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May 2022 · 2.8k
Tuffy Mutombo May 2022
Conflict is trauma promoting trauma
Conflict is love becoming blind to one's inner beauty
Conflict is wasting moments of growth
Conflict is hating self, and showing others how much you hate self
Conflict is aborting peace as you choose to birth evil
May 2022 · 885
Tuffy Mutombo May 2022
"I had a moment and it passed," she said

even though that moment was that she found herself missing him
she found herself needing him
praying that she was close to him

he knew the tempo of her heartbeat
it beat to the sound of his voice

she would do anything to live in that moment for eternity
May 2022 · 320
Tuffy Mutombo May 2022
A product of change
I morph into shapes as my heart and mind exchange
Harmonic flows electrify my broken bones
Unfinished I am
as the author rewrites my identity
over and over again, with every year given breathing, I find a new me
From the ashes of tragedy I rise
This power I gain was created to help me sustain what’s within
Only these four walls
keep my deepest secrets in
To be complete is to not compete
With a polished exterior hiding my flaws
I know that perfection is an attainable
I sit and meditate, on invisible hate for self
Loving doubt, as if faith was not programmed in my soul
Unfinished I am,
Unfinished I will stay until my birth date meets its final destination
May 2022 · 408
Tuffy Mutombo May 2022
The pain you are afraid to face
Sits behind the face you paint a smile on
May 2022 · 1.8k
Open Door Policy
Tuffy Mutombo May 2022
Door swings wide open
blind eyes start searching
I  prayed for your love like an ophan
Seeking validation
wanting to be accepted  
holding on to your heart was my only remedy
I thought that you would finally get a chance to see me
Here I stand in front of an open door
Are you coming in or leaving?
I will not force you to stay or leave
I will just wait for you to see my reality
I pray you choose me over your insecurity
I pray for you to fall in love with the best and the worst of me
I pray that you realize that my days are numbered
and I would like nothing more than to spend the rest of my days
In your presence
Darling only time controls us
This door is open daily, only you choose to stay with me
Apr 2022 · 546
Tuffy Mutombo Apr 2022
We are on the brink of war, Russia ready to create new scars, NATO promises getting missed, Global leaders afraid to send aid

Families falling apart, painting ****** scenes, on tv screens. Hearing mothers screams, helpless fathers helpless, as they are force fed more stress

Missiles flying overheads like rain showers dropping towers all because a leader is hungry for more power
Apr 2022 · 1.3k
Author to My Insecurity
Tuffy Mutombo Apr 2022
If I became your ex
What would you tell the world
Would you tell them a side of me that loved you
Would you tell them about the late night texts
Would you tell them about the 12 hour conversations that ended when the sun came up
Would you tell them about how I would pick you up, go on random trips
Hold you tight when fear was near
Wipe your tears
Trace all your scars
Would you tell them about the dreams I lost while trying to make your dream a reality
Would you tell them about the hours I worked just to get you the finest things
Would you tell them about the insecurity wall you helped me build over the years
Would you tell them about how toxic I became  
While your heart fed me poisoned love
Or would you tell them about an expectation you set so high, that no one could attain
Better yet to build your confidence would you  tell them how a terrible person I am  
but leave out the part in which you helped me become who I am

Let me save you the time
and just leave you with this

If you chose to love a past you couldn’t get past you shouldn’t of committed to making a worse past, a past that promoted demoralizing a broken  heart, a past that left scars a surgeon could close
Crying out for closure in a room full of hunted memories!

So please don’t read a book you not willing finish,
me and you are the authors to my insecurity
Apr 2022 · 202
Flow Venom
Tuffy Mutombo Apr 2022
The stone holds no threat unless it’s thrown
Anger has no power unless it’s owned
Struggle has no ending
unless you sprinkle a little joy on it
Most who don’t fight with their fists
Fight with their hearts
Learn to tell them apart

Some surgeons come with no degrees
Hands that frees
Nails that cut deep, opening scars
That should be locked up in prison bars
Veins that flow venom
All we fear is a flatline a broken spine
A coffin that lays 6 feet away from life
Mar 2022 · 346
Busy Lives
Tuffy Mutombo Mar 2022
Hiding behind our busy lives
We tell tomorrow to hold on to our sorrows
While we sleep with our pasts
In hidden valleys full of truths
Discovering that we are all insure
Masking our deficiencies with violence
Anger flows through our veins
Hugging our hearts as it hurts
Anxiety knocks on our numb minds
As breathing becomes a hard task

