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Ayush Gangwar Aug 2018
When you travel in the car and the journey is too far...
Fill the cabinet with all the required stuffs,
It will be more exciting when you travel with a group.
Raise the woofers up ,
And eat the tasty stuffs.
Just Play the jolly tune,
It'll make your lazy mood.
When you see something unique,
Stop a while and take a click.
Still the destination is too far,
You're feeling tired and so is your car…

It’s time for a short break,
stretch your body and take a breathe,

When your body gets re-energised,
It’s tym to resume your lovely drive,
Destination is not always necessary to take,
Sometimes the road trip is what we want to make…
Because most of the time you'll spend ib travelling so just make each and ever drive beautiful and memorable. Because YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE.
tell me what words are there
to articulate this savage parade
not here, not in all the Lebanons
whose crystal castles sparkle
like broken glass
on the dark horizons
at the jagged edges of the world
from which cultured minds have receded
and all humanity has been relinquished
to the barbarity of the frenzied flavours of fools
who will speak for this wild parade
without impediment to mythical protagonists
tell me where are the energised arguments
against sophisticated yet false laments
where testament is torn through
weeping cedar trees
producing the unpredictable accidental quality
that memorialises phantom caresses
that have neither been invented nor encouraged
the hallow that inaugurates
the distinctive features of
destructive energies that are both
exuberant and hard to comprehend
this parade where there is
a savage sensibility
capable of apprehending
contradictory ethical imperatives
that vouch for a mocking stream of
tragic political consequence
displayed vividly in the inextricability
of civil order and political violence
that defies exclusive claim
by casting itself as freedom warrior
in disguise as militaristic humanism
and burns the temple tree
and where human identity
becomes an elusive possession
owned by a few
who in the inevitability of ignorance
refuse to recognise their tragic error
and the world does not mount
a strenuous protest
at this headlong dash for Ephesus
where antagonistic language and
neutral expression of thought converge
and here the value of valulessness
repudiates, even in a single poetic moment
Ava Yaki May 2021
Her eyes radiant and sensous,
she proudly wore them.
Her eyes allured praises,
and conquered the art of flirting.

She looked at him to flaunt her eyes.
Which, she knew will tantalize him.
She wanted to arouse his highs,
and have him fantasize about her.

She looked at his eyes,
assuming it's just another fling.
Powerful and authentic were his eyes,
but also strangely familiar and gently captivating.

Her eyes met his eyes.
For the first time,
her impish and sparky spirit
felt something alien.

His eyes were all that were focussed
for, the rest of the surrounding faded.
She didn't feel the air.
She didn't feel the ground.
She only felt the gaze.

Her always rambling mind
went thoughtless now.
Her burning desire to keep doing more
was suddenly extinguished.

She went quiet.
Neither into an uncomfortable silence,
nor a painful silence.
But a peaceful silence.
A satiated silence.

The haunting memories from the past,
the gripping fear of the future,
all dissolved and energised the ecstatic present.

She no longer wanted this to be a fling
for, she knew she was captivated.
This was the first her flirting failed.
And she knew she couldn't be bailed out
from what's to come.
Leah Jul 2013
Cling to my *******, you beautiful.
swinging you up like a mother.
i reckon you not moving whilst
the storms strike down
of you.

Find a soft side on your way, honey
winding you up, fly high
i reckon you not being energised
when it rains

you didn't answer my calls but I'm halfway
on the road
Frustrated, waiting for a sudden appearance

where is
your applause?

The shape of love is shifting and
life unexpected
I shall be.
Peter J Thomas Feb 2016
I'm too tired,

To sleep,

Devoid of energy,

Yet energised,

Fraught with worries,

Downed by despair,

I am too tired,

To sleep.
Happiness isn't found in alcohol,
Its not found in drugs,
Its not found in ***,
Its not found in anger,
Its not found in tantrums,
Neither is it found in bad moods,
Happiness is only found within,
Only you can decide to be happy,
It all begins from within you,
Its a choice,choose it!
Realise all the benefits of happiness;you live a healthier life,more energised and vibrant and more fulfilling,
The search for happiness elsewhere  apart from you inner being is infact in vain,.
Nothing can make you happy if your inner state isn't made up to be happy
Marshal Gebbie May 2014
My best friend and lover.
Protector of my lies
…You rescued me
And ****** me to my fate.

