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Jun 2015 · 837
Soul Poison
Shaun Meehan Jun 2015
The poisoned soul, tainted--
victim of its owner's own hand.
tight and coiling as a filth soaked rag;
contentment, elation's enchantment,
wrung like water clouded the filth of grey--
cast from the fibres' binding
binding life to purpose. Worthless.

Popping pills
to cure an invisible ailment.
Smartphones, gems, unhumble hovels,
ineloquent words impotent
to wash the essence sickness--
treating symptom rather
circumstance. Jailing the spirit in
sedation's purchased trance.

The cure found not in
possessions procurement but
by moments in time too brief.
A loving embrace, the hand of a child,
smiles and laughter--
relief to soothe
the poisoned soul poisoned by
Jan 2015 · 738
Wallpaper Torn
Shaun Meehan Jan 2015
paint revealed by wallpaper torn,
layers of peeling; the
faded adorn—a story of life.

joy, of accomplishment and
new beginnings.
children born, playing,
growing up—growing old.
past scars distant
memories; misplaced, obliterated—
by time reduced to dust.

a home
buried beneath the earth,
its walls no more.
the vessel shattered, decaying
stories lost, forgotten,
the curse of mankind’s
Jan 2015 · 2.6k
Slither Stalking
Shaun Meehan Jan 2015
fangs dripping
poison—dripping with
yellow eyes slither stalking,
so hypnotic in their convincing;
in pursuit, our every step
pressured into flight’s direction.

a nightmare’s seed
planted beneath pillow,
following into dream.
the serpent’s coil riding
headrest’s rooting *******—
even slumber thought safety

a viper of self-consciousness, the
familiar of societal impositions
fuelling reflection’s hostility;
its venom—an injection of insecurity.
fangs dripping poison—
fangs dripping with
Everyone is beautiful in their own way and to abandon uniqueness in favour of societal pressures does a disservice to humanity. A widely covered subject, but my own personal attempt to adequately contribute to the discussion.
Jan 2015 · 721
Blindfolds of Scripture
Shaun Meehan Jan 2015
men espousing creation,
the creator,
perfect love infinite mercy
a proclamation—vowing to
adhere to the likeness
in which they were fashioned.
so much faith–so much
creatures wearing blindfolds of scripture
justify deeds so appalling in nature,
contradict the wisdom they
promised to preach;
hypocrisy absent its recognizing.

affirming a dusty word’s preserve,
the honesty,
only the deceit of men do they serve,
failing in discerning
the message of spirit secured
in the hearts of those who seek knowing—
impervious to them who
hound to be dominating.

perpetual fear taught by
people with piety painted inner sight shutters,
their words—
plumes of smoke to obscure their own
heart’s flutter.
a terror of
free thought and consideration,
freedom from labels, dogma and doctrine—
the circumvention
of thumbs meant to pin men
to the curse of subjection.

the deduction of right,
appearing an impossible task amidst
an endless sea of polluted virtue.
by the exam of everything so diligent,
the multitudes of faith and
them gripping absence,
might symbiosis prove true—a
mosaic of liquefaction's perfection
in a world where everything is permissible
but not everything beneficial.
The premise for this work felt good in its early stages but its development became a struggle not long after. I'm not really a fan of this piece, but have invested an amount of time into it that would see me rather share it than just toss it on the no-go stack. I'm really glad that I can finally turn the page on this one and a little proud that I stuck it out and finished it as opposed to just abandoning it altogether.
Shaun Meehan Jan 2015
the seven his assertion
of inspired transgression
over a world wrought with weakness.

by binary adjustment an
image to
program vanity’s conformity.
youth poisoned,
a child’s self-worth corrupted,
advertisement’s teaching destructive.

a conglomerate’s ambition—its
fruition; *******,
giving birth to
a blanket of poverty—
a blanket of
laced infection to
stave the cold of squalor’s tribulation,
while old money
flaunts its fanciful garment of dust.

the ******* of human nature
guiding the hands of men.
women, children—
the victims made slaves to
the flesh of another,
living as shades of potential,
suffering the abuse of
disgusting existential.

pounds of grain
producing pound of cattle.
stores of meat kept spilling to waste,
a carnivorous diets’ diversity
an obese symbol of currency.
ingestion a hobby,
an identity, meanwhile
the faceless scavenge;
suffering sustenance scarcity.

