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Julie Grenness Mar 2017
I wear it like a badge of honour, eh!
I awoke this morning and dressed in grey,
The all grey colours of the club, let's say,
Bit of irony, when you're old and grey,
Must keep a sense of humour each day,
Let's hope we all have a kick **** day,
In a mild mannered oldie way!
The all grey colours of the club today!
Feedback welcome.
the day i fell in love with you
the sky was grey
the water looked grey
everything seemed grey... but me

i should have known that the color
was a warning
telling me to not fall in love with you

now everything
is full of color
     but me

the sky this very day
has a humdrum appearance
it's shaded in grey
Crimsyy Mar 2017
I can taste the clouds
when our hands are intertwined
and his utterances always linger
but more like euphoria than
a shattered spine.
And I've never spoken to him
a lukewarm truth,
I've never loved him in grey;
We're amateurs,
cradled by caffeine on
Monday mornings,
still learning how flowers
can break through skin
that's mourning.
Winter Mar 2017
The wall is a place where dreams can happen
Look to the left. Why?
Screams emptiness at you
To make you regurgitate your thoughts
Into a blank place.

Give me your mind
The wall screams silently
One colour one tone one grey
Wall, another grey wall
Making up my grey home

I am in the corners of your mind
Says the wall
The wall laughs at me for it can be as still
As I ever could be
I long for quiet- I long for space
I long for emptiness no emotion no pace
Forever still like the wall

I envy its maker. Man.
Man made wall.
Delta Swingline Mar 2017
I used to walk down the block to the bus stop everyday.
Whether it was a bright sunny day, or a dark icy winter before the sun woke up, I was there...


Backpack slung over my shoulder, alto saxophone in its case in my right hand. Leaning to the left to balance out the weight so I didn't fall over walking over the uneven rectangles of grey rock.

Artificial building blocks that make the world flat.

When I was little, I rode my bike to a nearby school park. They had a water park right by the school and surrounding the drain was a wide circle of bricks set in the ground.

But they had to take some of the bricks out of the ground, I don't know why. But they filled the gap with cement...

And lucky for me, I had gotten to that water park just before the liquid rock turned to solid ground. I pressed my right foot into that patch of grey. Just barely leaving the treads of my shoe in the cement.

I sometimes stop by to visit that old water park. Some 10 years later and that mark in the cement is still there. And no one will know it was me who left a temporary mark on that patch of grey all those years ago.

My footsteps are bigger now. I can run faster now.

Or maybe I can just walk.

I am older now. I don't take the bus much anymore. I drive my car to get where I'm going. I run everywhere, I don't take the time to walk through my life. I live too fast.

I've made mistakes.
I have regrets.

And even if I don't want to...

I have to walk with them.

I have to accept my actions and live with the consequences. I must walk slowly with my choices. My rights and wrongs... my own self inflicted pain.

I step in rhythm with the music playing through my headphones. I don't step on the lines that divide the building blocks of my pathway. I follow the grey brick road, not traveling with anyone this time.

So now I am leaving.
I will take everything.

My guilt.
My shame.
My regret.
My heart.
My mind.

I will go...

Song lyrics slung across my backbone...
Guitar in my right hand.
Ipod in my left hand.

I look ahead at the sidewalk before me.
I feel the sun on my skin, and the wind in my hair.
I breathe...

And I walk.
Maybe I'll go back to that water park sometime soon. I should take a picture of it for later.
Colm Mar 2017
Like a spotlight on an empty stage
So the clouds part ways with their Ominous hopes
Separating themselves from truth
They wish to whisk my joy away
They wish to banish me to the darkest corners of a shadowy grey
To someplace where there is a more active role which they can play
And yet today is not such a day
For the shadowy clouds which I abhor have been whisked away
And hence forth they shall hang over my head no more
When the light of my life has pierced their veil and come to pass
I shall dance around the darkened clouds like a matador
Let not the darkness overhead **** the candor which self-pity abhors
A poem... Not inspired by Tony Bennett :p
M Harris Feb 2017
Heavy Rain,
Under the umbrella in vain,
Exigent and ostentatious,
An egotistic hostility,
Filling the purge atmosphere,
Rain drops ebbing,
Conceiving an enchanted assault.

Fenced with free fall,
Falling into zero,
A faith so sick,
Ready to twitch.

Sanctified reminiscence of a remorseful purge,
Hateful conscience of a disgusted now.

Don’t know how,
A will to amend,
A limitless descent,
Wandering in extent,
Chaos down the ascent.

Extremity too proximal,
Grey beyond despair,
A reverence so brisk,
I’m frittered and devoid of retention.
M Harris Feb 2017
A lust so cold
A grip to hold

An Indispensable Addiction,
Rupturing through my discretion.

A life of grey
Fabricating into a global fray

Engulfed in own winter
Creating a hinder

An unknown artery,
To a off beat past, build to last

Addiction taken a toll,
Infinite strolls

A radical high
Accolades pouring a hippie love

Can’t skip her extortion
Caused by her distorted visions,

LSD high,
Raptured capture,

A floating body,
Like a prisoner in her womb

Can’t leave, cuz I was buried eons back
What was meant for fun took its toll all over at once.
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