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We talked with each other about each other
Though neither of us spoke—
We were listening to the seconds’ Races
And the Hoofs of the Clock—
Pausing in Front of our Palsied Faces
Time compassion took—
Arks of Reprieve he offered to us—
Ararats—we took—
kate cc Apr 2022
Take me with you to your Atlantis
Where hues of blue glisten in noons
For eternity we embrace in its promise

Are days of sober in crystallic bliss
Are nights of glacial comfort under mystic lunes
Take me with you to your Atlantis

Wash me into a tender kiss
Too soft to be witnessed but the full moons
For eternity we embrace in its promise

Beyond boundaries of mortality at this
ocean, through the skies and dunes
Take me with you to your Atlantis

Volumes and arks fill up the abyss
with painted tales of Atlantic ruins
For eternity we embrace in its promise

When love dreamily left only to reminisce
as the ink of Plato seeped in tunes
Take me with you to your Atlantis
For eternity we embrace in its promise
First shot at a villanelle:) (This was hard)
Elasbriel Mar 2013

I question your gimmick
Lame limericks
Their cryptic
More mystic

Ya ****** it
On chronic
Contagious like the bubonic
Hooked hydroponics
Pathetically neurotic

So drop it
your **** ain't ****
Just tragically prosthetic
Prophetical *******
You think that u know ****
You blow it
Thats classic.


Its 101 basic
I didn't quit this
You lost it
Worth only Drunken kisses
I'm pretty when you chase it
Your too shallow to accept it
Together we're right
But my body ain't tight
To ur likes

its your ****
That's a *****
Only looks for them tricks
Your dellusionally idiotic
To think that ya got it
When trix are for kids

Your games hit and miss
Happily ever afters not bliss
First loves kiss is just a playlist


You Can't find love in this mess
Be a girl wear a dress
Listen more talk less
Don't change who you are
Just your flesh

Tell the truth is said to me
Love was free for the taking
Or so I believed
Your lies used as feed

But your pet I am not
Yeah I guess you forgot
What yo ma shoulda taught
That one shots all life's got


The good bits stole away
By this crap game you play
All day, you just sway
On your way

Thinking your owed
By some ****** up code
But your method or mode
Is about to explode
Like mace
In your face
With no trace
Your erased

You ain't even today
Your the past, Yesterday
Can't change that
My ma used to say
Just look for tomorrow
in your ARKs of today