To avoid being vulnerable we blame being busy
We replaced love with fiction
Time with fantasy, Pain with drugs
All sleep walking in our nightmares
The only alarm clock left is reality
Sep 2021 · 345
His Love
Tuffy Mutombo Sep 2021
How can you look for love
when Christ like love overwhelms your heart
Heals what tore you apart
Touches your soul, loves you more and more

Today and forever no one will ever fill the void like he does

He gives a love that materialism can never replace

He gives a love that heals,
a love that renews your spirit
You need to be in it to feel it
Read of it, pray for it, cry for it, live for it

Some look for it in wealth, and fame
But die never finding the peace to their existence

Sad to see a world full of young Kings and Queens, committing suicide just to feel loved

At the bottom of bridges lays bodies with empty souls, empty pill bottles, empty bullet shells
Crack and ****** needles

Bodies that searched for a Christ like love in the wrong places, fell in love with worldly addiction

Seek him and find salvation, his love knows no ending, his love runs on infinity, his love spells unity
Sep 2021 · 313
Enough Love
Tuffy Mutombo Sep 2021
If someone loved you
As much as you loved yourself
Would that be enough?
Jul 2021 · 315
Too Blind
Tuffy Mutombo Jul 2021
The past knocks on my broken heart
Let me in it shouts
Seeking to be a part of this life
I am Moving on to Christ
Is my response
Silence is the devil that once manipulated me
Seeking to guide me in a dark path
Broken I was not knowing where I stood
As the storm came I moved like weak leafs  
At the end of autumn
Nothing within to sustain
Empty I was, following trends
Society had me as a consumer
Buy this, wear that, say this, do that
I agreed to everything as if no was never in my vocabulary
Christ had a plan but I was too blind to see
Christianity become a chore
when it should of been my life line
The enemy never attacked me
Because I was fighting in his army
Weakened I was, to a point where prayer
was never a part of my lifestyle
posting statuses, fishing for compliments just to boost my confidence
Young and wild I thought I had it figured out
Living in a fast world
While slowly dying inside
until grace and mercy saved me
Sight restored and now I see
Jul 2021 · 552
Fear Love
Tuffy Mutombo Jul 2021
I used to fear love
Now I embrace love
I can’t eat, sleep, breath without thinking of love
So darling here you have it

I do not fear you anymore!
Jul 2021 · 249
In this River
Tuffy Mutombo Jul 2021
In these rivers lays unclaimed tears
Dead hopes, strangled ropes
Body parts left to float
Minds that ignored hope and faith
While hanging onto fear and distress

In these rivers
Also lays the sins of forgiven sinners
Baptized in the Holy Spirit
Sanctified and cleansed from all of their sins
In these rivers lays new bodies
Minds that surrendered pain, anxiety, stress and depression, to God almighty
these rivers heal, these rivers revel
These rivers are what we make them
Salvation or pain choose one

We can not forget that the same waters that saved Moses and his people
killed the Egyptian solders
The same waters that floated Moses to Pharaohs Daughter
Almost drowned Peter when he doubted

What God uses to save you
Could be what he also uses to destroy
Those who come after you
Trust him when he has you facing your river
Jul 2021 · 218
Tuffy Mutombo Jul 2021
Me and you are addicts of the same emotions
Hoping to find a fix to chase this high
which hopefully ends in eternity
if God grants It
I pray he blesses our holy matrimony,
As he joins our souls in unity
Bound by our vows
We become one as Adam was with Eve
This holy union a foundation created in Love
Our journey endless, our battles unpredictable
But with the help of God we will conquer all
Be my anchor when I fall
Protect me with prayers
Love me with grace
Forgive me with time
Understand all of my flaws
Don’t fix me, love me for me
If we invite hope and faith in our marriage
I believe we can conquer anything
Hardships, pain, tragedy, and loss all don’t stand a chance when God is the creator of our love
So let’s embrace him
in all of our thoughts and actions
Let’s pray we don’t lose this fire that burns within
Jul 2021 · 330
Tuffy Mutombo Jul 2021
Be like L(IF)E