Spiralled the dopamine to brilliance
In my mind.
To spangled halls of light,
Reflective light, and calm.
A golden calm
Of energised, invincible intensity……

Addiction is thy name.
Compulsion is thy talent

Up, up the trammelled pathway
From the innocence of a ****
To the chaotic expense of ****,
Then to the dreamy, smoked Opiates,
And the scars of the needles
And magic of Coke & big H ?

And ultimately…
It’s all not enough!
The hollow inadequacy of it all
When finally…..
Nothing achieves flight.
Nothing attains the heights.
Nothing satisfies
Like it used to…..
No amount of money
Buys satisfaction!

Into the Black Hole.

Down, down the trammelled pathway
And the body is wasted, thin
And the mind in misery,
And broke, utterly penniless,
Exhausted and spent,
Estranged and abandoned,
Alone, so alone.

Down the trammelled pathway
To the inevitable retreat
Into failure’s squalid,
numbing, bitter

May 31 2014
From the outside looking in.
Mr Jay Sep 2013
If you thought you were invincible,
Then Mr fantastic is the name that I bare. Lower your force field, no need to fear.
I could answer a thousand questionnaires and still "You" I would prefer.
Like daddies first gift, am your teddy bear.

Resisting your tender dimpled smile was a harder battle than I could bare.
A trail of your presence, I would follow, lavender in the air.
Watching you walk away entices my stare.
It makes me wonder the identity of the architect behind your hypnotic rear.

Now we play, we fight, we tease, we care.
You make me a warrior in the game of truth or dare.
Stay alive with me far and near.
Life only exists in these moments we share.

And as my fingers playfully drape between your hair.
You giggle softly, as my whispers flow in your ear.
I shelter you completely from the front and rear.
I will have my way, your kiss, our cheer.

As we seat together in a bamboo chair.
Am energised in a place so rare
You roll your backside like none other could compare.
Like all good girls gone bad, you leave me lusting for a heir.

Tonight, a private party awaits up the stairs.
Laid waiting by the sofa, cherries and cream is all you wear.
Luring closer, your index finger beckons for my sensual strong souvenir.
A love feast begin with a prayer in arrears.

Like a stallion, you submit completely into my care.
simmering with radiance as I sweeten your lair.
I carve your arches with honey and steer.
You got me feeling like romeo in a
viewtiful affair.

Your skin speaks and my hands understands its fears,
Your eyes full of desire, my heartbeat fully aware
Your lips "hypnotic", my eyes hang on it like a chandelier.
We float away while our lungs beg for air.

One touch to your soft spot, I move like a musketeer.
Your fingers claw my back to go deeper in there.
You feel a flood building, aching to be spared.
I suspend it all and pull out instead.

Can you feel it coming, be prepared.
Like Moses said, "I" will take you there.
A water fall rises for the one who fared.
You recite the lords prayer but my name you declare.

Life could be pointless without a care, Best to find something interesting and relieve the despair.
Like the way you found that flower blooming in the air,
The same way I found you and knew we could be a pair.
Julius Nov 2013
i listen to Dubstep music and sip tea
i am the Post-Mark
Pondering Gender politics and finishing my tea
i am non violent, a pacifist
But don't put it past me that i won't clench a fist
With righteous grist
If you make me feel alone in my considerations temporarily

i'm not a weak soul am hardy folk
Hardly lost faith when i realised God was a joke
Like a big fat egg yolk splattered all over paper
Christmas hogging 3 months of calendar
A Consumerist campaign, but tell me i'm the miser

