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9.9k · Apr 2014
I wonder.
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
The shadows
They follow me
Trapped in my own coffin
Of what others call my mind
I do see the light of day
Yet I choose to ignore it
I see the people around me
But I still stay where I am
I get moments of hope
When I feel like I'm strong once again
But then you disappear
And my pillars of strength come tumbling down
I feel so weak
And so worthless
I wonder if I'm good enough
I wonder if you'll say
I wonder if fear will win again
I wonder if you think of me the same
I wonder if you can handle my life
I wonder if you will truly love me
Or will you just leave like the others?
kinda just what's on my mind right now. Just letting my words flow into a poem thing.
8.7k · Apr 2014
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
Lost within the voices
Is my will
Lost within the memories
Is my strength
Lost within the darkness
Is my light
Lost within the deepest cuts
Is my bittersweet life
1.4k · Apr 2014
With Out You
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
Without you I'm numb
I'm dead inside
I'm lonely
I lost my best friend

Without you I'm blank
I'm not my self
And I'll never be again

I want you back
I need you here
By my side here again

Please come back
We all miss you

Why so soon?
You where gone too young
Left us all so early

Your life is now gone
All that's left is memories
And that's all that's left of me
I wrote this a while back about my grandma
1.2k · Apr 2014
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
When I look in the mirror
I lay my eyes on a terrible sight
An image so horrendous
It brings tears to my eyes

They all say "Honey, You're Beautiful!"
To which I pretend to agree
They all say "Please don't listen to anyone who says otherwise."
But then I ask my self,
Why would I ignore the people who are truthful?

My face is a mess
It's full of all kinds of red marks
My chest is so flat
It's almost like I'm a guy
My stomach is gross
I'm not skinny like those other girls
My thighs repulse me
They're full of scars and are way to big

So when I look in the mirror
I say to my self
"Why can't I be perfect?"
"Or even just a little bit prettier?"
I ask my self why people lie to me
They give me compliments
That are obvious lies

My boyfriend say "Babe you're perfect!"
To which I reply "Haha sure thanks"
He thinks I'm just modest
But if only he saw what I see
He would be repulsed
He'd flee the scene

My best friend
She says "I wish I was as pretty as you."
Until then I never understood
I guess friendships really are built on lies

The number that I see on the scale
Is much too high for me to bare
The size of my pants
Is much too big for me to handle
The size of my bra
Is much to small for me to feel proud

So off I go
Look up new dieting fads
Promising my self I'll make my self better
But as I know
I'll soon stop trying
And begin the cycle anew
But for now I'll try
Just skip a couple more meals
Maybe this time I can do it

Be perfect in my eyes...
Not disgusting.
Sorry it's long but I didn't want to stop my flow
1.2k · May 2014
True Beauty
McKenna Rich May 2014
How do I reply
When asked the question
Of what is true beauty?

I can't seem to answer
It's not because I don't know
Nor that I'm unsure.

How can you put words to real beauty?
Real beauty is a feeling.
An emotion that dwells in the heart.

Like the music notes to musicians.
Like paint to an artist.
Or words to a poet.

As well as that smile of a partner.
The laugh of a small child.
Or the joyous tears of a precious moment.

True beauty is based on one's desires.
Like my desire to make my world,
Built out of words and poems.

Coloring the world
With the black and white hues
Of letters typed out on a screen.

So when asked what is true beauty,
There's only one true answer...

Just look into your heart.
So I wrote this mainly out of my love of poetry /.< It's one I'm rather proud of :) and it's on the happier side so yay!
1.1k · May 2014
Here's To Those Nights
McKenna Rich May 2014
Here's to THOSE nights
When you lay awake
When it's 4 am
And all you can do is let your mind wander

Here's to THOSE nights
When you lay completely still. Thinking.
When you can't help but think of the worst
And you can feel the pain in your chest

Here's to THOSE nights
When you can't help but cry
When the pain becomes too much
And your pillow is soaked in your tears

Here's to THOSE nights
When I'm missing those times
When you held me so tight
And told me it'd be ok

