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Frank DeRose Jun 2016
Mass shootings.
I sit here, and I am disappointed in America.

From birth,
We are raised like young bald eagles,
Screeching our greatness,
Shouting our name.

"One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all"

For 12 years we say it every day.

Liberty and justice for all.

Where is the liberty of feeling safe in one's sexuality?
Where is the justice for Brock Turner's victim?


We are indivisible?

Tell that to members of the Left and Right this election cycle.
"Indivisible--meaning without the ability to be divided."

We cannot be divided?

Tell that to Muslims, Christians everywhere.
Tell it to those who are gay and those who are homophobic.
Scream it from the mountain tops,


Listen to the words--
Do they sound ironic yet?
Do they drip with subtle notes of subterfuge and deception?
Do you think it might all be a lie we are told from birth?
Meant to propagate nationalism and patriotism?

Are we still the greatest country?

I'm not so sure anymore.

If we are indivisible, why do we tear one another apart with such ease?
Why is there so much resentment, so much brokenness?
Is that what it means to be indivisible?

I like to believe it's not,
But I'm not so sure anymore.

America, the brave?
The beautiful?
What is so brave about ****** an unconscious woman behind a dumpster?
What is so beautiful about wounding or killing 103 people in a nightclub?

Justice for all?

Where is the justice in 6 months of prison for 3 felony counts of ****** assault?

Are we as great as we say we are?

Wake up, America.
It’s all right your man comes tonight from the bar
Your woman from the hairdresser
But the best thing would be to move the hairdresser
In the bar
So you know something for certain

Rolled in a pile of desire and ambition
We jumped to scatter through the world
To buzz insanely all his wonders

We reported heaven as missing
So we flew through the ins and outs of the earth
We swam through the sand floating through the fog

Yes Sir
We walked on the water fainted like crazy
Until everything was made a road at our feet

Arriving close to World's End
Where is no trace of regret or sigh
Where we see only the Water and the Great Wall
We will find out of the blue
The Peace and Friendship of a madhouse

There thirst elevates us to catch our breath
With the blood stained by the sword in our hand

Lord great is Thy mercy:

The Reality is you wake up smiling
And you look like hell
Yes ladyes and gents on the other side of the bridges Reality is to wake up smiling and looking like hell :)
Spenser Bennett Jun 2016
"I am what I believe"
Cried the crestfallen philosophy
"You are what we tell you to be"
Stated the looming bureaucracy
"But what of free speech, life, and liberty?"
Asked the outraged citizenry
"All fictitious. Now back to Benghazi."

And the world turned on
While our minds turned off
Victims to the Great Entertainment
That silences our voice of dissent

"What a marvelous movie"
"It could have been better"
"That Trump is a no-bullshitter"
"Yeah but he's  the same color as my melted smoothie"

Meanwhile the old wait to die
And prisoners don't have the hope to riot
And the T.V. tells us about Kim's new hair
I see these things and I despair

"Hey man, lemme get a eighth"
"Man, what the ******* gotta celebrate"
"I just got fired on Saturday, tryin' to forget this place"
"Man, you just gotta have a little faith"

But ain't no God in heaven and no savior in the saints
One prayer and all will be forgiven at least that's what they say
But my eyes don't divine a reason to believe 'em
My words are my crimes and I won't deceive 'em

Step back and give your heart your full attention
Listen to the voices of the ones I forgot to mention
Are we really so different
Are we slipping into indifference

If you believe in humanity
If you believe in nature
If you believe in morality
Maybe you'll become someone's savior
Angel Bongat Jun 2016
Quotes inspire us to feel good in life.
But no matter how many quotes you read,
only you can change  your perspective in life.
Changes start in you.

It will happen if you just let it sink in your mind and heart.
See life in a different view.
Do it.
Do it now. Or never
Nick Moser Jun 2016
I wish I was a great poet.

One who could write poems so powerful they could move ships across seas.

Or move snow across mountains.

Or move feathers across breeze.

But most importantly, I wish I could write poems so powerful,

That they could move you to me.
That would be a dream come true
Lavina Akari May 2016
******* LOVE ME BACK
Julie Grenness May 2016
Men have great ideas in bed,
Including when they're duly wed,
Why is that, do you ask?
Plugging into a genius is the task!
The woman of the day of course,
Love is an incredible force,
Inspiration, creation,
Can lead to innovation,
Plugging into a genius is the quest,
Women can handle it the best!
Inspired by a joke. Feedback welcome.
Julie Grenness May 2016
From my great imagination,
Here's my fantasy creation,
A rainbow pastel unicorn,
With a tingly golden horn,
Healing us each day,
Blessing all souls this way,
Here is a gift from me,
Across the miles to thee,
I hope you have the happiest day,
Love and kisses always,
To each and every one of you,
My unicorn is blessing you,
A pastel rainbow unicorn,
With a golden tingling horn,
Healing you until each dawn,
You'll never beat my unicorn!!!
Feedback welcome. A whimsy.
Elioinai Apr 2016
You hold the earth suspended
A sphere so small
It sinks
into a whirl of stars
which shrinks
in company of untouched swirls
to disappear
amid a tractless sea of galaxy
For who can mark it's edges?
Or conjure up an image?

This all flowed out from Ancient mouth
who lives like New each day
He told the sun it's striking place
the moon it's place to stay
And on and on, the suns do spin
the moons bathe dust in light
With fire in the morning
and milk the food of night
He asks them all to sing again
to dance with all their might
til they have shaken my own house
and fulfilled the earth's delight
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
You inspire me to be great
You inspire me to be bold
You have opened a new gate
You have crossed a threshold
There is more to this world
Then I previously thought possible
A new life unfurled
There is only one obstacle
The distance is great
The shadows are long
But for a soul mate
What could go wrong?
I will travel the distance
The time will go fast
In the company of your brilliance
We’re sure to have a blast
You, my angel
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