Police tend to pass me in the streets, i think smart
Skin colour ain't the first part
One of the mainly white audience at the Public Enemy show
The system as it stands fears me though
If you stop and searched my heart you'd **** me though

i Listen to Deep House and sip Lucozade
Lost deep in this house
i've never worked hard at a job
So **** lucky at birth to have wealth
But that's my parents money (and I'm not in any way responsible for slavery)
Kanye West with his Confederate Flag ****
"I'ts mine now, what you gonna do?"
Little did we know that we were the 'New Slaves'

Contemporary thinker, i read the game cover to cover
After all they taught me from birth how to study
i'm too uninterested in ticking boxes to earn money
To satisy the transferable skills that you want from me
I'll Enjoy a nights alcoholism instead of getting high and writing an essay

Am I getting too wordy?
i'm trying to spit now, can i? can I?
The gender politics on my mind at inappropriate times
i told the guy at the door i wasn't thinking about race
Most people are thinking about 'the race'
White Middle Class kid picked up a mic and tried to rap again...

I listen to Hip Hop and drink water
Hardly faded I'm perfectly sober
I'm energised naturally, words seem to strengthen me
I am the grassroots, I have been wrongly righted
My Parent's deserve this so want me to sit tight
But I'm jumping right into the middle of hip hop (and feminism)
And theres nothing you can do about it.
[For All My ****** and All My *******]
Ariel Taverner Jun 2016
I used to think that when I was with you I was getting drunk on life
Sipping on your smile like a classy merlot
Gulping down your twinkling laughter like a sprakling champagne
Savoring your eyes like a forty year old cabarnet
Drinking without care or consequence
Knowing that I'd wake up with a headache so bad it could split kilimanjaro itself
And that my body would Ache from withdrawal symptoms as I yearned for a palatable drink to moisten my lethargic tongue
Except...I didn't...
I woke up, my head Sparkling in its clarity
My body energised and full of movement
I got drunk on you
Yet...I had no hangover...
I got drunk on being with you...except...I didn't
I used to get drunk on 'Her' and when I left her company I left with an incomprehensible pain in my heart
My "Hangover"
But when I'm with you I'm not Drunk
No...I'm Sober
A Sober that allows the world to sparkle around me in painstaking detail
A Sober that allows me to experience the real beauty of life and not just float through it in a haze of intoxication
A Sober that allows me to look at you and experience that flame in my heart
The joy of life
The joy of knowing that my heart is content to not get drunk
My heart can feel joy without drinking its superficial counterpart
Getting drunk on life is a phrase I cannot use with you
You are just so much more
Mark McIntosh Mar 2015
autumn comes with drooping arms
promises of stripped branches
shapes confetti & a quilt
rests on a carpet of dewdrops

bubbles melt with the dawn
drifting on currents
air carries leaves
another renewal

rains decompose browns, yellows, reds
winter greens sprout
soil fed & energised
vegetable flowers form

subtler seasons
easier sleeping, slower awakenings
leaves raked & piled
hot gone days disposed.

frost arrives in certain geographies
red replaces white
the tank is full & burners cleaned
warming gas is very close
Tim Bustin May 2014
How should I feel, inside this world mixed with
Real? Bliss a film, shown in clarity.
I awake alive, energised; the myth
Nonsensical and detail lost from me.

Wait, yes! I recall: desired does fall,
Pushed by evil - a screaming, grating laugh
Must've flown mid-air to catch the angel
Delicate face is a framed photograph.

I repeat: wake into same misery
Acne-shelled face shows ugly emotion
Passion disperses to reality.
Scared, upset, lost, lonely and not trying.

Dreams: what better way to play out unachievable feats
Than to lie to the conscious mind, and lull one's self to sleep
JadedSoul Aug 2014
In the darkness of a long Friday night shift
Making 100 pizzas an hour
my energy drains, my mind wanders

I leave my body behind to cut the pies
and I happily flip between dimensions
memories, lives and possibilities.

3 physically grueling hour later,
I return to find my poor body exhausted
Ordered to some random task.

The REAL me responds out of my broken body
with a smart-*** quip about linear time
and temporal mechanics.

Suddenly, I hear myself!
Suddenly, I see myself!
Suddenly, blindingly, I feel a light!

