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Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, need a sign---for my feels to shine:>

universe of ours to the seven of the heavens of the gods of the universe

I'm just hoping for a miracle immerse

I'm just waiting for a sign

to utter a feel to the unspeakable feels in the eyes spitted crime

universe tell me if it's a message you ought to send to reveal

because my attachment knows no surface when it comes to the deep

universe tell me if it's the angels that I think I see

because my paths are carved on the stance of this willing  be

universe tell me if it's the right I sense if it's the mild anticipated hence

because if it is-the moons that I felt the future that I begged

then my dreams would surf to the boundless wilds of the ends

                                                              ­           ------ravenfeels
Steve Page May 2021
Waiting for rain that may never come
Watching the sky for foretold clouds
Planning my day around speculation
Finding I've wasted 7 hours.
kiran goswami May 2021
My dear, you are not the sun.
You do not need to blind others or overpower someone's light to shine.

You are a star.
You shine the brightest along with all the others,
not without them.
Danielle May 2021
The stars are fake,
they are shining upon the sky
And burning everything that touches their beam.

They desire a sand
and you are the hourglass.
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
We shine bright,
Like the morning star,
Because of sunlight.
a Apr 2021
She had the moonlight in in her eyes
She carried the sunlight in her words
She rose too bright
He would burn next to her
Kalen Dion Apr 2021
You can't make a flower bloom.
You can shine all you want
but it won't open
until it's ready.
George Krokos Apr 2021
O God, may Your light of love and truth always shine through
illuminating all the darkness and dispelling our ignorance too.
You are the Only One That eternally shines by Its own infinite light
and everything’s a reflection of Thy glory witnessed by divine sight.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early '90's.
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