Only live (if) you are willing to breath in both pain and joy
struggle and success,
disappointment and encouragement
L(lF)E knows no boundaries
L(IF)E happens and moves on
Like you never existed
What you do in the mist of living it
Determines your legacy
Open your eyes and see beyond your tragedy
(If) given a chance to be all that you can be
Wouldn’t you fight for the world to know
Who you were meant to be
So why waste time feeding into the enemies
Form of energy
Hate, pain and jealousy
Live L(IF)E & Love L(IF)E
Go and determine your destiny
Jun 2021 · 266
At love (Love Notes) 1
Tuffy Mutombo Jun 2021
Hey love

My dreams


A reality

The day I met you

I awoke from a dream
and walked right into your

Jun 2021 · 411
Christ Like
Tuffy Mutombo Jun 2021
Christ died we lived
He cried we smiled
He loved we felt
We sinned he forgave
We ignore he waits
We fear he protects  
We break he rebuilds
We get lost he finds
We forget he reminds
To be Christ like we must
Live, smile, feel, forgive
Wait, protect, rebuild
hope, believe, and remind each other to be love
Jun 2021 · 261
The Devil Whispered
Tuffy Mutombo Jun 2021
Devil knocking on a broken Soul
Leave God he whispered follow me
I can give you all
What you seek I have it all
What Eve didn’t know is that if she let him in
She would lose it all

He whispered sweet sounds
Knowing she was destined to fall
Comprising for her soul
He knew she lacked the eyes to see it all
She was at peace with Adam
until she went and tried to figure it all
On her own
He left her alone to go deal with his pain
Came back to find that
she committed the greatest sin
of all time

She let the devil convince her
to compromise against Gods original plan
The devil whispered for he knew he couldn’t attack what was within
So he attacked her mental, by seducing, and manipulating her peace, seeking to destroy her existence, she followed as she compromised
It wasn’t until later she realized she sacrificed her peace for momentary pleasure,
Now she wishes she didn’t listen
to the devil whisper,
his mission was to destroy and conquer
Comprising the truth with lies, only real eyes
Can realize real lies
Jun 2021 · 290
Tuffy Mutombo Jun 2021
Paralyzed with insecurity
she develops a deep sense of mystery
Hidden in a dark world she finds a purpose
To **** reality while trying to overdose on fantasy

She is a hidden pleasure
To a world that has tasted her bitter soul
Numb she is to anything that pushes her to grow
Paralyzed her are eyes
only seeing what pleases her flaws
Apr 2021 · 266
Now You See Me
Tuffy Mutombo Apr 2021
I am black like the lack of light
but shine bright like the lack of darkness
I am your worst fear
wealth to a darker shade
I illuminate your misconception
Full of transparency I don't believe in deception
I was told never to seek validation
because I was born superior
no matter why others express fear
and shade oceans full of tears
Now you see me

Why Do I have to be aggressive for you to hear me!!!
I rule like King Tut
young wild and untaught
I learned that man only lives two days
one day he is born
the next he dies
so why should I lie inside my own lies
tell lies to my own eyes
who am I deceiving?
Now you see me

It took George Floyd's Life for you to hear me
still wake up to sounds of you telling me you hate me
Its never been about one's occupation
Its always been about that dream Dr. King dreamt
I hope my children, children experience it
Because I missed it, never felt it, just hatred, and unjust court cases
if not now then when will you see me  
would you rather I disappear, or return to my motherland
Or would you rather I sacrifice my neck to gain justice
Now you see me
Apr 2021 · 2.1k
Tuffy Mutombo Apr 2021
I am afraid that you are falling in love with the expectations you have of me

While you ignore the toxic version of me
The loud, broken, desperate version of me

You don’t really see me, you see job offers
a few kids, a wedding ring, new homes, new cars  
While you ignore my deep scars

I am afraid you are falling in love with who you want me to be

While ignoring the real me, the trauma suffering, addict struggling, broken soul, who is afraid to love

You are ignoring the angry man who needs therapy but decides it’s better to feed his anger and throw his emotions at the end of liquor bottles

The man who your mother warned you would break your heart.
I am a victim of my pain, but you ignore that because you see something within. You want me to be that perfect man of your dreams, that you forget to face your nightmares