Bright, all encompassing, radiant light
Like the North Star,
but undimmed and unhindered.

In all its splendour, it shines
a leaf-covered path
suddenly clear as day!

What I would love to do
is to study physics
and obtain a master's degree
in Quantum Mechanics.

Energised by naught more than this realisation
my body works effortlessly on a record long shift
while my heart sings
and my mind dances happily
and I, the true me rejoices

For finally, I have realised
and allowed myself to accept
what excites me!
* First written on 9 October 2010 while working at Dominoes pizza
the petrol gauge of time moves you
shoots its juice into your veins
that throb and burst with unseen intensity
energised into the forum of your day

sail, reaching our for the horizon of a
dreamt image, afloat and biting
to taste its spicy spine tingling emotion

grappling to chase out the dead sea of seasons past
hedging you round the golden hem
clear in its calling

i asked you, today of all days
how you’d handle it, you know, the pull of the current
biceps straining to reach your horizon
the backward glance of the silken hem

how would it take you, affect your gaze on reality
a raw comparison perhaps
but a genuine smile  …..

casting you away
Benji James Feb 2018
Winds whisper through shaking leaves
As dandelions dance around you and me
In the autumn breeze
My hearts an open ocean
Yeah, you’ll see,
like waves caress the sand
We’re connected hand in hand
With you, that is where I stand
I’m proud to be called your man
Sunset skies reflected in your eyes
I’ve been falling for you
Baby, I’ve fallen for you
Her soul is beaming through
I feel the chemistry build up inside

Sensations tingle from deep within
Just like air need to breathe you in
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Fill me with hope, fill me with strength
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Just like air need to breathe you in
Fill me with passion, fill me with love
I’ve got you girl, and that is enough
Fill me with light, fill me with joy
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Just like air need to breathe you in

Gotta song coming on,
Music in my bones
hearts synchronised
to a beat all their own
Just like stars, the nights are ours
Just like rain, you give life to me
You help me grow
You’re the knowledge
I need to know
The power you’re sending
From your magnetic connection
Electrified, re-energised,
vital signs come alive

Sensations tingle from deep within
Just like air need to breathe you in
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Fill me with hope, fill me with strength
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Just like air need to breathe you in
Fill me with passion, fill me with love
I’ve got you girl, and that is enough
Fill me with light, fill me with joy
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Just like air need to breathe you in

Beauty is found
Wherever you’re around
With style through grace
Your sweet cherry lips taste
The more I get of you
The more I get of us
Gets me hooked like a drug
You’re the bandage on my scars
I admire all that you are
Need you at my side
For the rest of time
I see us forever intertwined
Forever I want you to be mine
I see it in you, I feel it in me
I tell you all the things you need
Together we’re better
This is my never-ending love letter
For you

Sensations tingle from deep within
Just like air need to breathe you in
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Fill me with hope, fill me with strength
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Just like air need to breathe you in
Fill me with passion, fill me with love
I’ve got you girl, and that is enough
Fill me with light, fill me with joy
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Just like air need to breathe you in

©2018 Written By Benji James
Matthew James Apr 2016
Recital 2

Hello, I'm Matt. I thought I'd read some poems and stuff then get off the stage.

Short poems about ordinary things 1

There was a scrunched up bit of paper
It sat in the corner of a room
It was Tuesday

Don't expect them to get better. My next is about my first recital which was a few weeks ago and didn't entirely go to plan.

A poem about social discomfort in my first poetry recital

I... Um
I am...
(Mumbles) -Uncomfortable
Matt... I am Matt

So, I'm stood in front of you
And you're looking at me
And I'm talking to you
And you're listening to me
And your eyes are on me
And your minds are on me
Looking at me and listening to me and eyes on me and minds on me
And I'm thinking about what you think about me
And now I feel awkward
So I'm not coming forward
My movements seem backward
So, now you feel awkward
About drawing toward
Because I'm afraid I won't get the reward
Of your praise

So you're going to be polite!!!
Don't be polite!
I hate when you're polite, because I won't believe it!
It's not real praise so it doesn't MEAN ****
It's not much better than telling me I'm ****
But don't tell me I'm ****!
Please!! I can't take it!

