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1.3k · Aug 2022
My Dear
Pat Villaceran Aug 2022
Life's so big and beautiful

and bold

For you to get stuck
in this cave that holds


Caged in
unable to move

Because the curtains were closed
and the windows barricaded
from light

But here's your
A message from
Your past lives

To open the door
The key's just there
Lying on the floor


Just like you did
When you were a child
Waiting to open
Christmas presents

Seeking the thrill,
the excitement of the new

Because yes, my dear,
Tomorrow's been waiting
for YOU.
1.2k · Jul 2022
To The One Who'll Come
Pat Villaceran Jul 2022
There was this

that says soulmates
were meant to know
each other before they even

And I know
that moment came

When that sunlight hit

your face

One afternoon
that changed it all

The meaning of

869 · Jul 2020
Forlorn, Forgone Meetings
Pat Villaceran Jul 2020
She who dives
down the thorny road
in search for apothecary
to cure the woes

She who didn't
know what she would
find. Is apparently


Then one day  
a Galahad would
come bump her toes


Inevitable, at least.

This blasts a loud boom of happenstance

Helpless ****** in the face of
the egoist

Both come to terms
and apparently
It has to be

It simply has to

574 · Jun 2019
Misty Nights
Pat Villaceran Jun 2019
I don't feel...

like me

I don't see

the light at the end

of the tunnel. I usually 


Now it's just 

549 · Oct 2018
Seven Different Lives
Pat Villaceran Oct 2018
She's queen of the desert,
peasant of the land
At night when the wolf howls,
she'd be Mother of Nile

At times when the heat kills
She fought for the light
A warrior in darkness, the
hope of the man

Her strength is as fiery
As the madman's eyes
that the Concord dictates
she's the beast immortal

Nobody thought to challenge
her reign, nor tried
to understand how
her plans were made

But everyone envies
to the core of their hearts
Some even sided
with devils' betrayal

Everyone wonders how
she got her Crown
Who made it possible
her defeating these odds

Nobody knew she's but
a slave in the wars
the one that smells,
with the bruises and the scars

No one knew her pirate
woes. The solitude
and the silent crows

But those moorish
Nights that saw it all
They took the pain, the screams
The fall

The academe & politicos
knew her too
Asked why'd she disappear
too far, too soon?

What's curious is that
she didn't know at
all, the lives she lived
had made her whole

It was probably fate or God
or faith, but she lives
the lives of her
seven tales
Pat Villaceran. All rights reserved. © 2018.
473 · Jun 2019
New York, Good Morning
Pat Villaceran Jun 2019
I am awake.

Blood's rushing through
My eyes
They make me whole
I was in deep, deep

Deep slumber, but

The sunlight'***** me and
I'm going home

To New York
Where beasts are made
And fantasies come bearing

gifts and utter losses, but
it's exactly why we thrive

We **** heads and shout at peace
The traffic at 45th street
hot dog stands filled with dreams
Lonely writer in her sweats

Coffee shops and yoga pants
people who live in zombie land

But, don't you worry my dear
New York
I'm awake now
Lemme hear you roar
471 · Nov 2023
Pat Villaceran Nov 2023
Everything I BUILD comes from the earth
Every creation's been CRAFTED with my hands
Thus everything I sow is  an ode to the HEAVENS
and I leave nothing but ashes on the GROUND
465 · Oct 2018
Tic Toc
Pat Villaceran Oct 2018
Time is effervescent
It's rigid and slow
A construct of
the mind and an ally
of the world.

Humans journey not through
time but within it. We're late
and early and we rally against it

Because we know it's eternal
and we are not
© PAT VILLACERAN. 2018. All rights reserved.
Pat Villaceran Sep 2019
Take me unpolished
Savor like it's your last
With all my ragged edges
And my ignorant drills

On how there's still
Hope as we live
And how my will will
Take me endlessly searching

For meaning and Oblivion
The life of uncertainty
Cause sometimes all we need
Is a mockingbird's tune

Something to hold onto
Concrete little words
Like, 'you'll do fine
You WILL get there

And dreams do come true

For I'm all but sane and safe
I knew nothing but taking chances
So, LIFE, take me as I am now
Roughed with malaise
415 · May 2019
That One Choice
Pat Villaceran May 2019
To stumble by thousands
The legions of failure
following your footsteps
wherever you go

The shackles were given
before you could speak
and nothing is permanent
'til your will says it so

You follow a path
of nobody's design
No blueprint, not witnesses
'Til you're up in the limelight

But you chose this, you did
When the heavens were broken
and your wings were clipped

You said, "Father, I want to see
how I will live, imprint a legacy
how I can defy the odds on me
how my weak body can cause catastrophe

Anomaly in the midst of suburban
An island that floats by the edge of a plant
a little bee with that one solo wing

Confused you ask, "Why am I thee?"