A walk through the parks
A dog barks
Its teeth as sharp as sharks
'That's not a good rhyme' my brother remarks
: Then how would you fix it?
'You're not a good poet, you must admit'
: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
'You're not smarter, even if you are older'
I hit him lightly on the shoulder
'Ow, that felt like a boulder'
: Back to the rhyme
'All in due time,'
'My talents are all truly sublime'
: Ya, like the times you got your hair stuck in slime
'That was no crime'
'So, A dog barks, and gets in one of those arks'
: Arks? as in the boat?
'Yup, the ones that float'
My brother brays like a goat
: I'll take note
: If you stop acting like a goat
This was a random conversation I had with my younger brother once, it made me laugh a lot so I decided to write a poem about it. :P
This day winding down now
At God speeded summer's end
In the torrent salmon sun,
In my seashaken house
On a breakneck of rocks
Tangled with chirrup and fruit,
Froth, flute, fin, and quill
At a wood's dancing hoof,
By scummed, starfish sands
With their fishwife cross
Gulls, pipers, cockles, and snails,
Out there, crow black, men
Tackled with clouds, who kneel
To the sunset nets,
Geese nearly in heaven, boys
Stabbing, and herons, and shells
That speak seven seas,
Eternal waters away
From the cities of nine
Days' night whose towers will catch
In the religious wind
Like stalks of tall, dry straw,
At poor peace I sing
To you strangers (though song
Is a burning and crested act,
The fire of birds in
The world's turning wood,
For my swan, splay sounds),
Out of these seathumbed leaves
That will fly and fall
Like leaves of trees and as soon
Crumble and undie
Into the dogdayed night.
Seaward the salmon, ****** sun slips,
And the dumb swans drub blue
My dabbed bay's dusk, as I hack
This rumpus of shapes
For you to know
How I, a spining man,
Glory also this star, bird
Roared, sea born, man torn, blood blest.
Hark: I trumpet the place,
From fish to jumping hill! Look:
I build my bellowing ark
To the best of my love
As the flood begins,
Out of the fountainhead
Of fear, rage read, manalive,
Molten and mountainous to stream
Over the wound asleep
Sheep white hollow farms
To Wales in my arms.
Hoo, there, in castle keep,
You king singsong owls, who moonbeam
The flickering runs and dive
The ****** furred deer dead!
Huloo, on plumbed bryns,
O my ruffled ring dove
in the hooting, nearly dark
With Welsh and reverent rook,
Coo rooning the woods' praise,
who moons her blue notes from her nest
Down to the curlew herd!
**, hullaballoing clan
Agape, with woe
In your beaks, on the gabbing capes!
Heigh, on horseback hill, jack
Whisking hare! who
Hears, there, this fox light, my flood ship's
Clangour as I hew and smite
(A clash of anvils for my
Hubbub and fiddle, this tune
On atounged puffball)
But animals thick as theives
On God's rough tumbling grounds
(Hail to His beasthood!).
Beasts who sleep good and thin,
Hist, in hogback woods! The haystacked
Hollow farms ina throng
Of waters cluck and cling,
And barnroofs cockcrow war!
O kingdom of neighbors finned
Felled and quilled, flash to my patch
Work ark and the moonshine
Drinking Noah of the bay,
With pelt, and scale, and fleece:
Only the drowned deep bells
Of sheep and churches noise
Poor peace as the sun sets
And dark shoals every holy field.
We will ride out alone then,
Under the stars of Wales,
Cry, Multiudes of arks! Across
The water lidded lands,
Manned with their loves they'll move
Like wooden islands, hill to hill.
Huloo, my prowed dove with a flute!
Ahoy, old, sea-legged fox,
Tom *** and Dai mouse!
My ark sings in the sun
At God speeded summer's end
And the flood flowers now.
Lynn MacKinnon Sep 2014
The pendulum swings its wide arch, cutting through the air with threatening strokes.
Its sharp blade is ever present and always moving closer in arks of fear.
The pit lies below in dark, endless depths of nothingness.
Its cry is one of forever and silence.

I am in between, and I must choose between the sharp abrasions of the ever threatening pendulum, or the hollow death of the pit.

Each moment the pendulum sweeps closer, and I dodge it, but not before I have felt the hair shaved from my arms or the air stir from its movement.

And I am relieved and safe for a while until another choice must be made, and the pendulum moves another notch closer.

The pit is always waiting.  I have poked my head inside, but have never wholly ventured into its permanence.  The pit is always the last escape and awaits if the pendulum cuts too deep.

Each time I must decide.  “Will it be the pit or will it be the pendulum?”
A take on Edgar Alan Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum."
Ye have been fresh and green,
  Ye have been fill’d with flowers,
And ye the walks have been
  Where maids have spent their hours.

You have beheld how they
  With wicker arks did come
To kiss and bear away
  The richer cowslips home.

You’ve heard them sweetly sing,
  And seen them in a round:
Each ****** like a spring,
  With honeysuckles crown’d.

But now we see none here
  Whose silv’ry feet did tread
And with dishevell’d hair
  Adorn’d this smoother mead.

