually fear your crazy & lazy ***,

I ain't no female dog,

I'm a daughter, a Mother
a lovely loving lover,
I gotta couple loving Brothers
I have cousins & a Son,
No I ain't the one,
I'm a Sister, a friend
on whom they all can always depend
and this here voice they will defend,
or give a hand one they gladly lend,
& be with me until the end,
a message of hope to all I send,

So don't look at me that a way
Why don't you hear the words I say
& say & say?
you are such a CREEP,
I don't know at night
I don't know how you ever, ever get good sleep,

A constant loser,
such wicked bad, bad verbal abuser
a drunken, drugged out
& broke-down, low-down,
get outta my town abuser,
in Brooklyn you'd even be worse,
a lowly hooser,
I ain't gonna be your lil' **** poetic muser
perhaps a ride, oh look right here,
here's a waiting empty cruiser,

Thank you dear sweet poet
& betcha didn't even know it,
cuz I didn't get to show it,
take this man right here,
yes him, take him my dear,
a bumpy ride ain't all you gotta fear,

He's the one in the foggy drunken stooper,
I really, really wish,
it was just a silly, silly blooper,
my rugged righteous local Trooper

Saving souls & the defenseless
his job is just so relentless,
imprisonment should not be for all,
so when they get a call
Notta emergency, maybe technically,
still, State Police
-how can I help you?

Especially where I am supposed to feel most comfortable & safe,

Shouldn't feel like your skin is crawling
you don't get to me
you can't,
I'm all done with all the bawling,
but respect & justice
for every
ONE of us,

You must love going back to jail
& you're going to have a good long tale
to tell in there so go ahead & share
I really couldn't care, at all
I do,
I couldn't care much more about myself
or about right & wrong
or care any less about you,
what you SEE as fair?

My pen, is poetic justice,
there's a poison in my pen
you should be most terrified
whilst I'll be feelin really ' Zen

Poison darts might be all right for bad animals,
Or ones who just need to be put back into the wild
who act like a completely ignorant adult child,
but you know better than that,
Sometimes I might wanna
put it in a poison apple for someone,
like you,
but no,

I bleed & I bleed,
so go ahead  
& read, read & read
I'm not a tattle,
this is a just a truly poetic need,
just another weary battle,
with theives who believe,
& believe in their unending greed
their very, bad, bad misdeeds
ones we mustn't,
we mustn't trust just words
action SPEAK the


The Thunder Rolls,

Just write, I hear
behind all the painful memories & fear
that frightened girl in a corner
Everything is heightened,
I tried, I tried to warn her,
like a beautiful storm
but never, ever did I scorn her,

As hearts skip,
hear my battle yip
here's a friendly lil' tip,

She tells how human leopards,
don't change their stupid spots
better run she says,
a fire of hell it might be kinda hot,
& an appealing prospect you are most definitely, definitely not,

& Don't worry I'm keeping track
you can act sorta nice at times,
but respect is what you seriously lack
& I'm not taking your targeted attack,

Soooo yeah,
& guess what I got?
Take a stab, go ahead, just give it a shot,
patience she ain't the one I got,
my fired feet are feeling plenty hot,

Just take a wild guess
it ain't a wild hair across my ***,

You got as good a chance at guessing my answer
as understanding my personal boundaries

I have two things actually for you
1 is not a ****** "favor"
or "servicing"
the other is
a real BIG surprise?

ZERO tolerance.

Cherie Nolan
FML this stuff REALLY happens?  apparently.
So he says, just words?!? Not about me only, &
No police involved, yet anyway.
but still! I'm soooo furious,  Excuse curses,
I'm not a witch idk think anyway & metaphors I'm not really like that. Serious subject  & I respect all this is for everyone who loves a woman anywhere ❤
Lost Poet Mar 2017
Tumble weeds and mistaken deeds,
Questions left unanswered,

