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The full moon follows me.
It glances by my window.
It awakens my room from the fragile
darkness, and helps me discover
the mysteries of every hidden corner
that surrounds me.
iamtheavatar Mar 2017
The moon shines brightly
as she walks across the sky.
My soul shall follow her,
where'er she will be.

**iamthe_avatar ©2017
A poem for love.
Made with Creative Writer app.
hazael-fae Mar 2017
your mind may be lost, but everything lost can be found. You don't know where you should be, you don't know if you can be. What you want to be is someone else's 'being' You CAN NOT force your mind to be another, to  think feel and act like others. You should let your mind breath, let it pull itself where it desires to be. Where you want to be deep down. Someone else's 'being' is not yours. You need to find your own reason to be.
this is mostly about how people lose themselves to be like others, to follow others and other peoples foot steps, this is something I've gone through. I'm looking around this room I'm in, reading the people who are going through what I've gotten past.
Nabarun Roy Feb 2017
I wish a world of followers
Following freely unlike the borrowers
With a free soul and nothing to lend
Hence, following no trend,
Then no one will fight
For a few choices of light
As everyone and everything
Has millions of light sources to cling
If they open their eyes
And close it at wrong time,
Trends are just created by people alike
To bring things away from life like,
You won't find everything alike your mind
Then why you choose a crap of such kind
Don't follow the trend
Don't make it the end
Follow the light
Which is bright in your mind.
Britney Lyn Feb 2017
And I feel like a shadow following submissively a long.
I make no sound, only repeating the motions I have been equipped to follow.
My manual, just empty pages because I'm not even my own person or am I?
I have no story to tell, just watching, waiting for you to write so I can follow suit.
And I follow you, everywhere you go, but every time it gets a little dark in this room I disappear.
Because you no longer need me, you no longer want me.
You just want sleep.
So I leave you to dream those dreams and I simply blend into the background.
You never notice when I'm gone and hardly at all when I'm there.
It hurts my feeling, or are these feelings yours?
The only difference is you shine bright and I don't shine at all.
You lead I follow.
And even if I wanted to lead I’d always end up falling behind again because I'm just a shadow, and shadows don't get to lead.
Am I your shadow?

Because I don't want to be...
Late night thoughts creeping around in my head before bed. Sorry if it's ****** I literally wrote it down just now with no edit. Possibly fix it later. Goodnight.
HappyHappyHappy Feb 2017

Not much

Not much at all!

Only 16

but that number is really special for me

It shows I'm special



Can you believe that?
16. wwooooooowwwwww thats so little woooowwwwwww others have like 100 or what and 16 woowwwwwww so little(secretly begging for more LOL)
Crystal June Feb 2017
Babe, we're living in times of history.
It's happening right before our eyes,
But all I do is lie in misery
And wish for warmer skies.

I'm sitting here watching time pass me by.
You're running with it.
I'm trapped in a bed of sorrows and lies,
But I made it myself.


Time slowed on the way to Kentucky.
The golden leaves of the southern trees --
I saw it all,
Every last imprint of mother nature's kiss.

It was in that land that father and mother coexisted for a period
Without time,
Without noise,
Without fear,

But that was the land of yesteryear.

Here time sped up, but me,
Well, I'm still stuck
Living in slow motion, and you
Couldn't wait for me.

It's only fair,
For I accelerated far too far for a fair young girl,
Wind in my pigtails
And hope in my heart.

The thing about using hope for fuel
Is that it's a limited resource that drains

I slowed down and for a time
Found you running by my side,
But my hope ran empty
And your heart ran cold,
And you left me coughing in your path,
Following footsteps that grew older by the second.

I lost you when I lost myself.

For now, I'm still where you left me.
I only got so far as I did
Because you replenished my hope for a short-lived spell,
But I'm too slow for your bustling heart --
I couldn't keep up with your footsteps.

The path is gone.
I vanished with it.
Samuel Hesed Feb 2017
Hello, everyone on Hellopoetry!

Interestingly, I have just created a website that has my poetry, short stories, and articles that I have written throughout my life.
Hopefully, you take sometime and check it out! Thank you:
aviisevil Feb 2017
Leave me please
Love me deep
I'm about to cease
I'm about to breathe
There's nothing to feed
Nothing to sink my teeth
It'll be another millennium
Till I'll be freed
I'm not the circus you can seek
Nor a dream you can sleep
Not a road you can reach
I'm your god
I'm your slave
I'm anything you crave
Left alone in a cave
Made one in your mistake
Every machine ever made
The life you make
And the life you take
I'm the rotten seed
The forgotten forests creed
Far from the civilization
I abide by my greed
I'm not the one you can teach
I have no soul to preach
No walls you can breach
Just an ocean
That you can never keep
One that will never bleed
Or breed
Everything that's inside
For I am
One and only
No matter how much you laugh.
Emma Jan 2017
She sits in a dark room,
Silence flooded around her,
Like an endless ocean of quiet,
yet all you can hear is white noise,
The painful static in your ears, vibrating
As she stares at the wall,
Looking for an answer, pondering
and wondering when she will remember
what she did wrong.
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