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Artistry Jun 2017
She came into our lives like a tornado.
She flattens and destroys.
Screaming down the love we give.
Filling the house with noise.

Little cherub face masked with angry rage.
What can I this just a phase?

She calls me mommy and I'm not sure what to say.
Is being her mommy supposed to feel this way?

The days drag on and I can't deny.
My heart isn't in this and I'm not sure why.

I read her a book. I brushed her hair. I held her while she cried, but my mind wasn't there.

I held her hand. I cleaned her face. I showed her a cloud. I taught her about space.

I know what it is...I can finally see...

I'm afraid to love her because...

she doesn't belong to me.
mickaela Jun 2017
you see those numbers
big and ugly, on crumpled paper
and you feel them on your skin
like a stain on yourself, on
who you are, who you'll ever be


it wraps its hot hands around you
its whispers harsh and sharp
in your ear:
"stupid. stupid. stupid"
your new heart beat, pumping
hot blood around your body
burning you on the inside
and you scream,
desperately wanting
to come out and be
someone else, someone smart
someone that just isn't you

you failed. this is it. you're done.
they were right about you.
you're just a stupid, ugly,
worthless. hopeless...

....Beautiful, brilliant
wonderful girl.
Your daughter looks away,
burning with embarrassment.
"You'll do well", you say,
"Just try your best.
And even if you don't
do as well as you'd like,
you'll still be my smart little girl"
"Thank you" she says, and disappears again
into her room, to study
You sigh, hope, pray, beg
That she believed you

More than you ever believed yourself
Pheeeew. My first poem in ages. I missed poetry, I swear. As soon as exams were over (literally on my last day) I went on Hello Poetry. Hope you like this one. Please tell me if it needs a little more does feel like its missing something, you know?

Thanks for reading <3
JAC Jun 2017
Carpenter, carpenter
With hammer and nails
Fix all your problems
'Till something else fails
When something does
You're not to blame
It's the end of your youth
The end of this game
You've built what you needed
And fixed what you could
But this adult life
Isn't made of wood.
Journey of Days May 2017
we look the same
common, seeking to find what we have in common
feeling that I should try to see you as friend
we share so much
but is that real
feel there is so much difference
now seek to know there is a difference
lest we sink into relativism
the gulf between our minds so wide
not just generational logic
it is more
tension of belief
it is in the weave
the texture and makeup of thoughts
warp and weft manufactured by stranger forces than we can imagine
and now try to un-imagine
so that we are all normalised into the tapestry
we find ourselves placed
our fibres are made of different stuff
broken down into constituent parts
we are alien to each other
dare to agree with you
and the masks barely hide the truth
allegory lost

are we really the same? is there a common truth to humanity?

struggling to see that hope for humanity with the violence experienced in the name of religion - that which is core to making us the "higher order being" in this gift of life
grey grey grey May 2017
Can I borrow a little
bit of your time?
Just a couple of minutes,
for you to be mine…
Then after, I’ll be out
and gone.

You see,
I feel a little bit of this
and a little bit of that.
I can’t explain
though I know it’s there.
I know it’s real
but I can’t prove it

Well, you may not understand
but I, I’ve been thinking
’bout you and I-
maybe exaggerating but I
think there’s a little bit of
me that…

I don’t know,
how to phrase it.
It hasn’t left my lips
but already it tastes
a whole lot more absurd
than just thinking about

And I’m afraid it might
seem off,
and out of
Still, I think that

…not really sure why
I’m telling you things,
This little bit of feeling
I myself am unable
to admit to my own…

I just can no longer
keep this inside and
I feel like this is the
right time, so…

If this isn’t making any
sense to you,
it’s because it’s not
making sense to me

…so, what am I doing here?
stuttering ,
wasting both
our time,
trying to tell you
a secret
I have yet to

I know, I know
I haven’t thought about
this well,
sounding crazy and
out of my mind…

I’ve lost all my senses,
fallen off my feet,
swallowed up my pride,
like a drunkard with
my phone on my hand
with your number as a
recipient and still I-
can’t tell you that I…

I, uh-
uhm, I think I ah,
I am…
hmm I am
Oh I am…

There goes my
Why can’t I bring myself
to say that I’m in…

You know what?
My chance’s done anyway,
I’ll try better next time,
If there is such.
Alan S Bailey May 2017
This is it, the only way out,
Through the burrowed green freedom tunnel
Well-as I like to call it,
It's nearly ready! But still I have no idea
Just how much longer I can hold my
Breath, keep fail safe wit.
There is a way over to the other side,
It's just a little bit further.
If I play my cards right,
I'll be able to make it through alive,
Though in the end all I was in trouble
For was spilled milk and loose ends,
A broken youth and whatever you say
Goes, so I guess surviving or not,
It all depends.

*Welcome to seeing stars...
Donielle Apr 2017
Lead him with a leash,
drag him along like the dog that has died
but you won't give up your walk.
You took your shot at the love
but you missed,
now you think you can give it another try.
Bounce back in like there's no penalty,
like hearts don't break,
as if you can simply tape it back together
and it will continue beating.
Just because you don't have a scoreboard in life
doesn't mean the points don't count.
When everything is tallied up
at the end of the day,
will you really come out on top
like you hope?
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