Like unthrifts, having spent
  Your stock and needy grown,
You’re left here to lament
  Your poor estates, alone.
Derrek Estrella Dec 2018
Before the thaw, my feet will be rooted
Into this nation’s primordial freeze
My muscles and bones will be acquainted with malaise
The sun’s altruism will be refuted

Before the thaw, I will struggle to find consciousness
The frost will leak through the bedroom window
And don the facade of a blanket
The door will prove to be bottomless

Possibilities will seem unachievable
The brain will itch for what it can not have
Buses will limp through congestion
And the blizzards may feast on the feeble

You may want to write of your misery
But your automation will halt in cataclysm
Because someone held a door open
For the gust that billows bitterly

Gastric emissions will become tangible
As smouldering wastes contrast against the sky with rancour
The wispy whites, marginalized into *****
And the world remains infallible

I will lack the tools of incision
To enact my life’s revisions
I will weep for my unguided millions
While I saunter into oblivion

After the thaw, I will smile
My expatriate soul will run in the whimsical wind
Of the morning dayspring that will march unto me
I will stand over a kingdom of honey-filled tiles

After the thaw, the arks will converge
Into the straits of the Bermudian Sea and the
Elusive Caspian Forest, where I will learn to love again
While bidding farewell to winter’s dirge

In the waking world, I will ***** a limestone castle
Where entropy will rule and the mind’s domain
Is left susceptible to perennial reverence
The sea, coloured true, nesting a fairgrounds vessel

In this Great Revision, gargantuan skyways
Will show the world how exiguous we are
That we must not wait for exodus to come
Should we fear to waste away
Into icebergs
Jedd Ong Nov 2013
We drown in petty sorrows.
Wish for floods-
For rain
To wash away all our iniquities.

Wash our robes white,
Our hands clean
Of any thistles or weeds that
Cling to our fingertips.

We cry:
Begging for some kind of
Materialistic reprieve
For all the
Very hard work
We've done.

God called us to build arks.
I too am guilty of wishing for rain. And I'm sorry.
Sethnicity Jun 2017
Consider a dandelion
Consider a mountain peak
Consider the ripples from a single drop or beat
Consider a star explosion
Consider space and blackhole son
Consider even suns and moons
are satellites of a greater U vision

To father is to reach a view  that stretches far beyond
What you ever thought you could ever do
The highest bell rung

To father is to find what's true
fill the gap and know what is out
of ones control too

To father is to make a splash and as you fade to the depths unknown grave
the waves you made
are all that's left to carry on infinitely

To father is to be okay burning up yourself as you light the way
holding glass minerals gas and stone
without knowing exactly how or where the spinning turned a house to a home

Just knowing that when you reach
the top or your mass collapse drops
it could break the very world you create and devistate
the very plans woven to levitate
Fathers Mediate the space between
The waves and dreams
Winds and streams
Pulling your seeds apart
Stack mass and cash
to pay attention to their heART
Spinning webs of redemption
Stitching wounds building arks

So as I grasp the view
of  the present bestowed and
I shiver in the vast unknown
but no matter beating rain
or interstellar hurricane
The futures big enough for my echo to be heard again and again.
The same sun that shines on me will shine on your future and your futures future....
Zywa Jan 2019
The big boat, belly full of colour
bodies, floated up to the clouds
no longer moves around
the high mountain
which begins to grow down

Like a seed capsule, it snaps open
fertilizes the slopes with blood
from the old world, with codes
of the secret of life
freshly written
going to travel over the earth
as little arks, swimming arks
crawling, walking, and flying arks
little blood trunks
full of prehistory
of the world
the real world
not the true one
that mankind
would create
Noah's Ark
Colour bodies: chromosomes
Collection “BloodTrunk”, Collection "From Sacred Scriptures"
Prabhu Iyer Mar 2016
Deluge tears, the storm clouds engulfing the wide world,
none to steady the canoe on the Galilee;

This the dust-path yoked to the burden of our deed,
beaten for teaching love, up the hill of penitence:

for here we traded the Spirit for passing gain,
calumny for mercy, who showed us the mirror

bearing witness, the wind heaving in the silence
we handed him over to the lash and the crucifix,

