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Sir Nitro Jun 2016
Centered around your neck, the prettiness of the stainless steel shines locked in to place, your Daddy loves you more this day.
On bended knees, you wait, as I approach with it in my hand, tilt your head back as I place it around, and snap the lock down.
Let it dangle, feel the weight, feel the love, the symbolism of you and I, is more then a piece of metal, it is pure love I say.
Little One, you are the first, truly are to be offered this gift, No one before you, no not even her, your loved removed a frown.
Ask yourself, are you worthy to be my submissive? Worthy to be my baby girl? Worthy to love me forever? Worthy to be mine.
Remember this, remember it clearly, the answer to those questions is simple, the answer is yes, forever you will be.
Only you will forever be my property, the stainless around your neck is the significance of this, missing with no shine.
N**ever, forget my love, forget that I own you, please show the world in our own little way, that you are owned, not free.
Maloi Jul 2016
Never thought it was real that
Unplanned things could happen in a best way
Remember all the moments we shared
Undeniable be forgotten
Looking back I realize, no matter how

Zigzag the road for our journey is
Unsure or not, Serendipity happen
Letting this friendship sail;
As we go on we encountered so many things that
I* wish I could explain and
Keep to cherish because for me you’re an
Angel, a blessing from God
I really really like the title that you gave my friend and let's keep in touch for a long time. Even though we share the same sky but miles apart, I know we are connected and that's for us to know. :)
Nina McNally Jul 2015
Forever in my mind,
Always in my heart, you are my one and only! I love you
Very much! You're my future, and the
Only guy in my life.
Remember when we first met...
I** do and each day feels like
The first and I can't believe it's been 3 years!
Everyday I'm with you

Reminds me that good things do happens to good people.
Everybody wants a love like ours;
Caring, loving, and always having fun!
One day we'll be Mr. and Mrs. and I'm
Really looking forward to that
Day, but I can wait! I love you!
McNally, Inc.
Title from Fall Out Boy and inspiration from my fiance.
Everyone has a true love out there, and I'm lucky I found mine.
Nina McNally Mar 2017
Living in a world full of hate will get us no where--
In this life, you got to make the best of what you're given.
For only you control you--
Everyone comes into this world the same, getting a

Chance at life
And sometimes people struggle, but that's okay.
No body is prefect. We all make mistakes, it's better
To learn from them and not ignore that they happened.

Go ahead, live your life and just remember
Everyone is going
Through it as well.

Make the best of each day and try to
Understand how others might have to live-sometimes we don't get to
Choose where we're born and
Have to struggle for many, many years to get to an okay life.

Be positive with others and "keep your
Eyes wide open" and NEVER STOP LEARNING!
Things will get better-- "sometimes before it gets better,
The darkness gets bigger."
Each day, try your best and just be you!
An acrostic I wrote earlier today and edited tonight.
Title from Good Charlotte.
Quotes from Sabrina Carpenter and Fall Out Boy.
Never give up, just be who you are!
McNally/Flanders, Inc. 2017
Tinker Bell Apr 2016
Cherish all good things, while you can,
Each and every woman, each and every man.
Little do you know, when your life will take a turn,
Everything you had, maybe lost in a short span.
Be free, don't confine your mind and soul,
Remember to be happy, atleast once a day,
All will be, as it should be, it's not under your control,
Try to appreciate yourself and throw your worries away.
E**ndings always hurt, but "make it a good one, eh?"

Haha :p
"How rare and beautiful it is, to even exist." - Sleeping At Last
Breathing Ice Dec 2010
I** ndependant of you and of your
N ever ending drama and
D emands. I wanted to keep you happy and 
I did all I could to hear you smile. I can't 
F ucking believe I let you make me
F ucking cry
E very night. I know you'll never
R emember me as the girl who taught you
E ternity and showed you the skies. 
N ot that I care. Not anymore. 
T ogether (our together) is in the trashcan now.
Evening Primrose,
Morning Glory,
Every flowers won't please my heart.
May your life
Be happy and joyful.
Every second and every minutes,
Remember me.

Please read the bold letters :) Vertically~
Julie Butler Oct 2015
I like to
sit with it in days
that way
I'm not driven insane

& you're so easy to remember
the way I love you like winter
you're early November

but those are only seasons
and seasons
they pass
& I'm sad but
so grateful
slow memories last

I won't bash or
be hateful
I like what we had

You held
my hand and my head
& I'm okay with that
>|< Julie Butler
Edna Sweetlove Nov 2014
O* dear Lord and Father of Mankind

We humbly beg you to smash ***-sinners
Heavily in the face and lower regions too,
And also be sure to graciously give
Them a good old botty-poking with a red-hot poker,

And don't bother with using K-Y Jelly.

