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Swords that clash and clang with might,
Blood is spilled but still they fight,
For honor, glory, money, land,
Or little child with helpless hand?

They fight to save those who are weak,
Those who think themselves too meek,
They fight for those who fell before,
And of course those they adore.

Defenders of what they think right,
Neither wrong, just filled with fright.
The Other's thoughts are strange and new,
And change is something they won't do.

Neither wants to fight this war.
No-one likes the blood and gore.
But they will fight till Other falls,
To keep them from each other's walls.

A difference is a war-like shout,
That causes fights and fearsome doubt.
But difference is a coloured sky,
and beauty to the naked eye.

Difference- while the start of war,
Is splendor, charm, and so much more.
It is grandeur to behold,
And worth much more than precious gold.
I didn't really like the how this poem ended but it's good enough for me to post (for now).
KAT COLE Feb 2015
You know its been days.
Days since these heavy eyes have mended.
This suit of armor is nothing but twisted, tense muscles and weak joints that have made this body whole.

Just tell me it's going to be ok.
Tell me I'm going to make it through this.
Tell me ill survive.

You would think they would prepare you for battles like this but then again, how would they?

I'm tired of the positive speeches and the nonsensical analogies you think are helping.

I feel my bones starting to ******* inside of this tired body.
Just tell me i'll make it out of this alive.
That's all.
I will survive.
Aden Burns Feb 2015
You have reason to be a non-believer, you have reason to not care.
You've had people take you to the ends of love and leave you right there.

It is in bold pursuit of what is rare,
That a journey would seem most unfair,

Paved in stories of despair-
A path extending nowhere.

If affection was a dragon you've cautiously approached its lair,
Watched it in slumber & patiently lain your snare.

You have woken it accidentally to be caught in a merciless glare,
And avoided scorching burn as its wide nostrils would flare.

To move forward in such hunt no girl should dare,
Triumph in love needs a woman to tame beast as she would oft tame her hair.

Many a man searching for love remain rooted to chair,
But with boundless confidence you seek the Heart's Throne as its heir.

And no matter how thick a robe its crown shall wear,
Abreast your fierce aura even dragon hide will tear.

It is along my own story that I find yours and wish to share,
A tale of two beings in forced singularity but thinking in pair.

...A lost soul hears the approach of another as it disturbs his air,
Burning his eyes, a mother of dragons seeks love & climbs her final stair.
KAT COLE Feb 2015
I fought the good fight one too many times.
The constant running, hiding, yelling.
When will it end.
I can feel my hands getting weak and my knees beginning to unbuckle.
When will it end?
Let this battle yield if only for a moment.
Let these tired eyes mend
Let my broken body rest tonight.
If only just for the night.
Bluebird Feb 2015
i layed in my room on my bed,
i only wished to die in my sleep
fallen appart,i was nearly dead
cause of a promisse i didn't keep.

i couldn't eat i couldn't talk,
i was hunted by my past,
barely having stenght to walk,
i've put my all to the test.

i couldn't smile with pain in my chests,
then came fears, i became paranoid,
followed by the darkest fleshbacks,
until the gap in heart became a void.

i fell as low as person can fall,
there was only up i could go,
missed the death, had to crawl,
decided never to let myself fall so low.

it's been a year i'm alright,
i still recover,my heart needs some rest,
i know my strenght and learning to fight,
a crule deamon called ''my past''.
true story
Nena Twedell Feb 2015
We walked a path together only briefly
But we somehow found a way to meet again
Each time I saw you though
The light in your eyes began to dim
Little by little
Each time the pain that was hidden deep within your heart began to show more and more
I didn’t want to say anything
Didn’t want you to feel like I was playing mother hen in another fairy tale
But the dimmer your light gets
The more my heart breaks
I cry out to the powers that be
Why do the good die young?
Why must they struggle so much through this life?
I plead with the universe
To show you that you too can be a warrior
To show you that the hero always has adversity
I want to hold you long into the night
Protect you from the demons that live in the dark corners of your mind
I want to build walls around your heart
To give you time to mend the brokenness
I want to wipe the tears away from your eyes as you struggle through this war
But I know that you are strong
And that you will not grow if you cannot pick up your own sword for this battle
That you will not become your own hero if you cannot fight on your own
So I will hold my tongue and offer up my sword
And be the whisper of encouragement as you fight your battle
I will offer a refuge from the battlefield of this world
As we both fight our own battles
This battle though hard fought cannot be done alone
And I will be by your side as you fight for your life
to remind you that you are the hero to this story
Izzy Nov 2014
He goes in to battle an innocent boy
returns a battle hardened soldier
Nothing will ever be the same for him
- Explosions paint his eyelids
- His ears still ring from bombs
- He wakes up pulling a non-existent trigger
- He's seen the deepest parts of hell
- He's watched men die at his feet, pleading for mercy
and people still wonder 'what ever happened to that little boy?'
That little boy...
He stared death in the face and lived to tell the tale.
He fought for a country that could care less.
He watched his men die at the hands of the enemy.
He left himself over there in the dirt with the men that died.
He faced people who hated everything he stood for.