an abuse of a system—
its purpose to
help those in catastrophism.
a righteous gift
bled dry by those capable,
them unwilling to provide;
tarnishing validity of
those deserving of
goodness’ generosity.
a cause for uncertainty and
a deflated right hand economy.

cruel acts
rarely noble in purpose,
the darkest notions of man in
revenge do surface.
chilling reminders of
what used to be—
but has never changed
since this dawn’s reign.
reminders of man’s gruesome nature,
painting battered cities
crimson, stained memories provoking
perpetual cruelty.

an age deemed—
in a world unchanged.
by arrogance of the aforementioned,
our heads
buried in the sands of self-deception.
a falsified claim to reign–
this race,
creation’s self appointed kings;
demand to see but
refuse to witness our own
hideous reflection.

by them his assertion
of inspired transgression
over a world wrought with weakness;
the seven—his market list.
long since infant breath,
something to deplore;
leaving no shortage of souls
in the devil’s department store.
I apologize for the inconvenience of length, but feel this work required it to a degree. Another digital cookie offered if the subject of this piece is identified, and another if the "right hand economy" reference is understood.
Jan 2015 · 904
Anthem of Peace
Shaun Meehan Jan 2015
a sword to cut though
not to bite, but—
with blade-like tongue a
message to bear,
an anthem of peace sung;
yet war to ensnare
the sons of man.

“I come not to send peace,
but a sword.”
a prophet once said.
Him, called a liar,
though more true speech
never spoken.
a war of change explained but
misunderstood by ears untrained.

words of tolerance
love and understanding,
empathy, hope, and
acceptance by a
merciful hand extended.
yet in difference witness,
its message forgotten—
hope forsaken,
hatred chosen.
Jan 2015 · 780
Heart Stitch
Shaun Meehan Jan 2015
I, like a
malefactor surgeon fixing,
fix with a curse unforgiving.
a heart stitch—regret
threading soul together in an
ill fitted reverse dissect;
never again to resemble the
valour of past represent.

I, the guilty party,
a man’s poorest image—
needed not jury to try,
but served as judge to self;
a sentence to decry—to
live out my days absent scorch,
it to be those loved most to
bear the scars of
failures not owning.

I, a man of cursed flesh,
shall upon night’s shutters to close,
dwell upon those
sins of which I chose,
impotent to forgive,
impossible to forget,
the love I did pose.
Dec 2014 · 576
A Just Decision
Shaun Meehan Dec 2014
for the first day in a span
far too long since last occurring,
a son’s gaze to meet without hesitation.
before him, standing as—
a man,
deserving the title—
a father,
but never deserving, forever

a choice made,
for the man, not the best,
the choice—
a just decision.
its wake
waves of consequence—
each proving impotence.

to drown impossible when
offered the outstretched hand
of a child.
I struggled with writing a brief notation regarding the meaning of this poem, if only for the sake of clarity. I've failed several times now to communicate it effectively, and in light of that I will simply state that sometimes, regardless of the consequences, a "just decision" must be made. Though society, employers, friends, etcetera, might not understand, the innocence of a child and their perception of that decision has a certain power to make a mere man feel as though he stands as a giant.
Dec 2014 · 528
Truth's Illume
Shaun Meehan Dec 2014
a room so dark—
so dark,
mistook for blindness,
hiding within it
a door,
whose presence made known
only by the glow of light behind it
spilling through gaps in its frame,
stabbing into the dark of
the unknown surround.

said a man
once, on the subject
“the unexamined life is not worth living”
his crass intent to
pry us from our
self imposed ignorance of self.

for—behind that door
lies the truth of a man,
freedom from ignorance owned by the shade, to
either, shed anew a light of validation, or
burn as an inferno and dictate correction.

the barrier,
held by simple latch obscuring truth’s illume.
a ****, whose demand be concentration,
its twist performed by
unbiased contemplation,
honest self examination.

that hidden behind such curtain
we cannot know until its opening.
the door—our veil of untruth,
whose lift made possible by word
of a wise man.
Help yourself to a digital cookie if you know who was quoted.
Dec 2014 · 656
Infinite Diamonds
Shaun Meehan Dec 2014
our home—
a speck of dust submerged in ink.
black so dark the
perfect embodiment of shade,
glistening—shimmering as
infinite diamonds crushed to dust then
blown across creation.

