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Devin Lawrence Aug 2018
It’s nice to see you again.
You’re always a click away.
I did a thing today.
Will you like it for me right away?
I see you found a new hobby,
you post a link that I copy,
and I like it,
because I like you.

I share my new piece,
take a look at your niece,
you seem happy and it puts me at peace.
But I’m stuck...
I’ve signed a new lease.
Look at this photo, I’ve used new hair grease.
You like it,
and I think it means you like me.

You fall in love and I like
that picture of you and them on that hike;
it feels like I’m with you all the time,
but this bond is only as strong
as our connection to Wi-Fi.

I’ve lost some friends but I deflect
by sharing songs to connect,
but these prevailing thoughts interject:

I’m all alone.
It’s just the screen,
and me.

I look at likes like they’re currency
and I’m currently
using poetry -
a writer’s diplomacy -
to scream “woe is me!”
but I bet you can see
right through me,
can’t you?

My digital friend,
where did this begin,
and where does it end?
Are we bound to do this dance
‘till we’re echoes of dust,
or call it like it is:
you and me, we’re just...

I can’t.

You post a picture.
I like it,
because I like you.
stargazer Jul 2018
My mind is a web of
and String
That I cannot fathom into a
Jumbled and confused in this big, endless world.
Sachiko Jul 2018
He looked at his object with an eye.
So, he came closer to clarify.
An angle that will compliment for each element.
A product that can make a statement.
He chose the bright colors to incorporate.
Because her smile suited a great light.
He focused the subject, and suddenly it was fading.
She was started running.
Running, from the picture perfect life that he created.
She was a medium of unrealistic bliss.
And found herself out of nowhere.
People envied her but they didn’t know the  truth.
She was missing the unfiltered life.
She spaced out, and her heart was bruised.
He was definitely imaginative.
And fooled by unreachable perspective.
He looked at his object with an eye.
Thinking, with her was a root of a great life.
I wrote this during the fall season, and at the same time my brother and his girlfriend broke up. And that situation was my inspiration to just write as I see him every single day trying to figure out all the answers to all his questions.
Maxim Keyfman Jul 2018
pictures fall from heaven
and from hell but all this is one thing
bananas pineapples oranges
all the pictures are mine in this world
and this light is my eye
and your and your eye is my eye
and all eyes about my
and my eye and I'll trust you

I do not exist I do not have
in this world as well as you
I'm in your head you gave birth to me
but I gave birth to you I'm your creator
all around is falling pictures are rushing
from the future and past present times
soon time will fall soon time we die
But do not forget that it is already a long time
long ago as time has forsaken us forever

I do not exist I do not have
I'm out of you and I are out of times I'm out of time
bananas pineapples oranges and paintings
all this is the product of my eyes
and all eyes in this world are all my eyes
and I'm all your I'm your consciousness I'm your idea
you gave birth to me like the moon like the sun
and do not forget that I gave birth to you
that we all created each other
snow is snowing is snowing is snowing is coming

Drew Vincent Jul 2018
I imagine myself with you, M.
I can see myself,  happy with you.

I can picture us on our first date,
laughing so hard we hold onto each other for support.
I can picture us walking together,
admiring all the local shops and galleries our town has to offer.
I can picture us holding hands,
and you holding me as we gaze out at sea.
I can picture us snorkeling together,
and how you'll laugh when I inevitably breathe in the ocean.
I can picture us kissing for the first time,
how our eyes will meet,
and how our hearts will explode with excitement.
I can picture us kissing,
and how our bodies will melt into one.
I can picture myself falling asleep next to you,
and how peaceful I will feel when I wake up beside you.

Most importantly,

I can picture myself falling in love with you.
How wonderful life will be with you to share it with.
I will chase these butterflies forever if it brings me closer to you.
Shofi Ahmed Jun 2017
Looking at the
         satellite picture
                    it looks clear.
                       The earth is a blue
                                  drop of water!

                                    Did the sun paint
                 the shades of this blue dew
            dot years.
       Still, the ****** shines
   in same old
unfading colour!
Mystic Ink Plus Jul 2018
There is nobody else
Just us

Let’s forget
Face the lens

Don’t get confused
Now it’s time to fly
In a secret sky

Click | Click
Genre: Observational
Theme: Selfish Selfie || Hopeful Wefie
III Jul 2018
What more can we seek
     Than to lose ourselves in beauty,

Entangle ourselves in creation?

And fall backwards,
     Arms crossed,
          And eyes closed,
With the trust that
     The Universe will send
     Some curious cloud
          To catch our
          Wandering spirits,
     Our inquiring minds,
     Our sleepless eyes
     And our hopeful breaths,
     Encapsulated surrenders
     And hazed, lost sighs.
Steve Page Jun 2018
I think in 3D
I need real depth you see
I need more than one surface
to do my thoughts justice

I need three perspectives
to avoid a disservice
to any ideas that swim their way
to the disturbed sunlit surface

I'm not saying my thoughts are wordless
just that the words are surplus
to the primary purpose
of the thoughts that win
that struggle and that finally
find a thoughtful purchase
to become rooted
to bear fruit
and so to fulfil
their true purpose.

I think in IMAX 3D
- sit back and see.
Do you think in words or in images?
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