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Shadows Rising Apr 2017
Waves of terror flash over me
I wait for my turn only to be turned down
again and again
I fail n fall to fall n fail again
Time to hit refresh and try once more
So once again i try n try again
Only to fail miserably!
Just a random thought in my head....
elowen morey Apr 2017
how can you be a perfectionist
when you always fail

how can you know the truth
but refuse to listen

how can you feel so moved
yet not move

how can you feel so bold
yet not say a word

how can you be so full of love
yet never love

how can you exist
without ever living

how can you be you
when you’re never you
Kee Apr 2017
She was your drug
Awful, but the only one who loved you
She warped your mind, but that didn't matter to you
She was there when no one else was
And it felt good
She made you see stars when all you could see were monsters
When things seemed impossible, she made a way
A path only the two of you could venture
And it felt good
She was an abomination to society
But you saw a goddess
She was your everything
And now she's gone
She left you
All alone
By yourself
In the cold
You looked for her
But she couldn't be found
You two were star-crossed lovers
Meant to fail
Carson Hurley Apr 2017
The spilt milk soured,
it happened almost as quick
as when the glass first fell.

You looked at me
denigrating my insolence,
pitying my pathetic attempt
at being smooth.

The only thing smooth
in this room was the
milk bleeding across the floor,
like clouded glass
I could see my
horrified face
in the reflection.

All I felt was shame
unequivocal shame
alasia Mar 2017
there are many ways to fail
and few ways to succeed.
he tried,
we failed,
we'll succeed with other people.
Poetic T Mar 2017
I collected the currency of my failings inserting voices  
into the deluge of my figurine dancing on the precipice
of my tainted visage.

But I was short of necessitates, fraudulent reimbursement
was reincorporated, and I was woven unwept as the distresses
of what I had done wove upon my silhouette.

Blank verses were woven on my pools of sky blue, now vacant
only snow flakes of nothingness fell on my perception.
I was not as before I was whole but concussed in creation.

Interwoven, incomplete essences of me. I wasn't that which
was reflected outwards, all that was now interlaced in an
abomination of false reflections and I paid the ultimate price.
aniket nikhade Mar 2017
If this is something that I want from my life,
if I desire of something like this to be a part of my life,
if I want something like this in my life,
then getting it by using the right way is of prime importance.

When intentions are clean and clear, then future is safe and secured.

Definitely this is not a desire and nor it’s a dream,
it’s more of a wish,
an ambition that has got a firm place in my life as of now in present.

The world is a fast changing place and definitely you are part of the race, once you have decided not to give up in life.

Failure is the first step towards success in life, if you have learnt a lesson from your own mistakes, which were made prior.
Max Southwood Mar 2017
What is the void?
Nothingness manifested?
There can’t really be such a thing…
How can there be nothing?

It’s impossible.

You can’t fault me for having trouble wrapping my head around an idea as intricate and deeply infinite as nothing. From a young age, we’re taught that everything, even empty space, is created from protons, neutrons,  subatomic particles…

Empty space is always made from something else.

Some describe the void not as a place, but instead as spiritual enlightenment and/or liberation. As detachment from everything. Some describe entering the void as the moment one realizes that if you try too hard to understand then you will miss the point; as the moment where the student realizes that he will never be able to anticipate his masters surprise attack, so, instead of being anxious he accepts his inability to know; as the understanding that holding on is suffering and letting go is freedom.

There is no way to truly talk about the void, about emptiness, because there is nothing tangible to be expressed in words. And yet, our curious human minds are so fixated on using dialogue to try and articulate this commodity.

Words will always fail.

Even if we could wrap our heads around this idea of emptiness, this complete and total lack of anything (comfort, love, hate, despair, joy, happiness, agony(all pieces of this complicated fabric known as human existence)) we would descend into the deepest and darkest of melancholies. The sudden moment of realization that non-being and being are one and the same and that the only thing separating the two is the awareness of being aware and the unawareness of being unaware would be too much to endure. The weight of realizing that nothing is everything, that we are 0 (placeholders for nothing (the extinction of our species before a return to nature untainted imminent)) would prove to be the strongest link of all in these shackles of existence.

What is the void?

Maybe it’s best not to ponder this any further.
When I try my best but I don't succeed
That's when the tears come and I start to bleed.
I try so hard, every day
Sometimes I fail, it that okay?
Hold me tight, and let me cry
And please, never say goodbye.
Katherine Laslie Mar 2017
Your life was like
A sunrise dawning
On a moonless night
It gave me
A sense of hope,
Brought from another life
And I tried and I tried
To make everything right
But the pain, how it gave
me no reason to fight
But your presence alone
Brought a light into my darkened world
I clinged upon your every word
Basked in the melodic tones of your voice
You whispered sweetly to me
And told me I could be anything I dreamed
But these dreams were not
Created by me
Time passed on, and I opened my eyes
To see my sweet dream be whisked away
Your claims were a fraud
And your whispers were lies
And I stood in disbelief
That I believed in your disguise
I tried to be someone
Tried to be better
Tried to be the me that would please you better
And now I've become nothing
But broken in your hands
And the fact is: reality tastes bitter
When lies are all you have
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