night sky alight with fire.
figures of fantasy and of legend,
mythical beasts
do battle as
brilliant hued flame.

space scape wonders, the tool marks of
man's most humble beginnings.
spied afar from a fantasy of grandeur,
titans of absolute certainty towering
over mystery as if
it were something humanity had conquered.
so tall mankind, our height
a spire of arrogance.

the truth we refuse,
blinded by ambition; that
the champions of delusion; that
we—mankind are little more than
a colony of ants believing
to possess answers pertaining
life's mystery.
Dec 2014 · 728
The Masquerade
Shaun Meehan Dec 2014
on the vanity it sits—
a perfect smile 'cross perfect lips,
different from the rest
though no less the same.
smooth silk wrapped to tie
in a ritual ignorant of shame,
to fasten in place our lie
a knot most meticulous in design.

hand in hand unwittingly we dance
together in this mingling mystery,
with partners of mutual secrecy.
fingers interlaced,
feigned honesty embraced,
swinging twirling maneuvering,
dancing to the tune of
hearts sobbing souls crying,
unabashed by singing despairing.

carefully painted,
adorned by most beautiful deceit.
milk white composure,
hiding beneath
the honest human
in orchestrated illusion.

a mask to hide truth, our
vulnerabilities, insecurities, showing
the face of who we wish to be,
who we deem ourselves to be,
how society demands we be.
by shame or guilt
unfulfilled ambition to become
our dishonest rendition.

so convincing our lies even teller be fooled,
the truth to surface only by dream,
casting reality to realm of fantasy;
stealing from world a uniqueness of beauty.

a mask
belonging to a person—
to each person;
lies not worth living.
there it sits on the vanity—a
perfect smile across perfect lips.
Nov 2014 · 551
Perfect White Petals
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
a dream—
of landscape scorched,
its reflection my
the place one oft ventured

lightning in the distance, the
rumblings of a
turbulent mind.

the ash of failed dreams
through the air,
strike as rain breaking silence—
a nagging reminder of effort’s shame.

angst, regret, fear
a place damaged,
not yet under repair.

a flower
shocking contrast amidst mire.
perfect white petals perched on the
stem of a pen.
“My name is poetry.”
the instrument spoke,
“and you—are my purpose.”
Nov 2014 · 936
Nature's Innocence
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
skin burnt,
blistered and charred,
hair scorched to the
naked flesh beneath.
cracked hands bleeding;
make enfeebled attempt to
obscure disfigured face—
hiding from onlookers' gaze the
shame of such pain.

a world set aflame,
the inferno a scheme
by heat and by
fire, amidst
swirling orange spires,
the landscape through force
taken at desire.

an ape once great,
gentle regality
reduction by immolation,
magnificence squandered,
now moulded to ash,
an animal sacrifice—a victim of
act without consequence consideration,
to appease devilish demand,
the culinary Palm to
grace the malefactor's hand.

nature's innocence course set—damnation,
if not new mind found.
a power,
the fortitude and will
to exorcise this demon—
this demon
known as man.
This poem was written in reaction to a photograph of a burned and crumpled spectre of an Orangutang, surrounded by humans struggling to provide help after the animal fell victim to the fiery preparations of a future Palm oil field.
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
The Locust Instinct
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
A human habit universal,
our measure of success by possessions to envy.
An infernal curse—commercial purveyors, trinkets
of gold and gem,
shining blinking, fabrics glistening;
the value of thing manipulated by
them insect kings.

By lion's fang and butterfly guise they rule,
a hubris deceiver upon their shoulder
obscuring their likeness to those
serfs upon whom they
cunningly demand servitude, otherwise
be starved, put out, forced to watch their
future falter—sons and daughters
failing in flight, their
wings clipped prior first spanning.

Locust clans spurred to fight over resources, who
sell and buy back nature's bounty once
formed anew into advertisement's subject.
Oceans emptied of fish, forests becoming myth,
uplands turned to wastelands,
abomination fog a spherical prison choking
earth's inhabitants—the marketer's dowry
paid for marriage to a precarious economy.
Royalty made rich at cost of labouring spine,
but worse—
our home and thereby our hope we consign.