But he fought for you.

Never ask what happened to that little boy.
You wont like the answer.
Ashley Feb 2015
every other line, underlined;
a life preserver sewn together with words,
ink circling my wrists like it could
anchor me here in existence, even if
it's nothing short of a distracting illusion.
in them, i saw my own struggle resurrect
itself, still a burden from my past
haunting me relentlessly since i was

isn't that a terrifying thing?
that kids of this generation
swallow pills like candy, cut wrists
like ribbons, drink liquor like
sweet-and-sour medicine? they give us
a bad reputation for hyperbole and
self-diagnosis, like the things we see
in ourselves are any less valid,
like the science and drugs they "cure" us
with have any meaning when our
mental mortality is broken and sick.

they say it's for attention, but
breaking news: it isn't.

why would you want to fake this
disease? it's a miserable, dead end cave
that collapses around you daily and suffocates,
squeezing until your insides are a barren wasteland, until
time ceases meaning anything and the clock ticks, ticks,
ticks, until we feel
the ticks of time teetering towering above
our heads, and we wait for the minute hand
to come slicing down like a

i remember that summer night vividly,
in muted colors and looming black screens
three a.m., weighed down by
self-loathing, wishing for an escape route.
they don't tell you about it; there's something
taboo about the slithering double s slipping
through your lips.
but every year, people succumb to this battle
they can't win, because they're so unaware,
frighteningly ill-prepared.

it's twisted how "i have a headache"
can be an acceptable reason to stop
trying for a day, but yet
"i can't get up today
i can't get up at all everything is
pointless and my body won't obey won't
perform basic survival functions and i
haven't eaten haven't slept right in days
i don't care why should i care
i don't care i don't care i don't
why do i keep going on like this like
a dead man walking like nothing
is wrong like this smile isn't badly mixed
plaster like it isn't chipping away
cracking breaking the ice around me
drowning me in the never ending black hole"
isn't quite good enough.

i never knew it affected anyone besides
adults. adults never realized
we kids could get totaled, too,
that we could be hopeless and
hollowed out, walking infinitely
in darkness and dissolving each
second. so yes,
when i found quentin, i wanted
to change his end. i wanted
to make things better, because i remember
finally finding a name for the churning beast
in me and crying with relief, no longer
alone or empty, even if the feeling was the fleeting
shooting star in a the vast dark cosmos.
i want to save him from the violent end
because i have to, because i owe
every kid like me an ear to listen, an
understanding smile, and some battle tips
from someone with invisible scars.
i'm healed, now, but quentin and so many
others have already lost, and
god forbid we lose another
to the parasite in our brains.
in his words, i hope someone
can find a steel lifeline,
and that they learn to let go
of tricky ticking time.
A personal poem inspired by Quentin Compson of "The Sound and The Fury" by William Faulkner.
SøułSurvivør Feb 2015

Kings and queens
and progeny
all work out their Destiny

Subtle courtier
ruthless knave
demon spawn
ambitious slave

Battles fought
and sometimes lost
sometimes won
at dearest cost

Summer lion
springtime lamb
are slaughtered
in the winter's calm

The company of
enemies and friends
all are one in the end

The marriage vow
the ties that bind
the power of the concubine

Those wheels of power
grind men's bones
when they play

the Game of Thrones

(C) 3/15/2014
This series is one of my
guilty pleasures

Faeza Kazim Feb 2015
When sorrows sorround you,
When things depress you,
When you are unable to express your emotions,
When you are forced to supress your passion,
When you keep failing everytime,
When you can't fight the hardships of life,
When you start hating everything,
When you end up thinking suicidal things,
Those moments when you feel helpless,
And you begin to act way too careless,
Then comes the time to fight,
Hold your breath tight,
Bring that smile on your lips,
Not for me,not for you,but for those who care about you.
Never give up.
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