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Capriccio Dec 2019
It's not too crowded
Yet far too late in the day
For everyone to
React this way
It's not a sadness
It's a melancholy gladness

All this busy body bustle

   CLOSE lids
      And  just LISTEN

Don't Fret
Or shake
It's all you can take

You are not numb
Over blown or undone
You are One of Billions
In this crowd
Empire Dec 2019
Trigger warning: self harm

And here we are again
Another day lost to depression
There's so much to do
Can't clear my head of this noise...
I just want to spend some time
Taking care of myself
Or enjoying something
But I have things to do
Work to be done

and i know how to do it
i can quiet the noise
it's not hard
just a bit messy
i just... i just need a little...
a few delicate slits
right on the wrist
shock me back into existence
jolt me back to reality

i need it
i need to bleed for a little while
to clear the fog
to quiet the noise
to get me to focus
to get the work done
i... i have to...
i'll sort out coping strategies later
'cause right now
right now i need this.
now my wrist is stained red
David J Nov 2019
I work to much
Not to say im over working my job
But that I work excessively in my head
I really am a busy person
I guess im over due for a vacation.
Lillian May Nov 2019
poems are a bit harder to write
when you dont feel music in your mind

too many tabs open

tv static for feelings

'error 404' for thoughts

poems are a bit harder to create
when you cant keep your sh*t straight
Bethie Oct 2019
I haven't written a poem
In a very, very long time.
Quite a bit has changed
Liz Carlson Sep 2019
sometimes it's all a bit too much
this world spins so fast
i can't keep up with the rush
they say it'll all be a blast

but all i feel is the weight on my chest
maybe this life is all but a big test
see who can survive all the trials
even if there are no more smiles.
Elaine Sep 2019
So much worry, So much to do,
Maybe I need to catch a breath or two
To stop and stay, to pause and pray
To tell those worries to stay away

Go colour the world, Scream and shout
There's not a thing you need to worry about
These worries will soon fade away
Fond memories that will forever stay
Jennifer DeLong Sep 2019
It's been awhile I know
Been so busy
Work and life
But not to worry
I am back
now let my poetry
begin again
Yes I missed you
Did you happen to miss me to
Busy now slowed
So here I am back with you !!
€ Jennifer Dlg 2019/9
Sam Wickstrom Sep 2019
The minutes pass like hours
The hours like seconds
This moment is but a memory
And I am the man
Lost in eternity
When did I wake up,
And will I remember everything?
Will I gaze back longingly?
Might I forget that the minutes past like hours
And the years like a falling tear drop?
What was that feeling I had?
I recall an angst, a fear, far off
The way a smell looks so familiar sometimes
I'm lost in time
And here I am, again in reminiscence
It takes patience, or is that just an illusion?
Yet I feel so present in my past
The now is a bygone blur
Rush me again you'll see I'm dead
**** me with your clocks I'm a sleep walker
Let me shut my eyes and rest my weary head
It's been a long day... But tick tock, there's another anyway
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
Melancholic miseries, yet this pleasant ecstasy
That fear far off, I don't mind this time
Here I am again, here I am again
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