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Scarlet Rose Feb 2017
They said to watch my step.
They said don't fall.
No one told me
To keep others from falling.

They said to be on guard.
They said, “Stay in your tower.”
No one told me
That others don't have towers.

They said don't get invested.
They said don't fall in love.
No one told me
To keep others from loving me.

They said heartbreak hurts.
They described the feeling.
No one told me
What it feels like to cause a broken heart.
Breaking my own heart was hard enough--why do I have to break yours too?
Scarlet Rose Feb 2017
You wear your heart on your sleeve
And it's so lovely to look at--
I just couldn't keep my hands behind my back.

My heart is locked up in a tower
And I thought I had the only key--
Are you used to walking through walls?

I chased my heart back down;
It's back in its tower now.
But here I still stand with yours in my hands.

I find I'm afraid to give it back--
Your heart is too fragile for a tower,
And I can't cause the death of such a beautiful thing.
The Wordsmith Jan 2017
I keep dreaming of falling.
Sinking through clouds and bleeding skies,
The winds don't hold me and oxygen chokes me.
I wish you'd taught me how to fly.

Is a home still a home when your hat rack is gone?
Does the sun still rise without the dawn?
I'd paint the sunset, but I've lost my muse,
I'd claw at my heart, but you took that too.

I'd forget about you, but memories haunt me,
They creep into my bed, whispering softly,
Remember when we broke your mom's TV?
Or our anniversary, on April Seventeenth?

I'd pay for your piano lessons so you could sing to stars,
Okay so maybe not stars, but surely fast moving cars?
How about a trip to Eiffel Tower far off in Rome,
Fine, I guess we could always see that from home.

Your books don't make me smile, come back to bed,
You'll be just a minute, hold on, you said,
I held on to your silk quilt and fell asleep,
You said you'd follow me, before I was in too deep.

You should have told me you'd fall asleep differently,
That I would wake, and that you would stay,
I mean sure, I would have protested adamantly,
But then I'd have no choice but to let you stay.

I guess now we'll never get to see the Eiffel Tower,
It's fine anyway; I hear the air up there is sour.
And we'll never get to sing to fast moving cars,
It's okay; at least this way no potential scars.

I fixed your mom's broken TV screen,
And I got a new apartment down in Queens,
Your phone keeps on uninstalling,
And I keep dreaming of falling.
Kit John Parish Dec 2016
"how ******* sweet
it would be to throw it all away"

you say, from your warm house, in your clean clothes

"to just pack it all in
and live, out there"

pausing to sip your drink

"maybe I should
travel more"

yeah right.

pig-ignorant and blind
well fed and unkind
an ivory tower
of meaningless power
you never will leave behind
ZT Nov 2016
Let me tell you of who I killed
Just to maintain the order inside this tower

A petty and dark person once lurked
At the deepest and darkest corner of my core
Uhm, I mean the tower's core

That petty and dark person,
shall we call her as depression
Tried to climb at the top of the tower
and attempted to break the order

She bounded my heart.. I mean the core with chains
Wants to climb on top, embed my brains
with thought of self infliction and suicide
She really wants to see someone die
and oh yes she did
because yes she died

I killed her
Coz no one can mess with the tower's order

And the story goes like this
I have then ordered for the order of nights to **** her
once she gets on top and touches the border
her life would soon be over

But she was a fighter, I admit
Several knights have fallen to a defeat
Cast down to an eternal pit
of negativity that she submits

Confidence, Self-worth, Joy
are few of the heroes that have first fallen
Followed by logic, intelligence, pride and sense
Until little by little she was winning

The top of the tower she was conquering

then the tower was slowly changing
cue in isolation and self condemnation

But oh boy
when she thought she had finally won
when she thought the war was finally over
Awakens my last remaining fighter
that was once in a slumber
the last remaining member of the knights order
and she is up to bring back the tower's lost order!

Shall I call this knight HOPE
small and fragile as she seems,
but boy she was so dope

Everytime depression knocks her down
HOPE would break and scatter all around
But dont get me wrong, hope was not losing
coz this is her type of fighting
and by this she was actually winning

Her scatted pieces that trailed every corner
Shone brightly even at the pits of negativity
The light became a guide
A path that let out her comrades from the pit

Now everything in the tower was shining
Even the petty and dark depression was submitting

For darkness can never win over light
Thus mark depression's era as over
I killed her
or I may have not

maybe she will be back
but let me tell her this
Let me tell you this
I have a great fighter
and once she is still alive
It will never be over
I will keep fighting whoever want to take over my tower
Coz if the light of hope is still there
my life, I will never let it be over
yeah.. suffered depression pretty badly lately, but i have found some hope.. and yes.. she is definitely fighting and winning this war!!
Peter Roads Aug 2016
Is there space in this system for new rules
Can we find them hiding behind old books
Some dusty office at the top of a pole
Bleak ivory with a view well known
to all of us, who have got what we want
Whose privileged breath breathes deep of high times
stuffed with all those norms and expectations
litigating obligations ignored,
ignored; yet enforced by free tyranny
of the individual, of ones rights
without the weight of responsible
judgement. NO, there is no space up here, NO
not for straighter rules or greater fools
though latter too many, former too few;
These old rules are crooked, like hind quarters
dragged up the long torrid stair to the top
held up by lofty ideals, righteous… no
We seem in these high places to have forgot
whyfore we came to be here or how rotten
we are, that rot set into the books, the rules
the shelves, the pages, the walls, the food
Into the words, the system, the wages
paid to those shoring up this modern day
Babel. No well-intentioned roads lead here
No one will choose to walk these ugly stairs
No one will come, those lonely inventions
Freedom, liberty, the individual
Let them gather and groan in old walls
Mildewed bricks and misted rattling bones
Left here forgotten by those living below
Seen from on high in this ivory tower
This pale tower where no one lives, no one.
Cassandra Rose Jul 2016
there's a place
i know

it's on top of
a hill

there's a tower
and a field
and a view
to die for

whenever i am
or lonely
or upset
in any way
the tower
the view
the field
all comfort me
relax me
remind me
how to breathe

i come to my
special place
and look out at my
favorite view
and i can see
and nothing
all at once

i see everything

i can see
the entire

i see nothing

a valley
is all i see

this valley
is full of
thousands of people
and lives that
i don't really
want to know

i get bored
so bored of
meeting the same
people and seeing
the same things

i come to the Tower
and as i look out
at the view
the farthest thing
i can see is
the mountains

on every side of me
everywhere i turn
there they are:
the mountains
trapping me
keeping me here
in this place
holding me captive
in this valley

but not for long

i will be

i will travel
the world
and see more
than the mountains
i will climb them
tear them down
and overcome
all of my fears

i will leave
this valley

and my special place
will be nothing more
than a memory
a reminder of
who i used to be
R M Jul 2016
I’ve spent too long
locked in this dark
Thinking myself a
damsel in need of
But I’m remembering now
I’m a warrior
And capable of
saving myself.
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