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A thousand years of time collide,
The gates of truth are open wide,
Look past the guards of fear and dread,
Find the key that lies ahead.

No epic, tale, or myth can tell,
Nor on earth is there a spell,
That helps describe what's happened here,
And too my mind it's all unclear.

My feelings are a jumbled mess,
And I fear aloud I can't express,
But if you find my heart speaks true,
Know that I'm in love with you.
Valentines poem only four days late! Yay!
Le Lotus Dec 2014
If there are only two humans,
One must be good, one must be bad,
Which one should I be?
Both cannot be good
Neither both can be bad,
If both are good,
The world then too peace,too boring.
If both are bad,
The world then too chaotic,too tiring.
Just like in the movies,
We need twists and fun,
Then which shall I be..
Angel or devil?
Or.. either one with a mask?
bcg poetry Nov 2014
What if...

I lose the memory of the first time we kissed?
I can't retrieve the image of you crossing the room to me?
I forget the way your hands felt holding my face?
I can't remember the shirt you were wearing or the way you smelled?

I lose you?

Would I lose myself?
April Watson Nov 2014
My brain is on fire with everything.
I sit down to write and end up with blank lines and empty stanzas.
Where words of intense beauty and insight should rest are frustrated scribbles.
My lack of aspiration is disheartening.
I can’t unscramble my mind for one second long enough to write a decent line,
Or anything that’s not…I lost my train of thought.
Want to know where it went?
Straight to you, without consent
Like a fly to honey, I’m stuck in the sticky sweetness of you.
See? Even my similes ****,
Drowning in this sad case of writers block.
My creative flow is barren.
My muse is strangled by thoughts of your silly grin.
I set my pen to paper and waste hours on the sap that is my poetry.
Wondering if there is any hope left for me.
Md HUDA Oct 2014
You are the brainteaser for what all the intellectuals have become somnambulist
Still you are inconclusive;
All the linguists have become asinine
Since the language of your eyes are indecipherable
Every single iota of your heart is a nuclear
And all men are in love with nuclear
When they burst, burst in silent
You are the only cloud
that brings rain in the heart
For you all sins seem Romantic
And all catastrophes are Dramatic
All lovers watch, and remain as a sparrow alone upon the house top.
I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.
Taken from king James bible
It starts with a pin pick of blood
Stomach tightens and
You don't feel so good

The body begins to ache
Lungs start to hyperventilate
Though you try to manually regulate

The heart pounds and races
You clench your hands
Finding cuts in different places

Overwhelming pain sets in
Setting fire to the nerves
To repent for your sins

The limbs are lame and heavy
Broken pulls and levels
Effort makes you hot and sweaty

While life slips away
The mind will mistake
The remaining minutes for days.
Alodia Aug 2014
Oh I have to wake up
This is a long last dream
I shouldn’t cry, I shouldn’t
The pain is back
Growling inside
It wants to come out
But stuck.
**** me, would you please
I have no other soul anyways
You stole it, yes you did
Now it won’t back
I’m dead already
Don’t give the heart back
If only hurts, they’re feeling
Oh the dream’s not lasted
I’m living in it
Real life is a blur
But I need to wake
Now and then
This is real world I am in
Chaos and loveless
Oh I wish I’m living in a dream
Trinity Jones Jul 2014
I feel like a terrible person
I've fallen into this kind of pattern
I can't seem to shake
I'm not quite sure
From where I've picked it up
I think -- I'm pretty sure
I'd rather be without it
Leave any and all feedback! :)
Trinity Jones Jul 2014
They say teens
think the world revolves around themselves
They say teens
don't know how to handle
the real world,
whatever that maybe.
They say teens
are lazy
Well my hearts ran a thousand
miles for you
And I'm tired of being the
last one to the finish line
Getting stepped on and forgotten
I'm tired of it
But how can I stop
if my heart races for you
If my heart
longs for you
I may not know what love is
But I'm still allowed to feel
and in this moment,
I feel like I can't breathe
Like you're stepping on my heart and
cutting off my airways
Leaving me to suffer
But why should I be the one in pain
when I was the one who
supported and adored you
Why should I be the one
Left in the dust
This sensation of not being able to breathe
I now realize is the beginning of tears
My throat tightens
My eyes burn
And slowly tears start to run
down the side of my face
Fighting their way to my chin and
dripping off onto my lap
leaving small dark circles on my blue jeans
Call me dramatic,
Call me a teen
it won't change how I feel
I'm only human after all
Leave any comments you have!
Spencer Dennison Jun 2014
Who ARE you?
You, who I have dreamed of many a night,
who has always given flight to my imaginations
and fancies.
My aspirations of an angel...
but you are lost down the wishing well.

Evanescent in form,
but always representing the same thing.
What are you?
are perfect.
The woman in/of my dreams,
who it seems I have never met
(...and never will).

Still... You haunt me
and taunt me with what I can never have.
So haunt me,
for I will never complain
about seeing your visage,
seared in boiled tears,
behind the lid of this eye...
...and the other.
Wishing for things to be better than they are and wanting things I don't have is an chronic ailment that is likely going to be terminal.
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