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M Eastman Mar 2015
Crowd rushes forward
and back
blaring horns to battle
and gasping doom
swarthed blades
screaming metal
thunderous applause
raucous madmen
best concert ever
Isaac Golle Mar 2015
I see it
It's on their faces
All of 'em
This shadow
Like some sort of indifference
Built out of hurt and pain and loneliness
Like they're so tired of fighting that they just gave up
"This is reality" they say
Yea, I see it
Don't think you can fool me
And there's a lot I could say
You know, to them, to myself, or to God
A lot of words that attempt to heal
A lot of prayers that attempt to reveal
A lot of...wrestling...that attempts to understand the brokenness of our condition and how God fits into all of it
But lately I've only been able to think of one thing
One single question that wells up inside whenever I begin to feel overwhelmed by the comprehension of the depth to which you have sunk your teeth

How dare you?

I see her
She's laying it all before me
Her heart
Her emotions
All her past
All her brokenness
Her father who used to chase her all over the house
Call her all sorts of horrible names
Totally RUINING her sense of self worth!
And now, she doesn't know what to believe or what to say or how to say it or what to pray or what to do or what to choose or how to love or when to love or if to love at all and all I can say is

How dare you?
Are you not aware?

And I see him
He's caught up in himself
So misguided by the failures of those involved in his life that he built a wall TEN MILES THICK around his heart, locked it, swallowed the key and never looked back cuz he's so **** sure there's nothin' left to see and all I can say is

How dare you?
Do you not know?

Oh and I see him
Sitting right across from me all full of lies and blasphemy
The things he says only ever amounting to full blown hypocrisy
I see him
So full of anger, hatred and hurt that I don't even know where to begin
The web is so thick it's BLACK
And you say it's hopeless, and I feel helpless, and all I can say is

How dare you?
Can you not see?

Oh, and I FEEL it!
That voice!
Insipid and subtle
So confident and slithering and leaving no room for rebuttal
Give UP it says
You're not capable and they're not worth it!
Your faith is invalid cuz it contradicts all the others
Your heart is too filthy and your soul is too shredded!
You're gonna fail!  Because you always fail you failing, miserable failure!
And all I can say is

How dare you?
Do you not know?
Can you not see?
Are you not aware?

Get to tremblin', beast.
For we are the children of the living God.
A poem about the mess of humanity.  I'm working on a spoken word album and this one is on it.  Preview the piece at the link below.
Lilliana Lucinda Mar 2015
There is darkness inside me
He lives next to the light
She tries to outshine him
But he always strikes back
I try to push him away
Something makes him stay
I try to convince myself
They should exist together
To find a balance
That could last forever
A sad love story
Between these two
Oh what I would do
To heal the pain
He brings to me
Moreover disdain
She comes to soothe
Once again I am renewed
I remember being chained to the floor
My mouth stitched shut by threads of doubt
Not knowing if I'd been locked away in an abyss
Or if my eyes had been seared blind by all the pain I chose to see
All breaths were heaving burdens
And I could feel my heartbeat slowing but did not have the will to use it to trace the passing time
What could I do?
Was there a word, a spell to unlock the hold placed upon me
If I could only clear away all the trauma and tragedy
But nothing, I could find nothing
I remember crying to the sound of voices telling me I would end and waste away here
They laughed as they told me I was meant to die
Screaming I tugged viciously at my shackles
Nothing, I could feel nothing
But then my moment came
Something gave way the chain had certainly loosened
That night or day or moment void of time
I bit down ******* my own flesh as I begged my body to fight for me
Despite the blood trickling off my fingertips
Hours, no it could have been days
I wouldn't have known the difference between seconds and weeks
But through curses and agony I split my chains
And I tore open flesh and stitches to let my cry of victory echo
I remember laying my fingers over every crevice of that chamber
Still blind to anything that lie beyond my cell of self inflicted torture
Surely there was a way to escape
I scanned over the room until I could find the walls without reaching out
I found myself stranded and the voices came back to mock my feeble attempts at freedom
And I cried and cried and cried
I remember growing a fire in my heart with the burn of determination to survive
Begging it to quicken and bless me with the will to fight
And that is when I began to climb
Oh how many times I fell and cursed my foolish hope
Only to convice myself to scale the wall once more
Sweat raining off my back
At last I caught a whiff of something alive and fresh
And titled my head up
Proceeding to choke on my own breath
How long had it been since I'd witnessed the glory of light
And with layers of skin stripped from my fingertips
I clawed my way up to flat land for my final battleNow I'm looking down on the endless pit I jumped into
And here is what I will remember
As I breath air both crisp and smooth
Savoring flowers unique scent and tastes
I will remember that the only reason I now take every advantage of our golden sun
By absorbing all and every ray of light
Is because of every ounce of effort and energy
I poured into gaining back my open skied world
Every drop of blood
Every anger soaked tear
Every fear filled drip of sweat
Made my journey a success
There was no miracle, no spell
Just a straight uphill battle matched only by my own will to thrive
And so there is no forgetting
That this was more than worth it

