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2.2k · Apr 2018
Nade V Apr 2018
Satisfyed with friends
Satisfyed with family
Satisfyed with place
Satisfyed with lyfe
Tell me, are you satisfied or happy?
783 · Sep 2018
Wouldn’t it be nice?
Nade V Sep 2018
I’m only willing to wait this long for you.

Only for you I will wait for the end of the day to kiss you goodnight.
For we met in the morning, so I shall have to wait.

I’m only willing to wait this long for you.

Only for you I think what would happen if we met at night.
For if we met at night, we wouldn’t have to wait for the day to pass.
We wouldn’t have to wait for work to be done.
We wouldn’t have to wait for time to tick.

I’m only willing to wait this long for you.

It would be too easy to meet at night.
For there’s no waiting, no work, no time.
I still wait for sunset, whenever that shall be.
But I have waited before and I will again.

I’m only willing to wait this long for you.
660 · Jan 2021
Nade V Jan 2021
The past will bind you if you fall in regret.
The future will blind you if you heave stone-set.

To be neither here nor there
Recall from your previous presents.

And use this to bend, fold, break
Your future presents.

The past cannot be mended, but will be studied.
The future cannot be changed, but will be guided.
a look on the attitude and perception of time and self.
520 · Apr 2018
Nade V Apr 2018
I;m constantly high.
I want more but don;t want to buy it.
I wait all day to get just one little bit.
It comes in so many forms; I;m so addicted.
There;s nothing like it in it;s pure form.

But there's only one problem.
There's only one dealer.

And it;s none other than You.
484 · May 2018
I’m alone, but not me.
Nade V May 2018
As raindrops fall from dark clouds
They dare not splash, but drip.
For if they splash, there’s a chance they have slipped.
For if they drip, there is a rhythm.
I am a raindrop in life as I meet the ground
Where everything comes together
Where roots meet the soil
Where seeds are sprouted
Where rain soaks over time
And as I drip




Maybe it was worth it falling for you.
As the rain has fallen for the earth.

Maybe I need you as a plant needs rain.
But be wary not to storm.

Maybe if my cloud’s tears drip upon your lip like an egg drips upon a nest
Then maybe it will keep raining,
And the clouds will be alone.
478 · Jul 2018
weather or not
Nade V Jul 2018
It would eventually rain.

We both knew it.

It wasn't going to be a hurricane, nor a sun shower.

But it would eventually rain.

Who decides if it rains?
A higher power perhaps?
The clouds themselves?

Can I decide when it rains?

Whoever decides it,
It's eventually going to rain.

Rain is life, just as you are to me.
The rain meets the roots and reaches out the branches.
Closer to you.
In a drought or a flood,

It's eventually going to rain.
And rain it shall.
410 · Jul 2018
i'd never believe
Nade V Jul 2018
this is surely what it feels like to die.
or is it purely just being alive?
i know for a fact that i've never died
but there's no pact that implies that i'm alive

but you have the ink to my paper and write you shall
if you think now, not later, it will bite with a bell.

all leaves fall just as all trees grow, just as i had met you in the snow
but one sees all, with the key to the crow, current set, no need to row.

this must be what it feels like to love
as the gust be on the wings of a dove
how can you read me before you write me?
no need to be freed, you don't spite me.
for i'd never believe i'd hold you lightly.
404 · Apr 2018
A1419, To You.
Nade V Apr 2018
As a missing hat or an
Empty plate there is
Always musts such as the wine of
The heart after her.

As one follows two and as
I count down to the moments that
I am no longer blind
I realize that I am speaking with my hands and feeling with my chest as
The letters come together to
Spell the fate in the blue skies when
Just as I expect, the sentence is completed.
The chapter is done.
But the book is just beginning.
368 · Jul 2018
Nade V Jul 2018
Adjectives can only go so far.
I use verbs and nouns and adjectives.
And so much more.
But I would rather have quality over quantity.
Yes, a clock must stay on beat, or things fall apart.
Only difference with time is that things change, and the ticks are just to keep track.
I can keep track but can I keep track of you?
Do you honestly want to keep track of my time and spend your time making my time tracked?
Lots of tracking but what for?
Are you okay or am I the problem?
Are you okay? I’ll just get out of here.
Only wth you.
365 · Jan 2019
Firing Blanks
Nade V Jan 2019
You have the knife and I show you where my heart is.
The blade is hovering right over the beats, but I know I'll be cutless.

You have the poison and I'll pick out my favorite drink.
One drop would be plenty, but I still take a swig.