Yet, inscrutable this love for an ungrateful world
that parts the seas, and calls to life our faith dead,

pouring down, a heavenly stream though undeserved
carrying us across in arks and covenants
Redid this poem - 9/4/20
Perig3e Jan 2011
The all faith popes were flaming atheists,
all two thousand leagues of stacked sea,
sending out their ******* flotillas
on carillon arks stacked ten tiers deep with homing doves,
tithe teething continents of dithering dullards,
the poor mouthed succulent souls
that have so, so
over crowded a once peaceful heaven
to render this one blue ball a hell on earth.
All rights reserved by the author
Scott Salter Jan 2013
Cool cold breeze encapsulates my being with the caress of poisoned thoughts
To look beyond your beauty would be sin of the most potent kind
Breath taking, stunning, a masterpiece torn from the scrapbook of angels
Fornication from devils is your true colour, but I worship you.
Hollow are my own thoughts as my dreams are caught between your spell
Crippled to a motionless statue, naked before you do I stand?
Spontaneous, my ****** urges control my rational thoughts, dignity is lost.
Your cool kiss entices my moans of pleasure, as I beg for more.
Tongue so smooth my explosion of man hood can no longer be suppressed.
My heart beats to the sweet scent of your warm breath, the nakedness of skin.
Trapped by your womanly love, my head arks back.
Sinking the fangs that control many lives, they steal my veins like ivory needles.
Dizzy of lust, weak of life’s recourses, I fade to darkness.
Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
Heels harder than steel
Sharper still
In his heart
Smooth arks
Curves looping
Strong desires
Cutting loose
Weak restraints
Through frail defenses
His achilles heel
A separate entity
Embodied in the shape
Of a fallen angel
Insatiably inviting
The arrows of Apollo
Choosing carefully
Her Paris-es
Carlo C Gomez Apr 2020
They lie dead
scuttled ships
marauders no more
merely firewood
for the pitch black flames

They lie prone
paralyzed senses
forces no longer
only drops
from puddles of ****** mutiny

Captains of real estate
they settled on new worlds
from old buildings
three arks on a maiden voyage:
the Niña
the Pinta
and the Sandinista

Release the collective animal
ruling in symphony
with those heavy waters
now a graveyard

Cleansed mind
falling reign
their kingdom come and go
Solaces Jul 2016
We never knew Earth.  We had been told stories about it and our schools tell us we are from there.  100,000 years ago we left Earth.  From what we are told we left because the planet could no longer sustain life.  The great star arks were built so that we could leave for the stars in search of a new home.  

Earth had pretty much been long forgotten.  That is until someone decided to look toward it in the sky one night.  It now shined sapphire blue again.  A beautiful pale blue dot seem to be calling us back home.  One star ark will leave for Earth in 2 years.  I have signed on to be one of its passengers.  To see where we came from.
In route home
noah chen Jul 2012
Whenever, whenever, when in May,
There is a day with nothing to do;
Save go through the looking glass
And trespass on hours past.
May they last forever.
Through the abyss on a lightning arc
Darkly in your mind.
Find whatever moments you choose
And lose them to your pride.
Yet arks of mine are at your side.
I found some form that belonged to a girl i liked, so i decided to draw on it and came up with the first verse of this and wrote it on there too. The form was promptly thrown away. Somehow I'm dating the girl, though.
Michael Marchese Dec 2017
The charlatans are back again
With bombs to drop from ballpoint pens
Jerusalem Leviathans
Since lions ate the Zion movement
Now Big Ben is crumbling
And mumbling some skittish Yiddish
To some pig anti-Semitic
Who the critics just diminish as dominions of the British who still commonwealth the nations with their Exxon Mobil stations
While the colonies are sick and medicated on these rations, pullin’ racist colored race cards when the kingdoms of creation are the real abominations that the oligarchs of Noah’s arks still preach to seal your fate in
Coffer coffins of the status quotient tokenism banquet, stuffin’ off shore banks with patients who are drowning in malaises
As the taxing burden raises for the barely makin’ raisins in the sun to have some fun go fundin’ Contras cappin’ convents full o’ nuns, don’t get it twisted sister act, I’m coming strapped with Warsaw Pact because the cops be cappin’ rappers when they packin’ artifact on all the fiction superstition
Burning question abolition
Voodoo economic prison cells
Still selling us religions
Of democracy and freedoms makin’ edens
In the middle eastern promise lands
Just broken dreams and neverlands
Cuz no mans makes a stand or plan
To ban these ku klux clan Greenspans
Pretty Panic Nov 2014
i am a bible of verses
a scripture of curses
how many sins can you find
staining my skin
i bleed paperthin and only when i take the time
to drip instead of flood
but i suppose we can't all build arks to save ourselves
from drowning unexpectedly
on a trip to tennessee i learned what it means to tell a girl
how i feel and not care what the
reply would be
it turned out better than i had hoped and maybe it was the unexpected
that caused me to stay afloat
but i've got poison in my veins
a river of remains from every last person that's tried to save me
she got lucky
caught herself just before the cliff gave way
saved herself from the damage i keep hidden within
she got out
so why do i feel so horribly convinced that i'm going to die
why do i feel so horribly unsatisfied
i'm too terrified to even touch her
know that my hands have become live wires set to shock
something fatal
something fatal
and now that i've got empty palms and a bleeding heart
i understand what it means to fall apart
i paint myself black and blue
terrified of fading translucent pale
terrified that if i don't keep the colors in my skin
if i don't remind myself how to bruise
i'll disappear
into the waiting arms of my ribcage
never has my body felt more like a prison
than when it keeps me pushing
at all the wrong bars
keeps me rushing
at all the wrong guards
i'm breaking myself in two
thousand pieces of mismatched shards of glass
that were never meant to be collected into something beautiful
i'm the leftover scraps
of finished pieces and i guess maybe the pieces that are missing
are the ones i allowed her to keep
she's gorgeous in her entirety
so maybe it's worth
this feeling of shattering
Mark Lecuona May 2015
It was just a question between kids, or maybe
between a monkey and a tortoise; one who
liked to climb trees; the other more pleased
with taking his time