Here's to THOSE nights
When your thoughts are racing
When you toss and turn in bed
And you can't help but feel tired of breathing

Here's to THOSE nights
When you think things couldn't get worse
When you think happy is impossible
And life is no longer worth the fight

Here's to THOSE nights....
When you hit rock bottom
953 · Apr 2014
I am.
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
Darkness enveloped
Yet I still broke through
Never again to slip back
I just keep pushing on
I am strong now
Nothing can bring me down
I am a fighter
I am a winner
I am able to truthfully smile
With out a constant burden
No weight on my shoulders
Now I can breathe freely
But most importantly...
I am me again
One of my more livelier works
601 · Jul 2014
Have You Ever
McKenna Rich Jul 2014
Have you ever felt so utterly empty
That you can't even do what you do best
Words don't flow onto the page as they should

Have you ever felt so utterly hopeless
That you can't even get out of bed
Your lungs don't even seem to want to work

Have you ever felt so utterly worthless
That you can't even take a strangers compliment
Let alone even think of loving yourself

Have you ever felt so utterly alone
Even though you're in a room full of people
You just seem invisible to all that is there

Have you ever felt so utterly disgusting
That you cringe at the sight of your own picture
And can't seem to look at yourself in the mirror

This is how I've felt..... For the past 4 years
it's 3:30 am..... just kinda needed to happen
583 · Feb 2016
McKenna Rich Feb 2016
I dive into the deep end
Water fills my lungs
As I struggle for air
A voice calls out my name
Familiar I let myself fall
Dying dreams of me in your arms
When I come back to reality
He is the only thing on my mind.
566 · Sep 2017
Our Tumblr Date
McKenna Rich Sep 2017
We sat and I looked at the roses
Thinking avout how beautiful this moment is
How picture perfect
A young couple in the moon light
Sitting among the trees
I could spend forever with you
You asked me why I giggled so much
What you didnt know was how ecstatic
I was to be with you
This happiness was too sureal
This was a moment I only saw in my dreams
Your lips were mine to kiss
Your hands mine to hold
This forever would be perfect
Then you had this idea
To climb the billboard
And sit up with the trees............
This was yet another poem i was writing when we broke up. Its been 2 years since and i am just now rediscovering it. And since we're friends now. And i cant openly say how i feel anywhere else. I still love you kyle. I dont know what you did to me. Ive grown older and wiser. But still i hang onto this exact date this memory with all i have
I still want you. I still am falling for you and theres nothing i can do. ******* it kyle. Why cant you see it.
566 · Feb 2016
My heart
McKenna Rich Feb 2016
My heart hurts
My words aren't coming out quite right anymore
I can see the sun
But I'd rather lay in bed.
Liquor Cigarettes **** and Lost Love
That's what I'm now made out of.
My heart is broken
Shattered to pieces
Laying on the floor of someone else bed room
My mind is in a constant state of
Fighting Battling Conflict Confusion
And yet
Even though lost love is my new name
My mind is on newer brighter places.
Like him.
His hair.
His smile.
The smell of cigarette still on his skin.
The way life feels when he's close
Mindlessly touching my arm
His hand brushing my back
Drifting into a peaceful state.
He is both the storm and the calm.
When hes away
I'm in the middle
Stuck in a hurricane
Threatening to ******* away
But when he's near
My god is the world beautiful
Laughter fills the night.
Smiles light up the room.
I desire
With such a burning passion
To hear the soft comforting sound
Of his heart beating as I lay on his chest.
As tears fall on my keyboard
He's what is on my mind.
I feel wretched
I feel *****
I feel so empowered
So incredibly OK
Break ups hurt
They tear a person inside out
Destroy what makes up their heart.
Their feelings
Their emotions
But yet.
I'm moving on
Pushing forward
Moving ahead on a path
I only hope and wish leads to his arms.
My mind is at battle
A relentless conflict
Between the hurt and the happy
I just want to be better
For his sake.
break ups **** but i guess he is helping me move on
563 · Nov 2014
My (Lack Of) Love
McKenna Rich Nov 2014
Is it that bad to desire love?
To desire to be desired.
For one person out of the 7 billion on earth.
Just one to NEED you.