So, now you're just getting bored and frustrated
Listening to me talking about feelings I've debated

I want to get off
I want to get out
I also want you to clap
And I want you to shout

So I'm tense and I'm nervous and we're all feeling scared
About if this rhymes good enough to convince me you cared

And then I fell over

I genuinely did, off this tiny stupid pallet stage into a banner. I looked proper cool.

Short poems about ordinary things 2

With a start, he woke
His vision still blurred from his nights sleep
The dawn had broke
At the end of his bed was a figure
As black as coke
Murmuring the words he dreaded
"Wake up, it's time for work!"

I'm an artist/teacher really and I randomly wrote the title of this poem in a sketchbook about 7 years ago. I wrote the poem last week. Typical creative procrastination

Flowers on a lamppost
Dying in the sun

A seed
A son
He grows
He flowers
He blossoms
He bears his fruit

"See ya mum, dad! I'm off out for a drive!"
"No drinking flower!"
"Nah, just fruit juice!"

The fruit has fallen
It has ripened
It has over ripened
It has brewed and stewed as it matured
His fruit is strong
It's confidence intoxicating

"Last one mate!"
"Sneaky 3 and drive"
"Get em in then!"

More fruit

The tree, beautiful, flowers everywhere
Bountiful fruit
But the fruit is un ripened not ready to fall
Don't shake the tree

The tree shakes
The fruit falls
The petals fall from the flower

No more fruit now, it is rotting
Just flowers on a lamp post dying in the sun
Bearing a note saying
"We will always love you flower,
Sleep well,
Mum and Dad"

Yeah, I haven't really got a funny joke about that one. This links going to be a bit of a car crash really.

Short poems about ordinary things 3

He enters the house
She watches as he walks past without speaking
Just like every day
He does not offer her a cup of tea
He does not offer to cook for her
He doesn't even look her in the eye
She looks down at her food
A meal for one
She is alone
So she tucks the food into her pouch and goes for a spin in the hamster wheel... Wheeeeee!!!

This next one was essentially me having a little whinge to myself about getting dumped.

All the damaged people

All the damaged people,
Vultures of the past still swooping high above
They look out over the future
But with a mind on the past
As they cross the landscape they notice shapes in the clouds and in the dunes
Many of them are beautiful
But a cloud is a cloud
And a dune is a dune
And there are always memories in those shapes of the ones in their past
So they stop
Unable to go back through the long trudge that got them here
Unable to move forward in case these dunes and clouds are the same
They test a few steps
Where the land seems different
But it's too different and they don't feel comfortable
They test ones that are familiar, a few steps
But even though this is comfortable, they are reminded of their past trials
"I can't do that again"
They stop
"I'll wait here, until the landscape changes"
The vultures continue swooping above

This next poem is ace. It's easily the best poem ever written.

Short poem about ordinary things 3

The sense of loss
He's dead
The end of a long cold winter
His batteries are finally flat
I'll have to call the RAC

I'm a teacher and I started a new job this week after a few weeks of holidays and there were no kids in and I got bored of waiting for Dave, so I wrote this.

Back to work

I'm here
But I'm not here
I'm half lost in limbo
Somewhere between now and the past and the future
But off to the left a bit
And slightly south
Behind that bush
Wearing a banana-man costume

Why am I there?
Well, why be anywhere in particular?
Especially now
With no kids in
And time
To dream
But nothing to do
Except tap tap tap on my phone

Trying to get back into it
With no stimulus
So my mind flit flit flits
Here and there
Hither and thither
A failed date.
Jumping in a bush at college,
How long will I work here?
Tony dressed as a zombie cow
Did that kid trace that or paint it free hand?
What will I teach them?
When's Dave getting here? It's been more than 10 mins
The hum of the computer
Girls, girls, girls... ***
Cuddles and company

How long?

I hope that tomorrow I can concentrate better than this.

