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Joe Aug 2018
I cannot stand Biology
It's the worst of all the "ologies."
There's so many terms to memorize
That my brain is about to Ionize!
I envy all of the cell's abilities,
(Oh how life has so many ironies!)
If I held the power of Phagocytosis,
(Even the word is so sadly atrocious!)
Then all those terms I'd consume,
And never again I'd assume
Anything to do with Biology!
This poem doesn't flow as well as I'd like, but I think it gets the message across.

Constructive criticism is always welcome!
jj Aug 2018
Months after months calling your name,
I got no reply I'm stuck in the rain,
You're moving on growing in fame,
I don't know how much longer I can keep sane.

I'm climbing this hill getting over you,
Meeting new people seeing new things,
Footsteps rushing behind someone's breaking through,
Not looking back taking down my kings.

Crawling back I hear you yelling,
I've been through this too many times,
I have stopped dwelling,
I'm done with all your crimes.

I've met someone new,
My hand in hers and everything is calm,
Even though I still have your tattoo,
I'm no longer a ticking time bomb.
i can say im fully over him now things are so much better im so much better i got a girlfriend who genuinely cares about my well being and who loves me so im well.
Katelynn Aug 2018
It’s our final year,
Of high school here,
Then soon we’ll leave our mark,
To make a world of our own.

Though we are just a speck,
Drifting through time.
It seems through all these years,
Gone in just a flash of light,
That moved way too fast.

We’ve made it through the stress,
And moments of being depressed.
Now we are waiting for our moment,
Where we will be best dressed.

Some will apply to move forward,
And others prefer to stay,
But we all will make decisions,
To make our own way.

Ordering our gowns,
Removing our frowns,
Planning for prom,
Not realizing,
How much we might miss mom.

But until that day,
Here we’ll stay,
Waiting for our taste of freedom.

But until that day,
Here we’ll stay,
To a new chapter,
To a story that has just begun.
Now that I am a few days into my senior year of high school, I can't wait till it's over. But I have to remember that I should really relish in this school year because it only happens once.
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
I like to laugh and smile
like any other kid
but you decided that

I was undeserving

of being liked
of being loved
of being myself

I wasn't cool
I wasn't trendy
I wasn't sporty

I was just being myself

I am quirky
I am intellegent
I am creative

You Don't care!

You are relentless
You are misguided
You are ruthless

Who hurt you so bad?

You have friends
You have fashion
You have popularity

Is that not enough?

I am now untrusting
I am now anxious
I am now depressed

It still hurts till this day!

I have grown to resent you!
I have grown to hate you!
Why aren't you dead yet?

I'm sure the feeling is mutual

You hurt me
Someone hurt you

When does this vicious cycle end?
I was bullied relentlessly throughout my entire school years.  It was torture!  I deal with it the best I can to this day.  I survived!  Please love your neighbor, but more importantly, love yourself!
Haylin Aug 2018
Is It okay to think for myself?
Is it okay to be who i want?
Is it okay to choose my own book of the shelf?
But i'm guessing that i can't
Because you've taught me how to think
Not for myself but for you
You've taught me who i am
Not me but you
You've told me creativity is good
But then showed me what i did wrong
You've told me to think for myself
Then gave me a topic to follow
You told me to think outside the box
Then gave me a rubric so hollow
Haylin Aug 2018
You're our second house,
Education is what you offered.
But we can't call you home;
For depression is a part of that offer.
Haylin Aug 2018
Don't tell me
what you learned in school
was useless

every day

the number of likes
you got on your selfie
to figure out the value
of your beauty,

perfectly formed tweets
to exude creativity and wit
you wish you
actually possessed,

status updates
from former friends
who always seem
to be doing something

become curious
about the lives
of people
you've never met,

why you waste
your time
comparing yourself
to carefully crafted personalities
that exist only
for Internet audiences
they would otherwise
be too afraid
to address.

Don't tell me
what you learned in school
was useless.
Dani Aug 2018
To all the beaten
To all the abused
For all the hurt
For all the accused
This is for you
This is a token
Listen to these words
Listen to the outspoken
Those who hurt them
Those who are mean
Look at what’s done
Look at what’s keen
Some run and hide
Some ruin lives
They come in sweet
They leave with knives
This is the way
This is how it's done
It helps the evil
It helps no one
Leave the lost alone
Leave them to be found
Notice the hatred you have
Notice all that's sound
Look at what you do
Look what's been made
They show with guns
They come with a grenade
Taking you away
Taking your life
Death is the cost
Death reaps with a scythe
You broke a heart
You broke your own
Not easily fixed
Not as a bone
Tell the world
Tell its worth
Breaking to be broken
Breaking this Earth
Written after watching a young boy being bullied on the school bus. All I could do was walk him a few blocks to his house. I couldn't stop it, i was so scared. I wish I had said something in the moment. Afterwards I went home and wrote this.
Morgan Mercury Sep 2013
The first time I saw you it was in math class.
I didn't notice anything about you at first I just memorized the back of how your head was.
After all, I had an hour to ****.
The second time I saw you were in English class.
You sat next to me but not by choice.
But I was happy about it.
It took me about four to five weeks to talk to you,
and I wasn't even the one to speak first.
You introduced yourself and then we worked together on an assignment.
It's been two weeks and I haven't said another word and I probably won't out of random.
My anxiety swallows me whole
and I'm sorry I can't even say hello.
But I have had time to notice you.
And let me just say
I'm in love with your taste in music
I'm in love with the way you hold your books
thinking that if you change the sound of your voice when the diagonal changes,
or if you struggle reading words you've never seen before and sit there for a few seconds trying to piece together what they mean.
I love how you can play the mandolin, you should show me sometime.
As I think about these things I also pick up how you would never even think of me.
I mean really,
you probably want some girl that's outgoing and can strum a guitar solo at midnight with you.
You probably want someone with long hair you can intertwine your fingers in,
or someone you can spend an afternoon together after church with.
I can't move mountains
and I can't even speak without looking like a fool,
but even if nothing will ever happen
It would be just as quite exciting being friends with you.
We could trade books and make each other mixtapes.
It hasn't even been a month yet and I'm already writing mediocre poetry about you.
I'm sorry about that by the way.
I'm not asking for a relationship but a friendship with someone like you would feel just the same.
I wrote this in like 20 minutes and I apologize I don't even know
levi eden r Aug 2018
i've almost forgotten what your voice sounds like.
i hate the way my dad acts when he's with his new lover,
it reminds me of how he would yell me for breathing.

the nerves of the first day of school are back.
for some reason,
these jitters brought out tears and anxiety.
i don't want to get back again,
i've been trying really hard to be okay.
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