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Zero Nine Jun 2017
Day is plain
By night
My matter transforms
Becoming ascendant

Day is so plain
By night
I become someone else
Take my real form

Day is
the suffocation
By moonlight my
constricted lungs
are briefly fixed

The writer scratches a note to their side,
She moves through day to the night like bright lightning on the somber sky.
Allyssa Jun 2017
I know that I have killed myself a thousand times in my head,
Never fully grasping the concept of leaving.
I do not know when the thoughts started,
I guess they've always been there,
Whispering and taking turns rotting my brain into the landfill of decay and broken thoughts.
No longer the pink fleshy muscle that sat presently in my head.
It had turned to tar,
Black and thick,
Suffocating the light away from the open cracks where creativity once flowed through.
Unfathomable, the thought of dying, ceasing to exist.
What have I become?
Existentialism is hard to grasp
Sandoval Jun 2017
Winter dawns on me. The cold of the air, suffocates

my bones. I look outside and flowers are blooming in.

I'm slowly dying inside these four walls.

I love you, but as I watch you leave,

time slowly falls, and I drop to my knees.

Sarah Radzi May 2017
I often live by the rules
of it's okay I'll get through this.
if this way doesn't work,
there's plenty more.
i should be calm, shouldn't i?
often i have to remind myself
the what ifs of life;
anchored to the ground
as if I've been drowning for a while,
or head's in the cloud, light-
its a part of the process, right?
the part where im soiled with combat? the part where my body
will be devoured til i am one
with my heart and my mind,
and i am the seed
that will break through the surface;
gasping for air, longing for the rain
to wash my sins
and the light that will guide me to me;-
my subconscious is always at war,
and my body is a battlefield,
and i can never seem
to make peace with it.
Ma Cherie Jan 2017
I have grown impatient,
with being alone,
I'm in the same place,
a mindless drone,
day after day,
as I watch for the phone,
writing treadmill diaries,
spilling poetry,
night after endless night,
absent of touch,
and life giving light,

I'll die without,
or at least die quicker,
like a witch at her wheel,
I finally snicker,
so sleep and light deprived-

You say you need - results?
well here's something you can feel,
I hate to be the one,
but this is as real as real,

I am ready to date someone new,
not a wanton bandit who's like you,
stealing my minutes and thunder,
so you're not stealing any more time,
or pulling me back under,
your shaded curtain of lies,
if I come back,

It will suffocate me to death.

Ma Cherie © 2017
About staying strong and writing out frustration ; ) I can't stand shaded truth..
Sarah Isma Nov 2016
one, two
one, two
Train yourself, steady,
one, two...
Whenever you feel like everything is ending
Take one, two...
Whenever you think that nothing is working
Take one, two steps back and
Because it's one thing to suffocate on fear,
But another to realize that you can take
one, two, three steps back and...
And figure out you still have enough air to change the atmosphere.
i've been at the top of my limits lately and i thought of falling over at most times at for once I id fall and turned into a pool of chaos. Everything didn't seem right and all i thought to do was cry. and I did. And I took a deep breath, and realized that it's not *over*. Try getting back up, you'd never know what you can handle until you actually handle it. Take my steps, one, two... breathe.
Feliz G Oct 2016
Everyone could make you feel special,
To them, you are crucial,
To lose,
Cause you're the one they'd choose.

Don't be a fool,
This isn't some pointless duel,
It shows you how much they love you,
Anything they'd do.

So don't abandon those who care,
But life isn't fair,
Suffocate in all that isn't real,
Cause then soon they would reveal.
That you weren't anything,
The truth will sting,
You'll soon be back with them soon, don't worry,
No one right now is in a hurry.

As long as you stay put,
No one's a crook,
You're love will find you,
You'll just have to wait for a few,

Sam Aug 2016
She turns, shuffles, in the opposite direction,
Wanting -
To get away.

Out -
of this suffocating landscape,
Where people stare,
And compliment,
And do not go away,

When all she wants,
Is to slip,
Silently past,

Eyes meet hers across the room.

She ducks,
Underneath a waving arm,

As someone goes past,

The nearest exit.

The eyes blink, and she is gone.

Out -
to the darkness of night,
Where there is no-one,
And there is space,
And she can finally breathe.

She turns, strides, in the opposite direction,
Needing -
To get away.
Life is passing me by
And as I hold my breath
I realize I can't stop
The endless, rushing days
Hours of wasted time
Unless I breathe. And live.
August 9, 2016
Forever to blacken your sight
Your mind blank
Tainted by demons

Unable to breath
Like a weight is on your chest
Crushing your ribs into your heart

Ice freezing your veins
Fear of what's to come
As the darkness crashes over you

Your hand extends
Looking for something
To pull you from the dark

As though a light may come
Illuminate the way
To a place that feels safe

That life is full of disappointment
To lift you up
Before exploding and making you fall farther than before

From the blood on the ground
Where life made you fall
And you struggle to breath

As you drown in your own pool of blood
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