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SøułSurvivør Jul 2017
/   \
/      \
in a time
of pain &
□there is□
hope, there is a way
there's a place to go
in hardship□there's
a space for us today
Jesus stands as our¤
High Tower□He has
been there all along
□if you but ask He'll
let you enter□a fortress built
so high and strong □ on the □
mountain□in the valley□when
the pushing comes to shove□we
are safe forevermore□□□within
the Tower of Your Love/how can
we when troubles find us□keep
our hope□in patience wait?□
when all mortal strength has
left us□we will rest in walls
so great□help us, Lord, and
be our shelter□we'll find□□
□quiet in the storm □let the
sturdy Rock around us keep
us safe from all alarm□could
we ever find this peace? How
should we ever find this vale?
could we ever find this joy□□
□if the Tower won't prevail?
□may it ever be that we □□□
in faithfulness now tried and
true□□□find with gratitude so
deep□□the High Tower that is
You□ we will e'r find victory□
□□□the might that's sent from
heaven above□we'll stand□□□
within God's mighty Fortress

The High Tower of Your Love

(C) 4/6/2013
This is something I wrote a while back. I just wanted to create concrete poetry from this particular piece. Thanks for reading!
JAC Jul 2017
The empress of the lighthouse
can see for years and nautical miles
and she can never be lost at sea.

The empress of the lighthouse
could save every sailor who smiles,
but she doesn't.

The empress of the lighthouse
is empress only of a house
when she leaves the light off.

The empress of the lighthouse
got tired of waiting for ships to come in,
so she doused the light in her seafront tower.

Now everyone she loves
and everyone who loves her
*will forever be lost at sea.
Poetic T Jul 2017
Poverty engulfed
             A wick burns

Saint Audrey Jul 2017
Can't believe I'm still here
It's been a crazy couple of years
Crazy in the scene, now I'm going crazy
Innocence taste
Just as good as it once did

Just like they once did
Took some ****
Now I couldn't ******* dream of


It being above me
Why the hell did no one seem to care?..
So self aware
Of my brainwaves
In this cramped and damp space

Dullards are lucky
I wish i could pick up a sawed off
And get these kids
Of my **** lawn
Then blow my brains
All before the break of dawn
And the break of my fast
I fasted change

Turns out all i got to eat
Is beans and toast
****, I guess i'll starve then

Back to the wall
Covered in  faces
mocking me
I know it
Show the rest of yourself
Then the youth you
Use as an excuse for good health
Won't do you much good
This is my neighborhood
Down here all alone

I wish this house was a home
This grass could grow
Up my ankles
I'm as thankless as angles
With *******
Just missing some grace
Or some ****

Rest in piece, more like
Rust in place

I'm so alone....
Yeah, i don't feel like giving a ****.
Saint Audrey Jun 2017
This **** is gutting up
Cutting up my gut
Like I give a ****
No, it's because I left just about everyone
Flailing around in my dust

I must confess
Swiftly address the constant droning
Running down the last seconds
It's such a mess
But what I meant to say, is
I hate the way I don't remember much of anything

I see a new face
******* a
This disgrace never passes away
Like, did you not get paid?
Turn one eighty
Brand new face
Turn one eighty

Another new face

Keep mocking me, we will see
Who stands at the end
Of the **** you apprehend
Or keep
Fiend on the mend
I've all but exhausted my friends
Reserves running low
But holy god am I hopped up on
Battery acid

Classy eyes biding all the while

Stairs twisting around the snare
Bound up in an armchair
Executioners chariot

I came down from there
And became entrenched
Overcame the odds
Survived and now
I feel so odd
Or out of place
This newfound age
Is too ******* strange

I can no longer move my arms

I could never go the same way I came

There is no more hope of progression
july hearne Jun 2017
west london fire stories
burning up the day,
london fires burning down and out
before they burn away

daily all day robes
and a story i can't finish
i won't make it out, there's too much
i don't want to say

so late in the day
wasting life away
unheard singing
should probably count for something
maybe today, maybe today, maybe today
so late in the day

instant coffee,
INFP, unfinished story
cheap chinese burning debris
blazing away on the bbc
so late in the day, so late in the day, so late in the day
& the day becomes another day

must be so nice to be you
always voting for justin trudeau
all your better things to do,
all the better looking women you were born to pursue

london fires burn down and out
before they burn away
& the day becomes another day
maybe today, maybe today, maybe today
the cheap chinese cladding was rain proof,
even as it fell from as far up as the 24th floor

If only the cladding hadn’t been so flammable
or if the alarms would have worked
or if they hadn’t been told to stay put and die

then some other people donated their old clothes
that they didn’t want anymore
a lot of old used clothes that people had been meaning to get rid of
were donated

i read somewhere that it was supposedly environmentally friendly
eco-friendly, but toxic and flammable

but the fire was renewable energy
or unrenewable energy
depending on how you look at it

either way, the eco-friendly plastic cladding was rainproof.

& all the reasons i hate you
are sadly the reasons i still think thoughts of you
now these thoughts have turned into
thoughts of you
still too cool for Sixto Rodriguez
still editing "The Elements of Style"
still thinking thoughts of me
so past my prime
so past the time
of our short while
Qweyku Jun 2017
hopeless grief

waves of emotion trigger
compassion of comradery
displayed in nothing but
the simplicity of love.


what dawn of terror
blame can be apportioned
on the landlord's back
a cladding of inferior quality
wrapped his building's stack

flames quickly engulfed
all the floor levels
tenants were trapped on
such unsafe bevels

what chance did they stand
in getting out of the tower
a cheap Chinese covering  
encasing their bower

deaths were assured
by faulty material
much loved ones lives
seemingly immaterial

construction standards
perished with the smoke
slack council regulations
a legislative choke
Timothy hill Mar 2017
Sands of you cast it's on ships.

Eyes and hair of a goddess where is your princes?

He rides threw a forest dense with huge frogs jumping from trees.

Amazed you will not leave the tower your step dad placed you at.

He arrives at bottom of height looking upwards saying wow.

He gets his bag from his horse with rope and in cage is a hawk he ties the rope too.

Sending the bird to the top.
A steamy girl.
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