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Lauren Leal Jan 2016
I surrounded myself
in the walls
of her

and suffocated
Not necessarily bad, but when you can love someone so much you wrap yourself in it, and in a sense suffocate happily. Yet at the same time, it could hurt you in return.
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
All this open space and freedom that is available to me.
I still feel as if I'm suffocating with emotions I never let free.
And crippled with fear of limitless opportunity.
Ally Nicole Nov 2015
Embodied body.
That body of water.
     The depths
        of the dips
        on the small
        of her back.
I would love to drown in your pools.
Your crashing waves pull me into that body,
That body of water.
     Undiscovered depths.
I want to feel you all around me.
Crush my bones,
Suffocate under your pressure,
I'll **** you into my lungs with my gasping breath.
Fill myself with you,
Mouth to mouth,
Revive me.
Martin Narrod Oct 2015
The grand, Dutch doors inside your eyes
slammed themselves shut
and this time was different because
I knew you would not be letting me back in.

I knew there would be no espresso
or red, Spanish lace stockings or you
forgiving me before *******
the breath out of me.

I knew on the nights I was a ghost
you would no longer visit my cemetery.

I knew when the old heart jar
began swimming frantic laps within my stomach
you would no longer burn lavender incense
or tuck me into bed.

I knew there were goodbye's
that felt like black, hot concrete
on bare feet.
Rachael Judd Aug 2015
Poetry was her lifeline. If she did not write, her voice would suffocate her, and her screams would silence her. Her hands would shake and her lungs would break.
Jackeline Chacon Aug 2015
A chain of men
******* my heart

But I'm okay
Just torn apart

I'm not dead
Just need air

Can't breathe
This chain I wear

Hopeless girl
Used for lust

Now you know
Why I can't trust

A minute happy
The next alone

Everyone I love
Turns to stone

He said forever
And he swore

They come back saying
"I don't love you anymore"

Maybe one day
I'll break free

From all the lies
Suffocating me
mk Aug 2015
too soon
too fast

i'm no good
...with heights

r u n

once more
off the

too soon
too fast


"look at what you've done"

blame game
my fault

my dreams
cannot handle
y o u

too soon
too fast

catch me
don't touch me
i hurt



too soon
too fast

i'm no good
...with heights
Nikita Jun 2015
I feel as though Im in a well
A deep dark well that I cant seem to get out of

I can hear the laughter
But they cant hear me
I can see the smiles
But they cant see me

Its like im in a well thats slowly filling with water
one day Ill make it to the top
but for now Im just drowning.
Elisa Holly Apr 2015
Brown skin. Shaved head. Dark eyes.
Sprawled out on my bed.
His body hair curls
adding to the shadows
against his vulnerability.
Just shy of 5'6,
it is surprising
how much damage a man,
of such small stature,
can do.
His eyes meet mine.
My breath is gone.
He grabs my *** so hard;
I feel the fat squeeze against each other
causing dimples in my skin.
He throws me on top of him.
His eyes shut as he lies under me.
I lean in
gently kissing
the middle of his forehead
as I graze my hands
against his five o’ clock shadow.
His lips lightly reach my ear and whisper,
“that was too loving.”
The words flood my heart with anger.
No matter how much I try
the only thing he loves
are my legs wrapped around his waist.
I smile
as if unfazed by the rising resentment
building from my belly.
He pulls my hair
causing my back to arch.
His tongue deep in me,
I secretly wish
my thighs would suffocate him.
I sigh and release.
Loose thoughts Mar 2015
Feeling myself suffocate,
Just imagining my fate,
Hoping it's not too late,
Hope I don't deflate.

~A.d | 9 Dec 2014
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