By their futile attempt to survive,
the locust instinct to consume,
until all is gone we contrive,
the inevitable a meet with our doom—kings
with stained glass wings to follow soon.
So small are we amidst this vast existence;
the ambitions of men
barely bigger than an insect's significance.
Nov 2014 · 759
An Unworthy Artist
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
a statue the envy of Michelangelo
destiny unknown, the medium—perfection,
growing with age and process,
moulded by the hands of an unworthy artist

the sculptor a paragon of ambition to be,
with enamoured eyes the living stone watching me
a selfish chisel striking cruel and careless,
driven by a hammer of regret, tears resultant
unknowing confused questioning and blameless
staining the surface as sadness' garment
the err of inexpert hands curse by
marks impossible to be unmade despite
a love absolute for the victim of his craft

a father undeserving his son
mouth to match heart, hands to mirror soul
my failure
to see through promise made in
reply to infant breath
by youth's eye the world so meagre
my blessing to be king by innocent observer
a man, by title defective
an artist in whom little may be redemptive
words a patchwork of reparation
futile to hide errant strike, reclamation of relation
so daunting subsequent degeneration

your each tear
my sorrow's weight
my son, forgive me—
your father's abate
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Grim Stagecoach
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
imagined moment vivid
split second prior scythe’s felling contact—
panic, fear gripped soul, constriction
shadowing hand clutched chest
the final occurrence
my last breath

a life’s span of years
the reaper’s patient approach
confident encroach, task assigned
above reproach, his grim stagecoach
my taxi toward mystery forward

the grind of wood spoke wheels amidst
drop of steady hoof against
an astral road cobble stone
the anthem of death performed
by angel orchestra the
conductor my heart ceasing beat

what memory does surface
allowing in moment to bask as
my life to fade?

sons, opportunity misspent
a wife, her caring consideration unmet
parents, who lack receipt of admiration
the instance impossible to own preparation

to say that which ought be said
a careful avoidance of things that not
rather plead for one last word
a beggar to show heart’s comprise
adoration without question at
time of demise

love, more than a hug
but time spent
love for them—taught shown felt
love and its spread
upon which would serve
death’s beautiful bed

to take the hand of His angel
rather the reaper to dread
a confident smile knowing
in arms their embrace
will be felt once again
Nov 2014 · 7.1k
Converse Rebellion
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
Features, my reflection—
subtle hints stare back offering wordless reply,
their evidence a betrayal of age.
A wrinkle looking deeper,
mane of face, of head—hairs
fresh lacking pigment.

Vain attempts made to mend heart,
to sooth soul's dread.
Testimony of experience
of wisdom, persistence, perception,
an impotent contraceptive, the argument

Regret to cloud memory, my youth
seeming a flesh and blood cliche.
Tiny footnotes heavy with prose,
words in bold
to distract mind's eye—a demand of attention.
Edging out tomb's more beautiful weight
of love and heartache
of passion's attempt failing,
to try again, sinking before succeeding.
An era's dusk and dawn anew, life's advent
unpredictable—without cause changing.

Notion hanging lingering, poisoning future,
the venom of defeat an insidious invasion.
This new age creeping toward night
in this stage my life's sun less bright.
Maturity's introduced responsibility,
some enjoyable while others to own hostility.
A brigand mugging freedom—time for leisure.
Spurring combat for what remains of youth,
fingers wrapping air in futile seizure.

The inevitable to command subservience,
presuming ownership of life, though the mature
demonstrate the defiance of the immature.
Objects, activities, music assaulting ear,
their manner,
symbols of strict adherence to who once was—
a spiteful surrender refusal.

A piece of me defining me until no more,
years holding power—threatening
to change who I am at very core.
Canvas construction the colour of murre,
rubber toe caps the shade of pure.
Design worn since youth, dead and resurrected;
a million mile shoe of valorous resistance—insurrection,
a Converse rebellion.
In torment of age's scars,
I'll never be too old to wear my All Stars.
Nov 2014 · 881
Mechanical Allegiance
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
fidelity, understanding
empathy, caring unconditionally
failing descriptors of life's most sought feeling
reason, felt as purpose for existence—love
time spent seeking, sadness at depriving
either youthful bliss or aged wisdom
emotion's hold unconstrained by seniority
consuming our hopes and dreams
those which drive drawn breath

