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at first glance you looked perfect
now i know you are not
but who the f*ck,
is perfect?
we've all got history we're ashamed of

so let's both be imperfect
imperfectly in love
because even with your flaws
for me,
you are enough

you can judge me on my past
if you want
but i'm making a better future
because the future's all i've got

so you can crucify me
for my past mistakes
or have the grace,
to give me room to change.
the future's all i've got
Alyssa Underwood Nov 2021
Dear drowning soul in blackest sea,
what keeps eyes blind to Mercy’s plea?:

“Come unto Me who bear sin’s load.
Find saving rest from Satan’s goad.”

What angel of light or dark could give
the help you crave that you might live?

There‘s only One can bear your weight.
His cross alone is Freedom‘s Gate.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2022
With that

You move me
Genre: Minimalist
Theme: Gravity
Janay Nov 2021



I need both; from you.




Set me free
Liz Carlson Nov 2021
i remember the days when i'd spend hours painting, journalling, just enjoying being alone,
and now...i'm afraid of the thoughts that may enter my head during those spaces.
constant spirals of reminders of all that is or could be broken inside of me.
i'm told of god's grace and love,
and i know these truths,
but to truly believe is completely different.
how do i stop striving to make myself holy?
good enough?
why can't it just be a simple switch one can turn on and off?
it's a whole new rewiring of neurons and thought patterns.
where do i even begin to change?
it seems so daunting and overwhelming
I should be just like you, Heart of black ice, Be kind, A friend, how to create an illusion, in your mind, be close, pretend to be real, a way to know, your dreams, your plans, your next move,

When I see your aspirations, which carry you forward,

Being a master manipulator, like you, I will cunningly plan your fall, like a jester, laughing with the crowd, which I am convinced you have always been, nothing more than that of an immutable intimidated.

You are really just a coward, you are afraid of someone, you just make an effort to do what is best, you are afraid of someone, who is not even a threat to you, or the position you occupy.

Prove your superiority, self-confidence, by being proudly bold! Your pride, your arrogance, your ignorance, your blindness and your hypocrisy ...

NO, I could never be like you, ruining others like you do, I thought I was the fool, now I see, now I have peace.

So I sincerely pray. "God open his heart, to accept your extraordinary grace, through you, we will both know our part, our place, and if not soon, then in Heaven, we will have

an eternity to be redone. "Yes, I love you my sister in Christ!

- VenJencie Ⓒ Author Ven J. Arnold
Venjencie Clifton Arnold
Inspired through a true experience just recently that shattered my spirit, my trust in humanity. Out of being hurt I acted out to show them that I was everything and done everything they accused me of, then 1 night, my feelings completely changed because of a personal conversation with God, and I felt and feel sudden peace. I love her and the few others involved and only want the best for them and to succeed in God's bigger plan even if they don't see it yet because I've seen in it and #God is not limited. I'm truly praying for God to open their hearts and work in their lives. It doesn't matter if I'm part of that exact plan or not but praying that God will open their hearts so they don't miss out on this opportunity to do a mighty work through God.
https://m.facebookcom/VenjencieCliftonArnold #Jencie Arnold #truestory #writersofinstagram #poetry #SacredInkedBlood #googlesearch #addquotes
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Steve Page Nov 2021
This is more than a friendly fraternity
This is our Father’s fearless family

We are Holy Spirit descended
We are chosen, adopted kindred

This is our tribe of His gracious choice
crying ‘Abba Father’ in infant chorus

Hand in hand we stand as His clan
fruit of the original Abraham plan

By his blood we are kin
not distant cousins, but eternal siblings

We are adopted by His choice
fellow heirs with Jesus Christ

We cry out loud and then sing louder
We sing together: ‘Abba, Father’
Written for a church service speaking about adoption opportunities.
The words rift off Romans 8:
15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear,
but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry,  “Abba! Father!”  16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs— heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
Earth and sea
Time and space
Truth for truth
Grace for grace

Worlds were formed
Light embrace
Filled with beauty
Saved by grace

Open heart
Doubt replace
With the love
Giv’n by grace

One day soon
Face to face
We will know
Whence our grace
This is Prosperity Poem 134 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
This poem was written for a particular image.

This background was one of the options for the poem "Like Wind" but another background was chosen.

However, I liked the picture so well that I created a poem tailored just for that image.

Grace has multiple meanings, and I play with that idea in the poem.
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
GaryFairy Nov 2021
red                                                 blue
reptiles                                          reptiles
w­hite russian                               ****** mary
          puritan pride                               puritan pride          
freemason                                     freemason
where the good, old days at?   where the odd. good days at?
conspiracy                                   conspiracy
deep fake                                      deep fake
trump has a wooden leg           biden has a wooden leg
aliens                                           aliens
wars                                              wars
chi­na                                            china
abortion                                     abortion
manifest destiny                         manifest destiny
lobbyists                                     lobbyists
fox                                                 nbc­

sovereign citizen version
get the hell out of america!
your title makes no sense
if you're a citizen of the world, then move to that world
who do you think you are? God or something?

(as it appears on https://www.merriam-webster(no lie)
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sov·​er·​eign | \ ˈsä-v(ə-)rən
, -vərn also ˈsə- \
variants: or less commonly sovran
Definition of sovereign
(Entry 1 of 2)
1a : one possessing or held to possess supreme political power or sovereignty
b : one that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere
c : an acknowledged leader : arbiter
2 : any of various gold coins of the United Kingdom
sovereign adjective
sov·​er·​eign | \ ˈsä-v(ə-)rən
, -vərn also ˈsə- \
variants: or less commonly sovran
Definition of sovereign (Entry 2 of 2)
1a : superlative in quality
b : of the most exalted kind : supreme sovereign virtue
c : having generalized curative powers a sovereign remedy
d : of an unqualified nature : unmitigated sovereign contempt
e : having undisputed ascendancy : paramount
2a : possessed of supreme power a sovereign ruler
b : unlimited in extent : absolute
c : enjoying autonomy : independent sovereign states
3 : relating to, characteristic of, or befitting a supreme ruler : royal a sovereign right
I hope this makes no sense to anyone, that would mean i am batshit crazy
Glenn Currier Oct 2021
It was the next day
after I saw her walking down the hall
with pain still etched on her face
that my anger began to give way to remorse
the erosion of my ego
together with an almost divine spark of mercy
finally led me to seek her out, face her,
and say “I’m sorry honey for raising my voice to you.”
She looked at me, the tension in her face gone,
smiled and said, “I’m sorry too.”
At that moment we were together
in a small peaceful, glorious
and powerful
space in the universe.
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