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Saudia R Apr 2016
I am ashamed.
I have failed so many times.
I no longer believe.
Believe in myself,
in my world,
in my dreams.
This weight on my heart,
so deep and dark,
slowly crushing me from within.
It's so hard to escape,
to breathe.
So frustrating.
Sleepless nights,
Second guessing everything;
Feelings I can't control...
or defeat.
A drop away from drowning;
I need help.
So many hands extended,
but some wither; some fake.
Unsure of who to trust,
which hand to take.
Head pounding,
heart racing,
four am panic attacks.
I don't want to let my parents down,
but I already have.
They haven't said it,
but I can see it,
feel it.
No explanations needed.
It's not all in my head!
It can't be.
But what if it is?
What do I do?
I'm lost.
But not all those who wander are lost...
I've been wandering for so long,
When will I be found?
I can't breathe without
A crescendo of panic
Crashing into my lungs
Like a flood of salty, bitter water.
Dark Smile Apr 2016
and you'll know what it is when you see it
and your throat begins to constrict
and your chest feels heavier
and it is just difficult to breathe
and you can feel emotions bubbling up from the pit of your stomach
and you know you are going to cry
and the memories come flooding back
and you know you just can't bear to feel again
and despite knowing this you don't look away
and you begin to wonder whether you actually like the pain
and it is getting more difficult to breathe
and you know that soon you are going to be overwhelmed
and you do nothing to stop it because it was a part of you for so long it demands to be felt and accepted wholly, completely it demands that you cling onto it and never let it go it wants your attention it need you attention it does not care about you it cares about your attention you fool stop living in the past the past is the past it is over get over it
dylan magaldi Mar 2016
What does drowning feel like?

Darkness, slowly approaching
Running out of breath
Weight pressing down on your chest;
No man can
No man can live, drowning
Going, going, gone
Nirvana Mar 2016
Loneliness never did killed me;
Its your thoughts that suffocates me!
Emily Adams Mar 2016
Emotional pain and suffering
is still pain and suffering.
If you are sad, angry, or happy
give yourself permission to feel it.
All these feelings are temporary
unless you lock them inside
where they will suffocate
your true self.

That is how monsters are made.
Mahdiya Patel Feb 2016
When our lips met ,
I could not breathe
It was like being suffocated by bliss
Grace Pickard Feb 2016
Persian pink slumping petals on sturdy green stems
Brought a smile to her face
In return you received her grace
But like her heart
Upon their final days,
cut into pieces
lid ******* on tight
glass walls limit sight
The air is fleeting

Slowly they suffocate away
Chloe Chapman Feb 2016
Panic crept up to me,
Filling my mind with images of them pulling out my body,
Festered  and decaying.
Images of slow starvation. Of disease and disintegrated skin.
My breath faltered,
I gasped for air but it got caught in my throat,
Hot and humid,
The cloying stench of mold.

I could feel my heart in my head,
Rushing through my ears,
Every beat ripping my chest open,
Like the pressure would burst my veins.
Reason fled.
Rationality ran.

The walls closed in on my mind,
The water rushed up and choked my hope,
Impenetrable dark, weighing on my shoulders,
Pulling me down. Suffocating me.
Filling my mouth,
My nose,
My mind.

The moss beneath my hands crawled up my skin,
Images of drowning in insects flew through my brain.
Crawling in to my mouth,
The sockets of my eyes.
I screamed.

I screamed and I screamed,
My voice broke and still I screamed,
Silent peals of anguish,
The sound rough and course, grating against my throat.
Ripping apart the silence.

Frantically I tried to scramble up the rough stones.
Shredding my fingers,
My hands were covered in blood and grime.
Panic faded into Pain.
Pain to numbness.
I retreated into my mind.
Once I got stuck in a well, about one meter across and five deep. thigh deep water and mold up the sides. I was sure I was going to die there. This is what I felt.
Mae Jan 2016
Out there.
It's not filled with traps waiting for you to step outside
It's not a war zone where new experiences are no man's land
Where our curiosity is the very pin to the grenade
Out there is where we were meant to be
Where we were meant to live

The real hazard is comfort
The danger zone where familiar awaits your white flag
Familiar will see you crawl in the mud
Familiar will let you walk out the with the target on your back
It will suffocate you with certainty  
In hopes of making you forget the hysteria that is your mind
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