found true amongst family
in peer only seldom
never a nation, only the few
love guiding all, the
key to a perfect civilization

to create a people of programmed emotion
woven strands
DNA's complex beauty
reduced to binary code's rigidity
heartstring circuit wiring
free will replaced by java script exception
not soul but operating system's disaffection
mechanical allegiance
an imperfect love found in robotic adherence

fealty unfettered
good intention forced subjection
creation resultant a society hollow in perfection
an empty hull of truth
love lacking substance, fictitious in merit
absent the tribulation
the moon by which the sun's effect strengthened

loyalty absolute the greater plan
stalwart and without grievance
love free of expectation
a golden emotion impossible to automate
true love organic by nature
fluid in its implementation
dynamic and unpredictable

to understand the value of light
a man must lose himself in the night
a hard road to learn the better way
by the world's cold we might
know a Kingly castle's warmth
the answer to evil's allowance
free will to choose our citizenship
a nation whose flag represents
the most excellent way
meaningless without choice
left led by our own feeble perception
too oft to misunderstand His intention
a perfect love made perfect by imperfection
Nov 2014 · 610
Long Lash Glance
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
a curse to bear not cross
the cross an honourable burden
dark the devil's request
the colour of night stained blood
a victim to vacuum
pull so powerful, force undeniable
the simple to set in motion
gears of demise

subtle scent the call to long lash glance
bare shoulders pressed to leather
shoes to ruby lips identical
she sits legs crossed lounging
feminine figure beckoning
submission to sin

ankles calves thighs
inviting flesh pedestals
slender stems intertwined
lengthy lines imagination's guide
pierce reality from shimmering dress
moonlit night emulating
styled mane twilight
a finger to **** parted lips
mouth's allure my
will to fight undoing

her seductive exhale, my own heartbeat
all I hear, drowning
the quiet sounds surrounding
this dark place of drink, my soul befitting

chin's subtle lift exposing neck
the crevasse of her chest
her hips, my hands
a fantasy felt as longing
my mind to consider
bodies pressed breast to breast
knee between knees
thigh ablaze with
seductive heat

that womanly soft unmistakable between us
through garment
communication's intention a display
conjured images of wonder
tips of my fingers begging
to seek covered truth

her palm my neck to articulate
lips caress ear
a mouth's promise invigorate
my hand in hers
stare over shoulder
by smile she leads me
feet following
praying, I search for my angel
to spare me this dance with the devil
Nov 2014 · 815
Ink Drops Black
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
Ink drops black, my soul infecting
Into water invading purity
Foreign substance contradicting
Clarity clouding, dark arching tentacles
Swirling about, twirling twisting
Depictions tempting
In grotesque formation
Beautiful in their horror
Entrancing in their mingling

Each drop fresh transgression
My life’s cup growing darker
Liquid limbs of the ****** flailing
A dance of warning—that
I should become one of them if not
To filter disease of this breath

Fluid forming in inky swirl
Screaming, crying my name
Those here before me
Warning of my impending damnation
Singing anguish
Their tears impotent to cleanse
The stain that is my life

To undo that so long ago done
A power to remove the tint of my soul
Considered endlessly
If there be a time too late for
Men whose lives were spent foolishly
Their warning unheeded
Threat becoming promise pending
Hope’s defeat
A threat of doused despair

Favour despite nightmare’s creeping
An infant born
Filling cup further though
Not with night but with love
Salvation’s sacrifice
Understood, seen in the tiny smile
Of a child
Nov 2014 · 624
Instinct's Destiny
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
what are we doing here?
who are we?
could it be mere animals of evolution,
or something more?

thought simply resultant biomechanics
instinct propelling us forward on
rails laid by the genetic makeup of mankind
common sense or even decency
impossible to intercede impossible to
pry wheel of raging cart from track

dominance destruction greed consumption
a white knuckle ride
maniac grin adorning psychotic visage
speed bumps people, morals and expression
all for the powerful's possession
riding the narrow rails of instinct's destiny
wall struck impossible to penetrate
regardless weight of gold and accumulation
from society's centre outward the world to explode
choking to death on our own exhalation
drowning in the sea of our own consumption

the absence of empty filling this suit
hope that there might be another way
another path or at least reason
a hand better suited the lost to guide
to veer us from this path—
this societal suicide

a means to explain inner inclination
my inside bigger than the outside
spirit locked within a jar
a vessel
contained dimension not fitting this dimension
ethereal hands pressing against its walls
screaming internal
I want out
freedom home
though the path to which
the unknown
terrifying to the core
this longing
to be somewhere, but
knowing I shouldn't be in a hurry to go
spoken not by word but emotion

