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Dec 2020 · 415
Kerli Tulva Dec 2020
Distant persisting fragments
endure unstirring in your heart
you pick them away piece by piece
yet every part is the same sharp
as as frosty wind on your cheeks.
Dec 2020 · 376
Kerli Tulva Dec 2020
The sea was begging you
while you did not listen
The sky was crying for you
while you looked away
The ocean was showing you
while you did not notice
but the trees were silent
while the whole nature
waited for you to ascent
your eyes, heart and mind.
Dec 2020 · 266
Living Testament
Kerli Tulva Dec 2020
A living testament
to this world lies
in front of the beholder.

Nothing is constructed
to last the way of origin.

Thoughts are changing
in the startling swirl
of built worlds on top
of one another.

Access the present
with only the past
or future what is about
to disappear.

Destruction can also
be beautiful.
Dec 2020 · 207
Kerli Tulva Dec 2020
Are you present in
the presence
among the conditional
of the essence.

Horizon of perfection
is unattainable
unconditional is a dream

The pain we mingle
in the heart
Is the hope we create
in our Art.
Dec 2020 · 174
Doors of Mind
Kerli Tulva Dec 2020
The creative energy hidden
behind the many hundreds
of doors within yourself
waiting patiently, reluctantly
peeking out when the heart
confronts the body. Yet is
released within one surge
of the shower of stars and
awakening of the Universe.
Dec 2020 · 228
Kerli Tulva Dec 2020
The colours of seasons
play around the mind
wind caressed leaves
shiver in the crystal sun
with the same resonance
mystical familiar harmony.

They whisper you secrets
from their own worlds
of wisdom and time
while you listen in silence
transforming into music
composed by the nature.
Dec 2020 · 235
Kerli Tulva Dec 2020
Sweet Eros you are
the inspiration of love
in poetry. On the white
island among the sea
made of your deep
blue eyes and skin
of marble. Sweet Eros
your lush brown hair
and your prominent hands
of energy and beauty
the sweet smell of gardens
and fire elicited by you
on the island of deepness
and peace of mind
every sense of your
presence is love
for your Venus.
Dec 2020 · 156
Latent Suavity
Kerli Tulva Dec 2020
In the dim darkness
you sit agains a tree
feeling how love is dripping
like a melting icicle
in the first sun if spring.

Down the heart
the honey kissed drops
slide in softness
leaving a mark
of their carved path
deeply in every vessel.

Meeting each other
crawling under the skin
forming a dense web
of darkness and light
mingled, entwined in one.

You sit agains a tree
in the dim darkness
feeling the honey kissed
tender drops of love
slide down your eyes
dropping on the sweet
quietness of night.
Dec 2020 · 112
Kerli Tulva Dec 2020
The fire's silk immersed blaze
crackles quietly amid the dark
deeply in the night-set haze
lights a distant frailing spark.

As the time howls in haste
running ahead of its own course
there are no words to waste
on the paper of heart's remorse.

The hands of the wind conjure
your notion of life's whole
as you sit by the blaze to ponder
while time's eyes riddle your soul.
Dec 2020 · 234
Kerli Tulva Dec 2020
In the field
I am gathering
spring sunny blossoms
cherry tree tender branches
under the blue sky
I pace through gardens
braiding a wreath
with those soft flowers
and at night under the stars
I bring my white painted bed
to see you better.
Nov 2020 · 114
River's Reverie
Kerli Tulva Nov 2020
As the river flows
never stopping its way
its calming quiet mutter
its hasty vicious pace
its unexpected turns
and crystal clear reflection
full of living fresh energy
always passing anew.
So does life. Always flows
passing anew in the dawn dew
in its hasty pace at vicious race.
Nov 2020 · 91
Kerli Tulva Nov 2020
In this star-consumed clear night
we look through a kaleidoscope
to see inside our soul's and light
the candles in the dark to warm
our hearts in this persistent storm.
Nov 2020 · 101
Soft Seeds
Kerli Tulva Nov 2020
In the darkest nights
where stars are blooming
you whisper into the wind
words that fly like seeds
travelling distances afar
and finding their bed
among the soft earth
or my soul's strings.
Nov 2020 · 93
Kerli Tulva Nov 2020
The dimensions of human
are never ending play
and thoughts never finish
torn between thousand waves.

