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Rochelle Foles Mar 2019
her crystal pedestal shattered

             her tiara
                     bent and covered in filth
                        lying in a river of her tears

who she was now in soul searching question

                   the true test of a princess
                           is not how she holds herself              when waving to the crowds

but rather
                           how well she cleans
                           the hearth
                           when finery becomes tattered
Ella Etchison Feb 2019
Breathe in
Your coffee every morning
Breathe out
The nightmares of last night
Your cat brushing against your leg
His apologetic lies
Welcome in
The clarity of brisk air on your walk to work
Throw out
Her unwanted baggage
A new day, the sun, the birds, what lies ahead... independence-- you're not alone.
Push away
Everything which ruins your evening, paranoia, grief, the unknown...
The stars are yours to hold
Your life belongs to you again
Breathe, accept, welcome, embrace.
tobi Jan 2019
it’s hard to have a positive outlook on the future with depression
when that’s what i feel all the time
just. keep. going.
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2018
Every day you are given is a blessing
Whether you crawl through or sprint full speed
Not one single thing is greater than the gift of life

That sounds clique

I know this positive outlook isn't sustainable
Regardless, I will express this significant message because I yearn for it to ring true
Every given day is a blessing
The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.
RedD Nov 2018
Unarmed and

I'm not going to be

Don't manipulate me
I'm tired, uneasy

I tell myself
I'm taking a big risk

I'm far too deep
To surface in time
I'm having fun discovering blackout poetry right now but altering slightly so its not truly that. I found a book in charity shop for 75p and its been enlightening.
Its not easy just to pick words from the text on one page that signifies how you feel at any one time. This one spans 3 pages
Everything about the future is so different now:
Thinking about the future before,
Used to be like fluffy white clouds,
Hopeful and filled with friends,
Back then, I could never have imagined not having friends
And I'm not even the type of person who's magically friends with everyone,
But I always assumed I'd still have a few,
And then it wouldn't matter so much how many people hated me,
Hypothetically, if anyone even bothered enough to.
I'm not sure they would though,
Because I don't feel like anyone even sees me,
Not anymore, and probably not in the first place,
But I didn't care then, enough to notice.
Joliver May 2018
There is a thin line between
Nihilism and optimism
You see
An optimist believes
That things work out in the end
There's no need to worry
A nihilist believes
The time before the end is meaningless
There's no reason to worry

There is a thin line between
Nihilism and optimism
And sometimes
As I lay staring at my ceiling
Desperately trying
To wield apathy like a shield
Against encroaching thoughts
Like goblins crawling
From the darkest crevices
Of a mind bent on self-flagellation
I become that line
Sudeshna D May 2018
Tall towers,
Twinkling lights,
Tiny windows,
Tinier eye sights,
The Tall Tower Irony,
Is sad but true,
You are judged,
By quite a few.
Andy Felix May 2018
Sinister splendor in harmony sensual existance of being free intergalactic tactics celestial myth on a cosmic highway for their elixir fix deviant elation paradox haze intoxication and wander a maze amazaed our primitive egos, an inner spin incognito. Reset within begin again. Naked shadows do the kinetic deed. Proceed with a vague vendetta and devoted uprise. Reset the whole world. Realize
Andrew Durst Nov 2017
I wanted
that wouldn't
be afraid

of me.

I spent
that person
could ever

For humans
are far too shallow
and our

way too deep

but I honestly believe
we should not have to
be alone.

I believe in independence.
I believe in self-reliance
and I believe in self-respect.

But I also believe that
humans can connect
on a far deeper level
than just what we see.

I believe there is a time
and place
for everything
and that includes
the moments

we fall in love.

You see,
there will be days
that you fill
and lonely
but you have
to be there for yourself.

No one is going to give you
a handout
unless you show them
you are going to
make it count.

No one is going to
rely on someone
that cannot
rely on them self.

Co dependence can be
but nevertheless-
it is filled with
even more grief.

You cannot fix somebody else
when you are still
the craft
of self-love.

Allow your lows
to be reminders
that you
can lose
and smile
that you can
bounce back,

There is nothing
in struggling
but there is
in the


and believe me-
you will find a way
to live through it all.

And then
some day
is going to
the way
you refuse
to fall.

And you will wonder
how you ever
let the world
make you feel

so small.

-Andrew Durst.
Do you my friends. Do you so well that you radiate greatness. Do you so well that people can't help but smile when you are around them. Be so grateful that you inspire the people in your life to be just as grateful as well. Be a pillar of hope in the times when the world gives you a struggle. YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT. Every day we have a choice to be better or worse than we were the day before. WHICH DECISION ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE?! Be brave my friends. Be brave(:
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