You hide my scars, feed me compliments while preaching to me about your biological timeline, lying and telling me everything will turn out fine if I find a job that makes a lot of money, bought a new car, a new home with a picket fence, change my accent, dress and act a certain way   
Please don’t try to save me
Save your imagination for thinking it can transform me to meet your expectations

I am me and I am to be loved like me
Sometimes those we love to forget to love the real version of us. They think about all the great things and forget to address the warning signs early due to their need to make you their "one and only". Expectations destroy relationships and **** any hope for change. We need to do better at truly loving each other.
Apr 2021 · 988
Tuffy Mutombo Apr 2021
Early morning birds chirping
Singing melody’s of peace
Looking out into the forest
I see beauty in your face
Africa has a smell that no one can erase
A smell that echos love into your soul  
Life so simple, life so inspiring and incredible
Don’t believe what the discovery channel told you about a land that existed before any other
Africa the mother of the earth
Birthing billions of souls
who left it but still live in it
It’s blood runs deep in our souls
Skin shades might change
but our roots are deep Within
When Africa cries we feel it’s pain  
When Africa smiles we rejoice with pure joy
Colonizers tried to change it but it changed them
They stole its music, passion, material good, it’s minerals, traditions, and norms
Taking even its greatest queens and kings
Tribal men and women
They tried to **** its joy but it still smiled through the pain
Enslaving it’s people still couldn’t **** it existence
Birthed in resistance and molded by resilience, inspired by diligence, fueled by consistence
We are strong, powerful, and courageous  
Africa the birthplace of the human race
With our palms pressed let’s say Grace
As we pray for peace
Apr 2021 · 946
Hello (EX)
Tuffy Mutombo Apr 2021
Her: Hey how are you
Me: I am still a fool
Her: Why
Me: Because I am still willing to fall for you
Her: I just called to check up on you
Her: Heard you been facing a tough time
Me: Yes I have been facing a tough time
Me: I have been feeling empty inside
Me: I been feeling like a hole has been ripped in my heart
Me: Even though my heart beats,
Me: It still beats to the soundtrack of your voice
Her: I am confused
Her: I gave you my heart and you decided to break it
Her: Now you crying and facing regret
Her: I gave you my all, and you gave me just enough of you
Her: Enough to keep me interested
Her: While loving me from a distance
Her: As you fought the resistance, you never gave us a chance
Her: You ignored love when it came knocking
Me: I know, I was wrong for thinking you would stay forever
Me: I took you for granted, I took what we had and destroyed it
Me: You calling me shows me that we still stand a chance
Her: Some chapters are better left closed
Her: I am just keeping my promise
Her: I told you I would be there for you
Her: Even if it meant loving you from a distance
Her: I see the good in you
Her: But I can't be with you if you don't see it too
Me: I see what you mean, I still have a lot to learn
Me: I tried to find you in the last person who claimed to love me
Me: But failed to realize that a love that you gave could never be duplicated, a love full of compassion, desire, a love so deep the soul can feel it. Now I get it, I was numb at the moment because I was afraid to feel loved, afraid to lose myself in you, afraid to face my darkest fears
Me: I was afraid to let you hold my insecurities, thinking it would destroy me.  So I never gave you all of me. Because I thought it was impossible to love me
Her: Impossible is a word cowards use to ignore life's greatest opportunities. I believed in you and saw all that you could be
Her: I saw past your insecurities, I just hoped you saw me for me and stopped running away from me
Her: Your fear introduced countless hours of tears to me
Her: You left me outside your heart as I knocked for you to let me in
Her: Now that I healed from the pain and hurt you caused me, you want me to open up those old scars, those old memories
Me: I am sorry, that I hurt you so badly. I hurt myself too along the way for being ignorant of your love
Me: Your words were the closure I was looking for
Me: The piece to my peace I was missing
Me: I now undersatnd what it means to have had and lost
Her: I am sorry too... I wish you luck as you search for the real you
Her: When you find him please tell him next time to love instead of run, tell him its ok to feel too. Tell him true love comes to those who seek it with all of their heart and soul. Tell him its ok to fall
Me: Thank you for everything
Me: I now understand
Her: You are welcome, I will be here until the end
Apr 2021 · 980
Walk with Me
Tuffy Mutombo Apr 2021
walk with me through the valley
show me that it's possible to love me
i might not know the best part of me
but with you, i see more than i ever dreamed of seeing
walk with me through the good and the bad
through the worst and the best
i pray to one day see you walk down the aisle
coming to publicly give your heart to me
walk with me through it all
and i will make sure to fall a million times for your soul
walk with me because i know you are all of me
this love we have is fueled by serendipity
protected by God almighty
promise to never leave me
and i will promise to always love you
Mar 2021 · 638
Numb Emotions
Tuffy Mutombo Mar 2021
I wanted to write you this piece
But thought that these words
would rob you of your peace

