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Kay P Aug 2014
I've told you I loved you a million times,
but never in words

We went to cross a street
and my arm, without permission
was out to block your path
before I even noticed
as a car went by
you laughed and asked
'what's with the protective act?'
I couldn't answer
because I didn't know

We walked side by side
across the train tracks
kicking stones in matching sneakers
you turned to me,
your heart in your eyes
'am I like Him?'
and I thought about it at length
before telling you no
instead of simply dispelling your fears

We were on a bus ride
sharing a seat whilst around us
tears were shed
but you simply made me laugh
and we spent the whole ride talking
as I smoothed down the fur
on the snout of your
favorite stuffed animal
and later when they blamed you
for enjoying yourself
I defended you with an army
of eyebrows raised high
and sarcastic remarks
that made you laugh instead

And when we walked together
from church, to home
taking a short cut through
streets we'd never been down before
I listened to you talk of everything
that came to mind
and we sang every song
that came on your phone's radio app

And between services,
when I was lazy
and laying on my side
on your bed easy as pie
you fidgeted with every
little knick knack on your dresser
telling me tales of each
and I smiled and nodded
using your stuffed animal
as a pillow and waiting for you to sit down

When you started designing your game
I stayed silent and listened
as you described your plans
how you built each little thing
using code you'd learned from
YouTube tutorials
Secretly thrilled
at the tiny contact
between your back and my knees

And when you finally
put your laptop down
and laid down
letting me spoon you
each time we decided
we'd get up to get
something to eat
yet went nowhere
sent a happy little thrill
through my whole body

And with each new experience
each new revelation
of budding emotions
thought long gone
I learn that love
can be just as strong
as softly fading radiation
from a platonic bomb
August 26th, 2014
17th Aug 2014
I'm glad something finally makes me happy
finding things that doesn't make everything so sadly
knowing that crying isn't the reason
for falling into this season
of depression
and social pressure

makes me feel weird how all the poems I read and like
are always about the hate and the "I don't like"
reading or writing something  positive
makes you feel positive
instead of closing your eyes and feeling so agree

it doesn't matter now
because it's coming back
so let me enjoy it
while it lasts
Austin Heath Aug 2014
I work now and have no creativity during the night.
I don't sleep well either.
I crash a lot during the day.
I slip into deep sleeps for
2 seconds at a time.
I'm mostly just

All the money probably won't get me
anywhere, anyways.
Kay P Jul 2014
I don't remember the last time I was angry

Somewhere between the
screaming younger cousins
and "respectable" elders
My anger drifted deep within
a cavern I know not where

Sometimes I am swarmed
with the realization
of how powerful I would be
Secrets kept and held for years
Flung expertly like daggers
at friendships sure as stone.

But even stone gives way
to rivers of mountain frost
Easily buried and worn
by time and earth and circumstance.

And even friendships forged in fire
turn brittle and break
when met with shoulders
cold as liquid nitrogen.
July 12th, 2014
Lilith Avenue Jun 2014
i am a warrior -
nothing more than
a pawn on a chess board
and all they do is stare
they stare and laugh
but once i cross the field
i crown myself queen

but i know once i look back
i will fall for the king
my victories nothing but wasted
17th Jun 2014
Let me be your weakness
Let me be your biggest mistake
Let me be your sensitive nerve
Let me be your weakest bone
Let me be the one who hits you against the floor
Let me be the only one who wants you to die
Let me destroy you
Let me love you
But you just have to accept
That you're me
17th Jun 2014
Feeling empty isn't new
I've been chasing this feeling many times
It drives me crazy
I can't stop counting time
I can't stop counting lies
I can't stop counting lines
I can't stop sighing
I wish you were mine
But it was a pleasure to not being with you
Because disappearing and not being noticed
Can make the difference
Why would I do something like that?
I missed you
I dismissed you
I hate this
Andrea Galvez Jun 2014
Depression is eating me slowly.
is loving skin that isn't his to claim
Cutting it up and naming it, as his...his own beautiful scars.
Why doesn't it hurt?
Blood running down my own skin that soon became skin unknown.
But don't get me wrong for once
the pain has stopped
and i don't feel like i'm drowning anymore
As blood runs down i can feel the pain
disappear, that's why cutting skin
that doesn't feel like my own are scarred up with what i call remorse
bukowski May 2014
I remember it,
it was a warm Tuesday evening
and we were stumbling to the bus stop
that stood on the side
of the busy town centre street,
she was being herself,
telling me how terrible
I am
and how she hates every inch of me,
then she leaned in to kiss me;
this would happen nearly every day
but that warm Tuesday evening,
something clicked;
I took the anger I had felt for so long
and painted it on her body
with bruises
shades of purple,
yellows and blues;
she left me the next day
for a pretty boy she had met
a few days earlier;
we were never going to work;
she was crazy
and I was crazy for her;
that 'love' did not bring me joy
and hope,
it brought me suicidal thoughts
and hard liquor;
I still remember it,
the day I broke into a million
tiny little pieces;
I still find myself searching
for those pieces
and it kills me every time
I realise I can never get them back;
but I am trying
to re-build myself
with the little pieces
I managed to cling on to
in the shock of the fall
CP May 2014
Drifting away from the stars

I watch my decisions sway 

Look at all this decay
I cannot make my mind

Drifting away from the suns

I am confined and resigned 

My fate is designed

When the stars aligned

I am just so blind
Drifting behind

I want to be reassigned from mankind 

Maybe one day I’ll find my mind 

Maybe it will be refined, defined
But today I’m drifting 

Shifting in this world 

A peal in an underworld

Drifting away from the cosmos

Maybe one day it will be clear

But right now it’s foggy and dark 

I just want to disembark

I may be quitting but right now I’m just

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