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Em MacKenzie Oct 2024
Spilled pill pieces
like crushed up Reese’s
I found my thesis;
in an empty stomach.
I formed some habits,
they reproduced like rabbits
and if I couldn’t stab it
I’d try to make it plumbic.
Decide to destroy at any cost,
I can’t hide or play coy; I’m my final boss.

I’m so messed up that I used to enjoy the battle;
while I lost, I lost to myself so I’d win.
Lamb to slaughter but too much guilt for the cattle,
maybe a sort of pacification that we can begin.
No cheat codes for this game we play.
All we sow is the seeds for another day.

Blurry scenes
and forgotten dreams,
no ends to a means,
but it started quite simple.
It began with quiet sighs
and tired bagged eyes
my grin would rise
but it seems I lost my dimples.
I was stumbling and swaying yet so lost,
fumbling while playing; I’m my final boss.

I was so messed up that I used to enjoy the game;
while I lost, I lost to myself all the same.
There’s no contra code and no extra lives,
no easy mode, no new game plus to replay twice.
No cheat codes for this game we play.
I keep wishing I could pause, wishing I could just stay.

There’s no save spot in sight,
no shrine and no campfire.
My hands gripping on so tight
my mind and my eyes tire.
I wished to be the hero of time,
always scared that I’d become a Ganon.
It took some work but my Zelda’s mine
I hope that ending stays canon.
But life is something that can’t be cheated,
destiny can’t ever be defeated.
Amanda Kay Burke Aug 2024
Your side untouched for what felt like eternity
Written 3-8-21
Simran Guwalani Apr 2024
You know it's true when I say
that we are messed up
in our own little way.

We cry and complain
This is a mess
but when it's gone
our life's just too plain
We miss the madness.

But that's human nature
by which we abide
Because the grass is always greener
on the other side.
Alan S Bailey Mar 2024
So you want to lead me, "us all," to the "truth,"
That there is no excuse and that every day
We need instantaneous "failure proof,"
But I know what you are, you can't hide.
You've taken so many to an early
Retirement already with your "sane" logic.
Please give me a moment so I can find out
What it's like to be on the
"Winning side,"
While I sit here, head reeling,
Strangers passing around at every turn on
This city street, completely and entirely aware
About it all and don't want to let you just
Simply pass for normal. It's like this feet that you must commit
To, I'm a victim of your shameless charade,
Lucky me, I am the bad one who has to get out of the car.
That every thing I have ever accomplished means
Absolutely nothing
Simply because it isn't
Nat Lipstadt Mar 2023
walking daily during my diurnal preamble ramble,
my city-street-eyes are well trained to tread careful,
for numerous are the hazards, but fewer the delights

always on the lookout for the itinerant penny,
I skip a heartbeat and a step, when eyeing a
shiny penny brightness lying in a concrete crack

no longer wonder how came it to be discarded,
who would willing part with such man made beauty,
a shiny penny, methinks, omen for a shiny, brighter day.

but let me share.a secret, relying on your honest discretion,
such pennies collected never ever abide for long in my pocket,
honor bound to redistribute direct, lest I deem myself the lesser

for shiny things unshared, become dulled, outcasts, unbecoming,
‘tis in the shining, value lying,
the things we share,  shine best, including ourselves…
Thu Feb 2
We can walk to the other side
One by one, our minds open wide
A better money - a better way
Walk to the other side today

Walk to the other system now
Feel the freedom it allows
Leave the distorted money scheme
And join the secure Bitcoin stream

When you walk to the other side
Help others cross - as humble guide
Pave the path and improve the way
Use patience in what you do and say

Our money will only stick around
With a money system truly sound
So walk to the other side with me
That we and our children can be free
This is Bitcoin Poem 004 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Chloe Dec 2021
Searching for something
that stars with “S”
and ends in “tonin”
to heal my thoughts.

Just hand me a cigarette
I already have cancer
of the soul

Searching for something
that starts with “Oxy”
and ends in “tocin”
I drain the ocean
from me
as it drains from you

Just prescribe me
the ******* Prozac
I’ll never feel pleasure
ever again, anyways

Is there a cure for dry mouth?
Anais Vionet Sep 2021
Dissolve your genuine self
hide your natural traits
deny your heritage
forsake social interests
and embrace the darker side of love.
it happens more often than you may think
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