How did things start; the question waffed
by dry air, watched by the hands that set it
in motion coming to rest as a most fortunate
tenant on the back of the pitching shell

If it was an explosion maybe that’s why we
cannot live delicately though butterflies
and falling leaves pass through this life; even
as a mirage; owning their resistance to death
as a dream owns our fears

It must be like that; we live like animals;
reacting to forces that we cannot control
or understand; spreading our minds apart
like buildings scattered by what another
man described as victory

Though reason remains within us the decisions
we make cannot stick to walls that refuse to
stand still while time records every doubt
as to the meaning of islands and arks

But why would we blow something up to
create something new unless what was
to come was penance for horrors that a
youthful God witnessed in his progeny;
only the cross knows why
SassyJ Dec 2016
Hold the tired hands suppressed by eons
calloused by the tears of generational fears
carousel your caress in resonated templed arks
harks of walks, ever fervent, reverenced and etched

Tender love from ancient ambient scented rocks
metamorphic withered limestones in evolvement
sedimentary chains of life, tagging in ageless dreams
of resurrections from the eye of the untorn needle
Harshada Kavi Apr 2018
You are a shiny drop of water
amongst billions of other drops
in the ocean of my life.
If you leave
and I start drying up
the rivers and the rains
will fill me up again
but if you still leave,
leave to reach the heavens
and condense into a cloud
to rain on the scorched land
and leave behind a sweet petrichor.

You are a beautiful shell
amongst thousands of other shells
adorning the ocean of my life.
If you leave
and my palaces look dull
the molluscs will make more shells
but if you still leave
leave to reach the beach
on a sunny day
and bring a smile
on the face of the person
who finds you.

In me, the infinite ocean,
winds of the mind
bring myriads of arks
of cosmic creation
that float here and there;
The sun and the moon
cause tides that ebb and flow
to bring me both joy and sorrow,
but I remain unaffected.
I am That, in which the universe
appears like waves in the ocean.
And so are you.
Lost on a walk that started in the park with sunshine, glasses of wine and good times. But as it does then it got dark and all I had was a spark to light my way. So persistent I tried but couldn't find my way so I closed my eyes and pondered the my path. Still my mind didn't know so I chose to let go and started to think with my soul. It was then I felt my fire burning from inside sending arks of synapses rebuild the body mined and soul. Could it be sometimes the freedom of letting go is what lets us be whole
Robert C Ellis Apr 2017
We live among kings and sorcerers and plasmic sonnets
and serpent-lined oceans and speed-freaking comets
breaking left around untapped worlds of ether
and crested hawks and tales of Caesar
and acetylene-soaked music (and the guitarist drops a match)
and pharaohs and arks and Grecian tracts
and the words of Faulkner and pianos
and gilded lilies heaving like sopranos
and foamy, crashing sunsets and Davis’ “Kind of Blue”…
Why in hell would I care for the evening news?
The great flood had begun;
Replacing the land with a waterworld dotted with mountain top islands;
Arks of mammalian preservation.