This paper would ran out of space
As it flows with emotional ink

Numb emotions hug me like a mother hugs her young child
These thoughts run wild
Like the tracks on a black queens head
Outside I smile but inside I’m dead
Feeding on false hope
That one day you will return back to me like an addict relapsing back to their deadly drug
Hoping you inhale my presence
And remember the love as you forget the mistakes

We walked on clouds just to fall asleep in loveless coffins
Feb 2021 · 252
To My Future Wife
Tuffy Mutombo Feb 2021
When you trust me with your future
I am a man at last
You inspire me to work harder
Hold on just a little longer
Let’s invest in our hearts
And hope they forever last
You are the thoughts I think
The eyes I see
The beat to my heart
Without you I would fall apart
If roses make you smile
I promise to build you two gardens
One in the backyard and one in my heart
With your fingers you build
With your heart you heal
You are the medicine to my sickness
I wrote these vows five years
before I kissed your tears
And touched your fears

To my future wife
I am the reason why your ex’s became ex’s
I guess my prayers told God to hit next
And now I’m in your presence
Hoping to be your forever
Feb 2021 · 222
She Thought
Tuffy Mutombo Feb 2021
She thought love was a battlefield
So she dressed herself in insecurity, bad memories, pain, and tragedy
She feared vulnerability
Because she believed she would lose her identity
On this battle, she thought changing her perception
Would gain her my acceptance
Not knowing that it was her flaws I fell in love with
I knew if I could love her flaws I could love her all
Like Christ did when he died for all
Nov 2020 · 208
Tuffy Mutombo Nov 2020
Whatever our souls are made of
I hope they are made of
And unbreakable unity
Nov 2020 · 164
Tuffy Mutombo Nov 2020
Don’t tell me the truth
Just show me the truth
Because any fool can hear
But only the wise see what the fool can’t hear
and see what the fool does not speak  
Truth lays in action and lies lay in hearing

- Tuffy M
Oct 2020 · 273
Tuffy Mutombo Oct 2020
Happiness seems to be a drug we all trying to have
If we overdose on that
I guarantee you we gon find world peace
But instead we embrace what keeps us depressed
Hatred passing through our veins
Going straight for our hearts
No matter why we find comfort in being apart
Sep 2020 · 136
An Addict (Heart)
Tuffy Mutombo Sep 2020
Nights like these
Make his mind freeze
Thinking about her warmth
Thoughts running deep
As they introduce depression
He tries to press on with no passion
She loved him as he drunk her poison
Draining his passion while changing his definition of a thing called love

He tried to find it in others
But forgot that he left his ex lover under cover
Broken hearts take years to recover
Hoping to still be her lover
praying that it’s not over,
wishing she would of stayed longer

An addict to pain she let him control her emotions
Tried to leave
but found herself coming back
to an empty home
An empty throne
An empty chest.....

So She took his heart,
and left a suicide note
Which wrote
Your love was cut throat
So I took what kept you alive
Now let’s see how you will survive
It was better when I was by your side
But you decide hurting me was best way of keeping me alive,
I loved you but died inside

My silence will be what heals you with time
Don’t miss me when I am not around
Need me while I am still alive
I loved you physically and mentally
but you broke me emotionally
Took trust from me
now I seek it underneath empty liquor bottles, sleep well as you dream of naked models
who won’t comfort your sorrows

