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Odd Odyssey Poet Oct 2024
The recklessness of a fresh romance- I've discovered my heart,
yet my mind slips away at times. It’s drifting like whispers
in the air- to such feelings always so deep; a delve into
my heart's desires. But a mind wandering sporadically,
lost in this enigma of passion.

Head over heels for you- I’ve been swept off my feet,
without a grounding force of reason. These are the
auditions of an excitement that comes with nurturing
a budding relationship.

                          Exciting much?
Do not talk to me of your version of God
One that personifies God by egoistic mind

For ego by definition is Exit God Out
For your personification of God
Does not resonate with my knowing of God

The hell you believe I will burn in
Is the heaven I will transmute all my sins in

The hell you believe I live in
Is my route to heaven

The hell you believe in
Will drawn you in an ocean
Of guilt and shame

Keep your fears to yourself
I can no longer entertain them

Do not talk to me of God
When you want me to silence my soul
God can never be silenced by your egoistic minds

Let me redefine for you ‘كفر’ *
Let me redefine for you ‘blasphemy’

It is being a slave to your ideas
It is being a slave to your mind
It is being a slave to your concepts
It is being a slave to your fears

I am not here to be a slave to human minds
I am here to be a slave to my creator
His breath gave life to my body

I am not here to worship your fearful mind
I am here to worship my creator through my heart

Do not talk to me of God
When you refuse me the right
To exercise my divine gifts

Do not talk to me of God
When you rob me from free will
Divinely gifted to me at birth

Do not talk to me of God
When you rob me from exercising
The gift of freely speaking my mind

Do not talk to me of God
When  you forbid me from listening to my heart
Yet forcefully enslave me to your mind

Do not talk to me of God
When you fail to accept me

Do not talk to me of God
When you vilify my shadows

Do not talk to me of God
When you fail to see my divinity

Do not talk to me of God
When you deprive me
From the experience to witness
The limitless capacity of my body

Do not talk to me of God
When you reject parts of me
Yet God accepts all of me

Do not talk to me of God
When you fail to forgive me
While God offers me eternal forgiveness

Do not talk to me of God
When you abandon your son after he sins

For the God I know
Will never forsake his son
Nor shame him for his sins
Nor will he love him less

For the sins he does is the forgetting of self
When one acts against his self

Do not talk to me of God
When you fail to embody his love

For you have yet to know God
If you still refuse to embody his divine qualities

Do not talk to me of God
Till you reflect his unconditional love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and acceptance

Do not talk to me of God
When you sexualize my body that he has created

Do not talk to me of God
When you shame my body
For the sacred red fluid that flows out of me
The body that gives birth to his creation

Do not talk to me of God
When you separate me
From divine creations

Do not talk to me of God
When you justify killing
Yet vilify love making

Do not talk to me of God
When you normalise violence upon his creations
Yet shame the pleasures of love between his creations

We will not be silenced
By the barbaric volumes of your egoistic minds
Our divinity can never be a slave to your fears

You can not fears us into enslavement
Our divine faith runs deeper than the fears that hijacks your minds

Let us love each other
While we both try to experience God

Let us love each other
While we both try to understand God

Meanwhile I swim in the ocean of grace where hell does not exist

Thank you for being here - NwK
* كفر translates to blasphemy in arabic. This piece is dedicated to every soul that has experienced and continues to experience a force of both suppressive and oppressive silence by this world under the umbrella of any ‘so called’ moral authorities not limited to religious authorities.

Dedicated to all who feel unseen, unheard and unaccepted in any way or form. I say to you; you belong, you are seen, heard and accepted.

This world was created by fearful minds of humans. Let it not silence your heart, soul, truth and love. You are not disloyal for your choice not to conform to the fearful norms of this world.
You are not unfaithful to question all that has been told to you. Allow your experience to determine what truth is for you.
we pick at the healing
tissue and it starts to
bleed just when the
wounds were
beginning to heal

we then go back in time
it starts us on yet another
harrowing journey of 
body spirit & mind

we try so hard to read
between the lines
that blur the harder
we try, blending what
can only be seen
through unfiltered eyes

(scales removed to see
the only Light that can
truly make manifest)

all we can do is smooth
out the edges and
touch-up unclear vision
with our patented
Photoshop Human Sheen

thinking we can reveal
what is holy in the
spiritually null & void

we have learned to
incorporate what order
we make of chaos into
a well-oiled
Rhetoric Machine

made from blueprints
of someone else’s
self-ordained dream
Emery Feine Oct 2024
My mind was like a knotted string
And it claimed it would rid me of my pain
I would wake up with the sound of the bell's ring
But the chime never once came

It turned my thoughts into a sparkling blue mist
Which for an instant, shut them up
It left me drained, and my parted lips (face) it kissed
And I still haven't woken up

I tried so hard to understand it
But it left me in a blank, angry fit
It was no longer even fun
Because when I fought back, it had won

For a mere instant, I again felt sane
But my head had an aching pain
It told me I would awake in only ten
But when I stood up, back down I fell again

So I attempted to wait it out the longest
Till early day and late at night
But that's when it was the strongest
And I had lost another fight
this is my 109th poem, written on 7/1/24. no this is not about drugs !!
Maria Etre Oct 2024
When a heart
how to heart

A mind how

A logic
how to

A human
how to
align with
all the above
Lebanon War, 2024
Some people not All,
have very bad behavior
It Encourages others
to have misbehavior

Some people carry a
Negative Demeanor
To the point Positive
people are influenced
to become meaner

This is a intuition but
more like a Hunch
That one Bad Apple
Spoils the whole Bunch

It simply refers to someone
who creates problems,
Get rid of that Rotten Apple
And that will solve them

Remember these words
and take it to Mind
Those Rotton old Apples
aren't so very kind

Beware of Rotten Apples
just trust your Hunch That
One Rotten Apple
will Spoil the Whole Bunch

By: B.R
Date: 10/23/2022
Ariannah Oct 2024
Is what they all say
Importance, dignity, faith

Is what they provide for us
But what if that's not what I wanna discuss

I wanna feel all that love and emotion
I wanna belong not to be cautious

Don't you say something wrong
Or else they'll treat you like a dog
Don't you dare to make a wrong move
Cause they'll always find you accused

Of selfishness and pure indignity
And so they'll never let you be
The girl you wish so much to leave

You'll forever be stuck behind
In a dark room inside your mind
Locked in a cage
With walls, not even imagination can change

And you sit, and you wait
For you to find an escape
You wait and you wait
Until you realize you were the bait
Of hatred and pure anger
Not even you can handle
I need an escape
Shadow 428 Oct 2024
You watch her she is yours, but still not yours
You watch her go, she is still yours?
She looks back, she is still yours?
You watched her, she came back
You watch her, she turns again
Minds a mess, I think it's just an illusion
Maimoona Tahir Sep 2024
My heart is breaking because it relies on the futility of my nature,
I fear,
My nature's rigidness to accept oblivion,
Will cause me to loose something very dear,
How long should I run knowing that I'll be caught?,
In my own tragic tale and the borders of my mind,
What I have become is my biggest failure,
I cannot support myself,
Neither do I wish myself well,
Until embraced by tides of warmth,
That have yet to approach,
As what simmers in the ocean of memories is beyond my control,
And helplessly I continue to cherish that one memory of warmth.
Mark Wanless Sep 2024
comes to mind
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