From 'goodbye's to 'please don't lie's,
Pain completely transfered.
Jayne Blackman Jun 2015
Boyfriend number 1
Moody, tall & grumpy
Heard he's got 8 kids
****** glad he dumped me.
Boyfriend 2 & 3
Interchangeable, doing battle
Fighting for my affections
****** tittle tattle.
Boyfriend 4 heartbreaker
Mastering his art
Olympic flirt, lothario
2 timing man ****, ****.
Boyfriend 5 flash Harry
A ladies man, so he reckoned
Metallic Ford Capri
He was gone in 60 seconds.
Boyfriend 6 & 7, Hammer Horror
How the **** did these begin
Beer goggles and cocktails
UGH! Just let me catch me skin.
Boyfriend 8 from Down Under
Bit angry, bit thick
James dean Lookey likey
Married him too quick.
Boyfriend 9, pious
Quiet nature boy
Once married grumpy ****
Terminated contract, lack of joy.
Boyfriend 10 professional
Public Sector, comprehensible
Politically correct lifestyle
He thought I wasn't sensible.
Boyfriend 11 is The Man
Mild mannered rampant ram
Sizzling hot attraction
He accepts me as I am.
Now the chase is over
Got him, Bingo, I've won
Hellfire he's got 5 kids
******* glad I've been done.
Maple Scoresby Jun 2021
Of the tattle tellers tongue
Tenaciously Terse tales told
Tending to tea and tempting taboo
Don’t be fooled regarding one’s tongue,
for it has the power of life and death.
Before doubting these words of wisdom,
now pay attention and catch your breath…

before any more idle words touch the ground.
We are accountable for everything we say;
Therefore, remember to think before speaking,
since our reckonings will come on Judgment Day.

Consciously refrain from speaking evil curses,
knowing that God’s presence surrounds each soul.
Undisciplined tongues unwittingly spew their venom
and cause unseen damage with poisonous control.

A perverse tongue easily breaks the human spirit
and keeps evil, generational curses flowing.
Plentiful sins roll off the tongue in the forms of:
Gossiping, Tattle-telling, Slander, Lying and Boasting.

Instead, give praise concerning the good things of God;
speak life into situations, since healing can be attained.
the reliability of The Word can be assured, for…
its promises insure that ours lives can be sustained.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Prov 18:21; 1 Cor 4:20; Deu 32:47; 2 Pet 2:3; 1 Sam 3:19; Psa 12:6
Lev 19:16; Mark 4:14; Prov 15:4, 21:23; Jam 3:1-18; 2 Cor 5:10

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.
Michael W Noland Jul 2012
And the trinity knocks with three pops from a filed glock

punched holes stack on forehead knots and a casket drops with dead bolt locks

but who inherits the robots

the cerebral talks

the spine shocks

letting me know of the plots and props of the surrounding city blocks and of the corrupted cops zooming in from distant rooftops

who never even heard the rasping hiss from the six murderous trigger flicks

put me in line behind the mimes to see the ****** therapists lyricist

who stares as time just slips between my fingertips and out our wrists

watches like shackles

circling cackles closing in to tackle these unholy tabernacles

the only battle is to herd the cattle to one spot and make the windows rattle

jig saw enemies wont tattle

like ashes on the mantle

like corpses beneath man holes

like smiling killers without handles

exposing my lyrical scandals

implored to explore the dragons lore they adore

even if my blood pours beneath the bathroom door

sam common Feb 2010
dead babies.
***** house.

gabe's teeth.
gabe's ***** teeth.
new orleans.
new orleans.
very worried.
more adderall?
emoticons are kinda lame.
want more smarts.
want more dumbs.
dumb dun dun.
tittle tattle rattle pattle goo.
more please!.
your dumb.
that's a defense mechanism.
more of.
less again.
stop that.
stop stopping that. stop stopping stopping that. think about clouds. what will it be like in a year?
maybe people think I have weird hand gestures. maybe I'm thinking about them so much that they look weird. maybe I'm thinking about thinking about them too much too much.

oh god, hum. sing. play around the room. something already.

Don't look at me you *******.
go. back. ***.
I'm sorry. stay. look around.
I love it when your around. Your really amazing.
Do you like me?
Stop calling me so much.
Hey call me. Can I call you?
What are you thinking about?
I'm tired. I can't sleep. will you talk to me about my problems. problems are dumb. I have too many problems in my little head! I can achieve EVERYTHING
Hold me! Stop asking me to hold you. hold me? hold you? hold hands? Don't touch my hands. stop looking at them.
no, just no. sleep. shower.