Short poem about ordinary things 4

Hiding in a corner of a darkened room
Eyes covered hoping he can't see me
I hear the footsteps growing closer
A shudder down my spine
Is this excitement or fear?
Then I hear my fathers voice outside
"Coming, ready or not!"

A poem about killing time

This is a poem about killing time
I'm thinking of ways of making it...
Benji James Jun 2018
Winds whisper through shaking leaves
As dandelions dance around you and me
In the autumn breeze
My hearts an open ocean
Yeah, you’ll see,
like waves caress the sand
We’re connected hand in hand
With you, that is where I stand
I’m proud to be called your man
Sunset skies reflected in your eyes
I’ve been falling for you
Baby, I’ve fallen for you
Her soul is beaming through
I feel the chemistry build up inside

Sensations tingle from deep within
Just like air need to breathe you in
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Fill me with hope, fill me with strength
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Just like air need to breathe you in
Fill me with passion, fill me with love
I’ve got you girl, and that is enough
Fill me with light, fill me with joy
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Just like air need to breathe you in

Gotta song coming on,
Music in my bones
hearts synchronised
to a beat all their own
Just like stars, the nights are ours
Just like rain, you give life to me
You help me grow
You’re the knowledge
I need to know
The power you’re sending
From your magnetic connection
Electrified, re-energised,
vital signs come alive

Sensations tingle from deep within
Just like air need to breathe you in
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Fill me with hope, fill me with strength
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Just like air need to breathe you in
Fill me with passion, fill me with love
I’ve got you girl, and that is enough
Fill me with light, fill me with joy
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Just like air need to breathe you in

Beauty is found
Wherever you’re around
With style through grace
Your sweet cherry lips taste
The more I get of you
The more I get of us
Gets me hooked like a drug
You’re the bandage on my scars
I admire all that you are
Need you at my side
For the rest of time
I see us forever intertwined
Forever I want you to be mine
I see it in you, I feel it in me
I tell you all the things you need
Together we’re better
This is my never-ending love letter
For you

Sensations tingle from deep within
Just like air need to breathe you in
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Fill me with hope, fill me with strength
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Just like air need to breathe you in
Fill me with passion, fill me with love
I’ve got you girl, and that is enough
Fill me with light, fill me with joy
Yeah, girl, you’re my everything
Just like air need to breathe you in

©2018 Written By Benji James
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
My hot steaming coffee
is wafting a beautiful flavour
into my nose
and I feel energised
as I breathe in.
Sipping my coffee
is a delectable experience:
Nutty, fruity, sweet with milk.

My coffee
tastes beautiful,
energises me
and is good milky nutrition.
O'Reily Aug 2014
Its Louder in the centre,
Enter my nucleus centre,
Blood soak soul with graffiti on its wall,
A wall of sound,
A beat so neat with some emptiness that quakers a note hard to speak.
Whether loud or clear it sometimes shows its neatness, its politeness silences its weakness like war is about to begin.

But louder in the centre come closer, Sense its bullet proof soul listening out for a linking which way road out where.
How dare these intrepid molecules of sound bite words blood flow soak and leak my outer shield,
If all things hidden surely they won't get far but mainly quietly written with out a doubt coming louder from the centre.

Oh but when's this circus to commence?
This circle of life drowned from each day without a change,
No need to sit and crumble no calls for sin.
But louder from the centre you will hear the echo's of its sitting begin.
Not leaving yet no faith from a patriot
A divided wall of large and small, good versus evil with some sort of escape from it all.

Louder from the centre words fog form from a vice versa,
Forming this epicentre a true understanding copied from whatever is on the agenda.
Small leaf's clover covers it all gathering its mud blood dust from this voluminous mess,
Louder in the centre.

Sweet eyes ride upon these lines,
Providing its goodness re energised its epicentre which comes from within to be
Louder in the centre.

nivek Jul 2014
Once the flame of yesterdays fire could be kept alive
Man went on travels beyond previous wildest imaginations
from the hearth- fire to the Moon both borrowed lights from the Sun
Man became an interplanetary wanderer energised by fire carried in the pocket of his distant travelling family looking over their new horizons
Gods and devils are created by humans 
they are the comforters
that little children take everywhere
with them and which they feel
they cannot live their lives without.

