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MJ May 2016
I'm holding my heart to the light,
Trying to find a reason to breathe.
But sometimes I hold on so tight
I think it would be easier to leave.

I see my heart is all torn up.
I know I have my blade to blame.
I remember when my heart beat red.
It will never beat the same.

The beat is getting weaker.
And it trembles at louder sounds.
It walks in shuffles of my feet,
when I used to move in bounds.

I put it back inside my chest,
and close its little door.
I wince as it latches - What should I do?
I don't want it to hurt anymore.

But I felt something in my pocket
Took a breath and undid the latch.
I strike the object, throw it in.
I'm glad I was carrying a match.
MJ May 2016
I have this room inside my mind,
A room my mind can't bear to face.
Behind my face it hides behind,
So I can bear another day.

Each day the door tries to undo,
And I must shut the door anew.
Today has come.

I tell it, "Stay."
And I try to run away.
But the room,
It's my doom.
It's my tomb.
And in that room my mind will lay.

From the room come the yells,
All the secrets I won't tell.
All the thoughts I fought,
that brought me down.
They tried to ****.
I locked them in a cell.

But their yells, they are so loud.
I tried to fly away on a cloud.

But their yells melted the air,
And I fell away from there.

Now I'm far away from home,
And I think that I'm alone.
But the yells, I am their home.

And I say,
"You killed me dead,
Inside my head.
So stop the yelling,
Chew on my bones."
MJ May 2016
Yesterday, I smiled.
All my worries fled.
Today they came back to **** me.
Tonight, I fear, I bled.

Why do I bother with laughter
When all that water will drain?
I can do it myself.
I can substitute laughter with pain.

Don't tell me to quit my moping.
You don't know what I'm crying about.
You know, part of me is still hoping
That someone will figure it out.

Then I remember, I'm on my own now.
So I guess I'll be bleeding alone.
No more dreaming of sleeping in someone's arms,
My pain and my tears are my own.
MJ May 2016
I'm beginning to believe
That happiness is just an illusion.
While in the moment you may smile,
When it fades, it leaves behind confusion.

Tell me, why do we blow bubbles
When they burst in seconds few?
You can't change the color of the sky, my dear.
It will always, always be blue.

And even while you're smiling,
There's this ever-rising flood.
Reminding you of your pain and despair
And that you'll always turn back to blood.

I'm hearing voices in my mind,
Replaying loved ones loving me.
But as I begin to find those thoughts,
They turn their backs and flee.

Why do we struggle at the top of the water?
Wouldn't it be easier to sink?
At least if the water consumes you,
Then you won't be forced to think.
MJ May 2016
I'm with everyone I know,
Running in our lifetime's race.
But I just can't shake this feeling
That I'm never going to place.

They all have their hearts set on something
And is it something that I have done,
To cause me to run with aimless footsteps
Simply chasing the horizon?

They're all clutching onto something,
And they put their hope in it.
But for some reason, I never seem
To be able to commit.

One by one they find their goal,
And take off sprinting away.
Leaving me in the dust,
To chase the horizon again today.

And it's not their fault, I know.
They think that I am running too.
I told them I was coming,
But I'm just watching them run through.

Why can't I see their inspiration?
Each time I think I know,
I trip and lose the thought I had.
And I'm far to tired to go.

I'm tired of having no purpose,
Just living an act of treason.
I hope they'll stop for a breath and see,
That I'm a runner without a reason.
MJ May 2016
I know a girl who's hurting,
But you don't see her cry or pout.
In fact, you'd never know it was her
Unless I pointed her out.

She tries so hard to keep on smiling,
To hide her noose and gun.
But inside, I know she's dialing
Her depression's 911.

All that you can see her as
Is happy, skinny, tall.
But long before you knew her,
Her hopes had begun to fall.

There's still some left of what she was.
Independent, Loving, and Strong.
But there's only so much you can do to cope,
When you've been so sad for so long.

You'd never know she cuts herself
For every sorrow she keeps.
You'd never know that every night,
She cries herself to sleep.

You still think she's so happy?
You haven't reached your goal.
Instead of listening to the stories she tells,
Try listening to her soul.
This one goes out to my best friend who's battling depression.

I believe in you. You're strong. I know how hard this life is, and I know how much it hurts when it breaks you. I will always be there for you to wipe the tears from your eyes, the blood from your wounds. Keep holding on, friend. One day we'll both get through this. Until then, just Stay Alive.
MJ May 2016
A line is stretched across a chasm.
Beneath me is all black.
The line is bright and shining,
And there is no looking back.

One foot in front of the other
Is just the way to win.
Any variation,
And you might risk falling in.

"Set your eyes on the other side."
"We'll keep the door from locking."
Well, that's just fine and dandy,
If you want to keep on walking.

Heavy rain is falling down,
Making my foot slip.
I put extra care in every step,
But it makes for a longer trip.

Now the winds will start to blow.
The worst winds of its kind.
Threatening to push me off,
Forming doubts inside my mind.

Now the whispers, rising up
From the chasm, they crawl out.
Telling me terrible, saddening things
That reinforce my doubt.

The wind, the rain, and the whispers.
They chill me to the bone.
I take one last look at the dimming horizon,
And I leap into the darkness below.
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