I would not tempt with trick of parlour
too insignificant to make demand
in bed, eyes closed
feeling connection to foreign land
speaking inside my mind
not alone in the dark
yet there lay no one next me
is that you,
scratching at the wall of recessed psyche?
behind, hiding passage to infinite knowledge
awareness obscured from consciousness' sight
for a time
for my existence as a man
until the end
until those final frightful moments
when hope and terror stand as equals opposing
might I finally realize spirit's truth,
or cease altogether—never to know
Nov 2014 · 511
Jewelled Clandestine
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
opposing teachers teachers opposing
teach a culture spoon fed
students lacking passion's filter
unwilling in effort to discern for self

preaching to a people with
little practice to understand teaching
beautiful words
dangerous in their difficulty to comprehend
messages manipulated, agenda furthered
easily misconstrued by a
culture angry mind

frustrated people
disconnected from guideline's intention
their failure—to seek understanding
wisdom extension, ethereal knowledge, instead
posing philosophers
thought too shallow to
penetrate armour of their consideration
an axe too dull
unable to bite beyond bark
giant impossible to fell
mountains unmovable from footing

spread under guise of
jewelled clandestine

everywhere everyone making claim of truth
though never their own, always
second hand told to believe
yet hypocrisy hating a world of sheep

between two teacher's twin lies
lies our truth
to find them who seek to find
not secret not taught, but
contemplate philosophize
answers dangle from line
of them who learnt to fish
Nov 2014 · 936
Iris Comprise
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
Infant hands
gripping thumbs.
Tired arms encircling adult neck.
Your first smile,
first laugh—
first tooth, step, and word, our
first shared glance.
Moments, landmarks of your life, the
joy of my own.

Infant eyes so full
of wonder,
even the meagre astounds.
planets and moons, asteroids
creeping through space,
world destroyers and raisers of new.
The universe, its
infinitely vast magnificence, at
molecular level iris comprised.
The pupil—centre ajar
serving soul's route,
a window into 'nother realm, the
place of spirit's hailing.
True self temporarily encased,
the pathway to which
in resides of corporeal existence
the pith of life.
Your eyes—as much wonder possessed
as perceive.

A wish;
you might stay young forever, each
day spent together, that
your innocence,
your heart, may
never know break's suffering.
That cheek, tear might never dampness vandalize.
Your life—unspoiled joy,
mere childish disappointment to claim,
might always remain.

A shelter from hate,
from hunger and strife.
The broadcasts of the world
that their weighty burden might never
find home upon tiny shoulder.
In my palm, Atlas' strength I possess,
to keep at bay
war—its further result.
thunder wind lightning,
the monster under your bed.
The fear of all things fear inciting,
a paladin whom you I serve.

But in that wish
I might deprive,
an incalculable love—life's
blessed comprise.
The force by which
a patriarch's drive—
the reason for being.
By selfish pinning of youth,
fulfilment you may never know

As much to protect you,
I do myself.
A fear of my own finale.
Residing forever in this happy dream.
Terror realized,
contrary to that my inevitable absence—that
I might never leave you, but
that you might never leave me.
My son, I love you, and
in time you will see.
Nov 2014 · 612
Hashtag Weaponry
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
our cry of war;
the streets, O, how they testify
accused of false prophecy.
but a people's truth
known best by
them who walk it.

bluebird hashtags,
palm portals broadcast high definition.
hands of pacifism write a
play of sunken morals
a stage—the world
capturing heart;
caging it beside mind

no longer abiding forced compliance
to the dollar,
and the jester king's control
making mockery of the throne they sit—
unrighteous fools.
we refuse a subject's posture.

they deem a mask cowardice,
fickle and shallow understanding
an insult of fear.
a brotherhood of belief to represent—
by rank and by file,
stalwart to stem the loss of blood;
against greed.
from them—from one another,
from the cookie cutter's imposition
advertisement imprisonment

once thought killed
succeeding only, they
made his cause indefinite
made message
forever grinning,
lips curled across porcelain visage

on asphalt battleground
a rose outstretched,
the bearer beaten with sticks
put in chains.
soaring cans noxious,
tears not their result,
but of sorrow
for them, and
their acceptance of bribe white picket, the
Judas price.