A kind of fetish with describable attributes
and predictable thoughts
conjured up by ourselves  
to compensate for being out on a limb  
alone in the great hall of matter  
an anchor to stop us from disintegrating  
a book of word- a work of art 
into which we can meld our dreams  
and feel energised and at ease  

a 'being' to goad us into joys  
and a scapegoat  to blame for all our ills  

a figure reflecting our own individual cravings  
that move parallel and within ourselves
akin to the blood that courses through our beings  
supporting our bones and tissue with its imagined presence                    

Margaret Ann Waddicor 4th April 2014.
Comment by Walter W. Hielbling  on his poem " we got it wrong." "Hmmm ... from what I remember, dear Sigmund considered God an illusion, a leftover from the child's need for a powerful father figure; he thought that we now have reason and science to control our destructive impulses .... after living through World War I he was no longer so sure of this ...."
Lakz Poetry Oct 4
Mind so blank like clean white sheet
Hard to start with, so troublesome

Though I look around for inspirations
Yet blank it is! Road block Road block
Yes it is a Dead end!

I felt so trapped
Can't think of anything
that could inspire!

How should I bounce back
Being lively!

So that I could read out my mind!
Speak my heart out!
I want to feel cool
I have a lot of fun
I might have a fat belly
But I still can love life
I don’t want to be like
The other mentally ill
Or intellectually disabled people
I just want to be a normie
I want to just sit there doing my art ya see
And lift myself up so easily
Even if I am big ya see
I want to have some energy
I want to be the kind of person
That doesn’t have problems
I watched the French family
On YouTube and Facebook
They are a singing family
Who loves life through their voices
It reminds me of my family
When I was young
Sonny reminds me of my brother Chris
And the parents remind me of my parents
And the young girl reminds me of myself in a way where she enjoys doing
Quarantine concerts
When I fall asleep on my sofa bed
I want to relax on the bed like a little girl
I remember my friend Patrick
He was a top friend but he just works
And goes to music concerts
I take cholesterol meds and vitamins
So why do I feel heavy
I want to feel young
I know I ain’t young anymore
But at the end of the day
I like the life I have
I don’t want to feel heavy
I get vibes that when I get my skin cancer
Removed I could die and wait till the
Messiah dies and then get reincarnated
As twins where we could do anything and feel fitter
I hate peoole who push negativity into my brain
I don’t want people pushing me down
Like I am a fat shy person
I try and be regular
I do I do I really really do
nivek Jan 2015
hearts infused with love
inspired to act
the will
the want
desire and desired
led by desires
I desire so I act
love inspiration
infused with love
with love
Matthew James Apr 2016
Back to work

I'm here
But I'm not here
I'm half lost in limbo
Somewhere between now and the past and the future
But off to the left a bit
And slightly south
Behind that bush
Wearing a banana-man costume

Why am I there?
Well, why be anywhere in particular?
Especially now
With no kids in
And time
To dream
But nothing to do
Except tap tap tap on my phone

Trying to get back into it
With no stimulus
So my mind flit flit flits
Here and there
Hither and thither
A failed date.
Jumping in a bush at college,
How long will I work here?
Tony dressed as a zombie cow
Did that kid trace that or paint it free hand?
What will I teach them?
When's Dave getting here? It's been more than 10 mins
The hum of the computer
Girls, girls, girls... ***
Cuddles and company

How long?