clean breaks. will make me brake.
We Are Stories Nov 2016
Blow a dart through the eye of a needle
In a beetle's bull's eye's eye of the fetal
Position used to permission the perspiration of children
Flowing from the cycle wheels on their next revision-
The cat walks in the bathroom with the lights off,
Cat's cough, drops his neck soft loft, STOP
His paws from picking it and licking it off the top
Shelf of the urinary depository shelter shop-
Cat's pleasure walk-
The beetle's wife still cries to the beat
Beating butterfly kisses on the front left cheek
Tongue out, pierced through nose ring bling
Shine bright like the glossy wet stain, sting-
Half a toe dream-
"We call this recession", session dismissed for obsession
With questions about lessons learned by sections
In the left hand direction weeping willow pull our pension
From the pockets until the rocket red will start suspension!
Skin peeling regression!
Drizzle dribbling brizzles of bad mouth grizzle
Fat down throat smoke sizzle with frizzy hair frizzle!
Blood suckdown proud pretzel frazzle
Flowing mud slug suction cup dry slump saddle!
Have you watched your mind battle
The thoughts of many cattle
Pronged along like kids caught by tattle
Tale stories of dead bodies and hastles!
Watch them rattle-
Shattered glass got caught in the brains back
Spinal chord twisted in two ways tied around a racetrack
Task force grants permission for the Hazmat
Gas mask, tear burning sensation, blood, sweat and gun caps-
Gunshot whiplash-
Pulling out the hairy back hand wrist rip
Falling out grey death, black heart, sunk ship
Flipped over the backside walls to pavement
Too hard to bouncy ball back up to save it-
What a world we created-
Cracked skull thought shots, drink down the toxic
Hot spit, words flowing through split tongue box fit,
Cracked teeth lost kids, babies ******* down bottles lost in
Jungle jam, juicing through the ice box foxes sneak  in closets!
The world's spinning so fast, there's no way to stop it-
It's surprising how we don't see that we're all lost yet!
Jenn Schwartz Mar 2014
For one hundred days, we set sail without as much as one distraction.
But the skies open up,
the waves begin to groan.
The wind in the wires made a tattle-tale sound,
and a wave broke over the railing.

The lost ship would not float again,
with tattered sails and opening seams,
and deck bestrewn with falling beams,
in the deep ocean it will remain.

I feel your fear and despair.
I was much farther out than you thought.
I scream but nothing, nothing will come out.
You’ve gone too far…..
Another nameless sailor’s ghost lost to the sea.

As the tide just sweeps and sways,
When will I find my way home?
Where is the shore-line?
Will this open water become my tomb?
Whoever told the sun to wake?
And whoever told the moon to clutch the sea?

Alone, yes alone, I may not survive.
The water’s getting so hard to tread
with these waves crashing over my head.
Just a hug could make me feel like I was never alone.
Light rain-drops fall and wrinkle the sea.

I should have known the tides were getting higher.
I will fall asleep,
to close my eyes is to be at sea,
and live eternally, immortally.

There was never any way of going back to the old world with any sort of victory,
or good tidings of new discovery.
At sea I sail in the bellowing gale,
on my way to the end.
I made this a few years ago. This was a lyric poem of lines of songs and poems combined into one poem. Sources:  
Line 1: Sinking Ship by Glamorous Enigma
Line 2: Shipwreck by Mary Weston Fordham
Line 3: Shipwreck by Mary Weston Fordham
Line 4: Sinking Ship by Glamorous Enigma
Line 5: You Took Your Life by Ann Bedford
Line 6: Not Waving but Drowning by Stevie Smith
Line 8: With Ears to see and Eyes to Hear by Sleeping With Sirens (written by Sleeping With Sirens)
Line 9: With Ears to see and Eyes to Hear by Sleeping With Sirens (written by Sleeping With Sirens)
Line 10: The Prodigal by Jamie’s Elsewhere
Line 11: Anchors by The Amity Affliction (written by The Amity Affliction)
Line 12: Lost At Sea by Richard Steinmueller
Line 13: Lost At Sea by Richard Steinmueller
Line 14: Anchors by The Amity Affliction (written by The Amity Affliction)
Line 15: Alone On Sea by Allenika
Line 16: Even the Rain by Agha Shahid Ali
Line 17: Oh How I Miss You by Clara Thompson
Line 18: Souls and Rain-Drops by Sidney Lanier
Line 19: A Prophecy by Asking Alexandria (written by Ben Bruce of Asking Alexandria)
Line 20: Don’t Fall Asleep at the Helm by Sleeping With Sirens (written by Sleeping With Sirens)
Line 21: Eternity at Sea by Annie Cordelia Adams
Line 22: Eternity at Sea by Annie Cordelia Adams
Line 23: Treasured Moments by Ron Tranmer
Line 24: Eternity at Sea by Annie Cordelia Adams
Line 25: Lost At Sea by Richard Steinmueller
Only time will tell
The answers that you seek
Only time will tell
The secrets that you keep
Only time will tell
All that you can not
Only time will tell
Questions that were sought
Mitchell Sep 2012
I can see what I need
And I can my own evil seed
But the breed I am apart of
Wants nothing to do with me

