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Jellyfish May 2016
Right now, all I need
is to go home
to where the Jellyfish sing to me.

So please, someone
take me to the aquarium.
I found myself alone
On the edge of light
And darkness.
My body was torn
By radiance and shadow.
One half of me shone like
The far seeing sun.
The other side of me
Crawled in murk.
My fingers were radiant
But chilled in despair.
My eyes saw demons
But felt incandescence.
My smile carried happiness
With a hint of remorse.
My twin souls became a war
I could not end.
On the verge of my insanity,
You swallowed me whole
Which woke me up to reality
Where the two are one
Under the name of humanity.
K R W Jan 2016
You broke my bones until there was nothing left to me.
You've taken everything else,
Why not my soul?

Loveless Apr 2016
"hello" said an old lady as she greeted that old man with a smile.
"One more" he said to himself as he cried inside.
"adjust well to here" he said to that old lady looking at her.
"oh no, you're mistaken my friend, I'm not here for a long time, just a week or so." the lady replied but the old man didn't said anything. She continued" my boy is busy with work and shifting of his home and there was no one to take care of me there so I'm here and he will take me back to home soon"
"yeah yeah" the old man said
"I know you're jealous of me, because my son will take me back but no one is coming to take you back ever" replied the lady
This hurt the old man. She should not have been so rude. The man didn't said anything. He was in this old age home, not because someone left him there but because his family, his wife, his son, his daughter in law, his grandchild died in a car accident. He fell sick on that day and instead of going with them, he had went to doc. When he returned, he kept it waiting for his family. No one came. Only came a phone that said 'mr. your family is here I the hospital, you can fetch their dead bodies'. That man died a little inside that day. But he knew his family would want him to live and therefore he came to this old age home.
Realizing her mistake, the lady said sorry but he didn't responded.

That evening, he was sleeping.
"how are you? My son! Have you ate well" he heard it
"oh you're busy in a meeting"
"well call me later"
Old lady had called her boy.
"he won't come" the man warned her
"you just shut up" lady replied "he is just busy"

Same thing happened the next day.
And the next day
And next
It happened for fifteen days in a row. Same time the son of that lady will give her same reason without changing it.

"lose the hope before you lose yourself" another piece of advice from old man.
"I'm calling him and he would take me back to home just today"
And the lady called.
"son, I do not gel good in her"
"please take me from here quick"
"no I can't"
And the phone fell from the hand of that lady. Her son had asked her to stay there for a month more. The lady was broken. She hadn't accepted that yet. But she still thought her son will come to her after the month.

Days passed, weeks passed and so did months.

Her son didn't came.

The old lady fell sick. Her health deteriorated exponentially.

And on the exact the same day of the year she had came there.

The old man there dialed the phone of her son but he didn't responded.
"can you try again" the lady said. She was on dead. Too weak and sick.
The man was crying. He dialed the number again. No one responded again.
"he is not responding" said the old man
"can you give me the pic there" she said pointing at the famed pic of her family in which the two parents were smiling along with there baby son.
The old man picked that pic and gave it to her.
She held the pic close to her chest. Hugging it tightly. A drop of tear fell from her eyes.
"I'll try again" said the old man.
He tried but no one answered.
He looked at the lady. But her eyes were closed.
"hey wake up" he said and shrugged the lady. But she didn't responded. Her breath had ceased.

The lady died

The next day

"hello" said an old man as he greeted that old man with a smile.
"adjust well to here" he said to that old man looking at her.
"oh no, you're mistaken my friend, I'm not here for a long time, just a week or so." the man replied

The old man couldn't say anything.

*The end
Do not leave them if they love you that much
Ynhia Pollard Apr 2016
Talent, we still have it,
Our generation,
Needs to step up,
Touch and grab it,
We aren't what we make it seem,
We're more than this,
Touch and grab a talent,
You gotta Sound it,
Ready... Set... Do go,
And leave that house,
Go get grounded,
Make it on your own,
Make a living,
Make a world,
For yourself,
You gotta touch and grab your talent,
They have lived,
They have seen,
Now it's our turn,
To touch and grab,
Make it gleam,
Show the pride,
I'm black and I'm proud,
And I'm not gone hide,
That ebonics from the motherland,
Which is cool,
But I can talk like me and talk like you,
From the bottom straight to the top,
Ima touch and grab this talent,
Show you up,
Head start,
That's fine,
But it's my turn to shine,
Blacker the berry the sweeter the juice,
Pac said it,
Mama always had my back,
But now she dead,
Lost but now I'm found in the name,
Speak the tongue of my God,
Spread the word,
I made it out,
I'm way to happy to stay on mute,
I'm black and I'm proud,
And I made it out,
I gotta shout,
The world,
I see its end,
Soon come,
Straight in this narrow path,
Touch and grab a talent,
Make it out,
Don't stay where you are,
Make it out,
I'm here to tell that it's more to this,
This life is a game,
I have the manual to this,
It's all in the B-I-B-L-E,
Soon banded,
They know the truth and branded it,
And they have their God,
But I have mine too,
To the Man upstairs,
I'm sorry for all I've done,
Please save us too,
Take me home with you,
But to my people,
Stay black and stay proud,
Touch your talent,
Grab your talent,
Let's take over the world !
I'm out ...
kenny Diamond Mar 2016
It is give and take
but  u never understood me
I was just the dirt under your shoes
I stayed  and always saw the good
My mind always  told me walk away
But my heart was too caring
I always  had your back
I  fallen for caring your weight
you could never see past the image u wanted  to see
There was no magic to wipe away your views
You hated who I  was  deep inside
But you never seem  to mind the kindest i should  to you
I felt stuck in this quick sand hoping for change
I am just the dirt under your shoes
This about people in your life who deep down you know person will never change or  put in same as you. It was always hard the people who care our hearts are too big to see the big pic. Sometimes  you just have walk away
Scarlet Niamh Mar 2016
Unstack your load onto me
as my fountain rusts out, and I will
throw my love on your frozen ground
to thaw, unlock and lift it all away.

I will twist the sun and the moon
to change the weather and seasons for you.
This is pouring rain,
yet this is paradise.
~~ Rain is my paradise, yet you are paramount. ~~
In a world where monsters have the good in them and humans have the evil, I don't know which side to take.
- from a book I may or may not intend to make.
Dita H Mar 2016
Give my your hands,
Let go of any plans
you might have had
I am here to fill you.

Dream me and I am near you.
Hold on to this like fuel.
I am here to feed you.

Remember all this when it’s gone.
There is no use in love.
I am here to feel you.

Drink me and let me flow into your being
Let me learn and weigh you.
I am here to hold you.

Allow me travel your vastness.
Let me know your corners,
Break down doors, let me in.
I am here to consume you.

Lift me higher, take me to your mind
Let me run through your thoughts
soft and lush under my sharpness.
I am here to be you.
I wrote this after a period of writer's block. Constructive criticism and advice is very much welcome!
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