Isn't it bad to desire love?
When a girl who gives the world her all.
She feels lost and afraid.
That lost little girl just needs love.

Why is it so bad to fear?
This little girl...
She stands too tall and resolute.
Until darkness falls.

Why is fear a weakness?
This girl is afraid to admit, she's scared of the dark.
But it isn't the monsters outside.
It's the monsters in her head.

Why does everyone have to keep strong?
This little girl...
She only wants a home.
She only wants love.

Isn't it sad when one feels alone?
This little girl has plenty of friends...
But still feels so empty.
Friendship isn't love, caring isn't love.

Why is it so hard to love a broken girl?
This little girl would do anything to feel loved once again.
She would walk to the ends of the earth.
Just to feel that warm embrace of a lover's arms.

To be the object of one's affection.
The little girl's one dying wish.
This little girl has walked through battlefields.
Just looking for a loving embrace.

She's experienced tastes.
And now she's hooked.
Her drug is love.
And now she's going through withdraws

She just want's to be high on love again...
Is that too much for me to ask for?
I'm back. So since I can't write "happy" poetry well, I'll only write when tears are streaming down my cheeks. So that is the cause of my lacking in writing.
536 · Apr 2014
Life As I See It
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
My life
A meaningless nothing
Tired of the faking and the lies
My family torn apart, shredded
My grandma just a mere memory
Tired of holing it in
Holding it back
The tears well up as I lay in my bed
Wishing for death
Wanting to end the pain
The light burns, kills
Shows me no mercy
Wishing for my life to end
I've been betrayed, cheated
And lied to
By my love
My life
My only source of laughter
My only pain relief
The world is so cruel
The light eats at me
Inside and out
People ask, wonder, question
Why I am who I am
They look with judging eyes
Not seeing the real me hidden deep inside
The little girl I am
Colorful and joyful
Hidden dormant
Forced to come out and play
Drugs, blades, bullets, rope?
So many to choose from
As I hold a razor prepared to cut
I think back to my days as a child
Life was so simple as a kid
Then I go numb again
No longer able to feel
I go black with the pain that I feel
Last of my older ones
488 · Apr 2015
McKenna Rich Apr 2015
My emotions overwhelm me
My mind is racing again
With thoughts of the way your eyes light up when you smile at me
And with thoughts on how it all can fall apart.
My past has ruined me
But you have the power to repair whats broken.
Im scared my past will become my present
And you'll disappear just as the others have.
I'm trying to have faith
That maybe you're my prince charming
My knight in shinning armor
The one to pull me out of my pit.
How can one care so much for something so broken?
You're my secondhand seranade.
My heart is racing again
As it always is when you're on my mind.
I hope with all me heart you're my beginning
Of the end of all my dark days.
I wish to spill my guts to you
For you to see my nasty insides.
But I'm waiting.
Waiting for my trust to be cconfirmed.
Until then I'll take pen to paper
And write to an imaginary you.
Love songs and sappy quotes
Is what your name means to me.
Synonymous to hope and happiness.
Even now I'm afraid that I won't be able to let go.
They say third times the charm.
But luck hasn't been my best friend.
Yet here I am letting it all go

Update: while I was writing this the person it was about ironically left me. Kinda funny how the world works. So I'll leave it be. Let it grow a deeper meaning. Symbolize the irony in everyday.
485 · Apr 2014
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
The silent killer
Just a mask
To hide true emotions
There is no such thing
Just faking and lies
Love is just sugar coated pain
No one ever truly wanted
No such thing as soul mates
Love is a mask of evil
Just to gain our trust
Just half-hearted lies to get through
The silent killer
And I am a victim
475 · May 2014
Drink Life Away
McKenna Rich May 2014
I sit here at night
Left only with the thought of you
The pain in my chest
It seems to spread

I sit here at night
Wanting to grab that bottle of pills
Yet knowing I can't let you down
Even though temptation is like a knife

I sit here at night
Wishing I could lock myself away
And sit with the company of my razor
But knowing I can't throw my streak away

I sit here at night
Longing for a big bottle of *****
Just to wash away the tears
But I know I can't be a mess

Still all I want to do is...
Just Drink Life Away
470 · Nov 2014
The Real Secret
McKenna Rich Nov 2014
Go ahead and laugh at my jokes.
Go ahead and think I'm just a funny person.
But behind that witty humor.
There's years of heart ache.
Shorter one....
458 · Apr 2014
My Mind.
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
Lingering still

Making life hell

Another scar for the count

Thoughts of death

When is the end?