I hope that tomorrow I can concentrate better than this.
Camilla Peeters Mar 2019
patience is stranger and cautions goodbyes and none of it
in me we must conservative what is left and make
the best only the best
i believe in you non-fictionally like a
radar you are here you are somewhere
i am a girl with very fast heartbeats and when i
crawl from under i am energised i have tried all the
nothings and they all worked

we are in on all the trouble and we walk forward never swaying
always swaying i cannot digest meals because
there is too much sand on my sill and too
much stress in my pockets and too many coats i
hang in here with my legs close together and they touch nothing i
hang in here with my legs close together and smell lavender and
hope i end up like my parents
nv Apr 2014
The ocean changes
As I ran past it was exciting, wild, choppy
It energised me and I
wondered whether I could do that

Change, one day be calm
And the next, enigmatic,
beautiful, interesting, crazy

And then I realise that the ocean still
abides by it's tides
And I will never be who I am not
nivek Feb 2015
walls keep out most of the weather and for that one has to be grateful.
You can move through various states of consciousness when a wall rises up behind you cutting off the memory.
The concrete sense of folding into light invisible to the eye and living in a dimension clean of all else but an eternal now is fresh as fresh could be understood in a world of happy peaceful travelling while the body is still connected by an unseen connection to a past you no longer tap into or want to or need to.
It must be the freedom effect fully charged and energised that propels you to such a different plane of being where all walls forward have diminished and disintegrated the moment the memories were hidden from view.
Laura Goss Jun 2017
I want to master my femininity to bring the richest of pleasures to myself and my partner
so that our love-making sends us to a higher consciousness
so that we may create beautiful life in this way

I want to know myself and the human psyche well enough to create an environment in which my children may flourish
where they may become beautifully- energised beings, vibrating with love and joy wherever they go

I want to help heal this world
I want to stand proud when the truth is revealed and the end is near
knowing that I didn't go down without a fight
that I stood for those who wanted it and those that didn't think we needed it
for those that saw
and for the blind
A poem I began after reading about tantric *** and how this connection can actually lead to so much else and can be the basis for a beautiful life.
Dave Robertson Jun 2020
Glimmers in the hinterlands
as I begin to settle
into reaching my Old Ben days.

So rage reshapes, tempers
and can be passed
to the compassionate and energised youth

Torch will still be borne
and saber swung
but I’ll pay in aches and pains
in coming days
and likely collapse to
sage blue spirit status

My anger slowly feels
like an elegant weapon
for a more civilised age
while the streets call
for the bluntness of a blaster

I’ve mastered thinking round and round
and missed chances to parry,
but my force will be added
to the great wave of change

This empire is dead
Denis Barter May 2018
Last night I was beguiled by dreams galore:
of sailing ships, pirates, explorers and more,
but the best for me, was of a country scene.
A quiet rustic retreat, where I was often seen,

accompanied by the music of a babbling stream,
cavorting with Nature.  Wandering in my dream
along a brook, where willows danced and swayed,
in choreographed terpsichore, as water music played.

The cadence of rattling reeds: a pulsing even beat,
were as castanets, that energised my restless feet!
There was magic in the music, heard by me this night.
Seduced by its bravura, I savoured the gentle delight,

of soft vagrant breezes, that added their unique refrain,
to the rhythmic tattoo. Enhanced by the beating rain,
perfection then prevailed, with the pleasing music heard.
Complete in all respects, it required no single word

to further foster my enjoyment, of its haunting melody.
As such it was pleasing, and a pleasant treat for me,
though twas a short lived dream; that was soon done!
Of many dreams encountered? This was a cherished one.

Long shall I remember, as a moment to hold dear,
for such entertaining dreams, are a rarity I fear.
Bringing a welcome smile, to replace a morning frown;
raising spirits high, when I’m worried or cast down!

May 3rd, 2018.
Gavin Oliver May 2019
A fair maiden,her lustrous hair tumbling, cascading like a crystal waterfall captures my heart and, wrapping it in kisses, leaves me hypnotized.

Upon my brow she places the lightest kiss.  My senses reel,skin tingling from lips so full, the touch, the smell and oh the feel!

A fair maiden her loving gaze from lympid sparkling eyes  holds me spellbound. Where have you been? Eons i have waited. Now energised by such beauty I give myself to thee. My lady my love adoringly upon my bended knee.
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2019
Not wounded
nor paralysed
but the desolate lingering
life that's marginalised-

the pause, steps faltering
time that's circumcised
living has lost its shimmering
nothing is left to be energised.

— The End —