Where is the mystic limit
of life's ceaseless turmoils
from upper to the downside
you run your speedy wheels.
Nov 2020 · 144
Darkness Treasures
Kerli Tulva Nov 2020
In flames is something in the soul
eating its way through the heart
cracking pieces from the whole
you cut it out from bleeding parts.

Night falls on clear cut ground
darkness is fading at the flames
at the distant melting soft sound
and darkness, the heart it frames.

You reach your hand above it
and walk on the lightened path
where every inch now glows lit
and wind calms the world's wrath.
Nov 2020 · 104
Kerli Tulva Nov 2020
On a gloomy led weather day,
the sun rarely peeks from behind
puffy clouds, spreading its rays
stealthily before the rain arrives.

The garden flowers glow freshly
waiting patiently for their showers
on the porch you sit, observing gently
the day's and night's quiet hours.

On tiptoe, time passes to greet you
while robins dance amid the orchard
collecting diamonds in morning dew
singing with nuances, at life's guard.
Nov 2020 · 343
Wings of Trees
Kerli Tulva Nov 2020
In the forest you find
the peaceful route
the quiet, one of a kind
to contemplate about.

Deep in thought seeing
the mysteries of nature
far in fantasies flying
greeting passing creatures.

In daydream you wish
that trees had the wings
hoping for their soft kiss
when love lullabies sings.
Oct 2020 · 453
Lunar Gardens
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
One night the wind walked
amid the silvery clouds
singing in choir with the stars
swaying the trees and marking
the love's path in the lunar gardens.

Transparent terrestrial plains
called the mountains to sing
while the snow slid larghetto
to trace the glazing route with love's
cabalistic path till the lunar gardens.
Oct 2020 · 326
Resplendence Lost
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
You wonder the meaning
in thousands of hieroglyphs
the roses you garnered
are still holding their stance.

The artists in fragments
collect their forgotten past
to assemble the untold future
into some hopeful slivers.

Wondering if ever appearing
on the white painted wall
there is a shadow of a candle
or mere illusion of the reality.
Oct 2020 · 286
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
When you walk your heart
in the Highlands
you hear your soul's notes
harmonising with the wind
you sing Lacrimosa
on the hills to defeat the world's
desperation and hug beauty.
Oct 2020 · 91
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
You sense the future anew
on tip-toe it passes the note
and invites you to a mythic
fearful unknown dimension.
Oct 2020 · 112
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
Celestial skies render down
their silvery gifts of love
try to awaken the universe
once more as we pass by.

Falling out of weary presence
to the world of dreaminess
searching the love in steps
once made on the sandy shore.
Oct 2020 · 104
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
It is snowing in the heart
and the fireplace is burning
to keep the warmth within
the snow and wind intertwine
dancing along the road of pain.

It is spring in the heart
drops of water melting along
sliding and streaming down
awakening flowers to bloom
giving life for new beginnings.

It is sunny in the heart
summer embraces the world
contemplating deeply ahead
collecting the harvest of hope
creating new paths to discover.

It is autumn in the heart
the colours shimmer passim
the peace has come in secret
balancing the cold and warm
as life withers and sprouts again.
Oct 2020 · 233
Beautify Silence
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
The heart may sleep calmly
in a place where forest grows
the pureness and sharpness
of melancholic memory ride
suddenly guides you aback,
the silence of dropping blood
from the heart to the substratum
of a river's crystal hasty stream
and melt one with the universe.
Oct 2020 · 240
Essential Flaw
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
You swing the cradle
of your self-assurance
you attempt to avoid
unavoidable rawness.

You fear always anew
the invisible something
alive only in yourself
in the vastness of mind.

An unspoken parallel
draws diluted senses
closer to life's dwell
of essential existence.
Oct 2020 · 115
Courage of Heart
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
Courage is not
an outward fire.
does not stem
from the outside

Courage is coeur
the Heart.
Entwining inside
its diamond web
brittle to break
yet the strongest.
to withstand.
Sep 2020 · 105
Speck of Life
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
How, merely small
and insignificant
is the speck of life
under the endless
power and energy
of the dark universe.

How, merely huge
and substantial
we make the speck
among the billions
of arising galaxies
we know nothing of.
Sep 2020 · 176
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
You plant the seed
of a light delusion
you plan to read
to make conclusions.