hypocritical perpetrators
betray hollow oath,
smashing split fingers
the unspoken message portrayed
outlasting beating's bruises
heftier and more distant in reach, than strike.
hands cut by thorn whilst seeking to tear down
regretful tears of power's illusion
wash the ground
but freed of blood impossible.

power's impotence seen,
the world's future bearing witness to
false truth.
a promise greater
a seed planted
generations to grow, in time
shading all mankind
when children lead men,
the mask removed
unveiling equality in our difference
Nov 2014 · 525
Anguish Fountain
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
sick to my stomach, I wonder the point
not fame or success, neither wealth nor repute
mine—that which I seek
is why

a build to ******
then simply abrupt end
destined to wither and fade—
to die
all this
just for that

man once boy, felt fear
keeping youth at bay
"You're too young to worry, my dear."
mother would say
though from pit, I knew my day drew near

growing in stature, the dark still so bold
if I am so young, why
do I feel so,
so old?
so focused my despair
I emulate that which I dread—
the dead

to sit and ponder
moments slipping
life's force dripping
mood always sombre
by fear my life I waste
fretting ever, twilight oppression
relinquishing life's foretaste

a mustard seed grown to mountain
nocturne's anguish fountain
so dark
a threat to own soul
if love be an answer
its inevitable loss
an even worse decanter

I seek to sooth the sting of death
have I found You?
are You listening?
Nov 2014 · 581
Autumn's Essence
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
Leaning back.
Eyes closed—

Windows open,
cool air infiltrating,
a chill blanketing my face.
I inhale

My children
playing around me.
Jumping, running, shrieking, laughing.

The smell of supper
seeping from room next,
carried upon wave of warmth—
apple pie, potatoes and roast.

It has arrived—
Recognized by moment,
not by...


Make it last,
beg fleeting seconds to...
stay, pray that they

Bask blindly,
Nov 2014 · 819
The Lonely Titan
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
A head tiny, sticks outward from hole.
Up high, scanning
for dangers distant.

From limb nearby a neighbour it sees,
leaping from branch to branch—

Home lined tight with fur and leaf,
warm and soft,
comfort, seclusion, and heat.

With one anxious paw placed on bark's edge,
out it inches, inspecting overhead
for raptor looming.

It scampers out, wandering not far.
The move a tempt to that which might lie
in wait.

As threat proved false, head first its descent,
to reach carpet of flame and leaf, fulfilling desire—

Paw on floor it dismount bark,
big eyes searching for its like,
its competition.

By hop and bound it manoeuvres the land,
beneath arbor owning winter home,
the tall oak.

The giant's arms, splayed to fingers.
By them it propagates, a provider,
a giver of life.

Acorns—a favoured meal, the crop this year so small,
many have come to feast of nut

Some too small, or marked, or holed.
Those unripe buried to percolate until

Ever wary, amassing winter store,
searching and scratching, until finding one
just right.

Teeth like sabres, peeling case to flesh beneath,
a bushy tail demands black eye. Oh,
envious brother.

Scramble ensues, a chase, feathery tails waving,
barking forth and back,
a harmless show.

After a moment they part,
ownership retained,
precious maintained in

Upon fallen log it sits, billowly spine curled over back.
In hands it roles, fingers gripping, shell piling, teeth gnawing—

A sudden snap,
an echo

A strike so swift,
so accurate,

There one moment,
the next,
simply gone.

One bounce, then two, the acorn falls.
The prize once won, return to earth,
eviscerated—unclaimed, destined for

Leaf beneath boot, the hunter's approach,
neither with joy nor smile, steps heavy with
weighted soul.

Unsheathing hand from leather,
stooping, reaching low to prey at peace in
Autumn's Ember.

Warm in grip, yet frame gone limp,
a regretful finger stroking
stilled body.

A life of worth, of value,
seen as pest by most though beauty by

This place, its home, the grounds on which it foraged,
forever quieted, absent presence, its

No longer would two roam and chase,
where pair competed for food sparse, now live one
with plenty.

