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Broken Pieces Aug 2021
Do I even have any good words to right anymore?
dilshé Aug 2021
Are we living an Oxymoron?
In an existence with no "Once upon..."
Magnetism causes gravitation
Minds linger in constant levatation
Refuse the touch of blatant grounds
Can't accept reality will come around-
the corner, when the time's just right
of all the dreams you've accumulated - in spite
Is it in the constellations like mystics say
Never believed in illogical misfits anyway
Could futures possibilities be written in the sky?
Stutters in the struggles of answering the whys
Are we surrounded by patterns, codes to crack?
with the intelligence an average human lacks
Infinite questions & complications
Waiting for the great moment of revelation...
Zack Ripley Aug 2021
I've said hello. I've had to say goodbye.
I've said a lot of things in my time.
And I'll say a lot more.
Because you taught me
that what I have to say matters.
And now it's time to share
what I've learned with you.
What you have to say matters.
What you WANT to say matters.
You listened to me.
So, I'm ready to listen to you.
What do you want to say?
dilshé Aug 2021
exploring the extramundane

a cosmos beyond the auditory,

visual & tactile

the mind's orphic in its anonymity

galaxies of oblivion,

yet imprisoned in the same isle.

By chance our curiosity-

collided with the unknown

Hallucinating on O2

knowing mysteries lie

outside of this dome.

A quest through neurotransmitters -

constellations of thoughts in gear

What is the unfiltered 'reality'

once the cryptic gas clears?
Is it still a hazard if noone cares about the hazard?

Is it still the truth if noone believes it's the truth?

Is growth still growth if the very thing that made it grow, makes it die?

Is it still justice if the justice leads to crime?

Is it still an answer if it makes me question why?
caden Aug 2021
I often think.
I wrote that first line and almost left it as a poem by itself because those three words are a nice summarization of what I wish I could say when someone asks me “How are you”

See the phrase, “I often think” pretty much describes my mood no matter the day, time, age or circumstance that I might be going through.
I think about everything, all of the time.
In fact there hasn’t been a moment since I was born when I wasn’t thinking about something

When someone asks me how I am doing, I long to reply with “i often think”
Because replying with “better than I deserve” or “well I’m just living the dream” has never felt right to me.
Every single time I have been asked the basic question of how are you. It physically pains me to say, “good, and how about yourself”
And I shorten my answer to the acceptable one, because what I really want to say at that moment would take up too much time from the sweet smiling lady who asks me that at the drive through because she asks the question out of habit.

When I am asked “How are you” I desperately wish I could respond with, “I often think.”
Because there is no doubt in my mind that the people I pass by every day who do not know me,
Often think.
And it is such a shame that we do not answer that question with what we are often thinking about.
Can anyone define the word happy?
like, is anyone actually happy?
or is it just an emotion our brain makes up,
so we don't have to go through the pain which
is called life?
Just an over thinker
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