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Eleanor Apr 2020
My mind has gone blank.
Yet I have so much to do.
A cacophony of voices critiquing  
But those helping are so few.

How could the instructions be any clearer,
Than how they were written down?
How do I get people to realise that
If they don’t stop piling on this ****, I will drown.

Nobody seems to want to talk to each other
Yet they expect me to know it all
With several teachers whose tones want to crucify me
But who’s words say I shouldn’t take the fall.

And it’s not my responsibility
To do this work for you
And really it would get finished a lot faster
If you did some of this too.

And I understand that you have lots of ideas
So, you want to change things constantly.
But do YOU understand that everything you change
Is a few more hours work for me?

I've no time to finish this poem  
Because I have to go complete another task.
So, I’ll leave a copy right here for you
And hope it helps you see through my obvious mask.
Written during a time of great stress and pressure. Sometimes when things are tough you just want people to Shut Up.
-elixir- Apr 2020
The aurora awakens me,
from the abyss of sleep.
The water runs to stir the
last cell asleep in me.
The chill wind caresses me,
as it consoles my vexation
from classes and assignments.

The sink and dishes know,
my mind as I scour away.
The walls accept me,
one among them as they
follow me around the house.
The sketchbook and words fill up,
as the days go by.

The world becomes restricted to
a small window of technology,
yet life goes on.
The day ends with a shower,
from nature, drifting me,
to the abyss of sleep with
the lullaby of petrichor.
as days go by I notice how I find my home a lovely place to stay in.
CupcakesArePink Mar 2020
can we talk?
no, you're busy

you need a favor?
course, i'll be there in a jiffy

pushing and pulling me
like you're waves dragging me everywhere

i love you
but i can't keep up with you doing me like this

can we talk?
can we?
Corrinne Shadow Mar 2020
So stressed,
No rest,
Rush here,
Such fear,
All rise,

One more week untill break... Dragging myself through every day
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2020
It has been awhile since I've written
Busy and it's hard to find time
I know that each first word I write
The start of a difficult climb

Every foothold hard to find
Work for each sentence and letter
When I finally reach the end
Feel as if I could have done better
Written 8-11-13

I have almost posted every old poem i have from middle school (2007) through 2017
Lyda M Sourne Jan 2020
Just this short moment
A little moment to yourself

Look at the sky for a moment
A pause in the humdrum of life

And just take a little moment
Like the quarter rest on hold

Cool down the thrumming heart
Relax those tense shoulders

Add a little honey
To the sourness of the situation

As life gives you lemons,
Make lemonade
I feel overwhelmed by everything
Andromyda Jan 2020
Busy people
Running to get everything done
So focused on things to do
They don’t notice the world around them

Worried people
Constantly thinking about the worst outcome
Obsessing over what ifs
Scared to truly live their lives

Tired people
Struggling to keep it all together
Disorganized and messy
Barely making it to the next meeting or appointment

Dying people
Slowly wasting away everyday
Not cherishing the little things
Not noticing that this is what makes life worth it
Colm Dec 2019
Smile - Vaguely
Claiming busyness

No one gives me the time of day
That's alright - I like the night
Enable perhaps? Next year.
Capriccio Dec 2019
It's not too crowded
Yet far too late in the day
For everyone to
React this way
It's not a sadness
It's a melancholy gladness

All this busy body bustle

   CLOSE lids
      And  just LISTEN

Don't Fret
Or shake
It's all you can take

You are not numb
Over blown or undone
You are One of Billions
In this crowd
Empire Dec 2019
Trigger warning: self harm

And here we are again
Another day lost to depression
There's so much to do
Can't clear my head of this noise...
I just want to spend some time
Taking care of myself
Or enjoying something
But I have things to do
Work to be done

and i know how to do it
i can quiet the noise
it's not hard
just a bit messy
i just... i just need a little...
a few delicate slits
right on the wrist
shock me back into existence
jolt me back to reality

i need it
i need to bleed for a little while
to clear the fog
to quiet the noise
to get me to focus
to get the work done
i... i have to...
i'll sort out coping strategies later
'cause right now
right now i need this.
now my wrist is stained red
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