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Kem-Ann Sep 2017
One day our stars will collide
Hearts will combine
Souls will soon intertwine

I'll be the reason why you no longer hold back
and you'll be to mine

You'll have me as your match,
will give you eyes that shine

I'd be the moon,
illuminates you every single night

You'd be the home,
considers to have in every sight

I'd be the only voice you want to hear
the only soul you don't want to share

You'll be the why behind these happy eyes
I'll be the answer why you no longer hear the word goodbye

Our hearts will soon meet
Destiny will give us time to greet

Your passion will hug mine
the way our heart beats in rhyme

Someday these two different worlds
will soon be one
So please be patient if both souls have not yet
been seen together around

Like how fate tells us to believe in impossibles
do allow yourself for I'll allow mine, too

but as for now, let's continue giving every piece of our hearts
and let time crossed each of our paths

-kem ann
One day, Someday, time will come, we both find each others arms
Queen-Midas Aug 2017
One day, you and I,
We're going to learn to smile again.
One day, you and I,
We're going to learn to love again.
One day, you and I,
We're going to find a reason to live again.
Does that one day come for everyone?
Atticus Aug 2017
you looked good today
and i had to fight the urge

to tell you right then and there
when the shirt you wore rode up

revealing the pale unblemished
canvas of your skin
Megan Jul 2017
There will be a point
In my life
In ours lives
Where we go on road trips
And sing at the top of our lungs
to our favourite songs.
Where we take midnight swims and have 3.AM conversations.
Where we will have cool cameras and record cool things
Where we camp out on the beach and watch the stars until it fades into a sunrise
There will be the time
Where we travel the world,
And visit abandoned places.
Where we stay in cheap motels,
even though we'll be rich.
We'll get to go to see our
favorite bands live in concert
And maybe even meet them too.
We will live out off our suitcases
And run in to some complicated situations
We will be spontaneous
We'll write a book
Start a YouTube channel
And make new cool friends along the way
There will be a time
Where we use instagram not to brag
But purely to spread the beauty
Of the moments we capture.
And hopefully inspire people ,
But mostly kids
To do what they love,
But till then
I'll just sit here
On my bed
And write notes and poems,
Take pictures with my phone camera
And dream way too big
Because this is where it all starts
It all starts
With a few kids
With beautiful minds
And big dream.
Dream wonderful dreams.
Axion Prelude Aug 2014
I'm looking for something real (with you), but not expecting a single thing. Just hoping that in return someday the feelings can be the same. Yet in between now and then, hope slides away, hides away in a place where no shame is born in here; unafraid to make the right choices and to say all the things I mean to say to you and only you.

It all holds meaning beyond what is said, much further than face value, coming straight from within my own head and deep within my being. Dignity and pride suffice to say the least of what my heart truly sings for you. In rapture, torn between waiting to see where this all goes and finding peace in knowing you're here at all sends me stumbling through the feelings, engulfed in a torrent of know how, deciding; always concluding that the truth is the only key to happiness, even yours. So that's all I ever give you.
Axion Prelude Aug 2014
Urges to see, colors to feel, sounds to taste, feelings to hear.. you mesmerize me like the reflection of the sky on the oceans surface: endless in nature, yet always so natural and real
Yen Apr 2017
One day
I'm going to disappear
Like the dust from where I came from

I'm going to burst out of the earth
Like a bubble
Freeing the air that’s desperately trying to escape it's brittle cage

I'm going to disperse
Like liquid water molecules
Evaporating from this hell of life

I will be like the flying pollen grains
Constantly going with the flow
Having no idea of where to go
Got not a single moment of doubt
But hey here I am

But one day
I am going to go out of the earth
Face the world alone
Be the face of something grand
Something shiny
Something important

But then I'll wither
And forever disappear
How come you look so similar
So similar to me?
Or do I look like you
And the opposites we have been born to be?
Short, endowed, a sublime storm of art and chaos
Slender, twig-like, an anxious force of half-capabilities
The raven hair
The similar eyes
Not in color, but intuitive sight
Latched on to the first of our lives
And refusing to move forward
While constantly looking back at the past
You and I
Me and You
We are the same
As much as we are different beings, we are the same
And you hate me with such passion
The red of my blood would light your paintings on fire
I pity you with heavy hearts and immeasurable patience
I could drown in the ocean of your own tears.
But we are the same
And there is nothing we can do about it.
So I'll keep you in my thoughts
Dear doppelgänger
As I persist in yours.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
One day ,
I want to wake
And feel delighted
     to see a new day come by
feel blessed to be alive
feel hopeful , feel appreciative
and not feel disappointed
     that I have to survive today somehow

One day ,
I want to not want someone's else life
not wish to be in someone else shoe
       wish not to be like someone else
be happy with who I am
and fall in love with the life , I've been given
not to feel the despair and the unknown fear

One day ,
I wish I will accomplish
to love myself the way I am
              to be happy with what I have

One day ,
I hope I get to see that day
Ashly Kocher Apr 2017
I sit here in the silence and think things through
I hope one day I will carry you
To hold you tight, look in your eyes and hold your hands
I will always be your biggest fan
I pray to God through and through
To hope one day I will carry you
I get upset, and angry when it doesn't happen
But when the time is right it will be
That I hope one day to carry you
I know everything happens for a reason and will be patient for you
That I will one day be blessed to carry you
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