It was there I stood as the moon fell.

Night had never been so bright;
Luna inching ever closer;
Craters becoming more and more visible;
Resolution broadcasting high definition;
I raised my hands to the sky;
Reaching out to catch the massive satellite;
First contact came as my hands bore down;
Soft silt of the gray quality puffed;
My arms and legs began to bend;
The weight so tremendous that the effort shook my body;
Hers as well;
My left knee struck the land;
Terra redoubling my efforts;
Heaving with all my might I shrugged;
Sending the moon back towards the heavens;
I watched silently;
Luna was returned to her orbit;
The flood began to dissipate as tidal forces resumed;
Leaving me alone;
Hands to the sky on one knee;
Looking down at the world;
From the mountain of Everest.
Yeah like fireworks surfin' the skies you'll see my eyes light up the sunrise feel my demonic enterprise
As shut down the minimes in the industry my touch is deadly
Platinum plaques and got stacks to match that panther in black lookin' for new jacks to catch a wax from my lyrical axe makin' bodies crack back
Blood pourin' still soarin' the heavenly seven gates to chose from born in the black hole but landed in Jerusalem verses ya gotta play em
Or else a chrome cannon will be chillin' in ya melon so ain't no tellin'
I got the nerves of Neopoleon not a short man but demands money in bands as I stand
On the Mount Sinai work a chocolate thai then bake my stick in a cutie pie

Spiritual ties made me wise doubles my size by then you'll realize my flows ain't for compromise sink minds deeper than a Titanic under water cuz my flows Atlantis critics panic cuz my rhymes got em locked and beat down from me are handed
Out lyrically laugh at the empathy show no sympathy to enemies who try to stand against the weaponry
I'll stick a verse til ya touch a Cadillac hearse with my bullets to nurse
Ya pain as ya circling the drain down goes ya fame sick with my range far derange dug the strangest things
I'm talkin' cosmos sibling got hoes dribblin'
Round me *** bouncin' like Cousy in the jacuzzi so haters loose mad cuz the industry choose me knock in between sheets call me Isley

Here's a verse for ya thirst  dry ****** poppin' gums with no figures see my pictures
I paint graphic as Adolf ****** combined with Stalin keep a young stallion Black and Italian where's my nut scent as a medallion
Expose all sins with a couple shots of Gin everybody put they heart in make it reigns more than Noah Arks then
Been puttin' BBC to the ****** of Roman papacy
Built for legacy who better to be lay these verses for my own sanctity
Still rockin' instrumentals that's how it goes rippin' up shows widen mentals like bullet holes from my flows that's goes
In and out see what I'm about war and gothic as i pour pain like a water spout
Birthed another diety from me splittin' energy like Majinbu did in D-B-Z
demosofpyr Aug 2018
The voices in your head--
Like whispers in the dark
Coming from the darkness,
Your soul has now been mark'd

Echoes from the people
Shouting from below
Calling for your body
Calling for your soul
Tonight we walk on shadows
Tonight we count the voices
Tonight we hear the people -
The whispers in the dark

Our duty now to find him
The better man we know
Our duty is to fell him -
A single mortal blow
Tonight ***** the scaffold
Tonight we light the torch
A fabric of a billion lives
Extinguished by the mark'd

The ending of a trillion souls-
No arks to save us now
The whimpering of children
Like whispers in the dark
Sean sutton Dec 2017
Save me from the dark
It’s tendrils of darkness arks
The dark consumes me

— The End —