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So now you haunt hollow heart
Victory lap through each body part
I'll forever be etched with your name

I'd like to think you are high above
So removed I can't feel your love
I can't honestly make that claim

I'm not sure your soul is resting
I've seen no signs suggesting
Paradise is on the other side

You crossed over without a word
Goodbye ears have never heard
Still cannot believe you died
I still can't believe it even after two years
Misstic Dec 2024
Not easy on eyes
Too hard headed
Too stubborn for you to try
I want my voice to be heard
Like to have final word
I get it, too opinionated for you to try
I never promised to bow down
Serving your every wimp, hands down
Born without zip on my mouth,
Too proud to back down
I get it, too flawed to try this out.
showyoulove Dec 2024
You have shown us, Oh Lord, the power of your judgement and the greatness of your mercy. The prayers of the faithful and the just will not go unheard. Their cries do not fall on deaf ears. The Lord has spared me from his wrath. He has delivered me from danger. Your blessings and mercies are new each day and great is your faithfulness as the sun will rise once more.
Mark Wanless Nov 2024
i saw something and
heard something and breathed a scent
there was nothing there
Maimoona Tahir Sep 2024
Like a concept she felt known but not heard,
Her desires were just a replica of her mother's,
Like wise her mother Will she mourn over them too?
the demise of her desire,
The deceased desire to live,
To create,
To be known and heard,
And to be aware,
To be completely infatuated with something more than an idea,
To be infatuated with reality,
she had learned 4 walls is all there is to this life.
Jeremy Betts May 2024
Hear ye! Hear ye!
Know me and hear me
Oh but please don't look over here at me
What a thing to say, but see
I don't want to be seen, my plea
It feels kinda cheesy
I thought it'd be easy
But it just got so messy so quickly
And the harder I try the more it eludes me
You can't live a life heard but not seen and not be seen as a cautionary
A tale of a someone broken mentally trying to use hurt and pain creatively
Never taken seriously,
Kinda gimmicky
Ultimately a one trick pony
I know it but it hurts still when it's throw back at me
I can't handle the cheeky hostility
So openly hidden in the commentary
It can't be avoided but it's also not necessary
Maybe this isn't for me
Or what's more likely,
Is it's probably not that bad actually
Ah, gee,
Yeah, nevermind, sorry everybody...
I just noticed it's only my insecurity ripping at me
My apology

Jeremy Betts May 2024
I'm a man of my word
Completely unreliable
You've probably heard
If you know me you'll know it's undeniable
I'm talking all of it, not a third
Like how Christians view the Bible
Even though they know it's absurd,
Otherwise they'd be way more scared
But with me it's actually believable,
You can see everything's unachievable

Ken Pepiton Sep 2023
Was the world ever tame,
was the work of mankind ever done,
did we believe we'ld watch the world

work better with our intervention,
our flood preventions failing, time after time,

then came the fuel from eons too distant, as time flees,

we trust the expositors, setting knowledge in foldable
orders of value, secrets worth keeping to use in consort.

Having witnessed the intention declared, the prophet,
bows and backs away, laughing to himself, happy hunting,

here I come, seeking something I may distantly need,
not now, though, ghostly ghucking surrealism seems

certainly, this pose, the position I hold, paid for repose,
bending certain assumptions into gumptions taken on odds,

you bet I can't make myself let you read my mind.
I win.
I feel like I made the choicest of all the options, I kept living, long after I lacked any external provocation... to claim a muse uses you, submission is what once was deemed man's highest liberty in formless spirit.
I S A A C Aug 2023
tripping over my words
cannot express the tidal wave
wait for it to dissipate
wait for goodness sake
dripping over lack of words
my world dries up like dirt
waiting to get off the bench
craving to be quenched
needing to be heard
Elaenor Aisling Aug 2022
Here, I do not need to coax the sound—
No more tremulous plucks, bated breath,
Muting my voice as it slips from my throat
It falls as a gift, freely given
Resonant as thunder in the mountains
Bold and beautiful.
How brightly I burn
When I do not have to ask
To be heard.
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