If love comes my way again
I will remember you
And hope I never love another killer like you
Here I stand free and alone,
so watch me as I rebuild my throne
Full of love and compassion
Sep 2020 · 159
The Resistance
Tuffy Mutombo Sep 2020
Only time could tell how she changed
Bipolar was her attitude, becoming anti-gratitude
Loving me one second
the next second acting like I never existed
Modern love is bipolar
Attention seeking, led by moments of avoiding
Late responses, and silent tears
Afraid of sharing fears
But always the first to volunteer
Love from an empty chest with palms-full of tears
because we don’t believe in longevity,
no sustainability in a world that preaches unity, filled with hearts that survive on being lonely
She 32 and marriage is not in her future
She married her independence
Which visits her late nights
As she cries herself to sleep
While looking at beautiful city sites from her penthouse loft
Trauma molested her mind
now she is afraid to commit
Judging others
but afraid of looking deep in the mirror
No amount of mascara can cover up the scars
Dying alone starts to feel like a norm
She states that some pain is better felt alone
With no king to give her, her crown
She still seeks validation for her emotions
Never satisfied so she keeps seeking attention
Attracting wishful thinkers, and addicts
Confirming the love they have for her
by giving her social page a few likes, lustful comments in her comment section,
As they please her eyes but **** the soul
Lonely is her heart, lately she been feeling jaded
When it come to matters of the heart

Ignoring Christ well he waited
She went and did what Eve did
Torn apart, she became a victim to insecurity
While searching for security

Lesson learned When Christ Knocks I hope she reads this and learns listens
Sep 2020 · 144
Marvins Room
Tuffy Mutombo Sep 2020
Stuck in Marvins Room
Wondering who is loving you the way I used to
Wished I knew the pain of losing you
While I still had you
Regret hits deeper than Cupid’s arrows
Now I sit back and drink my own sorrow
Darkness looms on my head “No halo“
Wake up in the morning with no hello’s
Missing your voice like an over thrown pass
I wish I could of been the last to last
Took you for granted thinking your love was always gon be granted
Missing pieces of me
cause I left them inside of you
This broken heart
can’t even be fixed with a million pounds of glue
I tried therapy, but no words
can take back what I did to you
Locked in Marvins room and only time can unlock me
Aug 2020 · 157
If You Are Going To
Tuffy Mutombo Aug 2020
If you are going to love me
Love me unconditionally
Because anything less to me is not worth having
Like a heart with no beat
A sky with no birds
Veins with no blood
That love is dead to me
Wasted energy turns lovers into enemies
So commit to every part of me
Save me from this endless tragedy
Or let me be…
Aug 2020 · 142
Lost & Found
Tuffy Mutombo Aug 2020
I lost
And that’s why I gained

I loved
And that’s why I am loved

I tried
And that’s why I win

I am nothing
Without my failures
They are my beautiful s(car)s
That drove me right to you
Jul 2020 · 113
Miss You
Tuffy Mutombo Jul 2020


Jun 2020 · 166
8 minutes & 46 Seconds
Tuffy Mutombo Jun 2020
Arms and feet shackled
Souls dismantled
Hearts broken due to families being separated
Eyes full of tears and fears
Sold as slaves and demoralized
Passion channeled into anger
Due to the deaths of so many people
Your quest for Superiority
makes love feel like a stranger
Skin darkens from kissing the sun
After spending Hours and hours of labor
leading to broken minds, scars are the only things your children ever inherited,  
After building a country
that stripped you of your existence
It took 400 years, 8 minutes 46 seconds
For a beast to awaken, statues go missing
Flags start burning, streets filled with millions of feet protesting for freedom
Black, white, yellow and brown
all colors have spoken
We call for change and challenge our leaders to start the rehabilitation of a people that are broken
The cries of many have spoken
It would take ignorance to not act on their petition!!
Jun 2020 · 189
What Good is Peace?
Tuffy Mutombo Jun 2020
What good is unity if you don’t see u in it?
What good is success if others can’t get it ? What good is peace if a whole race can’t enjoy it?
What good is love if others have never felt it?
What good is your voice if it stays silent
when the world needs to hear it?
I see the whole world lacks class like it’s facing truancy.
Blinded to its pain while sleeping with hypocrisy.
Birthing anger, while aborting empathy.
We really need transparency
People would rather be politically correct, than sit and listen to solutions.
So they hide behind laws, and ignore the pain.  
They won’t take time to get to the root of the trauma, years of unpaid labor, and endless torture. Victims of a broken law system cry louder, protest until their feet get blisters, but still won’t get a word from their leader. A first world country treating others as third world citizens.
Getting to the root of the problem would mean they would have to listen and face their demons.
So to ease their pain they hide behind their ignorance, and false traditions. It’s easy to judge what they don’t understand, point fingers and blame others, lack human decency, just to see what they want to see!!!
Jun 2020 · 141
Freezing Time
Tuffy Mutombo Jun 2020
Today our hearts won first place
We first confronted our deepest fears
Cried our deepest tears
Emotionally undressed each other
As we spiritually healed each other
We are all we need, the world will have to wait
In this moment love has allowed us to meet
Two strangers freezing time
As we search for keys in each other’s souls
Jun 2020 · 149
Live in 2morrow
Tuffy Mutombo Jun 2020
No matter what you do
You can never live in tomorrow