I exhale into the Autumn wind
Always trying to love and not be unkind
For the whisper in this chilled decree
Leaves me motionless in their eyes
As I try to hold my breathe to a stifle a cry

My heart is nothing but a lost bottle
Upon a sea that roams like lost cattle
Can't you see that life is the only battle?
And at midnight the last gun will be fired,
Where only the politicians will be left to tattle

They show me to an open sore
That once was beating to the core
But now there is nothing
But the hallow belief
That life was so much better before

Don't let me see you the way you truly are
There is nothing more that you can say
And our love is worth nothing that you can pay
So take me far from this place, a spot far and away
I promise to you that in this life
I'll meet your eyes, fight, and to stay

Where and when the magic magicians in their multi-colored hats
Near underneath heated brows colored in black
And blue cows take rest in their prejudiced unspoken
And unwoven lies where rebels lay dead in unspent graves
Touching the saved' on moistened foreheads memorized in their
Histories whose books beam with the light of the forgiven dead
Who still feel the weight of never truly being washed - Oh' lo' the dirt
In all its Earthly liberty that makes us human when We die for the final time

Can you see the tide?
The oceans lapping with the
Western wind in full blow?

I touch my face in the setting moon
And realize it be not mine, but a man
Or woman in another time, close to me
Like a sister or brother, but the bother
Is not within me, but in the currents of
The blind froth of an ocean that only
Has itself to bring forth; for the misery of
Man is forever in bloom and the break down
Of our song is has always stalled to come along

The bleak mud of the winter sludge
Permanent misfortunes of anything specific
Blank pavement in foreign uninterested faces
Spelling to me that every letter they ever knew
Was taught wrong and never seen with an eye
And the price to pay was with a forbidden fee
That the cost was to take a new born life
From a future that would never have the chance to dream

I touch the tip of the ice berg
In a dream from another world
Where I knew myself from another self
And the dusty shelf
Was just another part of myself

Each numbered book
With a title I could not read
Was instead a picture whose faded faces
Brought me quick
To other familiar places

I've been to this place and
I've tasted this air
And though I do not bend
In high and crooked despair
I know that I have stepped upon this Earth before
And that this surf
Is not far from where I first hurt
In previous snore

Breaking in laughter
The sun breaks through my smile
And the miles
And the trials
And million dollar piles
Of oh ' so few that makes
The rain split and fall
So the drop
Makes the crop

Watch its step
Until I finally
See that I

Curtis Delk Rose Mar 2018
The tall tale teller team that told
the triple towered temple town the tall tales turned
turned terribly to telling thoroughly tempestuous troubling terrors
trying to trash the Truth
turned to trying to twist the Truth
to totally tear the treasured Truth to tidbits
turned to treasonous tall tales
then to tattle-tale telling
that the triple towered temple town's tall tale tellers team then told to themselves
till the triple towered temple town's townspeople then took them to task
turning them to teeny tiny tricksters
thoroughly thoughtless tattle-tale talebearers
that they then toppled
turning them topsy turvy
toward the triple towered temple towns
traditional trashpile

The thrilled triple towered temple town's
tipsy tongue-tied townspeople trumpeted triumphantly

COUN’EM YERSELF!  C if i ain’t rite!
‘Why do they call it Goblin Castle?’
I asked my friend, Carstairs,
We sat, gazed up at the battlements,
‘It’s a hell of a way up there!’
I knew that the Lord and Lady Crane
Had been living there, forever,
‘It used the be called the Castle Bleak,
But Goblin Castle... Never!’

He bit his lip and dismounted, and
We tethered the horses fast,
Went to sit by a hollow tree
And squatted, sat on the grass.
Carstairs had worked for the Cranes for years
So he knew the ins and outs,
Of every tittle and tattle there
In that massive, noble house.

‘It happened just when the Lady Crane
Was only a maid in there,
Before the Lord had taken a shine,
And offered his hand to her.
Her name was Jenny de Quincey
From some distant, noble blood,
But all she had was the noble name,
Her folks were as poor as mud.’

‘There were places there that she shouldn’t be,
There were places that were barred,
The servants said that its history
Was more than battle-scarred.
They whispered rumours of little folk
Who had roamed about in the past,
Had stolen goblets and golden plate
But they’d all died out, at last.’