And the answer reflects back,

"Because remember, you chose to be me."
398 · Jun 2022
Pat Villaceran Jun 2022
When words don't have
The capacity to bleed
Out what you feel and
Inhale what you need

You begin to lose
The narrative, the why
The who, the detective

You play the ploy
Of mind and then
You cannot even move
The bed

You will stay still
You'll crumble down
Until no one else
Creates a sound
388 · May 2019
The People of Courage
Pat Villaceran May 2019
Where there are ruins
there's hope for a new day

Where the crying mother lies
are children of power

The world revolves around a vicious cycle
But the people of Courage will continually


The barriers
The Opposition
The Unjust
and the Unruly

Because, and this doesn't need repeating,

Love and hope always win.
379 · Jun 2022
Pat Villaceran Jun 2022
Sometimes the fondness
Of what we feel inside
Can't fill the void
Tragedy tries to hide

For we seem to long
For suffering, masquerading
As if it's happiness
We seek

But the irony's what's
Funny, 'cause the turmoil
Boasts of self-righteous

Where it's always someone
Else who is
To blame

And it's always us who's
Done the sacrifices
For the game

It's all nothing
But neediness, preparing us
To be accepting of what we ultimately are

361 · Aug 2018
Pat Villaceran Aug 2018
When the crevices starts
To blend in
As the sun
Starts to rise

I see the light
In all the rubbles
Standing upon Rome
I seize the land

Phoenix's tale is
True at last
Prophecy from a
Thousand isles

They say she wins
The war, she brings
It home. With fire & fury
She's done it all
Published at
Pat Villaceran. All rights reserved. © 2018
Pat Villaceran Jun 2019
You open your eyes at dawn
with body glued to floor
getting up takes all might
"Can I still proceed to fight?"

One tumble to the side
I'll go to loo and wee

Then you wonder what for
Life just seems an endless bore

You tried before, you really did
To make something, make someone feel
Or maybe you just tried to make you think
"At least I'm still someone who bleeds"

The hurt, the pain, they run so deep
Bandaids, the meds, and doctors' ****
Don't and cannot make amends
to this superficial, nonsensical graze

But why do I feel it
the body crumbles, I can't stand
or think aloud
I speak to them, these faceless masks
And no one hears me shout

"Somebody, someone!"
I feel to die
If I end it here, then I guess there's that

A fin to all these hopeless heartaches
WEAK mind and heart
I couldn't care less

And then a voice, a subtle one
That kid in me tells telling signs

It said, "Accept the sadness,
Embrace it.
There's hope for light if you seek it."

That child with endless possibilities
It looked at the world with awe
It took the hands of many
and helped others be whole
It didn't demand ransom,
no expectations from life
It thought I'd got so much in me
These all need to get out

Feels like It has figured it all out,
How sad that that *was
Can I still see It? Can I still be free?

Yes, you see, I never left
I didn't get away
We can still rally the rounds and
paint the town red
We can scour the treasures of the land
And be pirates for a day
Because, my love, I never left
You just forgot me since that May
351 · Jun 2019
Critical Deadline
Pat Villaceran Jun 2019
We're running as if
there's an end to this
a point where we say goodbye

When all it is is a cycle
we'll continue to rewrite

Learn, move on, don't redo
mistakes of dear old self
or you'll be left with nothing

but your own dreadful regrets
349 · May 2019
One F*cking Step At A Time
Pat Villaceran May 2019
I used to rush at everything
I rush at every line

Want it now, need it soon
The dates and time combine

I do despair when it doesn't come
As speedy, as accurately

My timeline, my needs!
Oh, my necessities!