So why not live in today
Embrace the moment right now

For if tomorrow is given to you
You will lose its intention by trying to live for the day that is unknown
Jun 2020 · 188
I Could Be Next
Tuffy Mutombo Jun 2020
I could be the Next victim
Neck pressed on
as I smell the rubber of a cops tires
Forced to kiss the ground I walked on
As he expresses his power
He overdosed on anger  
A power trip with no sense of human decency
As he presses on my neck I start yelling “I can’t breath” !!!!!!
Me saying I can’t breath seems to be the words that comfort his heart, stroke his ego as he won’t let go
Like countless others he made it his duty to send me to my maker, to rid the world of my existence
Choking every ounce of air in my body
As he claims to protect and serve
Protecting his future and serving his needs
I just happened to be in the way of his agenda
Diabolical mindsets fornicate with his views
He births opinions of being the superior race
Encouraged by the media
He seeks to honor the heritage of his ancestors
Old time slave owners, it’s in his blood
A passage of hate, passed down to him by ignorant minds, he educates himself and his children, teaching hate no compassion, seek to **** with no solution,

What hurts the most is witnessing good cops sit in silence, muted in solidarity, silenced by unity
Standing and watching
for 8 minutes & 46 seconds
Let that sink in!!!!
Clock ticks as they result to their old antics
No accountability for their immoral actions
Which encourages them to keep killing and suffocating those with darker pigmentation

I could be the next victim, being black makes me a target, makes me a mark, makes me a reason for the graveyard never to remain empty
We all die, (I get that)
But he seeks to invite death to come meet me early

I could be the next victim
So before I become the next victim
I will fight and pursue justice
I will protest until my unborn child tastes freedom
I will honor my ancestors by my action
Resilient mindset, and dedication to create a better generation of leaders, supply love in a world where my worth is determined by my skin tone,
in this fight I know I am not alone
Looking at this crowd
I know we are together strong!!!
As we fight for my ancestors  
Their cries echo deep in our souls
Rooted deep in our veins is their pain  

I will know my rights, raise my voice, scratch and claw for equality, Until it becomes my reality
For 400 years of innocent blood is enough
Our voices can not be muted if we speak as one
Vote as one, fight as one, seek change and hold those in power accountable on all levels as one

I could be the next victim
but before I am next
I will ask justice to do its job and protect my last breath and heart beat

Please don’t let me become the next victim
Jun 2020 · 150
Dear Poetry
Tuffy Mutombo Jun 2020
Poetry has been my language ever since it made me feel alive in a dying world
It gave me a reason to speak
A reason to seek
A reason to feel
A reason to be real
A reason to embrace
A reason to face the resistance
It taught me that I can change the world
with my words, I can heal others with my words

Poetry taught me that no pain lasts forever
No wound hurts forever
No emotion feels for forever
So dear poetry I pray that you love me forever
In my darkest moment you were the light
In my weakest moment you were the strength
Dear poetry please never stop making me feel alive,  because all I want to do is survive
May 2020 · 999
What is Justice
Tuffy Mutombo May 2020
What is Justice

What is justice
Does it have a color,
does it have a temperature
The blacker the shooter the louder the news
The tighter the noose
Equality seems to download slower
for those it doesn’t favor
Section 8 flats raise ghetto minded soldiers
Trained to live in prison cells
While leaving empty sits in classrooms
Mothers raising fathers
because their fathers left them,
now live in prisons,
physically, emotionally & mentally
That means when they have their kids they will probably leave them

What Is Justice
Generational curses bless the defenseless
Praising violence because slave masters
Programmed them to hate knowledge
Think less and work more labour after labour
While slave masters stole roots away from their family trees,
then told them to go figure out their identities,
Black Kings and Queens demoralized and carried in shackles, to rebel they now wear more ice than a cold fridge,
painted in movies as villains but have more knowledge than those that run universities, but stuck behind the walls of justice fighting all kinds of adversities,
like starting a race with no legs to run with,
stuck in one place, asking themselves what is justice

