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Audrey Maday Jul 2016
I woke up alone,
In that King Sized bed,
Panicked that you had gone.
And then I realized
You had been gone
For a long time.
Were you ever really here
Renee 'Wisera' Jul 2016
The world spins around but I'm left behind
Always from the darkness I find inside
Screaming for help trying to survive
Ending alone my comfort's my mind

I don't want your lies telling me I'm great
You try to appease but its far too late
I am failing, no room for debate
Opinion without action won't help me relate

I take responsibility when things go wrong
Working hard and carrying on
Trying to learn when help is gone
Comfortable lies won't help me be strong
I don't understand why some tell people that they're doing great when it is obviously not true.
Devin Lawrence Jul 2016
WE don't need to make
America great again;
SHE makes us all great.
Alan S Bailey Jul 2016
I am like an onion with no center,
It seems you can take off as many layers
As you like, but shall never find a center,
None you can ever find. I'm so high in trends,
All you need to do is call out my name on a
City street and I'm insulted that it was you
And not one of my "more important" friends,
Whilst if I seem interested in calling upon all
Of your secrets and probing into your life,
I am as by all rights granted such permission
Upon having a car, richer, and have a husband/wife.
I am the "real me," on all fronts "special and great,"
Although I've never apologized for being foolish, wrong, or late.
Mark Parker Jun 2016
Silence is the great communicator.
It tells when to shut up.
Fun times thinking about little kid conversations.
An arrow has been broken,
Without being broken,
Near the Great Walls,
Wondering how that happen?
Could it be the Great Warrior?

The broken arrow can aim still,
With its powerful strength of the,
Which can be its own weapon.

When will the Great Warrior fix the broken arrow?
What can the Warrior do to keep the arrow alright?
Just keep its safety and strong.

Now that it is fix,
Then Great Warrior will have no more,
Broken Arrows left to use,
But to be the Great Warrior of the world.

Just keeping the arrow strong and
Fix properly.
The great warrior is about to have no more broken arrow.
Edward Coles Jun 2016
We are a global society
When we want oranges in the fruit bowl,
When we want out of our rut
Just long enough
To brown in a patch of Spanish sun.
We are a global society
When the Japanese car breaks down
And we are in need of a cheap fix
To keep food on the table,
Some Latvian mechanic
Who helps us find our way home.

We are our own nation,
An island nation,
When the zeroes run low
And there are spaces,
Foreign faces,
To which we can point
And blame.

We are a global society
With our sweat-shop chic,
American coffee chains
Selling Colombian ground beans,
Frappuccinos in plastic cups-
Made in China
And served by a Romanian barista
In Italian heels.
We are a global society
When the demand is high
And the payment is low.

We are our own nation,
An island nation,
When hands reach out for help
And our pockets are too shallow,
Our time, too brief
To commit to a unity
We feel is dragging us down.

We are a global society
When the football is on,
When the lager is Belgian
And the supermodel, Greek.
When we cradle that bag of Cheetos
After smoking too much ****.
We are a global society
When oppression is overt,
Caricatured in bulletin posters,
Threatening to land
Upon our own front door.

We are our own nation,
An island nation,
When poverty seems contagious,
When we have to clean up
Someone else’s mess,
Still we scar the Middle East
Only half-interested in an exit.

We are a global society
When we get sick,
When we borrow another doctor
For our ailing NHS.
When cities of white people burn,
We are a global society,
When Africa is divided,
We are nowhere to be seen.
Prime mover of the commonwealth
Yet we fall beneath the breadline
And living easy is so rare.

We are our own nation,
An island nation,
Under the false flag
Of a golden age
We were conned to believe in.
Our nation, our island nation,
Lost amongst a sea of misinformation.
Damian Murphy Jun 2016
Though good employees may come to you with problems,
Great employees will bring some solutions with them.
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