‘She ventured down to the dungeons, where
They’d kept the local churls,
Back in the days of taxes, that
Were paid to the Lords and Earls.
She expected to find them empty, but
Then further along the hall,
She found a dwarf, just two foot four
Who’d long been chained to the wall.’

‘The dwarf had a sickly pallor that
Looked green in that eerie light,
A monstrous forehead and bulging eyes,
And he gave the maid a fright.
He said he’d been chained a hundred years,
That he came from a local tribe,
‘Of Goblins, Hobs, and Gnomes,’ he sobbed,
But the rest had not survived.’

‘Jenny was wearing a golden chain
That he came to the bars to see,
For goblins love the glitter of gold,
Are rabid for jewellery.
He snatched the chain and he backed away,
Clutched it against the wall,
‘You’ll have to bring the key to the cage,’
He said, and she was appalled.’

‘She brought the key the following day
And opened the rusted gate,
She didn’t know quite how strong he was
But she found out, all too late!
It wasn’t only the glitter of gold
That the goblin had in mind,
But to draw a veil on part of the tale,
I think would be more than kind.’

‘She luckily married the Lord that week
So it wasn’t a total mess,
She started to show, that womanly glow
And the Lord had thought him blessed.
But the truth came out when the heir was born
With a face that glowed pale green,
With bulging forehead and flapping ears,
And the biggest eyes I’ve seen.’

‘They keep him down in the dungeon, in
A cage, right next to his Pa,
While she’s locked up in the tower room,
Has never got out, so far.
It used to be called the Castle Bleak
And it lived right up to its name,
But now it’s called the Goblin Castle
Of Lord and Lady Crane.’

David Lewis Paget
CenterGravity Mar 2014
normally the weather outside stays outside
but today it effects me like an ocean tide
seeing the fog at 7:53am
everything sensed became bland

once the cold kicked in and the ice ascended
the warmth inside rescended
a day i wished to be left alone
could not be acquired because of my own

three of them calling for undivided attention
the two oldest in constant dissension
oh the noise of it all
slowly boiling in my veins as a crawl

anger rising tattle by tattle
body still but beginning to rattle
i tell them to leave each other alone
i tell them to leave me alone

the weather outside
has found its way inside
i am cold and brittle
i feel so little

- S.M.S
Audrey Bautz Mar 2013
I woke up in the morning,
When it was storming,
-Then I heard the buds of May,
Rise up from the dead earth,
Giving life of rebirth,
Beneath that sky of gray,

I don't know why I did not hear,
The birds of April Sing,
I thought I heard them once before,
As I sat wondering,

I walked down the stairs then,
Into my kitchen,
Heard the raindrops fiercely fall,
Echoing the house through,
As the thunder then grew,
Sounding throughout my front hall,

I don't know why I stayed that day,
To hear the sounds of spring,
I should have left and gone away,
Instead I sit and sing,

But I know if I stay I can play
Off their flesh cocoon,
The flowers much display,
(I don't know why I did not laugh
before the end of day)
And though I stroll with the spring in my soul,
I can feel the life is beating I am whole,
(The beauty of the world is clear
a ringing of my prayer)

I went up to my window,
Where I heard the wind flow,
Softly brushing at the pane,
The glass began to rattle,
The sentimental-tattle
About the journeys of the rain,

I thought I heard my Mary shout,
To all the buds below,
"Bloom full the colors all about,"
"Through time you'll surely grow,"

With the seasons all changing through time,
Life will surely be to Heaven in its' prime,
(The wisdom of this earth I sing
in all the joy life brings)
For my darling we all have a part,
In the greener peaces of the "mother" heart,
(Lift all the sounds and then rejoice,
pump up your freedom-voice.)

I woke up in the morning,
When it was storming,
-Then I heard the buds of May,
Rise up from the dead earth,
Giving life of rebirth,
Beneath that sky of gray. ©
What passing grief for those who fall in battle?
Only the merest murmur of the press
A paragraph between the tittle tattle
With all the latest news of someone's dress.

A soldier's single death is not dramatic
No bugle call, no serried rank and file
There's no glamour in stress that's post-traumatic
Compared to new pics of an actor's smile.

I never served in war. I have no right
To take the part of soldiers or their kin
But maiming, burning, death or loss of sight
Deserve attention and remembrance in
A land that still sends doomed youth off to fight;
A land obsessed with how stars get so thin.

— The End —