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Lolita Aug 2018
Vacation in estivation,
Listening to psithurism.
When apricity comes on my face,
Enjoying watching fondescene.
Just came by with some new words, tried to rhyme, destroyed it.
Tyler Apr 2018
You gasp in shock
In fear
The end is here
You caused this
Your eyes
Burning with guilt
Shaking with regret
Locked with desperation
I had to
You whisper
But there is no one to hear your cries
Just the inky black sky
Ensnaring you in darkness
This is your doing
Little death boy

A serpent
Winding up your arm
Wrapping round your throat
It hisses in your ear
Of fear
And of misery
You’re frozen in place
It’s venom filling your mind
Rendering you useless
Your lips tremble
Silver eyes hidden
Behind milky hair
why are you hiding?
Little death boy

Is this who I have to be?
Is this all that there is for me?
Just destruction
Just despair
Are the bringer
Death paints itself into
Your very being
Into your soul
The serpent slithers it’s way
Into your heart
It’s hold
All powerful
The fear of failure
Taints the back of your throat
Rising like bile
You’re scared of death
You’re scared of survival
There is no place for you
Little death boy

Hold your head high
Do not let them know
You’re fragile
You’re terrified
You’re not the sharp
Cutting man
They believe you to be
You’re nothing
Just a wisp of smoke
Easily ripped apart
By a gentle breeze
The snake winds tighter
There’s no escape for you
No redemption
No saviour
You shall rot
And this,
This is your destiny
Living your whole life
Weary and pale
Waiting for the world
To chew you up
And spit you out
Battered and broken
Blank and listless
Dark and lonesome
This is who you
Were born to be
Bringer of death
Whether you even wanted to be
Does not matter
Never the hero
Never the kind
Never the feeling
Little death boy
Nick Stiltner Feb 2018
The ravens catch wind of my secrets,
Hidden words veiled from light.
A ghost wandering through the yard,
A frantic hand scrambles for his pen.

Specter that drifts among all,
The sleep walker slouches with
The rest, but life had long lost
It’s interest.

Eyes of lemur, tilted to the side
As if to inquire the dark.
Inward voice and scattering wind
Dry leaves blown down the empty street.

Ghost man with his ghost hands
Greek warriors in their horse, invading Trojan Lands.
Thoughts reaching sky and the stars
Sending their replies, condolences.
Misty Eyed Jan 2018
Alone in my dark room I sit,
as the spiders build their web,
trapping these brick and mortar walls
inside of it.
The wolf lurks outside my window,
his mouth waters as he is peeping in,
just waiting to sink his teeth
into my skin.
Creeping shadows
I mistake for burglars
are at the windows,
every time I pass them.
The wind whispers of danger,
as it hits the house with a running start,
it's murmurs seep through the cracks,
disturbing my fragile heart.
I hear the clash of broken glass
falling to the floor.
Who or what could that have been?
The wolf has broke down the door,
the spiders have made their way in,
and the man with the knife,
has just took my life.

Quinntin Bravo Dec 2017

A weird feeling has been growing over me
I’ve never felt so insignificant
I smile as tears roll down my face
My hands shaking
Make it stop
Never knowing how to really feel
Nylee Dec 2017
Silver flame burn in her eyes
as she tries to hold back her tears
Dark shining fires  
shooting like spears
beating beats of fear.

Rain drops falling the greyness
in the field, by the river
shine of the diamond
devoid of the glitter
slowly the sparks die.

Rings don't bond them back
unstretched the spring
broken ties, empty hearts
unopened carts
but a game of cards.

Moved back in position
dreading the new season
searching the reasons
blaming themselves
in those eerie silences.

Fighting themselves to break
but trying in hearts another stitch
the tear too large
a very hard wreck
unlikely to be any merger.
Vulpes Nov 2017
Within a forest of gray leaves
Like little flames devoid of heat
Missing their color like a ghost
Just shadows of what once had grown.

Enclosed by trunks and trees so lost,
Covered in twigs and withered moss,
Never been loved, never been found,
Just lonely bones above the ground.

Dead petals dance with ghostly plants
To frozen wind and silent chants,
A requiem of crumbling skulls,
A hymn for all their decayed hulls.

Silvery mists of countless lies,
Swallows all of the forest's cries,
Fog masks the guilt of countless sin
That brush and grass carry within.

Amidst all of this hopeless mold,
A shed stands strong against the cold,
A house so lonely yet so warm,
Held in the forest's dying arm.

The place where I once hid myself,
'tween ****** books in rotten shelves,
The place where I live on my own,
Made of my flesh and crimson bone.
Madam X Nov 2017
Someone is watching. This I know to be true.
They sit there and watch every thing that I do.
The music I play, the books that I read,
the shows that I watch when I turn on TV. The opinions that formulate inside of their head,
is something I fear and something I dread. There isn't just one. They have a whole crew.
Millions and millions, not one or two. People are everywhere and if they are not, there's a mouse or an insect deep in its thoughts.
Staring and watching with its tiny black eyes.
Take one more step and they'll run and they'll hide.
People will watch you and be really mean. They think it's okay bc their thoughts can't be seen.
But really inside, that's the core of all evil. It's starts out small and it grows till its lethal.
Humans will smile and say their kind thoughts,
but walk away for a second and hear their real talk.
Please listen closely, it'll come in disguise. It's hard to dissect all of these lies.
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