The seed is growing
you water the plant
delusions are bowing
in tortured mind's enchant.

Day by day they grow
strengthen their grip
you go along the flow
of delusion's craftsmanship.
Sep 2020 · 223
Blooming Marvel
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
Are we the blossoms of a flower?
Blooming but yet retreating
into our protected element.

Going through growth
do we need a plan
or do we just blossom
and find happiness
in the moments of life's
endless incessant swing.

Changing as the seasons
fly effortlessly yet diversely
by our perception of life.
Sep 2020 · 233
Belle Road
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
Your escape to the beauty
to the universe in your mind
in the mountains of the white
among stars snow and fireflies.

There shines always delight
moments of wonder and bliss
like dark blue melts with light
a long pause in front of abyss.

Where does the journey end
or begin? You contemplate
to whom you weave longing
not for world to apprehend.

Belle road is your adventure
the voice not to surrender
and you walk, invisible path
steps vanish yet appear anew.
Sep 2020 · 133
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
You look down
in the water's eyes
and in the bottom
of the sea
you see
finally clearly
what you couldn't

Your deepness
Your heart
Your vulnerability
Your evanescence.
Sep 2020 · 550
Horizon Path
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
Striding thoughtfully for
destination to reach
assembling clever steps
always being close
but not approaching.

That is your horizon
with no end
that is your happiness
your path you transcend.
The closeness of reaching
and touching the bliss
proximity of arrival.
Sep 2020 · 195
Stitched World
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
The sun rises above
the white mountain-tops
penetrating air crystals
wondering the beauty.

When the ice melts
it flows down the heart
as the snow breathes
its ceasing stay in visit.

You wonder where
are the melted hearts
you dig down the snow
collecting faded flowers.

Flowers of ice, flowers
of lost illusions and misery
flowers of love and hope
you stitch them all in one.
Sep 2020 · 201
The Edge of Forever
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
Is there an edge of forever
the virtuoso about to reclaim
the leap we try to endeavour
and ceaselessly try to aim.
Sep 2020 · 206
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
Flowing water pours
its breath to flow
the wind hastily roars
against star glow.

Smell of rose garden
morning dew grass
silky-softened carpet
brittle-laced glass.

Lonely wooden boat
moon-kept blaze barn
eyes closed and afloat
presence is all I yearn.
Sep 2020 · 341
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
The shadow of knowledge
is wonderful but how much
do we actually know?

The matter we perceive is not
a matter to another creature.
Constant change, everywhere
change of matter, change.

The great Tanzanian desert
flowing with sublime sweetness
caresses the mind of bias
with the mystic dunes of music.

The wind which plays shapes
blowing the movement of ash
but is it wind which moves?
The dune moves by itself.

As a walker stepping slowly
the dunes step wisely ahead
making 17 meters per year
a crescent on earth and in sky.

The moon, the sister of the dune
observes its everlasting shape
creeping along the dyne horns
sand cascading into half-moon.
Sep 2020 · 523
Clover Tears
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
You shatter the windows
and hold your hands
under the falling pieces
of my cracked heart.

How does it feel to feel
the millions of fragments
from every unlike window
of the once glowed heart.

How does it feel to feel
the pieces glowing now
to look at the reflection
of past, present and love.
Sep 2020 · 101
Quiet Reasoning
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
You can get your way
by talking through it
you can get your way
by having a wit.

You reason your stance
and hoping the best
as you know that you can't
make people impressed.

Things are never achieved
by argument and force
as some might believe
but never win the course.

The reason in your way
is the only helping hand
which helps you to pay
the value of your stand.
Sep 2020 · 277
The Harvest of Presence
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
In the sun-caressed fields
the stars whispering above
beaming their glowing souls
to look after each other's blaze.

Down there a singing spring
creating its diamonds by flow
with the help of the playful sun
and the calm wise silver moon.

A worm becomes a butterfly
under the curled green leaf
to fly through the distant lands
and find its flower in the eternity.

A dancing dew drop sliding
fondling down a brittle bark
like a teardrop in the wide eyes
spilling into the ocean's bed.
Sep 2020 · 127
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
A gravel is sharp and pain
piercing holes in the air
and same as a human in reign
with knives and crown in hair.