As the water rises

It's finally all over

Then, I return to reality
To find my self searching...
The possibilities.
401 · Apr 2014
When You Were Here
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
Summer was a blast
My deepest desires to bring those times back
With me in your arms
And the sun at our backs

Never wanting to let go
Now I can only look back
Memories are the only thing left of me and you
Can I go into the past?

Now your smiles haunt me
How could they ever make me happy?
When they dig up the past
The thought of a happy ending
Just doesn't seem to be

Now look me in the eyes
Would you believe me if I said...
I love you?
This was about an old relationship that meant a lot to me. I know it's not my best work. But I was like in the middle of a panic attack, and trying to calm down
378 · Apr 2014
Him (rough draft)
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
I could write a poem about flowers & sunshine,
But there is this boy & I know that he's all mine.

His smile my world,
It makes me a very happy girl.

He lets me be me,
Since there's no other way I'd rather be.

He makes my heart race,
At an irregular pace.

He makes my heart skip a beat,
And when I'm around him I can't help but feel complete.
So this is my most recent as of yesterday. It's much happier obviously :) And I'm planning to give this to a certain some one some time soon. So please criticism is much needed
376 · Apr 2014
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
Memories like ashes
Burnt in my mind
So many questions
Left without answers
Time slows down
Leaves me in pieces
I think sad thoughts
Thinking that maybe you could have stayed
If only I held on too tight

I lost all my will
All my will to fight
These memories will be burnt like ashes
In the silence of the dead night
Solitary tears fall
The scars on the outside heal
Yet the ones on the inside cut deeper
The pain is enough
Enough to stop my breathing
During my last breaths
I can't help but think
Maybe you would have stayed
If only I would have held on too tight
354 · Apr 2014
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
Love is lost
Love is gone
Hope is fading
Hope is dissipating
Faith has disappeared
Faith has changed
Faith has disappeared
Hope is dissipating
Hope is fading
Love is gone
Love is lost
341 · Apr 2014
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
My brain stops working
My heart stops beating
My lungs, they stop breathing
I stop hurting
I stop thinking
Finally I stop living

Why can't you see all that you've done?
Those memories... They're all but gone.
You're torn me apart, made my days hell.
Sure you made me come out, but now I'm back in my shell.

Cut by cut
The blood drips down
Pill by pill
My eyelids get heavy
Word by word
You have slowly killed me

But yet.......

I still love you.
Again this is about a broken relationship. Which I've luckily started to get over.
324 · Apr 2014
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
My life
A void
My voice
My sight
My senses
My tear
My fear
My sorrow
A bottomless pit
My cut
My smile
My laughter
My life
Has gone black
290 · Apr 2014
Go On.
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
All I see is black
All I feel is numb
All I taste is fear
All I hear is voices

I am gone
I am dead
I am no longer here
I am reduced to nothing

I must hide
I must not show
I must push on
I must smile

It may be fake
It may be forced
It may be pretend
It may not be meaningful

But at least I try to go on
I'm going to be adding some of my poems from like 8th grade. So expect a lot of them
285 · Apr 2014
My Beautiful Suicide
McKenna Rich Apr 2014
Sinking back in my hole...
Living a life of regret
Those thoughts rushing back...
Losing my identity
Who am I?
Why am I still here?
What keeps me breathing?
When will I break?
Where do I go?
All these thoughts ring in my head
But why?
I didn't do anything
So why do I still suffer?
Then it all comes back to me
Well of course
This is my beautiful suicide
Again it's an old one, but one of my personal favorites.

— The End —