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muteD Jul 2021
Your face seems to be all I see
whenever I close my eyes.

why does he haunt me?
a ghost of love we never truly had,
how could I miss it?

Memories flash through my head
like daggers to the chest.
Wounding me seemed to be the target
before our first encounter.
To gaze, unbothered,
at something so innocent
while envisioning
how to bring me to my knees.

did I love you? or did I love the idea
of you loving me?
I’ll never truly know
because you are a ghost
of my past.

and ghosts don’t answer questions.
my ghosts never shut up though..
Tony Oquendo Jul 2021
In the wind she whispers secrets
in the rain she shares her sorrows
beneath our feat she gently moves
a silent promise of a new tomorrow
Tony Oquendo Jun 2021
I have seen life and I have laughed and I have cried.  I have met struggle and pain but I have endured and I have tried.  I have learned much in my time, experience that you may not see.  Yet through heart ache and pain I will smile and you will know that I am me.
GQ James Jun 2021
Is your life important to you?
Are you alive or dead?
Can you feel your inside your chest?
Are you a believer in god?
Do you pray?
Do you sin?
Do you think you're a good person?
Do you find yourself thinking about suicide?
Do you have people in your life that care for you?
Who do you think is your weakness?
What is your weakness?
Do you have a weakness?
Are you strong or weak?
Are you more valuable alive or dead?
a distant thought of
an intimate dream where
my life depended on me
putting emotions into words
writing something
that makes me think
of myself as a decent and productive
human being
somewhere in the herd,
trying to raise the bar
of  critical thinking
in a thoughtless world
it wasn't so mechanical
so I would be on autopilot
but rather its a journey
a transformation,
always growing
perplexed yet again
at that thought of being
satisfied and optimistic,
looking into the mirror
vacillating as always
who am I today?
what will I get done?
being involved in another
facade or just flow
like water
lacking pretence,
waiting to be profound
over the baggage of rebound
longing both to be
known and hidden,
letting the significant moments
of my life
pass in little incidents
will I take these words
and dive in deep?
or simply give up
and go to sleep?
What if I had to write for my survival?
Will I survive?
It was so abrupt
Like a string being snapped -
Like a door being slammed -
Like a voice being shut -
An unforeseen slap
It was
a ledge too short
a goodbye too soon
a sudden break -
- **** -        
my heart aches.
Being frozen in shock and then frantically looking for answers - that's how it feels when something we care about ends so suddenly.
We all need closu-
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