What is Justice
Is justice a word we chase in a world imprisoned by the thought of equality?
it doesn’t work if it doesn’t end in a tragedy, wearing hoodies, selling cigarettes, simply driving, could determine the end of you, living everyday under pressure like living through an interview, or facing the end of a loaded barrow,
Yelling please don’t shoot, while the one holding the gun comes to take your tomorrow, these black tears have cried till they have ran dry, social justice tried and still couldn’t change justice
now we challenge the notion of which life matters more, black or blue
This world got no clue
acting like history never took place, in a race of race, forgetting those who sacrificed for us to win the global race
how much more should the dark skinned give to get an ounce of freedom

What is justice
Is justice a word or a curse to the darker skinned, is justice determined based on one’s pigmentations, causing deeply rooted segregation, “all man are created equal” but we forgot about the sequel, in the end it tells us that we are not equal...

So... What is justice?
I can’t believe that this kind of injustice is still relevant in today’s world. We have to do better.
May 2020 · 140
When Love Echoes
Tuffy Mutombo May 2020
When love echoes in your ears
Please listen to it
For it might be the last time it will ever speak to you
Otherwise You will spend a lifetime
looking for it in many people
But never find something
that was meant to be simple
Apr 2020 · 251
Too Much
Tuffy Mutombo Apr 2020
Wanting so much, quickly turns to too much
Those who have much, don’t know what to do with so much
Greed and envy they invite
Long talks with eyes, that have seen too much
Hungry mouths on streets, empty bellies, cold feet, fake smiles, and sweaty palms
Street signs held by those who took too much
Left with nothing while standing for nothing
Victims of decisions
Living under a vision full of nightmares
Old scars that trace back to bad choices
Squeezing pennies out of dollars
While others throw dollars at hurt lovers
Wanting too much but not willing to pay attention, Life is a long sentence
And meditation is study hall
We are stuck identifying classes
But lack chemistry
Quick to jump to conclusions
like mathematicians
While producing too much in biology
Knowing about the human anatomy but fail to know who we ought to be
Let’s tip the scale and see what would happen if the have nots had more
And the rich were broke would that increase global peace or is that too much to ask for
Apr 2020 · 252
Chasing a Score
Tuffy Mutombo Apr 2020
Chasing a score
looking for more
poor sucker
looking for love in a drug called time
tick tock goes the clock
egos drop, hearts melt
as she played the cards she was dealt
scars on her body from tight belts
looking for veins to hide her pain
needle in, needle out as she inhales in hell
deep breath lungs pop, low air she don't care  
feeling low to get high
getting high with an emotion called love
to only find out that it never existed in others or drugs  
feeling betrayed, her wrist she slayed
wanting a quick exit
only to end up committing accidents
failing at life and failing at death
feeling worthless, hurt, depressed and more stressed  
living with pain drove her insane
asylums kicking her out, nobody could figure her out
deep emotions she started spitting out
a victim of time and love, confused and abused
all this because she was chasing a score
Mar 2020 · 136
Product of my environment
Tuffy Mutombo Mar 2020
My aching bones
Have walked a million steps
Touched a lot of space

They ache from the pain of life
But my mind and eyes thank them for never stopping
They walked through mountains and valleys
Through night and day facing life's darkest ally's
Just so I can write these stories
Earning life’s victories
while counting all of my tragedies
In peace I float as I sip on life’s sweet harmony

I am a product of my environment
Born and raised in the concrete jungles
Places where Kings go to find trouble
Changing my narrative has been my life’s goal
Mar 2020 · 121
Tuffy Mutombo Mar 2020
I stopped wishing for Fridays
And started loving all days
Because anyday could be the day
Anyday alive should be a good day
Because without a day
We face the reality of a bad day
Mar 2020 · 149
A million seas
Tuffy Mutombo Mar 2020
The eyes that see beyond the seas are always free to see
what they want to see

I would bleed a million seas if I lost all that life meant to me

With you I could be who I want to be
Young wild and free

Words written on emotions are called poetry
Emotions felt with words are called love
They always float on seas
that only lovers could see
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