Against the wall try to lean
a hand to understand the fear
for you life is to live and read
while the time is there to bear.
Sep 2020 · 138
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
The calm of the rain
the smell of the laved air
the cellos sublime hue
mingle in the conscious.

The summer ends quietly
spreading its blanket
on top of flowers and birds
little crystals of evening.

Steps of autumn echo
in the distant aisle of trees
the leaves smile falling
changing their suit
into the colours of a rainbow.

Vivaldi performs gloriously
as the world spins sublimely
giving the nature its stance
the deep harmony of universe
the calm of the rain and heart.
Sep 2020 · 144
Living Flame
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
The rawness of music
startles the soul, fading,
magnifying the tones
until you hear the silence
of the entire halted world.

When the flames come
they gulp the essence
the universe plays its melody
and you burn with no ashes
the colours change swiftly.

Dew covers the flowerbed
the moon awaits patiently
until the sun sets a living flame
to the doomed human heart
who owns the ragged throne.
Sep 2020 · 266
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
Where the flowers speak
and bees prepare honey
the world seems chaotic
a whirling poetic journey.

A path is constructed
down the aisles of trees
among flowers conducted
amidst the busy bumblebees.

Under the joyous sun fly
collect the life and warmth
as far, as fast and as high
a tiny heartbeat storms.

The world is so appealing
inside the tiny bushes
where beauty is revealing
the smells of nature blushes.
Sep 2020 · 135
Discoloured Nuances
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
You grab the meaning
of the dearest words
smashing them dingily
onto the cold ground.

Saying them before
eagerly so many times
until you only hear
a vague distant echo
of your own mind
speaking vaguely to you.

On a monotonous repeat
fast forward too many times
while you are not able
to count, as the words
have lost their meaning.

Their sense, essence, nuance.
The words become naked
not being aware anymore
where they left their beauty.

And where they belong
in the human made world.
Feb 2020 · 110
Life in the Shadow
Kerli Tulva Feb 2020
Crimson curtain casting the forest
the sun setting into an eternal space
where your dreams and hopes rest
where you wish to find your place.

Life stepping down the star stairs
Along poetic universe' s lullaby
every pain and sadness you bear
as a butterfly they fly in the sky.

Shivering shadows slink the forest
Somewhere far is the butterfly of joy
Raindrops down the cheeks, so modest
is the way for happiness to destroy.
Feb 2020 · 135
Grace Night
Kerli Tulva Feb 2020
Honey flows
down your arms
closing the eyes
you feel the softness
you taste the sweetness
you live the deepness.

You rise your arms
the honey flows
falling with the stars
the honey glows.

Along with the music
you dance in the space
your existence is elusive
but your heart is the grace.
Feb 2020 · 184
Antique Book
Kerli Tulva Feb 2020
A night with brittle frost
covering the quiet earth,
a mysterious darkness flows
through the wandering steps.

Eyes on the vanished horizon,
still looking for the answers
from the outer and inner world,
casting the shadows of wonder.

Lightning up the way ahead
with his own gleaming heart
carrying an old antique book
as the most precious gift left.
Jan 2020 · 128
Burning Mirror
Kerli Tulva Jan 2020
Sliding down
the captivating dreams
hands on the piano
eyes in the sky.

Mind in fire of beauty
letting all burn softly
the inside of your soul
is mysteriously beautiful
fire is your energy.

Once you found
a broken mirror
pieces by pieces
you tried to repair it
but your hands
were on fire too.

And it is beautiful
how the mirror burns
as your reflection
evaporates into
the vast universe.
Jan 2020 · 100
Perform Universe
Kerli Tulva Jan 2020
Stretching the hands out
to catch the universe falling
and in my hands it I caught
and heard you there calling.

The perky stars jumped off
and run all down my body,
feeling like a catastrophe,
I tried to collect them rapidly.

Some singing or whispering,
the stars entered my soul
to start powerful glimmering,
that was when I felt whole.

I stretched the hands out
to catch all the rest left
but none was to be caught
I heard that you confessed.
Jan 2020 · 132
Kerli Tulva Jan 2020
I talked to the trees today,
they listened
I talked to the moon today,
it cried
I talked to the stars today,
they smiled
I talked to the sea today,
it consoled
I talked to the flowers today,
they grew
I talked to you today
and you were silent.
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