A cool wind touching crevices
of your face, escaping
hot air and dodging quickly
as to not be caught by sun.
Your eyes gleaming deeper
than ocean waters
disguising life below them as thick,
White birds sink deep into sunsets,
seen from different windows,
all whispering the same words..
look at me and feel beauty
I can picture your hands,
cleaned, but stain imprinted
placed softly on my skin,
alone, with waves crashing.
Time is no constant.
There's only light and it's absence.
Your smile never fades away.
No envelopes with red writing.
I can hardly feel the fabric
worn loosely on my skin.
There's scattered sand upon it,
on sun-soaked salty bodies.
We're happily pacing
a shore of endless shells
laughing about stories
of work and other chores.
I want no one other
than your green eyes, blinding
to take me there, love me bare,
a shore with just our footsteps.