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Lu Wilson Jun 2020
Have I been asleep in a dream full of toil?
Laboring to grow, trudging, but never watering the soil

Years spent clawing and grasping at straws
Never really growing, never really fighting while authority broke laws

So absorbed with existence and future opportunity
Never stopping to think about my earthly community

People are suffocating and dying and with every breath I wonder
How many more lives need to be lost, left squandered in the gutter?

As I watch the images all around me of lives yearning to be free
How is there still this much sorrow and still so many in need?

Looking back maybe it was not sleep, but rather twilight
Consumed with rest and survival, never understanding other’s bigger fight

Just being complacent now after all this rage seems like a sin
There is no going back, there is no rest, but where do I begin

In twilight the stories felt far like bad dreams, but in the end not my own
As bad as life was, my heartache and suffering was still from a throne

As I fully wake I pray the world repents away the shame
With so much hate around us that every dead soul has no name

As this twilight fades may I have a voice for those with none
May the clueless open their eyes compelled to save every mother’s son

As I awaken my spirit to see the pain and injustice
Will those lost souls continue to be hate’s accomplice?

As I hear the masses call out beckoning for equality
May the world hear the audible heartbeat of humanity

The slumber is over and the twilight retired
Leaving only room for justice, love and hope’s burning fire

May we lift each beautiful soul up in glory wrapping their ancestors in light
As statues fall and voices are lifted for justice there can be no sleep not even twilight
I can't sleep. I lay in twilight devastated for my brothers and sisters of the world that fight daily for equality and while I was fighting for my own survival I never realized that there was so much more I could have been doing to learn, grow and stand up for justice.
Where your thoughts flow is where fear lies.
What you see are objects of destruction,
Tools to destroy, tools to build.
How you see these objects,
Is why you deceive your truth.

Where your mind thinks, controls blood circulation.
What you feel is what you see, Truth.
How that flows keeps you alive,
Cleaning your blood is why you survive.

Where the world is, oil is, burning, or blinding.
Moist is what the deception tells you,
Truth is how actions express itself,
Independence is why you need to hear what lies.
Independence is why you need to listen what the Eye sees, The Brutal Truth.
Stay woke Sister.
Saudia R May 2020
I don't know when I started to realize the hurt

The real reason why this feels like fingers pressed against glass


So fragile this barrier dividing us
with the answers so clear

And still

as if connection never existed
we live as strangers within ourselves

and with each other

Until there comes a day

where you finally realize
the glass is a mirror

And that
the anger
the resentment
the hurt

you thought you were seeing through

you were actually seeing reflected back

That's the day you wake up
Faizel Farzee May 2020
covid -19
a killer unseen, without uttering a threat
it has the world pulling at every nerve, it has them down on their knees.
It has people creating songs about going crazy in quarantine
While Trump is really going crazy,
he cant throw money at it
for someone like him, this is unseen,
now his true colours shows
his fake, while the world bleeds
he is still trying to save his stake.
he has ample, yet he still pulls at every last cent.

If you cant see this, he must have stolen your eyes
he keeps it with all his supporters minds,
it's in his refridgerator, he keeps it on ice.
locked in a safe
now they all mindless, so they play by his rules
yet he control the outcome of dice.
he dont care about the human race
you can clearly see it on his unsympathetic face.

Why dint he react in haste,
maybe his just slow?
He is worth 8 billoin dollers, i really dont think thats the case
he cares more about the economy,and  losing face
he knows if the US economy drops
at the table in the whitehouse, he has to set china a plate.
give them the morning paper run their bath
and under his breath, he would have to quietly hate.

He would rather let the world burn,

They miscalculated this whole situation
they thought they were unleashing an attack
they forgot to disable the homing pigeon
it did a 180, knocked at their door, politely disclaimed Hi , I'm back.
Talking about money he has to track, that they paid to create this monster
is it just me or has the whole world been smoking crack.
we glossed over that, i get it  
He can even in song confess, our hands will still be tied
money is power, an intoxicating lust
the jury has already been bought, the justice system unjust.
truths are not pretty, neither is the world
so the darker truths we have to highlight
this whole situation, it's like im living in the zone of twilight
my mind cant compute, it doesnt feel right, what nex, t get abducted at night, now aliens can be real, parralel universes
truth shivering in fright this unholy night.
Saudia R Apr 2020
Some days

I feel the wind

a little too well
The saying, you can feel it on the wind, takes on a deeper meaning when you know.
Arcassin B Mar 2020
By Arcassin Burn

Welcome to the year of the end,
you better look for better sayings when use a new pen,
see all your family before its too late for friends,
walk to all your enemies and make a mends,
how the hell do you ever get the message if it won't send?
make your mark on the earth before it really does end,
you could ignore my meta mind here,
all in me.

third eye not even open but I'm still woke,
stupid still drinking fructose in their coke,
but who am I to be smart like i have two lab coats and,
when i am a lab rat like the rest of ya'll without a poll,
to decide and vote where the universe might take us,
everyone deserves a purpose , the vultures take and leave us,
so while I sit and think how life could be different in mind,
all you human beings are still blind,
the light is all in me.

xavier thomas Feb 2020
Don’t come near my direction
You’re not fully committed
You’re heart just not in it
So why are you here?

From when we first met
To where we stand now
I told you I wanted to be here for a lifetime.

Forget a season!
There’s reason why you come & go
Because you’re just temporary now?

Blind-sided me once but never twice
Playing around like life is monopoly,
Collect $200 passing GO & continue to roll the dice 🎲
Trying to control the field thinking everything will be alright

At first, your appearance seemed innocent & sweet....

Little did you know I figured you out.
You’re nothing to me in my eyes.
She refuse to be played by any man
i think i was made, already broken
know every word that goes unspoken
keep it inside like holding the smoke in
choke on the words, and you'll be awoken
Interpret it for yourself as you please >>> written below is my perspective
"choking on the words" references to choking on smoke/coughing, meaning slipping up and unintentionally revealing true feelings
"you'll be awoken" is meant to mean 'you'll become aware of the truth' which is supposed to remain undesired out of fear they will leave
Kahou Eru Dec 2019
You want perfection
While I hold your baggage
But can you hold mine
For just a second
Oh wait you can't
I see
Also do you want to
Remain blameless while
I hold all the stakes
Well that's fine too
Let me spoil you
Even with you
Sitting on my back
That's that true real love
I doubt there
Ever be a tipping point
As I carefully hold it in
With no spaces
To vent
As I smile
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