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Elioinai Apr 2015
Like a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him
Ezekiel 1:28
writer Apr 2015
Don't let those beautiful eyes lose their sparkle tonight.

your eyes hold the universe, but more important your eyes hold your secrets.

secrets are locked up. mostly not with a ribbon but with a lock.

that's why those beautiful eyes sparkle, because of the lock that holds your secrets.

Don't let those beautiful eyes lose their sparkle tonight.

your eyes hold the universe, but more important your eyes hold your happiness.

happiness are laughs. mostly not a little smile but a big smile, that shows your teeth.

that's why those beautiful eyes sparkle, because of the big smile that holds your happiness.

Don't let those beautiful eyes lose their sparkle tonight.

your eyes hold the universe, but more important your eyes hold your love.

love is like firework. mostly not the new years firework but the one you can feel.

that's why those beautiful eyes sparkle, because of the firework that holds your love.

Your eyes sparkle, don't let them lose it tonight.
A Watoot Mar 2015
The taste of your tongue lingers on me
A taste of honey encrusted in gold
It shines and sparkles even in the dead of the night
Our muffled voices echo in these four walls

The room smelled of animal musk
A mix of heaven and sugar combined
Your taste supressed the heavenly bodies' light
and gave me light brighter than Sun.
Wonders Mar 2015
Il avait de très beaux yeux
Il était haut
Il avait un joli sourire
Il s’est assis sur une chaise dans la classe vide.

Il a été prés de moi
Nous avons parlé un peu
Il m’a dit quelque chose
Il était si mignon
Que je n’ai pas prêté attention.

Je n’ai pas su son prénom
Il ne m’a pas regardé de la même manière que je l’ai vu
Il est parti
Je voulais le revoir
J‘ai pensé à lui tous les jours

Je l'ai revu un jour
J‘étais très heureuse
Il est resté la même personne
Il avait les mêmes yeux
Mais ils ne m’ont pas regardé.
Poème de l'absence d'amour.
Exhale Your Mind Jan 2015
Even if the sun steals my shine
I will still sparkle.
Don't forget the moon catches sunbeams in his reflection
In order to light up the universe
When it's his time to shine
Chase Gagnon Jan 2015
Lonely and cold,
I wait for love
beside the frosted window
while dreams of fireflies
sparkle in the snow.
I sip black coffee
from my mug, quietly,
so I don't wake them...

Because I know when summer comes
I’ll have found someone
and I want to make sure they're all well rested
so they can swirl around my lover and me
when our soft lips spark
for the first time
like flint,
so I can watch them drown out
in that new lovelight
that'll glow furiously when dusk
cinders into darkness.

But for now
I'll have to deal with the darkest months
while they lay on the lawn
asleep under the moon
with beautiful dreams.
trees wrapped in lights glitter
shine and sparkle under moons night
open land, expansive
to run
to slide
snow so white and soft like clouds
absorbs our bodies fall

pines and firs a canopy
casting gaze on all below
branch tips wrapped in delicate ice
magic wands
hovering o're our heads
this eve of moonlit glow

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels. All Rights Reserved.
Winter Everywhere!!!!:-)
Danielle Joanna Nov 2014
Tracing the patterns of dust shining creatures in the night sky
Wishing that every sparkle will equal to
a day without trying
a day without crying
a day without denying
that I am as good as you imagined me to be.

I spent many, many years
the broken pieces I have, ever since the day I felt like I am torn

Still, after years
I am still the lost girl in the crowd
I do not know where I belong
I do not know where I will fit in
I do not know who I truly am

I kept on guessing
maybe I am a geek
maybe I love reading books
maybe I am part of the White Girls who drinks Starbucks everyday
maybe I am sporty and manly like all the boys in my class
maybe I am just a piece of work who is worth to be kept in the shelves for years

I asked myself for thousand and thousand of times
Who am I?

Then, a voice whispered to me and it opened my heart fully
He said
"Darling, you do not need any more or any less.
You are my creation, a masterpiece, therefore
you are my Princess and I am your King.
You are my child and I your Father.
You do not need to find yourself underneath every person's shoe, because you are MY CREATION, A MASTERPIECE and I love you for you."

Right there and then
I found myself
I fixed myself
and I know who I am

I am His child,
He is my Father
Although I am not as good as you think I am
His judgment is all that matters.

I am the kind of girl
who you'll see outside
thinking and staring
at the dust shining creatures in the night sky
wishing that every sparkle will equal to
A new blessing
A voice from my Father
who resides in the heavens.

That is who I am
and I'll be forever grateful.
Right after science homework
I opened my account and started typing.
mark john junor Sep 2014
soft now
please step careful round my heart
soft now with all these shouts of joy....
know how easy to get carried away
but lets not get too far ahead
lets just see where firefly's land
lets see where the day takes us
please step careful round my heart
soft now with all these shouts of joy....
cause i really love the way your
open hearted eyes look at me
really love the way your lips feel on mine
so step careful round my heart
soft now with all these shouts of joy.....
lets see how we dance together under the moon
lets see how you romance with picnic basket summer day
lets see how we kiss in the rain
step soft till i know for sure
that you'll make my heart sparkle
Sofia M Sep 2014
the way your eyes sparkle
when you talk about the things you love amazes me
I hope my eyes sparkle too
when I talk about you
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