Your foot is on the gas, but I don't need a seat belt.
A wrong turn and I'm dead, but I still roll down the window.

You have the gun and you have a bullet.
Where did you get it from?
Will that bullet still blow my brains?
Or is it a blank?
Is it the right caliber?
How will I know if the bullet is going to be instant?

I know you not to shoot me, with all of my will,
But if the bullet isn't trusted, how do I know it will ****?
Nade V Sep 2018
I'm going to be as straightforward as my thoughts.
This was poetic at first but now I just need to get it out, and I'm not sure if we're at that point in our relationship yet.
I wish we were older.
I wish I could come home from work and see you there waiting for me, and set down my bag, come over, and give you a kiss.
I wish we could lay down with each other and relax after a hard day and just rant to each other as we watch TV, eating whatever we have in our pantry and holding hands.
I wish we could fall asleep with each other, nothing else. Just us, laying in bed, without a worry in the world, except for my arm falling asleep before I do.
I wish all of this and so much more, but will we be able to achieve it?
Would our relationship have been the same if we would have met 10 years from now?
How long will it take?
How long will it take?
How long will it take?
I've never been closer to you but yet I feel so far.
I just want to fall asleep with you.
We promised each other it would happen someday so I know it's gonna happen.
And I won't stop loving you until it does.
I just want to fall asleep with you.
355 · Jun 2018
All is mine.
Nade V Jun 2018
Time kills all.

But does it?

Time has brought me into the solitary confinement of life,
For all must live before it dies.
For time has lead me out of solitude into a world of bright snow, nourishing rain, and I look forward to the Summers of my life.

For time has shed my leaves year after year.
I am still young,
For all must grow before they cry.
Time shall personally attack me, just before realizing it's mistake.
Time forgives all.
My leaves are gifted, stronger than ever, put on display to the world of bright snow, nourishing rain, and all the summers of my life.

Though I've begun in the fall,
All start in the spring,
For all must learn before they fly.
Time is always a party,
Arrive before you're due, your leaves will dull.
Arrive after you're due, there is no one to admire your leaves.
This shall not stop you from sprouting your leaves every year,

For time is of itself, a loyal companion.
A brutal, hating, abusive, degrading monster.
But a loyal one at that.

For time does **** all.
But time is all.
Seldom leaves are given,
Seldom leaves will fall.
325 · Jun 2018
J319, To You!
Nade V Jun 2018
I see why they call it Sunday.
It's the brightest.
The beginning of something new.
Everything's brighter when I begin with you.

Things may not work out always,
The waters may be too rough,
But we both understand that all storms end with calming waves and all calming waves end with a storm.
So we adapt.

No snow or rain.
That's why it's called Sunday.
It only makes sense because you were there.
You are there.
You always will be.

For I have the power to move an entire army with my words,
But the inability to speak a word which saves my life.
But you see through this threat.
This is why I love you, and this is why you love me.

I see now, Sunday isn't always bad.
You have to go back to work, school, but you're always beginning something.
Who said it didn't have to be love?
294 · Apr 2018
Nade V Apr 2018
Like a coin with no tail.
A game with paid refs.
Like a boat with no sail.
You know, I think you're the best.

But do you think the same?
All these feelings but who to blame?
Who was next to you in the frozen rain?
Are we both there when we feel pain?

dont know
i dont know
I don't know
I Don't Know.
266 · Apr 2018
Nade V Apr 2018
I wear my white suit wherever I go.
I wear my white suit in the snow, it doesn’t matter anyway.
Someone else always cleans my white suit. I’m very thankful for it.

Do they want to clean my white suit?
If they clean my white suit too much is it
Our white suit?

I wear our white suit wherever I go.
But are you okay with that?
I wear our white suit in the snow.
I hope you’re okay with that, I know you love the snow.
You always clean our white suit. I’m very thankful for it.

If we get a different suit will you keep it clean too?
I just don’t want you to think that I don’t like our white suit.
I know that we love all different kinds of suits but I also know that you love the snow, so I hope you’re not too bothered.

I just wanna try it out.

I wear our suit wherever I go.
Even if you’re not with me.
I wear my suit in the snow, because I know you love it.
You always will clean my suit.
And I’m very thankful for it.
243 · Aug 2018
Nade V Aug 2018
I write for myself.
I only need one's approval.
But more would help.

I write for you.
I only need one's approval.
Yours is all I need.

I write for who?
I only need ones approval?
I've decided I only need yours.

— The End —