But someone reminded me
of how Life isn't a fair game
If I don't enjoy the slow moments
I'd really lose with shame

Shame, because every moment,
every raindrop has its course
It takes a thousand hours to build the clouds
to bring up a push of sorts

Then that HO2 hits the ground
And as they say, "When it rains, it pours."
By then, with hope, you'll be less lost
and a little more than "found"
326 · May 2019
Sun, Flower
Pat Villaceran May 2019
I begged to see the rainbow,
& the flower in you whispered,
"Ma, I want one."

You see, you seek, you believed in me
The purity of dignity

No qualms about what sins I had
None of those sheepish eyes
The neighbors give
when I bore you in my tubby tummy

One prayer I said to Him had come
I just didn't know how bright
it'd be to hold you in my arms
So much that I'm blinded within

Just know that Ma's got ancestry,
Ambitions, sorrows, and certainty

Though Ma's got all these lion eyes
One thing's unchanging

You have been the Sun in a life
that's devoid of autumn's bloom
289 · Nov 2018
Dreams of You
Pat Villaceran Nov 2018
I saw you there

The hazy, dark and

Wallowing in
On dead possibilities

I made a picture
of what we'll be
on how we'll seem
to when we see

That it's all just
a lie
we tell our minds
a story
our souls will never believe

I tried to
say goodbye
To let it go but I'll

still, be left with haziness
the Blurry Scenes
of far nights

No holding on
None left on my sleeves

then, eventually
and finally
I'll just be left with no you
in my dreams
276 · Jun 2019
Made to Live
Pat Villaceran Jun 2019
I was
conquer life
to seek new creatures
to fail and

I tried to think
I'm better
Just laying
and losing

the jest of it

But I just couldn't


For this
how I was made
to live it all

until the

Pat Villaceran May 2019
I knew I picked
this day to rest
For a part of it is true

Someday we'd all be
Something grand, someone
they'd rally to

It'll be a part of memory
a clip to look back to

I'd say, "Oh, how
we used to be so bland,
but hopelessly hopeful"

Then, smirking, I added,
With no doubt and remorse

"T'was because we knew
this day would come as NOW
when we hoped this as tomorrow."
243 · May 2019
Box of Surprises
Pat Villaceran May 2019
Don't put me in these
four corners
Labels you set on stone

You'll never really understand me
'til you pick me up
And take me home

I'm 5D in Imax
You'll need those special shades

And with it, you still won't get me
for I'm just that complex

I guess that's why there's an avenue
For a side of me you'll "know"

A little sneak peek, a preview
And that's all I'll care to show
241 · Nov 2018
Lone Wolf, the Brave
Pat Villaceran Nov 2018
You walk the fiery
Depths of hell
The scorching crumbs
Of hardened fire

It burns your sole
The skin, the pain
And the tears
Fall down your eyes

They say the useless
Things but none
That'd tether your
Own will

For you will seek
The valleys and the mountains
Deep within
241 · May 2019
Words Were All I Had
Pat Villaceran May 2019
I didn't have connections
Or neighbors in Fancy street
No extra classes in music or artistry

No relatives who helped my starving family
None of those kind of charities

There was no push, no secret
I didn't have those
But He gave me this one simple cord

All I had, from beginning of time
From when I can remember
Were words and lines

I  start to read
Then start to write, indeed

Then learned how words spoke to me
To each other, and to those who read

I never had anything in this life,
But with a paper and a pen
I will survive

For all I really had were words

A stream of them and I'll conquer the world
An ode to writers and poets
237 · Aug 2018
I Conquer
Pat Villaceran Aug 2018
I used to feel that creeping sting,
that monstrous darkness along
the corridors of my deepest fears
But then I learned how I would be
if Peace has won within
Yes, there are uncertainties
but they come with my introspection
That life is just a path ahead
Moving on with no
discretion. No rally on time
and space; no rationality, just candor
Instead of being left behind, I plan to dominate
and conquer
Pat Villaceran. All rights reserved. © 2018
232 · Sep 2019
Pat Villaceran Sep 2019
Hoorah them peoples
Who think in one line

I do not know how

Cheerio, those men
Who speak to complain

But don't carry The Burden

Applause for the fools
That act indifferent

Because I feel world's woes

Then Nay for those who try
While no one sees

For it's Us who's alone

— The End —