C.N. / Words written in the sky that is my mind
Ara Mar 2015
The anxiety that builds up in your chest
Makes it harder to take every breath

The cascade of tears that drowned you in fear
You need someone but no one wants you near

All these broken promises and cuts on your heart
You're just one choke from falling apart

You embrace your hunger and eat in fear
Maybe one day this will all just dissappear

Your enemies are just outside the door
Maybe you just can't take it anymore...

But wake up my soldier, pick up ur knife,
Maybe it's time for one last fight

Open that door and let those angels in...
Your enemies will break you down, but you will never let them win

They're the reason why you're here... The reason why this started...
It would make no sense now if you gave up and departed

Hold on to that last hope,
Hold on to that rope,
These dangerous items won't even help you cope...
Garry Napkin Mar 2015
War is like a debate with two sides,
Arguing in the form of blood,
Red like the lava from a volcano, deadly and painful,
With the roar of massive tanks, like a lion roaring at it's prey,
And with the screams and cries of the dying, what a sorrow sight it is,
Although war can be catastrophic,
Emerging from it could compensate
With new ideas and new designs.
Hello, I am looking for some critiques about this poem as well as some tips.  I would also love to hear some interpretations (if any).  Keep in mind that I am young and just beginning poetry so any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Imperfect Desire Mar 2015
Am I the only one that has their demons feasting upon their souls?
They say it is easy to tie a noose around your mind,
To overcome the urges and temptations of ending your life with a suicide
They don't know the true pain and torment that is going on in my head
An epic battle that leaves me with restless nights in bed
"End your life already" they say, as they prey on me during my weakest hours
Sometimes I give into the voices, carrying the sharp blade to my wrist
Crying as I struggle to mutter three powerful words that keeps me going
Choking on my sobs, my lungs deflate with a desire to say that God loves me
I try to convince myself that God is trying to test my faith
And to just wait, wait and wait
Then my Demons will eventually go AWAY.....

~Imperfect Desire **
Waiting4TheStop Feb 2015
Her voice is soft: "Sweetheart, come.
You look like you're in need of some company."
She takes my hand, stroking it gently with her thumb.

Slow steps, I walk in a disjointed pattern. Two, two, one, three.
She does not hurry me.
Around my waist snakes an arm.
With my sharp intake of breath, a note of alarm.
"Aww petal, it's okay. I mean you no harm."

"You're alright now, your fight is over."
She says taking my bloodied revolver.
Exchanging it for a torn and red stained four leaf clover.
(C) 2015
Tatiana Feb 2015
Red flames burning into my soul,
i'm looking for the light,
a glow.
But all I find is the raging inferno inside of me,
leaving those stinging pink wounds
of Hell in my body.
Where is God?
I met the Devil and the other demons,
where is my light?
I can feel it growing stronger,
the pain, it's too much.
But wait, could it be?
There is a clash of light and dark
exploding in my mind
and I don't know what the outcome will be
when the Devil and God clash inside of me.
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