High in timber, the hole not long ago dwelling,
warm and secure, awaiting occupant's return in vain.
Tonight cold, empty—

On the morrow, upon lifting sun,
the leaves at Titan's base would rustle fail, the
playfulness gone.

Fur flat, tail fallen between fingers bare,
his life's consequence far reaching, not without effect,
not without

Soon to leave, his presence gone,
the absence in his wake, his mark on the land,
the place
now quiet.

A broken heart,
for sake of
Nov 2014 · 609
To Apologize
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
To be the man I want to be,
that I know I should be.
Father, friend, husband, lover,
these are the things which escape me.

I look at you, at her, him,
in eyes I see within
my failure.
The way you look upon me,
wishing I were someone other—
our mutual hunger.

Each night I pray,
forgiveness, guidance, love and understanding.
The very same I myself
reluctant advancing.

My cheek stings by correction's notice.
Loving him, to love my clan.
To ask him, is to beg man.

An apology, not in word but in deed.
To seek and uncover a new self,
not insuring soul redeemed.

Rather to show than say,
my sons, wife, I am sorry—
tomorrow is
a new day.
Nov 2014 · 653
Foreign Reflection
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
eyes, my own
the face in the mirror before me,
not me
but someone other.

lashed windows closed,
true visage conjured to mind.
fingertips feeling features,
those of foreign reflection.

a prison of false exterior,
curse impossible to dispel.
left to wonder,
never to know,
how inside differs from shell.
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
The Night Shift
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
but not.
here because I have to be,
but want to be.
but another time.

this place
always so full, but so

it never sleeps
this place,
it never
always working, learning.

but it does dream,
this place.
it dreams of being
Nov 2014 · 865
Sepulchral Dawn
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
air we breath
corroded by hate
the venom's bite pumped by heart
searing blood invading body, coursing vein
inciting rage, extreme acts unwarranted

grey, lost upon the world
grey, of dawn or dusk
signalling change though no more
bound instead by wretched cycle

where once was grey, now
black and white confused,
convincing everyone be right in cause
while all in parallel to err

hands, forgetting heart and ruled by mind corrupt
to be as children again, before ruin
innocent, curious to ask why

such horror to inspire and commit
cursed to look upon us
fear and wonder, admiration
false ideals the
greatest influence of their lives
robbing children their valour
by example we steal from them
most precious

ours, theirs
all victims, all destined to
tiny robots programmed to destroy
idea not their own
raised by fools, to become fools and raise fools

killing by vote and bullet
machine guns spewing streams of ballot
missile's payload concentrate of contrast opinion
artillery ordinance a rain of propaganda
bullets and bombs, on which scrawled
faith, race, and land
allegiance not to that which is them, but
to hollow party of privilege
for the sake of argument, not that which is right

teddybear victims,
torn, stained, growing
to ****—being killed before growing
made to suffer by dusty sin
like One-Third, atoning for the world

pray it not be them who judge as angels
recalling the misdeeds which hath befallen
innocent head

if had led the world
their demise, too grotesque for fiction
so far beyond cruel
most evil capable of their doing
might never see act

horror from depth so dark
drawn from plane beyond
to leave a scar on our own, a stain of remembrance
impossible to wash, despite deed's height
an ultimate violation of peace
so vile to make cringe the most stalwart
demanding shook from imagining

a moral guard must rouse
to stem atrocities' tide
volunteers, sacrifice ultimate and willing
an opposition to the perverse
who shrink from knight's brilliance
from that which is pure and valorous

soaring atop great raptor
choosing not to combat
but charge toward offering of self
for names unknown and person unmet

a breed rare, seeking neither fame nor thrill
but peace
to complete circle black that grey might return
that recurrence might see not light,
and chain be struck, obliterated

the highest of the low, display as peacock,
fanning to impress as they
from regal chairs rage debate, throwing a coward's stone
to err in belief knights harken their call
nay, never to those too crisp to combat
but, for them teddybears—
stuffing split, eye stitch torn, limp in anguish arms
never the silk necklace capable of sounding horn
knights heed only unspoken call

in defence of those without means,
incapable of further flight, to their arms they fold
being that in violent acquiesce of peace
that by threat of demise, and dauntless to see through
a commit to act of highest love
they might conjure to form the hope of hopes
that might rise—
the sepulchral dawn

— The End —