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Hello Hi Sep 2015
Hopes is what i see when im with her,
She is back now, but will she stays?
Seeing you brings memory,
Memories i try bury deep inside,
Memories i spend months to discard,
But she came back, only now its different.
Hoping for things to be better,
Working and building towards it,
She smiles such things is going to be okay,
But suddenly she just walks away,
Again she just slips away,
That glimmer of hopes,
That i never seen in a long time,
Just again it fades away.
Yume Blade Sep 2015
Trying to do my best
notice  I'm awfullest
Thinking to do a good thing
notice I sink in
Take myself for a smart one
notice that i'm lone
Stuck In Reverse

F : Failing...........
A : Agressif........
T : Terrific..........
U : Unpleasant..
O : Outrageous .
U : Useless .........
S : Scornful.........
cait-cait Sep 2015
i am still my past,
that stupid little girl,
with that stupid knack
for crying,

and i am still her future,
for shes still a little stupid,
and still cries with that
horrible talent for crying,

and i am still alive,
even if im stupid,
even if im crying.
I got my hair dyed today and someone indirectly called it ugly and I'm so upset and I've been crying for hours. Also they forgot nearly everything about me
Madison Y Sep 2015
You ask what I'm thinking, and I give you
Some line I wrote in freshman English.
Then you sit there telling me I'm so insightful,
But, God!—I've got you fooled.
I am not special or interesting or
I am a girl who reads poems
(Far too much Bukowski) and
Lets the flicker of the TV lull her to sleep.
Night after night it's some new hero telling a girl with big eyes he loves her,
And then they're living 'happily ever after'
Like it's some place you can drop by for a postcard and a bite to eat.
It's *******.
Still, look at me—I eat it up,
Let it sink so deep that it digs through my bones
Until I'm practically made of the stuff.
And the worst part is, I'm running around spouting all this fairy-tale garbage,
Like maybe if I say it often enough, it'll come true.
But, of course, it never does.
You never burst through the right door, and I never cry into the crook of your neck.
I don't love you, and you only think you love me:
The ***** who reads Bukowski.
(This is an example of writing whilst terrified.)
Neex Sep 2015
It took more hurt,
But I get it now.

How could I be so stupid,
To let them take my hurt,
And make it about them,
*Just to get out of their own guilt.
And I fell for it,
Every time.
Jellyfish Aug 2015
What ever happened to us keeping our buisness ours?
Jellyfish Aug 2015
Honestly I am so done with your ****
*               I need help, won't you do this?
This time no, I don't think that I will
I'm tired of trying to do a good deed
just for you and it comes right back-
freezing my heart some worn out
number below zero degrees. I'm
so tired of trying to be there for you
always 100 percent and you just not
seeing it. you made me go from types
of sublime to forms of somber. You
were never really-TRULY-there for
me I now can remember that, simply.
This is my goodbye, don't contact me
again in this life.
olivia larson Aug 2015
we are over.
not in the way you say we are.
i will not wait like a dog
for you to open the door.
for too long you've left me in the rain
pawing at the door and whimpering
while you took care of that stray
i get she needs you more than i do,
but you can't just leave me out here.
you chose me.
so it's time to start acting like it.
but we are over.
the night you locked the door on me,
all i wanted was the key.
i thought if i said "i love you"
in just the right way
you'd let me in
but then i realized
i am not yours
i refuse to fall into this trap
like the stray you love oh so much
i was whole before you
i will learn to become whole without you.
olivia larson Aug 2015
you told me you could see lifetimes in my eyes
you told me my fingers painted galaxies on your skin
you told me we would be okay
so now what am i supposed to believe?
the moon weeps for us
the stars look down in sorrow
they have lost their shine
the same ones we danced beneath
now mourn our demise
the same ones we laughed up to
and told secrets to
and whispered cotton candy promises to
now do not believe in love.
the galaxies i once painted on your skin
call us liars
Abbie Aug 2015
You steal my drugs
Take my money
You look at me and think
"What's wrong, honey?"
Go behind my back
Feed me ******* lies
I can never confront you
So I let it out and cry
You try to make me happy
In doing what you please
But don't you ever notice,
I'm everything but at ease
Your mad at me when I'm "not happy"
But that's because im "being ******"
You've tried to mend these broken strings
But all you've done is break my wings
You ******* druggies
I can't take it anymore
I'm ready to leave
Break open a new door
One with a life of trust and respect
Where my life won't be
Such a wreck
It's my fault for enabling you
But you tugged at my heart strings
Guilt tripped me two for two
And here I am back at the start
Trying to build back up
What keeps falling apart
There's only so many times
I'll keep going around
Until Ive done my time
And I'm ready to bound
No respect or privacy for own things. My prescriptions are my business, mine. Does anyone have boundary or respect for their own daughter? Their own sister? What happened to such novelties... The worst part is this isn't the first time. My naivety for Hope is growing thin in the time of blind rage fury. I wish I would know better not to let them break down my walls I've built to keep them out smh
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