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Gary Z Dec 2014
I am in no way remarkable or impressive.
I am one that does not stand out in a crowd
and will fade to a memory
that will be recalled long after this day.
Or not be recalled at all.

But if you do decide to believe otherwise,
if my image can be assembled in your mind at any time and if my image is paired with a smile, then know that I'm thankful for your company.

If I ever gave heed to your words,
and if I ever revealed a truth,
then know that those moments
were exclusively between us.

If we shared some conversation,
if we shared a genuine laugh,
and if we shared a sentimental moment,
then know that I'm blessed
to have shared it with you.

If I ever embraced you
for what seemed like a minute,
then know that I  desired
to do so without end.

If for some reason
I am kept in your memory,
I pray that you willingly did so
for good reason.
Eleanor Rigby Nov 2014
How I ever stumbled across you
I don't know.
How I ever started to love you.
I don't know.

All I know is that there won't come
A day where I don't think of you.

Nena Twedell Oct 2014
In a flash
A beat of a heart
The decision was made
A choice that can never be taken back
The blink of an eye
and your smell was in my nose
Sending mixed messages  everywhere in my body
Its a love affair that I just can't seem to get away from
I love you
then I hate you
The decision was made by the time I ran into in the store
Just waiting for me to sheepishly say greet you with a smile.
My heart raced the closer we got
My thoughts bounced around
Reminding me of what the consequences may be
But then I let my guard down even further
I let you dance with me in the dark
And dance with me in the light
I let you hold me closer than anyone else ever has
Heart racing
words stuck in my throat
Mind rushing to find  the right thing to say
Can't catch my breathe
as I watch you walking out the door
I try to catch you as your walking away
but I stumble because everything you do
still affects me
A blink of an eye
a beat of the heart
a decision was made that I will never be able to take back.
And I don't know
How many times I asked
Where to go
When I was looking at the past

I can't look ahead
For all the times I've made mistakes
Faults so dripping red
Don't believe I have what it takes

So give me rest
When I'm just trying to survive
When I'm not my best
Let me know that I'll revive.

Why do I
Seem to do the very same things
I'd try to fly
But never with these broken wings

It was just too cold
When I started out anew
But as I grow old
I'll try to keep my eyes on You.
Jacob Traver Jun 2013
I fail; still you succeed
I cry; still you smile
I stumble; still you stand
I crumble; still you're strong

Where my failures fall into a darkened hole
They hide and grow and wreck my soul
They torture me until I am no more
And like a lion they fiercely roar

I scream; you answer
I need; you supply
I find; you're treasure
I fall; you rescue

I find you like a dove alighting
And I slowly, slowly give up my fighting
I run into your outstretched arms
Where you protect me from failures and harm.

— The End —