Can't you see in the dawn's early light
Ugly ***-sinners creeping home?
Not content with adultery, oh no,
The swine ******* frequently!

Yet the good Lord will not be mocked,
Oh no, never, ever will he be mocked!
Until you filthy ***-sinners grovel in the dust

And repent your evil ***-sins.
Remember that Hell's punishments await:
Eternal agony and a plague of boils on your genitals.
Bret Desrochers Oct 2010
Whisked away by air
Have you heard the term unfair
Even hell can recognize it
Remember the way you were
Except when you turned into her

All those who know
Remind me to lay low
Electrified by my anger

Yelled at by a so called God
Over and over again
U*ntil I reach the boiling the point

Gone is where I am
Gone is where i go
Copyright, Bret Desrochers
Spencer Aug 2014
R emember when we were in love?
E ven just a little?
B ecause I'll never forget.
E specially the bad moments.
C ause the worst moments with you,
C hanged me for the better. So I'll
A lways thank you for that year point 5
Jellyfish Dec 2016
this night is over
i'm all tired out
remember when I say
everything's okay,
d*on't let them bring you down
because tomorrow is another day
and things will turn around.
Bret Desrochers May 2011
I* shall never forget

Where you came from
All the Way back
Never will I let you go
Together is where we belong

Under the night sky we lay
Stars shining oh so bright

This is what I need
On this night, here with you

Be careful my mind said
Even though my heart disagreed

Forget the past
Only remember the future
Real is finally what we are
Even all the **** we went through
Vividly play in my mind
Everything got us here
Remember forever that I love you
Copyright Bret Desrocher, 2010
Àŧùl Feb 2017
Maturing into big round melons,
Yet bearing that youthful flair.

Designed for turning Atul mad,
Arch back – let them be pronounced,
Ride an imaginary gorgeous horse,
Lock them together or let them free,
Ingrained is her mark on my heart,
Narcos get so much dwarfed by her,
Gorgeous is her stupefying self.

Kissing above her asleep father's head,
Remember her I do by what she did,
Introduce me to true love she did,
Pierce she did deep inside my heart,
I**n my life she has such a special place.
My HP Poem #1427
©Atul Kaushal
S Nov 2015

Ree - To riddle; to sift; to separate or throw off.
Maloi Jun 2016
My soul is lost
Entangled with flaws
Noting to exist
Acquiesce with a hissed

Miracle could happen
Albeit what the situation is
Remember all the things have reason
Could only wish to use it in my decision
O*de to humanity express with a deepest certainty
A gift to my friend :)
Everything, let it all out
Can you feel it eating you alive
They'll all be revealed
Acrostic poem
trf Feb 2018
D ays pass by, nights
A re kaleidoscopes,
R emember their tilted reflection
I  llusions, illusive patterns
N othing breathes that doesn't
G ive solitude worry

Y onder yellows seek blue, bringing
O bstructed views and
U nadulterated excuse

T etering
O n the

B rink of ambition where
E vents give wisdom and

G rasping your passion will
R ight the wrong
E ventually everything
A ssures a
T imeless song
Forgotten Heart Sep 2014
Some memories
Of old incidence
Really taunts me, making me
Remember that
Y**ou are really hurt
jeffrey conyers Nov 2012
Come close.
And let me feel your warmth.
Then watch me kiss and tell.
About the best part of you.

Oh, don't worry.
It won't be no personal stuff.
But things you posse that makes me love you more.

Reach out.
Yes, just grab my hand.
Let's go with the flow.
We don't need no plan.
We be lost in love land.

I won't kiss and tell.
Then again.
Maybe I will.
I keep the secrets.
That make us journey into pleasure.

Those lovely thoughts that we both treasure inmensely.

Just remember.
I won't kiss and tell.
Why would I?
When you love me so well.

Just emember.
Somethings people don't need to know.
Maria Etre Aug 2018
who you ar(e)
no matter
the mold(s)
you have to
ste(p) into.
B(e) their
"If I Could Give You My Eyes" Series
j a connor Jul 2021
R emember
E verything
L ooks better
A fter another
X anax
trf Oct 2017
S leazy people out there
Y ou Know who you are
N ever again will you roam free
C onsequences are coming soon
H earts tarnished and dying
R emember when you ***** us
O ver and over in the lair
N ow i inhale that wretched scar
I mages flicker constantly
C ows don't jump over the moon
I shoulda known you were lying
T o sync schedules with a school bus
Y our ashes will suffocate in air

Dennis Willis May 2019
I am smitten
by you
an what you like

you *******

dissonant *****
of noise
and running time

crashing against
I am shore

I r emember
the Jersey

you've no idea
what wave
you surf

what distance
twe  en solids

these boundaries
we hate are necessarily
for now until

your nerves rattle
the planet
and we falls

— The End —